Cancer Remission Achieved with Low-Cost Drug | Media Blackout
Biological MedicineCancer remission achieved with low-cost drug, more companies nuking DEI, permanent Washington pushing for WWIII and more! View all of the articles mentioned in this broadcast on the Vigilant News Network: https://vigilantnews.com/ Support the sponsors of this show and view Zeee Media’s below: If you would like to support Zeee Media to continue getting the truth out to more people, you can donate via this link: https://donate.stripe.com/6oEdUL2eF1IAdXibII Website: https://www.zeeemedia.com Visit https://www.kepm.com/maria and consider safeguarding your paper assets using affordable silver and gold bullion bars and coins with minimal premiums and commissions. If you're in Australia, visit Gold Bullion Australia (Gold Stackers) today and consider securing your wealth with Australia's leading supplier of gold and silver bullion: https://www.goldbullionaustralia.com.au/?utm_source_zeeemedia&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=zeeemedia Buy Stockman Steaks' GUARANTEED mRNA-free, non-GMO, hormone-free meat for your family and support Aussie Farmers today: https://stockmansteaks.com.au/maria If you're in the US or Canada, get 10% off high-quality storable food and heirloom seeds with Heaven's Harvest: https://heavensharvest.com/pages/zeee Prepare for cyber attacks, power outages and more by ensuring you and your family have alternate communication means through a Satellite phone! Visit the link below: https://sat123.com/maria/ View Hope & Tivon's EMF protection products and more via this link: https://ftwproject.com/ref/468 To order Dr. Zelenko's products today, visit the below link, and use referral code MARIAZEEE for 5% off your order: https://zstacklife.com/?ref=MARIAZEEE Begin your journey to uncompromised privacy and save up to $500 on Zeee Media Above Phone Bundles. Visit Above Phone: https://abovephone.com/maria/ Mirrored https://rumble.com/v5vd8vh-cancer-remission-achieved-with-low-cost-drug-media-blackout.html662 views 2 comments -
Watchman's Dutycancer is caused by micro-parasites and is therefore preventable and heal-able. We show you the footage that was shot over a 20-year period by renowned doctors with the complete explanation of the micro-parasitical life cycle and how they cause cancer. You also get to see some simple experiments with which you can detect the parasites and make them visible yourself. Cancer is a Microparasitical Infection, and We All Have It https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcgUBVj9i70&t=2s Lyme Disease - The Ultimate Cure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDfJgX1v_qE How bioresonance therapy works. The Biomedis Trinity device kills germs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHo7UQZzDeQ The Harmful Effects of EMF, Graphene Ferric Oxide & AI Parasites On Human Health https://rumble.com/v2vycca-the-harmful-effects-of-emf-graphene-ferric-oxide-and-ai-parasites-on-human-.html EMF and Parasites with Dr Lee Merritt https://rumble.com/v2tc7jq-emf-and-parasites-with-dr-lee-merritt.html Its All Parasites Cancer Vaxxines Remedies Dr Lee Merritt Karen Kingston https://rumble.com/v2sstks-dr-lee-merritt-karen-kingston-its-all-parasites-cancer-vaxxines-remedies.html You cant really do that Dr. Lee Merritt https://rumble.com/v2t74bk-you-cant-really-do-that-dr.-lee-merritt.html 100% PROOF: CANCER IS CAUSED BY PARASITES! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg-W_to0XNZaUV6kE9X3ssQ PARASITES and the Elimination Protocol She did for herself https://drleemerritt.com/uploads/PARASITES.pdf PARASITES https://drleemerritt.com/uploads/PARASITES2.pdf 54. (re-edited) EMF and Parasites with Dr Lee Merritt https://rumble.com/v21pb7q-54.-re-edited-emf-and-parasites-with-dr-lee-merritt.html 83. Dr. Lee Merritt, You cant really do that https://rumble.com/v2kivfe-83.-dr.