HairyLilBunzThis film exposes the 5G threat. Featured in this film are weapons development experts, biologists, molecular & cellular biologists, blood microscopists, activists, as well as others on the frontline. Further research 👇 The Influence of Being Physically Near to a Cell Phone Transmission Mast on the Incidence of Cancer researchgate.net/publication/24… 5G Radiation Causes ‘Microwave Syndrome’ Symptoms, Study Finds childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/5g-ra… 5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science paper reveals cell phone signals can activate the release of biological PAYLOADS from graphene oxide injected into the body naturalnews.com/2023-09-14-rem… 5G is dangerous and will harm every living being drleonardcoldwell.com/2023/07/11/5g-… 5G Health Risks: How Much Exposure Can Humans Withstand? childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/5g-em… 5G Health Risks; The War Between Technology and Human Beings gaia.com/article/5g-hea… 5G Danger: 4 Ways 5G wireless technology can seriously harm human health naturalnews.com/2024-01-11-4-w… Video Source: https://rumble.com/user/Redpill_Drifter1.37K views 2 comments