Tears to Tiara Kakan no Daichi ティアーズ・トゥ・ティアラ PS3 Easy Pick for Faster Grind
11 videos
Updated 14 days ago
Playlist for the Original PS3 Version Tears To Tiara Kakan no Daichi Game
Tears to Tiara Kakan no Daichi ティアーズ・トゥ・ティアラ PS3 Easy Pick for Faster Grind Part 01 1st Story Battle, Tutorial and OP plus Targeted Sister
CiVicGamerDang it! Got CRSed for this part on YouTube so I guess only YouTube won't get this part. Start with quite the obvious changes from its PSP port which seems to be the slimmed-down 2D version of this game huh? #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment7 views -
Tears to Tiara Kakan no Daichi ティアーズ・トゥ・ティアラ PS3 Easy Pick for Faster Grind Part 02 2nd Song Listen and Ignited Gael Tribe
CiVicGamerCrap guess the 1st part got CRsed in Youtube so I won't upload it there. I wonder if this next part will get the same treatment... Guess it's the same for this part too? Ah well, 3rd time the charm? There should be no song in part 3 after all which is the reason for the CRSs I bet. #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment5 views -
Tears to Tiara Kakan no Daichi ティアーズ・トゥ・ティアラ PS3 Easy Pick for Faster Grind Part 03 Meetings, Conflicts and Eager Sister
CiVicGamerPoor Arthur and Maybe MC Arawn for suddenly getting engaged without his approval? #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment10 views -
ZDC Tears to Tiara Kakan no Daichi ティアーズ・トゥ・ティアラ PS3 Easy Pick for Faster Grind Part 04 2nd Battle and 1st Grind Skill and Level Tricks plus Post Event, PFirstG Save Loaded
CiVicGamerSince you do not get ranked in the PS3 Story battles or so it seems to me you can start leveling during this battle. If you want to maximize leveling here have Arawn and Arthur be the only ones attacking the enemies while Rianon be the leader so she can restore MP each turn to allies that are to her left, right back, and front each turn healing either of the 2 kings each turn wile Ogam if possible stay stationary and keep using the command the heals his MP even if he has it full (Which can only be used if the mage did not move and have the red skill book equipped.) When Rianon gets low on MP use the same move you keep using to Ogam and alternate between Arawn and Arthur who has either a higher Skill or Exp Level than her keeping one square between them. If Arawn learns his Poison Active Skill leave Arthur as the only one attacking the enemy (making sure the last enemy is a mage which has an attack that can't be counter-attacked by Arawn and Arthur letting you keep the battle going until you are ready to proceed. Save before using it as there is a change Arawn's spell will not poison the enemy and therefore won't get exp (Which is a hassle as you will need to save before each attempt and if it is unsuccessful you will need to soft reset like what is shown on the video so if your not willing to do that you can skip it and focus on the mages.) If 2 or more are damaged press square on the 5 mp healing spell (which Ogam also gets later.) to make it an AoE heal costing 1 chain stock. #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment8 views -
Tears to Tiara Kakan no Daichi ティアーズ・トゥ・ティアラ PS3 Easy Pick for Faster Grind Part 05 3rd Battle and Crypt Escape Success
CiVicGamerSo they removed the Caster and Target(s) from the 3D Special as well as deleted some voiced lines like MErcenary Mage's chant male and female like in the Mana Khemia's PSP port where many voiced lines were cut including the voices when a character is attacking with more voice coming depending on how many Hit+1 you unlocked for that character? Well, that is one way to lower the game's size I guess. #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment6 views -
Tears to Tiara Kakan no Daichi ティアーズ・トゥ・ティアラ PS3 Easy Pick for Faster Grind Part 06 Night Visit
CiVicGamerOgam is such a good Wing Man giving the Eager Sis the Key to Lock MC into accepting her proposal. Also, being the chief of their Tribe is a nice unintentional bonus? #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment5 views -
Tears to Tiara Kakan no Daichi ティアーズ・トゥ・ティアラ PS3 Easy Pick for Faster Grind Part 07 Morning Attack and Miss plus Regular Psp Grind Start
CiVicGamerYou can use the leveling grind method I used in my old PSP playlist of this game's PSP port as well as the method shown in the 2nd Story Battle and you should easily get to max Exp Level (99) and Skill Level (50) for the Mages and Arawn as All 3 unlock the 5mp Heal. For Arthur and Morgan, it's best to max those 3 while the 2 lower the enemy number on the map to one. Preferably the one that actively attacks Morgan Rianon or Ogam as those 3 do not Auto Counter which can end the battle too soon 1st (Normal and Hard Difficulty Enemies usually do this going Kamikaze and attack Arawn or Arthur even if they are 10+ levels above it.) Then use the lower hp healing items and the purple leaf (as you can easily get those back from the maps only random battle map) on those 3 (Which is a not advised in the PSP version if you want to get all Story Battles to Rank S) #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment9 views -
Tears to Tiara Kakan no Daichi ティアーズ・トゥ・ティアラ PS3 Easy Pick for Faster Grind Part 08 Regular Psp Grind Continued
CiVicGamerDang! Guess this time BitChute is missing out on this part as well and I need to lower its size somewhat for Odysee/LBRY. Well, the Edited version at least now works for BitChute I guess I'll put E at the start of the Odysee, and BitChute Version then though the ones in Youtbe and Rumble are also Edited for smother streaming. Whelp, the Grind Continues. #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment7 views -
Tears to Tiara Kakan no Daichi ティアーズ・トゥ・ティアラ PS3 Easy Pick for Faster Grind Part 09 Regular Psp Grind End plus Story Battle 4
CiVicGamerDang! Another one is not for BitChute! Is it the same for LBRY/Odysee? No problem this time thankfully. Whelp, Time for Story Battle 4/60 #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment8 views -
Tears to Tiara Kakan no Daichi ティアーズ・トゥ・ティアラ PS3 Easy Pick for Faster Grind Part 10 Flight and Proof
CiVicGamerDang it! Why did the screen need to blur to white when MC Arawn swung his hand? #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment6 views