Show called “Disjointed” was cancelled soon after this scene was broadcast.
2004carltFOLLOW ON X (aka Twitter) https://twitter.com/alienufovideos377 views 6 comments -
Dreamland with Art Bell - Cattle Mutilations - Linda Moulton Howe - UFOs, Cattle Mutilation 1994
AArt BellDreamland with Art Bell - Cattle Mutilations - Linda Moulton Howe - UFOs, Cattle Mutilation 31-07-1994. Art Bell was an American radio talk show host and broadcaster Art Bell primarily focused on paranormal and scientific topics.269 views -
Dreamland with Art Bell - Interview with an Abductee - Katarina Wilson 1994
AArt BellDreamland with Art Bell - Interview with an Abductee - Katarina Wilson 06-11-1994. Art Bell was an American radio talk show host and broadcaster Art Bell primarily focused on paranormal and scientific topics.77 views