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19 videos
Updated 7 months ago
what's done in the dark will be brought to light
Israel Faces An Existential THREAT!
LL. A. MarzulliSPONSOR LINK: Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA https://www.noblegoldinvestments.com or call 877-646-5347 Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^ Like, subscribe and share: Ensure big tech doesn’t censor your access to our content; subscribe to our email list: https://lamarzulli.com/#subscribe Follow Us on Social Media: https://lamarzulli.com/linktree/ –– Visit our amazing sponsors: Noble Gold Investments: https://noblegoldinvestments.com or call 877-646-5347 NativePath Fish Oil: https://getnativepath.com/LA –– Donate to support L.A. Marzulli’s mission: With your support L.A. can continue creating powerful documentary films that uncover the truth: https://lamarzulli.net/product/donations/6.62K views 53 comments -
2024.06.21: LIVE CHAT, Mike, COT, You Are The Door Holiness Enters, Global Update (2:05min)
MIKE from COUNCIL of TIMEBuy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/NNATION MY PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE... I dont have the ability to speak GODs WORD as MFATW can do.. I do have the ability to echo/rePOST this WORD to as many as OUR FATHER allows.. THIS CHANNEL HAS ZERO INCOME FROM YOUTUBE, and is DE-MONIZIED by Youtube.. BUT we do not stop ppl from willingly donating.. Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/NNATION NN Donation: Thanks for the LOVE & Support... https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=EKFUFC5MDCXNY You Dont need a Paypal acct to donate using PayPal.. PayPal accepts all non-member DEBIT/CREDIT payment methods. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@nnation MFATW Rumble Archives: https://rumble.com/c/MFATW X=Twitter: https://twitter.com/nnation_x Video start / LIVE CHAT, Times are (6pm (MST) Zone, & 9-10pm ish, Thursdays), COT: http://counciloftime.com COT LIVE on MIXLR: https://counciloftime.mixlr.com (Follow) COT Donate: http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx#ops Angela (ROFM/Donate): https://ringoffireministries.com/ Pastor Begley: https://www.paulbegleyprophecy.org/ ONLY THROUGH JESUS WILL YOU BE SAVED!! ...1.53K views -
2024.06.18: LIVE CHAT, Mike, COT, God Is In Complete Control (2:02min)
MIKE from COUNCIL of TIMEBuy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/NNATION MY PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE... I dont have the ability to speak GODs WORD as MFATW can do.. I do have the ability to echo/rePOST this WORD to as many as OUR FATHER allows.. THIS CHANNEL HAS ZERO INCOME FROM YOUTUBE, and is DE-MONIZIED by Youtube.. BUT we do not stop ppl from willingly donating.. Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/NNATION NN Donation: Thanks for the LOVE & Support... https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=EKFUFC5MDCXNY You Dont need a Paypal acct to donate using PayPal.. PayPal accepts all non-member DEBIT/CREDIT payment methods. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@nnation MFATW Rumble Archives: https://rumble.com/c/MFATW X=Twitter: https://twitter.com/nnation_x Video start / LIVE CHAT, Times are (6pm (MST) Zone, & 9-10pm ish, Thursdays), COT: http://counciloftime.com COT LIVE on MIXLR: https://counciloftime.mixlr.com (Follow) COT Donate: http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx#ops Angela (ROFM/Donate): https://ringoffireministries.com/ Pastor Begley: https://www.paulbegleyprophecy.org/ ONLY THROUGH JESUS WILL YOU BE SAVED!! ...1.09K views -
3/4... Preparation and Tasks of Jesus' Endtime Servants 🙏 Instructions from Jesus thru Bertha Dudde
Warnings and Instructions from Jesus ChristText & Audio of Video Content... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2021/09/09/endzeitdiener-von-jesus-jesus-endtime-servants/ EBook Endtime-Prophecies... https://jesus-comes.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Bertha-Dudde-Endtime-Prophecies-Instructions-from-Jesus.pdf Video Playlist Endtime Prophecies... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCvqoP8fdADZdKJ--VYSyaHQ Channel Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2022/10/16/kanalubersicht-channel-overview/ Instructions for the Left Behind... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/jesus-gives-instructions-for-the-left-behind/ Jesus' Revelations through Jakob Lorber... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/category/english/jakob-lorber-pdfs/ Jesus' Revelations through Gottfried Mayerhofer... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/category/english/53-sermons-of-jesus/ The Book of the true Life... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2018/06/12/buch-des-wahren-lebens-book-of-the-true-life-livre-de-la-vie-veritable-libro-de-la-vida-verdadera/ The Third Testament EBook... https://jesus-comes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/the-third-testament.pdf Trumpet Call of God... https://awakeningforreality.com/latest-video-and-audio-letters-neuste-video-und-audio-briefe/ Love Letters from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/liebesbriefe-von-jesus-love-letters-from-jesus/ Jesus’ Endtime Servants & His Forerunner… Their Preparation & Tasks Endtime-Prophecies & Instructions from Jesus thru Bertha Dudde Prophets and seers will continually point to the intervention of God from the cosmos, to the close doom of the earth, and to the renewed banishment of souls that act contrary to God. They will do so even if they are not believed. They will emphasize the urgency of a change in attitude and lifestyle, they will talk about love and mercy, but also about the justice of God. A sense of responsibility must be awakened in those souls, and they must be awakened from their spiritual sleep. Those who accept the admonitions and warnings, and have the will to do good, shall be saved from perdition. Who can work for Jesus and His kingdom? Anyone who is willing can help to inform people about Jesus, His kingdom and the final judgment of this earth. All those, who are in the truth, believe in Him as God, pray to Him, connect with Him, fulfill His will and want to be active for Him and His kingdom are counted as followers of Jesus. During the endtimes, Jesus can only use helpers who are ready to serve and eager to do their work out of love for Him. Do former disciples of Jesus also serve as His endtime servants? During the endtimes, many former disciples of Jesus will also be incarnated on earth to work for Him once again, showing people the way to Him before the end. Usually they are not aware about their previous activity with Jesus. On top of that, reincarnated disciples of Jesus have to complete their spiritual education as well, just like all other people. They must become aware of their human weaknesses, fight for firm faith, and actively acquire love, knowledge and wisdom. They must receive living knowledge about Jesus and His work of redemption. The close bond with Jesus facilitates their development. The reincarnated former disciples of Jesus will be able to receive the truth from above and understand it. How should Jesus’ endtime disciples prepare themselves for their tasks? They must detach themselves from material goods and activities, and give preference to spiritual matters. They must free themselves early on from attachments to material and worldly things that have become dear to them. They must surrender all earthly thoughts and worries to Jesus. They must steel themselves for spiritual tasks, preferring them to earthly ones. They must practice brotherly love, build up and strengthen their faith and trust. They must give priority to their own spiritual development and maturation. They must educate their fellow men about the seriousness of the times. They must be active in love, and calling for brotherly love, for it supplies strength. They must become strong and active in faith. The survivors must be made aware of the importance and blessing of active brotherly love, for their own souls, and to alleviate the misery of others. They must learn to trust in Jesus’ continual willingness to help, as well as His omnipotence’s ability to help in every need. Faith in Jesus is to be awakened or strengthened, knowledge must be increased, and Jesus’ teachings must be diligently studied. They shall study the words of Jesus, for they are spiritual nourishment, and give strength and power for what is to come, and against enemies during the battle of faith. Build firm faith and trust in Jesus’ love, goodness and might. Through appropriate guidance and trials, they are being prepared for strong faith and for sensing Jesus’ constant presence. Faith in Jesus’ teachings and confidence in His love and power must be reinforced. The power of faith is to become so great that one can release everything to Jesus without hesitation, surrendering oneself to Him completely and submitting to His will. Spiritual preparation includes, among other things, daily retreat into silence, consciously opening oneself to Jesus and His guidance, gaining experience with prayer, and surrendering one’s life and will to Jesus. They must surrender themselves completely to Jesus and consistently work in His will, according to His inner directives, but without overzealousness. They must learn to see the cause, meaning and purpose of the coming events from God’s perspective, considering them acts of God’s love and wisdom. They must be constantly aware of Jesus’ love, omnipotence and help in difficult times, thereby being full of strength and confidence in victory. They must be prepared for difficult struggles of faith. They must be aware of Jesus’ presence and help. They must establish a continual, living, and close relationship with Jesus, constantly drawing strength from Him and acquiring firm conviction that He is always by their side, fighting with them and for them. This will make them