30 videos
Updated 11 days ago
Reading List
*The Gerson Therapy Charlotte Gerson
*How to Starve Cancer Jane McLelland
*Natural Strategies for Cancer Blaylock
*Truth About Cancer by Ty Bollinger
*World Without Cancer Story Vitamin B17
Cancer Rumble Playlist
Cancer YouTube Playlist
LIFE SAVING CANCER CURE? - The Censored Testimonies That Could Save Your Life!
World Alternative MediaGET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE: https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1 Use code Josh to save money! ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE: https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321 Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order! Support your local farms and stay healthy! GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE: https://heavensharvest.com/ USE Code WAM to get FREE shipping in the United States! HELP SUPPORT US AS WE DOCUMENT HISTORY HERE: https://gogetfunding.com/help-wam-cover-history/ BUY GOLD AND SILVER HERE: https://kirkelliottphd.com/wam/ Josh Sigurdson talks with John Richardson of RNC Store about the potential cure for cancer, apricot seeds. While big pharma funded medias attack and attempt to stop laetrile from reaching the public's attention, millions of people have some experience with it and testimonials continue to skyrocket. In this video, we talk about recent testimonials, we go over a giant book of testimonials from 1977, we debunk the media lies regarding laetrile and cyanide and we talk about the other ways this supplement can help people. Stay tuned for more from WAM! GET AN EXTENDED FREE TRIAL FOR ICKONIC WHEN YOU SIGN UP HERE: https://www.ickonic.com/affiliate/josh10 BUY YOUR PRIVATE CLEARPHONE HERE: https://www.r1kln3trk.com/3PC4ZXC/F9D3HK/ LION ENERGY: Never Run Out Of Power! PREPARE NOW! https://www.r1kln3trk.com/3PC4ZXC/D2N14D/ GET TIM'S FREE Portfolio Review HERE: https://bit.ly/redpilladvisor And become a client of Tim's at https://www.TheLibertyAdvisor.com OUR GOGETFUNDING CAMPAIGN: https://gogetfunding.com/help-keep-wam-alive/ OUR PODBEAN CHANNEL: https://worldaltmedia.podbean.com/ Find us on Vigilante TV HERE: https://vigilante.tv/c/world_alternative_media/videos?s=1 FIND US on Rokfin HERE: https://rokfin.com/worldalternativemedia FIND US on Gettr HERE: https://www.gettr.com/user/worldaltmedia See our EPICFUNDME HERE: https://epicfundme.com/251-world-alternative-media JOIN OUR NEWSLETTER HERE: https://www.iambanned.com/ JOIN our Telegram Group HERE: https://t.me/worldalternativemedia JOIN US on Rumble Here: https://rumble.com/c/c-312314 FIND WAM MERCHANDISE HERE: https://teespring.com/stores/world-alternative-media FIND OUR CoinTree page here: https://cointr.ee/joshsigurdson JOIN US on SubscribeStar here: https://www.subscribestar.com/world-alternative-media We will soon be doing subscriber only content! Follow us on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/WorldAltMedia Help keep independent media alive! Pledge here! Just a dollar a month can help us alive! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2652072&ty=h&u=2652072 BITCOIN ADDRESS: 18d1WEnYYhBRgZVbeyLr6UfiJhrQygcgNU World Alternative Media 20232.98K views 6 comments -
VACCINES: NEW CANCER STUDY EXPOSED! - Breast Cancer Increases Over 800% Following Covid Death Shots!