-lee-merritt-you-cant-really-do-that.html Dr. Merritt Interview with Poornima Wagh Virologist Vxruses, and Genetic Manipulation We are Being Deceived https://rumble.com/v241by2-viruses-and-genetic-manipulation-we-are-being-deceived.html THERE ARE NO VxRUSES IT'S ALL FRAUD https://rumble.com/v241cmi-there-are-no-vxruses-its-all-fraud.html Please check out Dr. Lee Merritt: https://rumble.com/c/c-1646615 https://drleemerritt.com/ NANOTECHNOLOGIES & PARASITES IA ... KAREN KINGSTON https://odysee.com/@PrinceActarus74:a/KAREN-KINGSTON-2:6 https://rumble.com/v20g358-pfizer-capable-of-2-way-communication-patents-nanotech-and-more-karen-kings.html Optogenetics: A Light Switch for Neurons https://rumble.com/v252yx1-optogenetics-a-light-switch-for-neurons.html Optogenetics: Using Light to Control Your Brain https://rumble.com/v252y6n-optogenetics-using-light-to-control-your-brain.html Bioweapons and biohacking Smart vxruses neural implants, Optogenetics https://rumble.com/v24zowc-bioweapons-and-biohacking-smart-vxruses-neural-implants-optogenetics.html Havana Syndrome Diplomats' Mystery Illness and Pulsed Microwave Radiation Dr. Beatrice Golomb https://rumble.com/v23qebo-havana-syndrome-diplomats-mystery-illness-and-pulsed-microwave-radiation-dr.html PFIZER CAPABLE OF 2 WAY COMMUNICATION, PATENTS, NANOTECH AND MORE KAREN KINGSTON https://rumble.com/v20g358-pfizer-capable-of-2-way-communication-patents-nanotech-and-more-karen-kings.html Then NO Covnvid HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED LET ALONE AND VIRU@S Cov Has NOT been ISOLATED https://rumble.com/vlvu6p-master-of-science-christine-massey-talks-about-c-o-v-with-kevin-j-johnston.html COV HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED!!!!!!! https://rumble.com/vnsvi1-cov-has-never-been-isolated.html the alleged “C O V vir*us” aka “SA*RS-CO*V-2” has never been isolated/purified (as evidenced by the Methods sections in the published papers claiming to have isolated “SA*RS-CO*V-2” and by dozens of Freedom of Information responses from governments and health/science https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/ OPERATING SYSTEM OF LIFE https://rumble.com/vkgid5-operating-system-of-life.html First Lipidnanoparticle comprising modified nucleotides https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2022020811A1/en Lipid Nanoparticles https://www.precisionnanosystems.com/workflows/formulations/lipid-nanoparticles How cancer cells can become immortal - new research finds a mutate https://news.yahoo.com/cancer-cells-become-immortal-research-190130675.html Modified polynucleotides for the production of secreted proteins https://patents.justia.com/patent/10703789 Nanotechnology: self assembly structures in mRNA-injections https://rumble.com/v208sec-nanotechnology-self-assembly-structures-in-mrna-injections.html You can make your own Quinine. and anti-parasitical you tube has many videos on it. Usually with ginger garlic oranges grapefruit, pumpkin seeds raw, also diatomaceous earth borax, and NAC. I just bought one off of Amazon its called herbera it has wormwood, clove, and black walnut hull to kill live parasites and larva. Fenbendazole as a Potential Anticancer Drug https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3580766/pdf/nihms443674.pdf Bile Flow: Top 15 Herbs to Support Liver & Gallbladder https://drjockers.com/bile-flow-top-15-herbs-to-support-liver-gallbladder/ Health Benefits of NAC https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-nac The Best Herbs for Parasites https://youtu.be/DE7lhrW6t3c Parasite cleanse using Wormwood, black walnut and cloves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpc9kWV7kP4 Scientific Studies: Black Walnut Hull, Wormwood, Cloves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW4GwJAXtvo 🌱Top 10 Best Herbs for Parasites (Natural Detox and Cleanse) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8muUeOjFR0o How to Make Black Walnut Herbal Remedy For Parasite Cleanse with Wormwood: Capsules https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiYsi5hi0t8 How to make a Black Walnut tincture for a parasite cleanse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPydzMcTCkk The Best Herbs for Parasites | Dr. Janine https://youtu.be/Y9COCSE6v88 2020 Dr.Sebi Approved Parasite Cleansing Herbs https://youtu.be/gY_2OlB1UB4 The Benefits of Wormwood https://youtu.be/F3ZaPJN6Ml0 (v-ruses don't exist) 9 Warning Signs of Parasites https://youtu.be/P2dLjZxGAc4 The DARPA Hydrogel – Hydra Parasitic Connection https://whiskeytangotexas.com/2021/12/11/the-darpa-hydrogel-hydra-parasitic-connection/ Hydrogel Biosensor: Implantable Nanotech https://thefreedomarticles.com/hydrogel-biosensor-darpa-gates-implantable-nanotech-covid-vaccine/ Summary of Hydrogel & Quantum Dot Nanotechnology Characteristics https://thefreedomarticles.com/hydrogel-biosensor-darpa-gates-implantable-nanotech-covid-vaccine/ https://www.ftwproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Summary-of-Hydrogel-Quantum-Dot-Nanotechnology-Characteristics.pdf UPMC and University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Scientists Announce Potential Vaxxine DARPA Hydrogel in COV Vaxxine can create crystals https://spacetravelinalabama.com/2021/05/19/darpa-hydrogel-in-covid-vaccine-can-create-crystals-nano-antennas-to-receive-signals-from-5g-tower/ https://www.upmc.com/coronavirus/pittcovacc COV Vaxxine Discovered. Vaccine name “Pitkovac” https://www.newsonline.media/breaking/covid-19-vaccine-discovered-vaccine-name-pitkovac/ Coronavirus Vaxxine Discovered | Coronavirus Vaxxine News https://www.coronavirusvaccine-news.info/coronavirus-vaccine-discovered/ Hydrogel-Forming Microneedle Arrays for Enhanced Transdermal Drug Delivery https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Hydrogel-Forming-Microneedle-Arrays-for-Enhanced-Donnelly-Singh/d43c31c07b2a891befa0747cef650d0fdad7ddd7/figure/0 Graphene Oxide Hydrogel: Injecting Synthetic mRNA https://www.nutritruth.org/single-post/graphene-oxide-hydrogel-injecting-synthetic-mrna-into-every-cell Luciferase/Hydrogel/Nanotechnology/ Biometric Tracing https://www.peakprosperity.com/forum-topic/luciferase-hydrogel-nanotechnology-biometric-tracing-in-covid-vaccines/ MICRONEEDLE PATCHES FOR FLU IMMUNISATION PHASE I TRIAL https://www.pumpingmarvellous.org/microneedle-patches-flu-immunisation/ Dissolving polymer microneedle patches for influenza vaxxination https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.2182 https://www.pumpingmarvellous.org/microneedle-patches-flu-immunisation/ The Nanotech is on the pcr test swab please do not be deceived they do NOT want what's best for US!! Johns Hopkins researchers take inspiration from parasitic work for medicine delivery https://hub.jhu.edu/2020/11/25/theragripper-gi-tract-medicine-delivery/ Johns Hopkins Develops Tiny Machines That Deliver Medicine to the Intestines https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/articles/johns-hopkins-develops-tiny-machines-that-deliver-medicine-to-the-intestines Vaxxine Nano Particles https://rumble.com/vwxlq9-vaxxine-nano-particles.html YES, THEY CAN VAXXINATE US THROUGH NASAL TEST SWABS AND TARGET THE BRAIN (BIOHACKING P.1) https://silview.media/2020/11/26/they-can-vaccinate-us-through-nasal-test-swabs/ Theragrippers Gastrointestinal-resident, shape-changing microdevices for extended drug delivery https://phys.org/news/2020-11-gastrointestinal-resident-shape-changing-microdevices-drug-delivery.html GRAPHENE, MICROTECHNOLOGY, AND MORGELLONS IN PFIZER GENE SHOT https://rumble.com/vu8dl1-graphene-microtechnology-and-morgellons-in-pfizer-gene-shot.html Supercoiling Muscles https://rumble.com/vtlmeq-supercoiling-muscles.html Microbial Fibers- Morgellons? https://rumble.com/vtkmq0-microbial-fibers-morgellons.html Electrically conductive bacterial nanowires produced by Shewanella oneidensisstrain MR-1and other microorganisms USC scientists uncover the secret of 'electric bacteria' https://archive.kpcc.org/news/2014/08/18/46069/usc-scientists-uncover-the-secret-of-electric-bact/ Scientists have studied the mechanism of “feeding” of bacteria by electrons https://earth-chronicles.com/science/scientists-have-studied-the-mechanism-of-feeding-of-bacteria-by-electrons.html Electrically Conductive Bacterial Nanowires Produced by Shewanella oneidensis Strain MR-1 and Other Microorganisms