courageous, powerful and resistant. Why are Jesus’ endtime servants being trained outside the church institutions? The spiritual training to become a suitable tool for Jesus often takes place outside of Christian organizations. As such, they will more likely be able to work when primarily church organizations are persecuted during the battle of faith. Because of their true knowledge, they will be able to strengthen, reawaken and enlighten the faith of church Christians who begin to doubt and waver as they start to consider the questionable or even false teachings of their organization. How do they receive their orders and arguments? In each individual case, an urge of the heart will reveal with whom and what must be spoken. The words are placed into the mouths of Jesus’ disciples and need only be spoken. What tasks are to be completed before the catastrophe from the cosmos? The time before the catastrophe from the cosmos is to be used eagerly for oneself and others, pointing it out and preparing for it. The followers of Jesus must develop themselves according to God’s will, pray ever more intensively and let go of the material things their hearts are still attached to. The end of this earth and mankind, as well as a possible renewed banishment must be pointed out. The time of freedom to proclaim the Gospel and to work for Jesus is to be used before the time of prohibition of speech arrives and all missionary activity is forbidden. Every opportunity must be used to bring Jesus’ teachings to the people and to work through the power of His name. The mostly feeble faith of the people is to be strengthened in order to stand firm during the time of persecution. They are also to be made aware of the coming catastrophe from the cosmos. How are earthly goods before and after the catastrophe from the cosmos to be handled? Before the catastrophe from the cosmos, earthly goods must be used for brotherly love, and spiritual goods must be acquired. After the catastrophe, what you still have shall be shared. Jesus will replace everything as proof of His love and power. What tasks are to be completed after the catastrophe from the cosmos? Christian survivors must support other survivors of the natural disaster in word and deed, explaining to them the positive purpose of the disaster. After the disaster from the cosmos, many survivors will doubt God’s omnipotence, love and mercy, turning away from God completely. Therefore, elucidation about the purpose of the catastrophe is important. People seeking advice must be pointed towards Jesus’ Divinity, His teachings, His love behind the natural disaster, and the importance of faithfulness during the battle of faith. Many people will have pressing questions about the events that have unfolded. That is why this time must be used to eagerly hint at a loving, wise, and almighty God behind what has happened, and in whom one should believe and whom one should ask for help in times of hardship. In addition to communicating the Gospel, people are also to be made aware of the coming end of mankind by the scorching of the surface of the earth, so that they can prepare for it in time. They must also be pointed to the necessity of conversion, the proximity of the final judgment, and a possible renewed banishment. Since hardship opens the hearts, in the beginning it can still be openly discussed that Jesus brings help, comfort and hope, if one should return to faith. Jesus’ followers must point out His love, goodness, wisdom, power and mercy to their fellow human beings, showing them the way to Him, and by that escaping hardship in the process. They must once again urgently show their fellow human beings the way back to God before the end. The serenity and composure of Jesus’ followers in the face of earthly events, their firm conviction and faith, and the evident, supernatural help they receive are good prerequisites to raise others up as well, leading them to reflect on and believe in Jesus and thereby granting them strength through the Word of God. What tasks should Christians complete during the battle of faith? Especially during this time it is important to enlighten fellow human beings about what God = Jesus requires of them. They must surrender to Jesus, spread the truth, courageously stand up against slanderers, blasphemers, false doctrines and all who are hostile towards Jesus’ teachings. How should be fought? Even if the Antichrist and his followers fight in a completely inconsiderate, unloving and despicable manner, Christians must fight only with love and all the zeal they can muster. Jesus’ followers will always be motivated to speak the truth, wherever it is missing. They must enlighten their fellow human beings about what Jesus requires of them, that they must stand firm and not be afraid. How important is active brotherly love after the disaster, and what are the effects thereof? Without active and mutual support, all the hardship will hardly be survivable and manageable. Willingness to help is blessed