World Alternative MediaGET NON-MRNA FREEZE DRIED MEAT HERE: https://wambeef.com/ Use code WAMBEEF to save 20%! GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE: https://heavensharvest.com/ USE Code WAM to save 5% plus free shipping! Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here: https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321 USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box! SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW: https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/ Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses! GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE: https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1 Josh Sigurdson reports on the new cancer study exposing the massive vaccine caused "Turbo Cancer" agenda. Breast cancer in Americans under 45 years old has increased nearly 1000% in 5 years, strictly following the release of the Covid-19 "vaccines." Cases between 2019-2022 among Americans was 26,000 while cases in 2023 alone were 297,000. There are no coincidences in this obviously. Moderna has previously confirmed that their mRNA "vaccines" lead to cancer. The increase continues as the latest hoaxes are pushed unto the populace with the Bird Flu scare leading to millions of chickens being culled causing a shortage. This leads to prices increasing and eventually leads to rations where they will give people even more cancer with mRNA infused food rations. Meanwhile, Trump just put 500 billion dollars towards mRNA cancer vaccines. Don't sit on your hands now. Stay tuned for more from WAM! GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE: https://anarchapulco.com/ Save money by using code WAM GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE: https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAM Use Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology! GET ORGANIC CHAGA MUSHROOMS HERE: https://alaskachaga.com/wam Use code WAM to save money! See shop for a wide range of products! GET AMAZING MEAT STICKS HERE: https://4db671-1e.myshopify.com/discount/WAM?rfsn=8425577.918561&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8425577.918561 USE CODE WAM TO SAVE MONEY! GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE: https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/ Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset! BUY GOLD HERE: https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/ HELP SUPPORT US AS WE DOCUMENT HISTORY HERE: https://gogetfunding.com/help-wam-cover-history/ PayPal: ancientwonderstelevision@gmail.com FIND OUR CoinTree page here: https://cointr.ee/joshsigurdson JOIN US on SubscribeStar here: https://www.subscribestar.com/world-alternative-media For subscriber only content! Pledge here! Just a dollar a month can help us alive! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2652072&ty=h&u=2652072 BITCOIN ADDRESS: 18d1WEnYYhBRgZVbeyLr6UfiJhrQygcgNU World Alternative Media 20256.73K views 11 comments -
Dr. Jane Ruby1/27/25 Reprise: Reprise: Understand that BionTECH, Pfizer, and all of Pharma are preparing your next round of modRNA shots and they hope you will beg for them, once you get your diagnosis of an aggressive post jab turbo cancer! It's coming and Trump is ushering it in. Dr. Jane Ruby is an American scientist, medical professional, and commentator. Dr. Ruby broke the worldwide stories of the white embalmer clots and graphene oxide in the C19 bioweapon shots. Substack: https://substack.com/@drjaneruby Videos: Rumble.com/c/drjaneruby Donations: https://www.givesendgo.com/truthinmedicine Venmo: https://venmo.com/u/Jane-Ruby Paypal: https://paypal.me/DrJaneRuby Email: realdrjaneruby@proton.me MAILING ADDRESS - NOTE: Please DO NOT send food, plants or cosmetic products. For safety reasons, they will be immediately discarded prior to reaching Dr. Jane. Dr. Jane Ruby 1257 SW Martin Hwy Suite 1443 Palm City FL 34990 TRUSTED VENDORS AND DR JANE’S FAVES: IRA/401K, PROTECT YOUR SAVINGS! Augusta Gold & Silver: Call: 888-836-1890 or click on link: https://learn.augustapreciousmetals.com/jane-ruby EARTHING/Grounding: Reduce inflammation, sleep better, recover faster: https://www.earthing.com/?rfsn=6528853.01597ca PATRIOT MOBILE Christian/Vet Owned Cellular: https://www.patriotmobile.com Promo Code: RUBY for free activation! CLEAN FOOD: Loxahatchee Coop and Quantum Collective: https://www.quantumcollective.world/shop (Code: RUBY for 10% off CLEAN WATER at the Faucet: Filterbaby is what Dr. Jane uses https://www.filterbaby.com/RUBY For $10.00 Off! RED LIGHT THERAPY: Sleep better with BlockBlueLight and get a discount using Dr. Jane's code: https://www.blockbluelight.com/?ref=DRJANERUBY CLEAN AIR:Triad Air - No Filters Ever:Www.airwaterhealing.com Promo Code RUBY 10% off/AND FREE SHIPPING DR JANE’S BEAUTY BOX: GO BOTOX FREE AND FILLER FREE WITH DR JANE’S DAILY LINEUP: 1. Microdermaroller to regenerate collagen: https://ginamber.com/collections/dermarollers