https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dwayne-Elias/publication/6937256_Electrically_Conductive_Bacterial_Nanowires_Produced_by_Shewanella_oneidensis_Strain_MR-1_and_Other_Microorganisms/links/0fcfd513e12904149c000000/Electrically-Conductive-Bacterial-Nanowires-Produced-by-Shewanella-oneidensis-Strain-MR-1-and-Other-Microorganisms.pdf Bacterial nanowires are really wires, not hairs https://www.pnnl.gov/news/release.aspx?id=1068 Shewanella algae - A Novel Organism Causing Bacteremia: Tuning Surface Topographies on Biomaterials to Control Bacterial Infection https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7592632/pdf/cureus-0012-00000010676.pdf https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Growth-of-Shewanella-oneidensis-MR-1-cells-on-patterned-Si-nanowire-arrays-a-SEM-image_fig1_343241590/download An antibacterial platform based on controllable electro-mechanical interactions at the materials/bacteria interface https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356513701_An_antibacterial_platform_based_on_controllable_electro-mechanical_interactions_at_the_materialsbacteria_interface/fulltext/619f57d243dedf033a7c5aa1/An-antibacterial-platform-based-on-controllable-electro-mechanical-interactions-at-the-materials-bacteria-interface.pdf Micropatterning Techniques to Control Cell–Biomaterial Interface for Cardiac Tissue Engineering https://kharaziha.iut.ac.ir/micropatterning-techniques-control-cell%E2%80%93biomaterial-interface-cardiac-tissue-engineering https://www.crcpress.com/Cell-and-Material-Interface-Advances-in-Tissue-Engineering-Biosensor/Vrana/p/book/9781482256123 Cell and Material Interface Advances in Tissue Engineering, Biosensor, Implant, and Imaging Technologies https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.1201/b19012/cell-material-interface-nihal-engin-vrana Introduction to Smart EHealth and ECare Technologies https://s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/asdisal/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/05082505/Smart-eHealth-eCare-Technologies-2017-Asdisal.pdf Quality control methods in musculoskeletal tissue engineering: from imaging to biosensors https://www.nature.com/articles/s41413-021-00167-9.pdf Electrospun Micro and Nanofibrous Membrane for Tissue Engineering https://embracingtheredqueen.com/ebook/electrospun-micro-and-nanofibrous-membrane-for-tissue-engineering ‘Theragrippers’, Nanotech Parasites Arrive Johns Hopkins University Nanotech engineers have successfully created dust sized machines that clamp onto a host’s intestines and then deliver a medical payload over hours. Inspired by a parasitic hookworms they have studied, when the device is exposed to internal body temperatures, it closes and grips the intestinal wall. In the gripper’s center is a space for a small dose of any drug which can then be released. The devices lose their grip after two or more hours and are flushed out of the system but in that time have done their job. They are made of metal and thin, shape-changing film and coated in a heat-sensitive paraffin wax, Normal constriction and relaxation of GI tract muscles make it impossible for conventional extended-release drugs to stay in the intestine long enough for the patient to receive the full dose. “We’ve been working to solve this problem by designing these small drug carriers that can autonomously latch onto the intestinal mucosa and keep the drug load inside the GI tract for a desired duration of time.” Theragrippers, don’t rely on electricity, wireless signals or external controls. Instead, they operate like small, compressed springs with a temperature-triggered coating on the devices that releases the stored energy autonomously at body temperature. Please check out Dr. Lee Merritt: https://rumble.com/c/c-1646615 https://drleemerritt.com/ Dr Lee Merritt: Parasite Protocol: The New Parasite Paradigm (October 20th 2022) https://rumble.com/v1pd6x9-dr-lee-merritt-parasite-protocol-the-new-parasite-paradigm-october-20th-202.html Its All Parasites Cancer Vaxxines Remedies Dr Lee Merritt Karen Kingston https://rumble.com/v2sstks-dr-lee-merritt-karen-kingston-its-all-parasites-cancer-vaxxines-remedies.html comment from SSGQ At 26min, you make it seem like the hatching of baby parasites