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Why Jesus?

7 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Jesus, not politics is the answer to the world's problems. He's the answer to YOUR problems. Join with us to teach the world how the Bible applies to our everyday lives, including civics! Liberty Christian Fellowship Church exists to glorify God, through Our Savior, Jesus Christ, and teach how He reveals Himself from Genesis through Revelation, and how we respond to Him as disciples, who can apply His Bible to every aspect of life, including civics! LCF stands in the gap to advocate for our God-given, “inalienable rights,” which God secures through The 10 Commandments, and which are referenced in The Declaration of Independence, to give us the right to not be murdered, sexually molested, stolen from, lied to nor about, nor have our person’s, people, positions and possessions coveted by evil people who would use government power to deny us the blessings God bestows on us! For more information on Liberty Christian Fellowship Church and how you can make an impact in your community, you can go to: If you want to view The Biblical Basis of The Bill of Rights, click on this link:
  1. The words of Christ-The solid foundation for our faith-1 Timothy 6
  2. Walking In The Spiritual Warefare Christ Came To Win
  3. We Can Cope With Difficult Last Days
  4. Confessing Christ makes us better disciples
  5. Peter Preaches The P's Of Salvation
  6. A Resurrection Day Message
  7. God's Zeal For Salvation Sends Us Immanuel Our Savior- Is. 7