Promo Code:RUBY For 10% off your entire purchase 2. Non-Invasive Facial Lines (Pending-Stay Tuned) 3. Smooth Facial Lines Out with Shungite GUA SHA https://www.modernom.co/collections/dr-ruby/products/shungite-gua-sha 4. Dr. Jane’s Daily Vitamin C Special Formula - Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate is non-irritating and gentle, making it perfect for those with sensitive skin. At 20% concentration, our serum is one of the strongest on the market, featuring the most active bio-available form of Vitamin C: https://ginamber.com/collections/serums-creams/products/natural-vitamin-c-serum?variant=8117502509144 5. Castor Oil: I swear by it! https://amzn.to/4jc320R World Without Cancer and Apricot Seeds B-17: https://rncstore.com/drjaneruby Dr. Stella Immanuel Telemed IVER/HCQ: https://drstellamd.com/ Promo Code: RUBY CardioMiracle: https://www.mypowerheart.com SHUNGITE For EMF Protection, Clean Water: http://www.modernom.co/ruby MyPillow Products: https://www.mypillow.com (Promo Code: Ruby) WEBSITE: https://drjaneruby.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjaneruby Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/DrJaneRuby Telegram: https://t.me/s/DrJaneRuby Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drjaneruby Linktree: drjaneruby | Instagram, TikTok | Linktreelinktr.ee28.3K views 193 comments -
World Alternative MediaGET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE: https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1 Use code Josh to save money! Josh Sigurdson talks with John Richardson of Richardson Nutritional Center about the skyrocketing cancer rates worldwide as new studies come out almost daily showing the ways we're being poisoned and put at severe risk. Microplastics and forever chemicals in our food and our water supply are leading to a major increase in cancer. Wireless technology is causing the rate to go up significantly as well. Of course the entire vaccine schedule when you're a child leads to the chances of cancer increasing dramatically and one of the most obvious, the Covid "vaccines" have lead to a "pandemic" of so-called "Turbo Cancer" worldwide. Moderna has even acknowledged that their covid injections cause cancer. Doctors pretend to be "baffled" by the heightened increase but we all know why this is happening and of course it's by design. Humanity is being sprayed and poisoned like bugs. Fluoride in the tap water, metals and chemicals in the sky, seed oils and forever chemicals in the food supply, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, alcohol and so much more. They want us dead. Weak, impoverished and dependent. There are solutions, though most will shrug them off. Apricot seeds or Vitamin B17 have 50 years of studies to back them up as well as dozens of books. John Richardson breaks down the problems we face as well as the censored truth about cancer and the potential cures available if people just simply pay attention. Stay tuned for more from WAM! GET NON-MRNA FREEZE DRIED MEAT HERE: https://wambeef.com/ Use code WAMBEEF to save 20%! GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE: https://heavensharvest.com/ USE Code WAM to save 15%! Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here: https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321 USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box! SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW: https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/ Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses! GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE: https://anarchapulco.com/ Save money by using code WAM GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE: https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAM Use Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology! GET ORGANIC CHAGA MUSHROOMS HERE: https://alaskachaga.com/wam Use code WAM to save money! See shop for a wide range of products! GET AMAZING MEAT STICKS HERE: https://4db671-1e.myshopify.com/discount/WAM?rfsn=8425577.918561&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8425577.918561 USE CODE WAM TO SAVE MONEY! GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE: https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/ Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset! BUY GOLD HERE: https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/ HELP SUPPORT US AS WE DOCUMENT HISTORY HERE: https://gogetfunding.com/help-wam-cover-history/ PayPal: ancientwonderstelevision@gmail.com FIND OUR CoinTree page here: https://cointr.ee/joshsigurdson JOIN US on SubscribeStar here: https://www.subscribestar.com/world-alternative-media For subscriber only content! Pledge here! Just a dollar a month can help us alive! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2652072&ty=h&u=2652072 BITCOIN ADDRESS: 18d1WEnYYhBRgZVbeyLr6UfiJhrQygcgNU World Alternative Media 20255.9K views 4 comments -
You Can’t Vaccinate Against Cancer