and actively supported by Jesus. Should Jesus’ followers work more privately or publicly before the battle of faith? In everyday life, they can work inconspicuously and beneficially. Above all, religiously unaffiliated and merely formal Christians, as well as unbelievers, must – through an open exchange of ideas – be motivated to reflect and be led to Jesus through the gospel. To have a compelling argument, however, the disciples of Jesus must themselves be convinced of the Divinity of Jesus and His teachings. What is the point of enlightening those who doubt the Divinity of Jesus? Those who believe in God, but do not believe that He became man in Jesus, will experience great hardship during the battle of faith, especially when the time comes for them to make a clear decision. That is why they should be enlightened in this regard. How are arguments and wrong conclusions of the opponents to be handled? The followers of the Antichrist will spread much erroneous information and make sharp, pointed arguments against the followers of Jesus, as well as against the defenders of His teachings. A quick prayer to request Jesus’ help is enough for Him to put unbeatable counter-arguments on the defenders’ tongues, which only need to be uttered. Can servants of Jesus minister healings, as well as work signs and miracles during the time of need and in the battle of faith? In order to strengthen doubtful Christians in faith, or to simply reignite faith, old and familiar teachings will often be no longer sufficient in the time of need after the catastrophe, as well as during the battle of faith. So, in order to help in times of need, Jesus’ servants may and even must perform signs and miracles in Jesus’ name. Unbelievers may thereby be led back to faith. However, no miracles are to be performed in front of complete unbelievers. What protection does Jesus promise His followers and confessors? Since Jesus holds all power, He has the ability to protect His followers in any case, for as long as it is appropriate. Therefore, Jesus’ servants may be fearless and resolute in spreading His teachings. — Forerunner of Jesus Where will the forerunner of Jesus come from? When and how will he be recognized? The forerunner of Jesus will emerge from the ranks of those who are familiar with the New Revelation. The forerunner of Jesus will realize his true identity and mission rather late. He will not appear until after the global catastrophe. Only during the time of the battle of faith he will come to the forefront as the counterpart of the Antichrist. He will be recognizable by his power of speech, his teaching about the identity of Jesus as God, and the help he will provide for the persecuted believers. When will he become aware of his task? The forerunner of Jesus will not be aware of his role and task beforehand. He will suddenly realize it. Who will recognize him as the forerunner of Jesus? He will be recognized and appreciated only by true believers. The majority of people will not recognize him. What qualities and spiritual gifts will he exhibit? Love for God = Jesus and his neighbor, goodness, intelligence, complete knowledge and understanding, tremendous power of speech, bilocation, the gift of comforting, the ability to heal the sick and work miracles, as well as patience in suffering; all of this will characterize the forerunner of Jesus. When will the forerunner of Jesus appear? Only after the global natural disaster from the cosmos, during the time of the Antichrist and the final phase of the battle of faith will he appear publicly, taking a clear stance against the Antichrist. What will he represent for the persecuted Christians? For the Christians persecuted by the Antichrist and his followers, the forerunner of Jesus will be a comforter, counselor, giver of strength through his words, warner, admonisher, friend and deliverer from spiritual distress. He will strengthen them in faith. What tasks will he carry out? He will point to the imminent Coming of Jesus, his identity as God, and the final judgment by fire that will take place. He will call upon the indolent and undecided to repent and return to God. How will he fare? The majority of people will reject him, mock him, persecute him and even try to kill him. Since his announcements of the coming of Jesus and the final judgment by fire will seem unbelievable to the people of the world, he will be mocked and ridiculed as a fantasist. The people of the world will not want to hear or know anything about his admonitions and warnings. Because he will clearly expose and decisively combat the person and behavior of the Antichrist, as well as his followers, he will be persecuted and hated by them, and they will do everything in their power to render him harmless and kill him. How will the forerunner expire? After only a short but productive period of activity, he will be murdered by the followers of the Antichrist – as John the Baptist once was. — More about the forerunner of Jesus (Bible, Lorber) Will