AlvinB595G APOCALYPSE - THE EXTINCTION EVENT Source: J B https://youtu.be/ZX4yclXvcts?si=nuy3au7-ypX2M943 WWW.SACHASTONE.COM WWW.HUMANITAD.ORG New Earth Project Published on Mar 23, 2019 A full length documentary by Sacha Stone exposing the 5G existential threat to humanity in a way we never imagined possible! Please SHARE this as widely as you feel drawn...use it to target your local bureaucrats, technocrats, health practitioners, local and federal government agencies and more than anything else...your family and friends. Featuring in this film: weapons development experts, biologists, molecular & cellular biologists, blood microscopists, activists, as well as good leaders out there on the frontline. We know what this technology is - we know how it was conceived and we know where it is intended to take people and planet. We are drawing the line here....and we are doing so with the full fire of consciousness. Arise Homo sapiens! Helpful Resources: EHTrust.org bioinitiative.org 5GSpaceAppeal.org Stop5G.net emf-portal.org powerwatch.org.uk StoptheCrime.net wearetheevidence.org parentsforsafetechnology.org justproveit.net emfresearch.com wifiinschools.com wirelesseducation.org takebackyourpower.net inpowermovement.com (reuse allowed) ➕PLEASE NOTE These videos are my personal opinion and only that. You may have a different opinion. If you don't like hearing my opinion on the matter, don't watch. If you make a comment and it doesn't show up, it was most likely deleted because of one of the following reasons: ☑️ It was useless ☑️ It was a personal attack or name calling or about my family ☑️ It was an appeal to authority or a straw man argument ☑️ It contained excessive profanity or unrelated nonsense ☑️ You have no avatar or channel history ☑️ You have a fake account ☑️ You dropped a link with no explanation of what it is to ☑️ You are spamming the same comment on other videos DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHTS TO THIS VIDEO/DOCUMENTARY BUT POST IT UNDER THE FAIR USE ACT. "Fair Use" guidelines: https://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html197 views