House of Pain - Jump Around
Scotty mar10Music by: House of Pain - Jump Around50.9K views 332 comments -
jake's up the ass Ding A Ling
bluewaterFAKE ACCOUNT from the # 1 TROLL ((((dominic11godschildren)))) New FAKE ACCOUNT created from jake up the ass sperm gun..MIssTicklish ((((( jabn ))))and ((((Omnipresent)))) ((((MissTicklish)))) Jake up the arse Jake up the ass BIG BAD BUBBY Qsammy73 Ghandisflipflop Whitey2Chains aka Whitey2Dildos. CessspoolJunkie bleuwater..........real one is (((bluewater))) with a crown to the right werniisnotreal josemcgw1 ACanadianFolk TINY NUTZ not sure if man or woman NeverEndingNonsense luddydundrums divineassholefox55 Timothy Prickly Im just charlie pain911 AntiCult23.......the latest testube baby from jake up th ass sperm gun with his lover for Pride Month Celebration...created on farters day Omnipresent....new FAKE ACCOUNT on the block you can't make this shit up Loser sitting in mommys basement all day making FAKE ACCOUNTS and hoping some idiot will listen to his diarrrhea cause he is a LONELY old fart and has nobody to talk with jake up the ass day coming soon.... posted by someone about the baby I even have the screenshots from 1 of their fake Bluewater✅ accounts a conversation between BIGBADUPJAKESASSHOLEBUBBY & IWANTLIESNOTTRUTH commenting on making fake accounts then coming to Blue's channel to try and harass us. I know they already have it all I just like to keep them to show anyone trying to understand what a pathetic troll does for money after they graduate The Diddler's flavor camp. Puff daddy was probably the one who added the uptheass after Jake. message from Christian21 Jake 🆙 the Ass, Per Christian, “DONT WORRY BROTHERS AND SISTERS " JAKE UP THE ARSE WILL BE GONE REAL SOON FOR GOOD" THER NOT EVEN GOOD AT WOT THEY DO,MY KIDS KNOW MORE ABOUT THESE SIK PEODO TROLLERS ,THER EDITED VIDEOS ON ME ,I AM UPSET A LITTLE THAT THEY DONT PUT THER HEART IN IT ,MAKE IT MORE CONVINCING,THEY LIV FOR ME AND BLUE == BRILLIANT ,AND NOW IT ABOUT TO END ,,,,,❤️❤️❤️❤️ IF JAKE UP THE ARSE AINT A BOT ,AT THE END ,AFTER SKY EVENT ,I WILL HAV SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL FOR THAT TRANNY SOL ,THAT SOL WILL NEAL B4 ME ,THAT SOL WILL APOLIGISE,AND I WILL FORGIVE ,SO THAT SOL CAN HEAL ,SEND THIS TO JAKE UP THE ARSE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️"SPREAD THIS LIKE A RASH!!!!!!!!”2.56K views 110 comments