the reincarnation of a highly elevated spirit also prepare the Coming of Jesus during the Endtimes? Did Archangel Michael incarnate in Sehel, Elijah and John the Baptist? When will Jesus return? During the present endtimes, Jesus’ return is imminent. His return will occur when the time of tribulation, persecution and distress of Christians is so intense that they start to despair. They will have nowhere to go and their death at the hands of the persecutors will be imminent. Jesus will return on the day of the end of mankind and the earth. Will the Coming of Jesus, the Rapture of the still living believers and the end of this period of mankind all occur on the same day? It will all be directly related. The complete destruction of the earth’s surface and the utterly degenerated humanity will create the required conditions for a new earth and period of humanity. For what purpose will Jesus return? Jesus will come to save the last faithful Christians from their destruction by the Antichrist, from the utter destruction of the earth’s surface and the doom of all godless people. The Rapture will separate the last faithful ones to God from the unbelievers and opponents of God, the ‘spiritually dead’, thereby judging them. As such, it will not be an individual judgment, but a collective separation and deliverance of all the good and the doom of all the wicked ones. The raptured living ones will receive their reward, behold the glory and power of Jesus and continue to live upon the renewed, edenic earth, while the ‘spiritually dead’ will find their end in the lake of fire and within the abyss of the earth through a renewed banishment. For whom will Jesus be visible? Only those people who believe in the Divinity of Jesus, trust Him completely, love Him above all else and keep His commandments will be able to see and hear Jesus partly already during the time of persecution by the Antichrist, or at His coming in the spiritual body. With this they will experience the power and glory of Jesus. For this purpose, the inner vision (clairvoyance) and the inner hearing (clairaudience) will be opened to them. Why will Jesus’ opponents be unable to see Him and His angels? Only the one who has the spiritual maturity, so that the inner spiritual vision can be opened for him, will be able to see Jesus in the spiritual body and His angels at His coming, without impairment of his free will. The immense abundance of light surrounding Jesus and His angels will be dampened by ‘clouds’, since it would be unbearable otherwise. Due to their spiritual darkening, followers of Satan will not see Jesus and His light beings; they simply cannot bear it. Why will Jesus’ return cause joy among believers, but horror among His opponents? The followers of Jesus will rejoice and exult at His return, blissfully rushing towards their Savior. Their godless and malicious persecutors however will not see Jesus’ coming, but they will still experience the rapture of the last believers. The persecutors of the Christians will be horrified, their wickedness now becoming clear to them, and they will foresee and recognize the imminent judgment and their inevitable destruction. It is true that the Rapture of the last believers could still revive faith in some persecutors in this last hour, and Jesus would be merciful to them. But since, through their unbelief and misdeeds, they are bound to Satan, this will most likely not happen. And so, they will head towards their renewed banishment into matter.1.93K views 1 comment -
Serious Warning from Jesus to all Christians on Earth ❤️ Summary of Statements from the Lord
Warnings and Instructions from Jesus ChristText & Audio of Video Content & Related Messages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2020/09/20/warnung-von-jesus-an-alle-christen-warning-from-jesus-to-all-christians/ Warnings from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/11/15/warnungen-von-gott-jesus-jehova-zebaoth-warnings-from-god-jesus-jehovah-zebaoth/ Instructions for the Left Behind... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/jesus-gives-instructions-for-the-left-behind/ Love Letters from Jesus in various Languages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/liebesbriefe-von-jesus-love-letters-from-jesus/ EBook Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/all-love-letters-from-jesus-to-his-bride-as-pdf/ Your personal Rhema from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/my-rhema/ Website with Divine Revelations... https://jesus-comes.com Browse & Compare the Divine Revelations... https://search.jesus-comes.com Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org Fear God, NOT Men... A serious Warning from Jesus to all Christians on Earth (Jackie) Summary of Statements by the Lord thru our Sisters Clare, Carol & Nana and new Insights regarding the Mark by Brother Sadhu Selvaraj from August 2020 - Please share this Video with everyone you know! Let's start with His Warning in the Book of Revelation 