childrenshealthdefenseAre vaccines the solution to every problem? Many tech junkies, investors, politicians and public health officials seem to think so. And with the recent controversies surrounding AI-generated mRNA cancer shots, it can be difficult to know whose side to take without the proper information on safety and efficacy. Here to break down the data is our Chief Scientific Officer at CHD, Brian Hooker, Ph.D.3.2K views 44 comments -
Why Are We Afraid to Talk About a Cancer Cure
The David Knight ShowThe pharmacy ads tell us “ask your doctor”.How about doing your own research instead of blindly following the herd, especially in matters of life and death.Here’s what BigCancer doesn’t want you to know. Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to https://davidknight.gold/ for great deals on physical gold/silver Follow The David Knight Show on Rumble and watch the show live every weekday 9:00am EST – 12:00pm EST: https://rumble.com/c/TheDavidKnightShow For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to https://trendsjournal.com/ and enter the code KNIGHT Find out more about the show and where you can watch it atTheDavidKnightShow.com If you would like to support the show and our family please considersubscribing monthlyhere:SubscribeStarhttps://www.subscribestar.com/the-david-knight-show Or you can send a donation through Mail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764 Zelle:@DavidKnightShow@protonmail.com CashAppat: $davidknightshow BTCto: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh72.35K views 5 comments -
Turbo Cancer "I've Never Seen Anyone So Sick So Fast
childrenshealthdefenseAnnette and her husband had been married for almost 40 years when he passed away. Because “the peer pressure was tremendous,” he got vaccinated for COVID multiple times, and the once-healthy man quickly spiraled downward. His diagnosis of cancer spread beyond the organ it originated in and caused blood clots, which led to surgery. It was, ultimately, a fatal experience. Annette is concerned that the injection had a significant role to play in her partner’s fatality: “I felt like my husband was murdered.” When asked what led her to this conclusion, she points to Pfizer’s manufacturing of the injections and how it may have affected her late spouse with a compromised immune system. And because of this tragic event, Annette “will not have any vaccines ever again.” She shares the alarming details in this exclusive interview on CHD.TV.3.05K views 31 comments -
World Alternative MediaGET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE: https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1 Use code Josh to save money! Josh Sigurdson talks with John Richardson of Richardson Nutritional Center about the skyrocketing cancer rates worldwide as new studies come out almost daily showing the ways we're being poisoned and put at severe risk. Microplastics and forever chemicals in our food and our water supply are leading to a major increase in cancer. Wireless technology is causing the rate to go up significantly as well. Of course the entire vaccine schedule when you're a child leads to the chances of cancer increasing dramatically and one of the most obvious, the Covid "vaccines" have lead to a "pandemic" of so-called "Turbo Cancer" worldwide. Moderna has even acknowledged that their covid injections cause cancer. Doctors pretend to be "baffled" by the heightened increase but we all know why this is happening and of course it's by design. Humanity is being sprayed and poisoned like bugs. Fluoride in the tap water, metals and chemicals in the sky, seed oils and forever chemicals in the food supply, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, alcohol and so much more. They want us dead. Weak, impoverished and dependent. There are solutions, though most will shrug them off. Apricot seeds or Vitamin B17 have 50 years of studies to back them up as well as dozens of books. John Richardson breaks down the problems we face as well as the censored truth about cancer and the potential cures available if people just simply pay attention. Stay tuned for more from WAM! GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE: https://heavensharvest.com/ USE Code WAM to save 15%! Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here: https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321 USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box! SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW: https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/ Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses! GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE: https://anarchapulco.com/ Save money by using code WAM GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE: https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAM Use Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology! GET ORGANIC CHAGA MUSHROOMS HERE: https://alaskachaga.com/wam Use code WAM to save money! See shop for a wide range of products! GET AMAZING MEAT STICKS HERE: https://4db671-1e.myshopify.com/discount/WAM?rfsn=8425577.918561&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8425577.918561 USE CODE WAM TO SAVE MONEY! GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE: https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/ Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset! BUY GOLD HERE: https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/ HELP SUPPORT US AS WE DOCUMENT HISTORY HERE: https://gogetfunding.com/help-wam-cover-history/ PayPal: ancientwonderstelevision@gmail.com FIND OUR CoinTree page here: https://cointr.ee/joshsigurdson JOIN US on SubscribeStar here: https://www.subscribestar.com/world-alternative-media For subscriber only content! Pledge here! Just a dollar a month can help us alive! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2652072&ty=h&u=2652072 BITCOIN ADDRESS: 18d1WEnYYhBRgZVbeyLr6UfiJhrQygcgNU World Alternative Media 20256.46K views 9 comments -
#84: 2X Stage 4 Cancer Survivor Thriving on Carnivore
The Texas BoysIn this episode of the Fearless Podcast, DC shares his incredible journey of battling stage 4 follicular lymphoma, detailing the challenges he faced during treatment, the emotional toll of his diagnosis, and the transformative power of dietary changes and breath work in his recovery. After years of navigating through clinical trials and various treatments, DC has found himself in full remission and is now dedicated to helping others on their health journeys. Chapters 00:00 Introduction to DC's Journey 01:14 Life-Altering Diagnosis 05:16 The Battle with Cancer Begins 08:41 Navigating Treatment Challenges 14:39 The Reality of Remission and Trials 21:00 Stem Cell Transplant and Recovery 26:37 The Long Road to Healing 31:29 Struggles with Medication and Health Post-Transplant 36:34 The Journey to Finding a Sustainable Diet 43:55 Transitioning to a Carnivore Diet and Its Impact 47:53 Breath Work and Mental Clarity 51:26 Current Health Status and Future Plans Send Us Snail Mail: The Texas Boys PO 263 White Oak, TX 75693 Check out our new coffee line: https://www.thetexasboys.com/product-category/the-coffee-shop/ NEW! Grass Fed Grass Finished! NON VACCINATED! BEEF & PORK For SALE! Local Pickup Only: Location North East Texas https://www.thetexasboys.com/product-category/brothers-meat-co/ Food Forest in a box: https://www.thetexasboys.com/product-category/fruit-and-plants/ Check out Above Phone Here: https://abovephone.com/?above=92 Use Coupon Code: TEXASBOYS for $50 OFF Buy Bare Root Trees: https://foodforestnursery.com/?sld=thetexasboys Use code: thetexasboys10 for 10% off If you are looking for hard assets like Gold or Silver Call our good friend Stacey, she is a Miles Franklin Broker at 318-564-5823 - Let her know The Texas Boys sent you. OUPES Electric Generators: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1865808&u=2702191&m=116483&urllink=&afftrack= Check out the Products we love from Mike Adams: https://www.brighteonstore.com/collections/the-texas-boys NEW! Grass Fed Grass Finished! NON VACCINATED! BEEF & PORK For SALE! Local Pickup Only: Location North East Texas https://www.thetexasboys.com/product-category/brothers-meat-co/ Buy The Best Beef direct to your door: https://beefinitiative.com/thetexasboys Use Code: THETEXASBOYS for 5% off IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT OUR PODCAST CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE!!! https://www.thetexasboys.com/402 views -
Carnivore, Cancer and Thyroid Health
The Texas BoysHelp Paula: https://givesendgo.com/GE76J?utm_source=sharelink&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=GE76J Send Us Snail Mail: The Texas Boys PO 263 White Oak, TX 75693 Check out Above Phone Here: https://abovephone.com/?above=92 Use Coupon Code: TEXASBOYS for $50 OFF Check out our up coming events: https://www.thetexasboys.com/2024-events Buy Bare Root Trees: https://foodforestnursery.com/?sld=thetexasboys Use code: thetexasboys10 for 10% off If you are looking for hard assets like Gold or Silver Call our good friend Stacey, she is a Miles Franklin Broker at 318-564-5823 - Let her know The Texas Boys sent you. OUPES Electric Generators: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1865808&u=2702191&m=116483&urllink=&afftrack= Check out the Products we love from Mike Adams: https://www.brighteonstore.com/collections/the-texas-boys Listen and comment on Fountain App: https://fountain.fm/show/ohXzXDIUte1fjsPe7AFo NEW! Grass Fed Grass Finished! NON VACCINATED! BEEF & PORK For SALE! Local Pickup Only: Location North East Texas https://www.thetexasboys.com/product-category/brothers-meat-co/ Buy The Best Beef direct to your door: https://beefinitiative.com/thetexasboys Use Code: THETEXASBOYS for 5% off IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT OUR PODCAST CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE!!! https://www.thetexasboys.com/477 views 1 comment