en masse is a herxheimer reaction. Not quite. Based on my extensive research, when parasites die, they release toxins and bacteria as they begin decomposing in the body. The toxins and bacteria can produce a wide range of symptoms from body aches, headaches, fever, rash, nausea, flu like symptoms, etc... those symptoms are the Herxheimer reaction. Also worth noting, Fenbendazole, Oxfendazole (form of fenbendazole with 15 day half life), and Ivermectin target stage 4 adult parasites. Moxidectin (form of Ivermectin with 22 day half life) targets parasites at all stages. We should also research iodine usage (and deficiency) as iodine destroys all pathogens, cysts, and biofilms. It is important to detox your body you can do it naturally or use ivermectin or Quinine. Recently Tim truth has come out against ivermectin live show where was the pdf and that people were waking up to parasites causing problems. Be careful who you follow test everyone. Dr. Merritt Interview with Poornima Wagh Virologist Vxruses, and Genetic Manipulation We are Being Deceived https://rumble.com/v241by2-viruses-and-genetic-manipulation-we-are-being-deceived.html THERE ARE NO VxRUSES IT'S ALL FRAUD https://rumble.com/v241cmi-there-are-no-vxruses-its-all-fraud.html NANOTECHNOLOGIES & PARASITES IA ... KAREN KINGSTON https://odysee.com/@PrinceActarus74:a/KAREN-KINGSTON-2:6 https://rumble.com/v20g358-pfizer-capable-of-2-way-communication-patents-nanotech-and-more-karen-kings.html Optogenetics: A Light Switch for Neurons https://rumble.com/v252yx1-optogenetics-a-light-switch-for-neurons.html Optogenetics: Using Light to Control Your Brain https://rumble.com/v252y6n-optogenetics-using-light-to-control-your-brain.html Bioweapons and biohacking Smart vxruses neural implants, Optogenetics https://rumble.com/v24zowc-bioweapons-and-biohacking-smart-vxruses-neural-implants-optogenetics.html Havana Syndrome Diplomats' Mystery Illness and Pulsed Microwave Radiation Dr. Beatrice Golomb https://rumble.com/v23qebo-havana-syndrome-diplomats-mystery-illness-and-pulsed-microwave-radiation-dr.html PFIZER CAPABLE OF 2 WAY COMMUNICATION, PATENTS, NANOTECH AND MORE KAREN KINGSTON https://rumble.com/v20g358-pfizer-capable-of-2-way-communication-patents-nanotech-and-more-karen-kings.html Then NO Covnvid HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED LET ALONE AND VIRU@S Cov Has NOT been ISOLATED https://rumble.com/vlvu6p-master-of-science-christine-massey-talks-about-c-o-v-with-kevin-j-johnston.html COV HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED!!!!!!! https://rumble.com/vnsvi1-cov-has-never-been-isolated.html the alleged “C O V vir*us” aka “SA*RS-CO*V-2” has never been isolated/purified (as evidenced by the Methods sections in the published papers claiming to have isolated “SA*RS-CO*V-2” and by dozens of Freedom of Information responses from governments and health/science https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/ OPERATING SYSTEM OF LIFE https://rumble.com/vkgid5-operating-system-of-life.html First Lipidnanoparticle comprising modified nucleotides https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2022020811A1/en Lipid Nanoparticles https://www.precisionnanosystems.com/workflows/formulations/lipid-nanoparticles How cancer cells can become immortal - new research finds a mutate https://news.yahoo.com/cancer-cells-become-immortal-research-190130675.html Modified polynucleotides for the production of secreted proteins https://patents.justia.com/patent/10703789 Nanotechnology: self assembly structures in mRNA-injections https://rumble.com/v208sec-nanotechnology-self-assembly-structures-in-mrna-injections.html Biological Effects of Radar's Millimeter 5G Waves https://rumble.com/vo6d2n-october-24-2021.html Last Dr Group Interview Discussing 5G and Use For Bioweapons Before Disappearance https://rumble.com/vorcnp-last-dr-group-interview-discussing-5g-and-use-for-bioweapons-before-disappe.html Havana Syndrome Diplomats' Mystery Illness and Pulsed Microwave Radiation Dr. Beatrice Golomb https://rumble.com/v23qebo-havana-syndrome-diplomats-mystery-illness-and-pulsed-microwave-radiation-dr.html