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Answering TULIP with scripture

5 videos
Updated 2 months ago
TULIP is an acronym that Calvinists use to describe their system of theistic determinsm that makes God the author of evil. It's is a demonic heresy that is leading many astray and replaces the biblical gospel with a fake "gospel" of election. T = Total depravity (which they pretend means we are sinners but really means we can't believe/trust Christ) U = Unconditional election. They change the meaning of "election" to God choosing who will believe. L = Limited atonement which officially means Christ died only for the elect, but they conflate it with the application of the atonement which is only to Christians I = Irresistible grace. Which is a demonic lie and not in scripture. P = Preservation or Perseverance of the saints. Here we have partial agreement with the Calvinist, but they assume it is because we have been elected (by their faulty definition of the word). No, it's because Christ keeps and leads those He saves and they WILL follow.
  1. Total Depravity
  2. Examining Unconditional Election
  3. Limited Atonement - what is it and what is wrong with it?
  4. Irresistible Grace debunked - Part 4 in the TULIP debunked series
  5. Examining Perseverance of the Saints