13:16-18... And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or upon their forehead, and that no one should be able to buy or sell except he that has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is the wisdom! He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666. And now, let's continue with the Lord's Statements regarding this coming Trial... Excerpt from Jesus' Message 'They will be Left Behind, because they rejected Me & My Counsel' thru Sister Clare from November 4, 2014 Jesus says... "I tell you the truth – those who have spurned the wise counsel of My faithful ministers shall at last open their ears and hear their voice. But it will be too late for them to avoid the trials that are coming upon the Earth to try all souls. "The Mark of the Beast will be the beginning of their sifting in earnest. It will begin with self-denial in little things and get right down to the vital basics. There will be a sifting as has never been before experienced in believers. "The world has caught them up into a lifestyle and theology that did not exist in My early church. "Their very sense of being will be critically threatened and called into question until they realize Who I AM and who they are in Me, and what it truly means to bear My Name, My Cross. "To live in Me and I in them. Then they will discover their worth and reject completely all the world has offered and held for them. This must be done through a process, it doesn’t come overnight. That is why I am leaving them behind." Jesus' Message 'Beware of the Mark of the Beast' thru Sister Carol from May 11, 2015 Jesus says... "Our topic tonight is Money. Whether you have little or much, money will become a thing of the past swiftly in the days of Tribulation. You WILL be forced at some point to make the decision... Will I take the mark touted by the Anti-Christ – Obama and his new administration in order to live, eat and survive? Or will I take the better way?" "Let’s look at what each of these decisions will involve... It will seem logical, cool, intelligent, Prudent, no big deal, once all the various money systems, coins, currencies are in chaos around the world as the world economies collapse. "The idea is already in the works... take a simple computer chip in the hand or forehead, and Voila! Open a door, turn on a device or pay for a purchase with the wave of your hand. Once the demons disguised as aliens show up, there will be an issue of allegiance, too. So people will be brainwashed into believing that 'they' are real, but 'they' are false, and they will be driven to follow one course or the other. "But the bottom line will be... Follow Me or follow satan... No matter how convoluted the package appears. I have said before that taking the chip into your body will forever seal your fate." "This is the reason, the chip will contain demon 'seed' that, once it is implanted into your body, will release another DNA into your bloodstream, and this will begin to permanently change and transform your DNA into what was once called a Nephilim. This process cannot be reversed, and will not be forgiven. LINK TO TEXT AT THE TOP794 views -
Jesus explains... Trump wins & The Battle begins
Warnings and Instructions from Jesus ChristText & Audio of Video Content... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2016/11/12/trump-gewinnt-trump-wins/ Channel Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2022/10/16/kanalubersicht-channel-overview/ Video Playlist Love Letters... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCtXjZtyd4NBrpV6sw6xjWwz Warnings from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/11/15/warnungen-von-gott-jesus-jehova-zebaoth-warnings-from-god-jesus-jehovah-zebaoth/ Instructions for the Left Behind... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/jesus-gives-instructions-for-the-left-behind/ Love Letters from Jesus in various Languages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/liebesbriefe-von-jesus-love-letters-from-jesus/ EBook Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/all-love-letters-from-jesus-to-his-bride-as-pdf/ Your personal Rhema from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/my-rhema/ Website with Divine Revelations... https://jesus-comes.com Browse & Compare the Divine Revelations... https://search.jesus-comes.com Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org Trump wins & The Battle begins November 10, 2016 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare (Clare) May the Lord’s joy be with us all, Heartdwellers. What a tremendous victory! I heard from one source that the day he (Donald Trump) is sworn in he will be 70 years 7 months and 7 days old! Amazing! Jesus began… “My arm has never been short. I will accomplish what I have set out to do, but it will require the prayers of My People. Dear ones, the fight is only just beginning. The tentacles reach deep beneath American soil and it will be a long, hard battle to restore America and set her upright on her feet. “The