6 videos
Updated 9 months ago
This list will contain my gameplay of the Famicom game Hebereke. This one is the port of the game on the switch and what is called the Enjoy Edition it has some features such as save states and rewind feature similar to pretty much what an emulator does if I were to play it in there. This is the First main Hebereke game but there is a second one that released on the switch Hebereke 2.
Naglfar94 GameplaysBeen a few since I posted a new video on here but I am still at it over here on Rumble. Anyway As the title of the video says this the end of the line as there is nothing more to do in the game so the only thing left is to use all three of the keys I found in the game to unlock that door and face the final boss. The final boss when I first faced him was pretty damn tough but this time around I found him slightly easier I still took quite a few hits but I at least got his patterns down and how he moves a lot better so this fight went by a lot faster than in the past and with that ends this great neat little game ah I hope you all enjoyed this short but fun game and until next time with another game see you all again soon!14 views -
Hebereke:Playthrough 5
Naglfar94 GameplaysIn this part of this playthrough things are approaching the end here as there isn't much else to do in this game for me in fact after this it is pretty much it. So what is it I do in this video? Well I continue the search quest what is left of it and go and find the last remaining colored key the green key which is located in an underground area that starts out dark until you push a hidden light switch, this dark underground area I almost accidentally went into in another video while trying to go somewhere else but now I actually go ahead and explore this place because it feels more fitting to me this be the final area for some reason haha. The boss is pretty unique here as it is technically two of them but only one of them is an active threat to you and that is the little white ball that is constantly moving around the room oh and only Jennifer can fight this boss due to the water.27 views -
Hebereke:Playthrough 4
Naglfar94 GameplaysAlright back at it with some more Hebereke gameplay picking up from the last video where I finally got O-Chan and Jennifer's special abilities obtained so now pretty much all the rest of the game has been opened up for me to get through. I don't do much in this part except backtrack to that mine area I visited earlier in the game where I got Sukezaemon from. There is a lava area there right under the tracks where I took the mine cart to ride over back then well since I have O-chan's ice breath she can freeze the enemies down there so that way I can jump on them to get across! Note this area can be done without using her ice I did it when I first played and I do not recommend trying it that way as it makes it harder than it needs to be. After I pick up what remains to be found in that mine area I head over to a brand new area which also needs O-Chan's ice to travel through but also Jennifer's ability to even reach the place. Deep inside I eventually run into a boss that only Hebe can fight using his special skill to do any damage so right there we have a unique boss fight where you have to go about it a certain way and this special boss eventually nets me the next key needed to eventually access the final boss the blue key ah nearly to the end of the game no I am at the end not much left to get through.21 views -
Hebereke:Playthrough 3
Naglfar94 GameplaysAlright moving along with this game smoothly and already I have made a good chunk of progress seriously this game is just about done already and I just started. Anyway in this picking up from where I left off I got Jennifer to the team now and I have everybody so now no area in the game is off limits well..In a way there are still some areas I cannot access because Jennifer and O-Chan are both missing their special skills which both need to be found nd that is exactly what I do in this video. Oh and I also grab one of the keys needed to unlock that huge door which leads to the final boss so I start this off with a boss fight too and grab the red key. Now Jennifer with him on the team underwater areas can now be explored as that is what Jennifer can do is go underwater and there are a lot of secrets hidden in the water in this game eventually one of those is Jennifer's special ability which allow him to spit out bombs which can blow up those rock walls that block off paths effectively opening up more areas in the game it is just too bad the bombs take ages to blow up so using them on enemies that move around doesn't work very well. The next up is O-Chan's special ability and for hers you have to explore an small and short snow based area which I wish lasted a bit longer because I love snow type levels in games and that portion was very small but fun, her ability is an ice breath ability where she can freeze enemies and we will be seeing use of that freeze breath very soon.31 views -
Hebereke:Playthrough 2
Naglfar94 GameplaysAh yet another video to this playthrough and my 2nd overall fresh new video posted to my Rumble. Anyway picking up from the first part of this great little quirky game it is off to exploring more areas of the game since I recruited not only O-Chan back in the first video but also Sukezaemon who grants the ability to jump higher and kinda float for a bit although personally I don't find him as all too useful as Hebe and O-Chan but that is just me however he does have a really overpowered special attack where he basically sends his eyes out to strike an enemy and they lock onto enemies on the screen and hits them so he has that. Eventually I end up getting the fourth and final team member to the team after getting the suction cups for Hebe to climb walls and that is Jennifer the weird looking green angler fish and despite the name Jennifer is male yes he is male lo. With Jennifer to the team now I can explore underwater and boy is there a lot of water in this game so a lot of areas have just opened up.17 views -
Hebereke:Playthrough 1
Naglfar94 GameplaysAlrighty now this is my first video I post to my Rumble ever well not exactly I did post a few videos here but they are all my old videos I bought over here from my youtube this is the first time I do something fresh and put it here starting with not only being on my newfound Nintendo Switch but also a neat little gem of a game called Hebereke a platform game that sorta plays like a metrovania game with some whacky characters and world and I love it. To progress through the game unlike other games you need certain characters as they act as your keys to progress since each character does something different an example being O-Chan the first one you get where there is water she can cross it via swimming in it but Hebe can't despite him being a penguin lol and he also can't walk on ice and neither can the others but O-Chan can so this game takes advantage of all the characters unique traits and abilities to progress through. Overall a very fun little game and I am looking forward to slowly making my way through it and putting them here so with that said enjoy!35 views 2 comments