Dear World
Zionist Emergency Rescue OperationDear World ever since we knew you You placed on us such harsh decrees Seems we bothered all your fathers before you So we said lets leave We built a new home and did grow And now you tell us to freeze Tell me why are you so hard to please, Dear World Well thank you for your inquisitions And the gates you locked when we did flee I know it bothers you that we've been blessed And even more now that were free But before you count us for the slaughter See the writing up above Were not sheep anymore were shepherds And its you who are being judged Well you can chase us just like Pharaoh But if you were wise than you would see The time isn't ticking for me but for you, Dear World Well thank you for your sympathy For the six million souls that were destroyed You don't have to pretend anymore You can attack us again with joy You can condemn us up on the campus And in the theater and the State You can bring all the United Nations to seal our fate But if your boycotts were really sincere You should stop using our inventions and our cures And return all the good that we have given you Over these years, Dear World Oh thank you for your crucifixion And the many expressions of your love How you've inspired us to build G-ds Kingdom with our blood And now that we've reached the final stage Your so bothered that your flying into a rage Every tiny little house that we build Is on your front page Just like the past it starts with lies Then our existence you delegitimize Then who would resist the solution that you finalize Well were not the same people you once knew We know your plan in fact were waiting for you We'll split the ocean again and you can chase us part way through We'll all be drowned and you'll claim victory But if you were wise then you would see The time isn't ticking for me, but for you, Dear World Dear World you stood by in silence As we were slaughtered in your lands And you would stand by again today And even lend a helping hand I know it bothers you when we hit back When we succeed despite each attack Well maybe you bothered us too Did you ever think of that? I for one couldn't care less If you choose to be cursed or to be blessed You can sail on Noah’s ship Or you can go down in your protest For the final flood already began To give a last chance to those who take a stand And to save only those who ever lent a hand For the kingdom will surely be built And the devil will get his due And all the angry bothered people Let them come on through Were finally doomed and all the fools agree But if you were wise then you would see The time isn't ticking for me, but for you Dear World Guitar: Barak Inspired by the letter Dear World by Rav Meir Kahane https://ronwiseman.com/order/86 views