brainwashing of the young has had a significant affect in causing division and will continue until the truth is exposed about those who have won their hearts. Personality is everything. Women’s rights, immigration policies, all figure strongly in the aftermath. “My dear ones, though this man seems a blustering fool on the surface, he did not come about his fortune being ignorant of men’s ways. He cares deeply about his country, and has My vision for restoration. Though some of the measures seem harsh to foreigners, this country is so fragmented and infiltrated by the Muslims that these measures are very necessary. Yet the tentacles run deep. What I need from all of you is daily prayer that he will make the decisions I want him to make and that he will walk softly with his big stick. “He has much PR work to do to reunite this nation. Rest assured that those that pose as affirming friends are deadly enemies and will stoop to do anything to cause chaos in this country. “Just as you prayed for peace at the convention, I need you to pray the very same way for this transfer of authority and all the organized demonstrations. Yes, they are organized and deliberately fomenting division and separation. This can be defeated by prayer. I am asking you to pray. “My beautiful Bride, the future of this nation hangs in the balance until President elect Trump has been in office for two years. So, please be vigilant to pray for peace in this nation every day. “My heart for you all is to prosper in your love and giftings that all men may come to know Me. If each of you will shoulder your cross and responsibilities to your calling, you will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. “A nation needs to live in peace for it to prosper, and you have seen the devastating affects of ignoring those who have led this country. Many of you suffer from the sins of this nation, which I have allowed because of her abominations to third world countries and the training of radical mercenaries on this soil, as well as abortion and world population control through manipulating the natural rhythms of the Earth, which I created so all men could be nourished from the land. “As America goes, so goes the world. There is a great chance of reversing the tide of evil that could have made possible the predictions in Daniel, the AntiChrist’s one world government, coming to pass much sooner.” (Clare) And here I want to clarify. Here, He’s not saying that Daniel’s not going to come to pass. He’s saying it IS going to come to pass, but it’s being delayed because of our prayers. (Jesus) “As you pray, I dismantle key situations making it impossible for them to be carried out. You do not see what I am doing behind the scenes but you do see the affects – such as Donald Trump being voted into office, and America succeeding in even having elections when there was a plan underway to stop that from happening. But because of your prayers, it didn’t succeed. “This is My power, dear ones. Believe firmly in My ability and watch Me make the impossible happen consistently. I am doing this so you may move forward, serving and bringing souls to Me. “And one last word of caution, do not get drawn into these fomenting political demonstrations which will be used to divide the country and cause civil war. “This may seem far-fetched to you, but you are not looking at what is behind the scenes of these demonstrations. You are seeing them as only a surface manifestation of people’s discontent. Taking a closer look, there are plans to disrupt the country’s stability, even giving an excuse for martial law, as the evil one capitalizes on people’s emotions. Do not take part in these. “Rather go to your knees and pray that I will disarm them. I wish to hold you tenderly, dear ones. I wish to comfort and encourage you. I am so very sorry that you must deal with these situations in order to bring souls to Me, but this is part of your responsibility as My Bride. “Understand that although My disciples did not get involved in political issues, these times are different. You are living in a democracy, and what you cast a vote for impacts your life. When you support those who condone abortion, you are placing a great weight on your own personal shoulders and on your family – as well as guaranteeing judgment on your nation.” (Clare) At that point, the Lord began to quote the Scriptures… (Jesus) “First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made for all men. For kings and all those who are in authority, in order that we lead a calm and peaceable life in all reverence and seriousness. For this is good and acceptable before God our Savior. (1 Timothy 2:1-3) “Now I bless you, My dear ones, and commend you for your efforts and prayers. Together, we have truly made the difference in this nation and the world. You have done well and even greater graces shall be given you for your faithfulness.”541 views -
Jan. 6 LIHOP Confirmed! "Treason" in Canada? Fani Willis the "Ho"? Viva Frei LIVE!
