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Khazaria / Khazarian

5 videos
Updated 1 month ago
The Khazars, in the late 6th-century AD, established a major commercial empire covering the southeastern section of modern European #Russia, Modern Day #Ukraine, Crimea, and Kazakhstan. The Rothschilds are descendants of the Khazars - if you please take the time which will be months, you will see I am doing this because they are not the Biblical descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jacob's 12 Sons which go back to #Noah's son #Shem, but the Khazars go back to Noah's other son, #Japheth, the father of the Caucasian Race.
  1. Unmasking The Khazarian Mafia For The Whole World To See! Documentary
  2. David Icke From 2010 – Rothschild Zionism
  3. The Khazarian NAZI Connection and the Creation of Modern Day Geopolitical Israel
  4. The Hidden History of the Evil Khazarian Mafia
  5. Who is Vladimir Putin really fighting?