Shade Shifters Part 1: The Arrow
DisclosurehubThe nameless ones take the shape of many different peoples and have openly declared war on everyone who's not in their blood line. One of many of this shadow mafias victims is the Jewish Identity. This series exposes the plans, the controllers, the symbolism and more. This video is fair-use as described in the video.18.7K views 58 comments -
Antifa Created by Jews in the 30's (by Sons of god)
bfradysAntifa Created by Jews in the 30's (by Sons of God) Credit: Sons of God Gab: https://gab.com/SonsofGod694 views 2 comments -
Presenting less then .01% of Jewish crimes against humanity (by Sons of God)
bfradysPresenting less then .01% of Jewish crimes against humanity (by Sons of God) According to my estimates, a fair and equitable retribution for the Jewish crimes committed in modern history, not taking into account any event after the year 1000 ante Christum, would be for every Jew on the planet to undergo three thousand years of torture followed by the killing them a thousand times over. Evidently, neither one is possible. No matter what we do to them, it will be a miscarriage of justice unless we punish their offpsring mercilessly, generation after generation, for centuries to come. Even though we are talking about excruciating pain unparalleled by human hands, it would still be imperceptible compared to the pain they will endure by the hands of the Almighty. Credit: Sons of God Gab: https://gab.com/SonsofGod743 views 1 comment -
THE ARCHITECT - PART TWO (by DomDocuments)
bfradysTHE ARCHITECT - PART TWO: (by DomDocuments) THE ARCHITECT - PART ONE: (by DomDocuments) https://rumble.com/v4e1v2t-the-architect-part-one-by-domdocuments.html In just 130-years, one specific tribe has managed to not only strangle the commerce of the world with Central Banking, but almost every aspect of cultural appropriation. This has been achieved through media and academic institutions of which they control. They are embedded deep within European and Western governments. The end goal is to destroy these nations, then rule over the ashes of the entire world. They are slowly achieving this, solely due to the apathy and lack of critical thinking by the citizens of these nations. The "architect" plays the victim, which insulates him from criticism and accountability. Our world is in extreme danger if this is not stopped. They will start WW3 ... absolutely, positively, 100%. Credit: DomDocuments Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1947392 Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/dom-merlo/2.33K views 13 comments -
THE ARCHITECT - PART ONE (by DomDocuments)
bfradysTHE ARCHITECT - PART ONE: (by DomDocuments) THE ARCHITECT - PART TWO: (by DomDocuments) https://rumble.com/v4e1xc3-the-architect-part-two.html In just 130-years, one specific tribe has managed to not only strangle the commerce of the world with Central Banking, but almost every aspect of cultural appropriation. This has been achieved through media and academic institutions of which they control. They are embedded deep within European and Western governments. The end goal is to destroy these nations, then rule over the ashes of the entire world. They are slowly achieving this, solely due to the apathy and lack of critical thinking by the citizens of these nations. The "architect" plays the victim, which insulates him from criticism and accountability. Our world is in extreme danger if this is not stopped. They will start WW3 ... absolutely, positively, 100%. Credit: DomDocuments Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1947392 Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/dom-merlo/2.34K views 6 comments