vivafreiSPONSORS! Contagion Kit! https://www.twc.health/VIVA for $30 off and free shipping! 1775 COFFEE! https://1775coffee.com/VIVA for 10% off first order!111K views 198 comments -
628 - FOJC Radio - Defeating The Iniquity In Your Life - David Carrico 3-29-2024
Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioHave you sought deliverance and if like many people who contact us, have not found the answers, it may be that you are praying incorrectly. We believe in ‘targeted prayers’ and one of the most important prayers in deliverance is learning about Iniquities and getting cleansed from yours. Listen to this program and learn how to pray. #iniquity,#prayer,#deliverance,#cleansing,#bible Subscribe: www.youtube.com/@undergroundchurch8233 Correct contact information is contained in the description below. Some videos from our past may have incorrect meeting times, places, and contact information. #thedoctrineofchristfojc, #fojcradio FOJC Radio/Followers of Jesus Christ Radio = David Carrico & Donna Carrico Web Site: http://www.fojcradio.com or http://www.ritualabusefree.org "Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom & Teaching the Doctrine of Jesus Christ To the Whole World" To RECEIVE NOTICES for Friday night Remnant Gathering messages or other programs we are on, send an email to: lastdayschurch@cs.com with : “Sign Up” in the Subject line. AUDIO RADIO PAGE - https://www.fojcradio.com/fojc-radio/ "Where the Truth in God's Word Is Found" Listen 24/7 to our Auto DJ with Bible Teachings, Music, and Interviews, etc. Fridays 6 PM CST - We Are ***on Air LIVE *** for Remnant Gathering Join the Chat Room with Listeners from all over the world. Scriptures & Comments are posted in the Chat during the Live Audio programs. • YOU TUBE Channel - UNDERGROUND CHURCH FOJC https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0RmdJ0nhShuDLp8Q41Blwg • RUMBLE CHANNEL - https://rumble.com/c/c-704825 • BRIGHTEON CHANNEL - https://www.brighteon.com/channels/overcomer • PODCASTS FOJC Radio Remnant Gatherings and other programs - https://www.fojcradio.com/podcasts/ • NEW - THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST FOJC You Tube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@TheDoctrineOfChrist24 • DOCTRINE OF CHRIST SERIES are on Underground Church on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2VJrGA49yk&list=PLwj3nDz28asobExyhtbD6K02im4pZj7B7&pp=gAQBiAQB • FOJC VAULT VIDEOS on Brighteon - https://www.brighteon.com/channels/fojcvault • Monthly PRAYER-A-THON Page - https://www.fojcradio.com/prayer-a-thon/ • “NEW” REMNANT GATHERING LOCATIONS - https://www.fojcradio.com/home/new-remnant-locations-page/ CONTACT INFORMATION: David and Donna Carrico Followers of Jesus Christ P. O. BOX 671 Tell City, IN 47586 Phone -812-836-2288 Email - lastdayschurch@cs.com3.03K views 3 comments -
April 8th Eclipse & Ancient Astrological Prophecies - Spiritual Warfare Friday
Followers of Jesus Christ Radio - FOJC RadioTruthRadioShow.com Presents Spiritual Warfare Friday Live 9pm et April 8th Eclipse & Ancient Astrological Prophecies Hosts Dan Bidondi & Cody Cox breakdown the coming solar eclipse and what to possibly expect and talk about the many astrological prophecies and events of that past and what is to come in the near future. Could this eclipse be the rapture & return of Jesus Christ or could it mark the start of the 3 days of darkness that's been warned about for hundreds of years? SUBSCRIBE! Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/user/TruthRadioShow YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDanBidondiShow Backup YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQuWqTFoorpirgD5KO8hmA Brighteon Channel: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/truthradioshow2.63K views 5 comments