AN INVISIBLE THREAT IS MICROWAVE RADIATION WAVES KILLING https://rumble.com/v1130wx-an-invisable-threat-is-microwave-radiation-waves-killing.html Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS, microwave syndrome) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32289567/ 4 US diplomats struck by Havana syndrome in Geneva and Paris: report https://nypost.com/2022/01/13/us-diplomats-struck-by-havana-syndrome-in-geneva-paris-report/ Radiogenetics’ seeks to remotely control Contaminated Magnetic Jabberwalkie GRAPHENE Flipping a Switch Inside the Head https://seek.rockefeller.edu/flipping-a-switch-inside-the-head/ ‘Radiogenetics’ seeks to remotely control cells and genes https://www.rockefeller.edu/news/9091-radiogenetics-seeks-to-remotely-control-cells-and-genes/ THE US MILITARY’S NEW “CONNECT EVERYTHING TO https://gizadeathstar.com/2017/10/us-militarys-new-connect-everything-everything-philosophy/ The Future the US Military is Constructing: a Giant, Armed Nervous System https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2017/09/future-us-military-constructing-giant-armed-nervous-system/141303/ Weaponizing 5G and Nanotechnology: How Do We Protect Ourselves? https://prepareforchange.net/2019/06/03/weaponizing-5g-and-nanotechnology-how-do-we-protect-ourselves/ THE INTERNET OF THINGS (IoT) https://www.wlpga.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/WLPGA-Iot_REPORT-1.pdf History of EMF, Microwave Radiation and 5G https://stop5g.cz/us/history-of-emf-microwave-radiation-and-5g/ Section 346 of Public Law 105-66 (Attachment A) https://www.navcen.uscg.gov/pdf/ndgps/ndgpsESC/backgroundDocuments/NDGPS%20MOA%20%20Feb%2099.pdf GWEN Towers, HAARP & Satellite GPS_EMF Control Grid https://www.transformation.dk/www.raven1.net/mcf/gwen-haarp-satellite-gps-emf-control-grid.htm NATIONWIDE DIFFERENTIAL GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEMSERVICE https://www.navcen.uscg.gov/pdf/ndgps/Appendix%20A.pdf Age of Ethics and Consciousness_ GWEN, ELF, HAARP and Satellite Control Grid https://jahrun.blogspot.com/2010/04/gwen-towers-haarp-satellite-gpsemf.html The Ground-Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) System https://educate-yourself.org/dc/gwentowersbybyronweeks.shtml HAARP, Chemtrails, Tsunamis-Hurricanes-Tornados-Earthquakes-Et-Al-Et-Cetera http://theartof12.blogspot.com/2013/11/haarp-chemtrails-tsunamis-hurricanes.html Mind control towers, ELF waves & thier effects on DNAEver Seen a Mind Control Tower? Bet You Have http://islandrepublicofdan.blogspot.com/2013/10/mind-control-towers-elf-waves-thier.html Firefighters Living Next To 5G Tower End Up With Brain Abnormalities After Being Exposed To Electromagnetic Radiation https://jasperandsardine.wordpress.com/2018/08/01/firefighters-living-next-to-5g-tower-end-up-with-brain-abnormalities-after-being-exposed-to-electromagnetic-radiation/ 5G Network The Same Frequency As Governmental ‘Crowd-Control’ Microwave Weapons https://jasperandsardine.wordpress.com/2018/10/13/5g-network-the-same-frequency-as-governmental-crowd-control-microwave-weapons/ THE SLOW KILL AGENDA – Cell Towers Are Silent Killers – The Irrefutable Proof! https://truth.prabhupada.org.uk/the-slow-kill-agenda-radiation-from-cell-towers-is-extremely-dangerous WiFi – The Invisible Killing Fields http://emfrefugee.blogspot.com/2015/03/wifi-invisible-killing-fields.html 2018-05-21 NEWSWEEK ARTICLE RE. MICROWAVE RADIATION HARMING NATURE https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-05-21-newsweek-article-re-microwave-radiation-harming-nature/ Meet THOR, The Ultimate Drone-Killing Microwave Weapon https://www.everythingrf.com/News/details/8513-Meet-THOR-The-Ultimate-Drone-Killing-Microwave-Weapon WIFI – THE INVISIBLE KILLING FIELDS https://www.wakingtimes.com/wifi-invisible-killing-fields/ “There are no safe levels of radiation.” –Barrie Trower, Physicist and former Military expert on Microwave Radiation The mass rollout of Wifi over the past decade has been phenomenal as to how integrated it has become in all facets of our society and our personal lives. Yet few have asked the most important of all questions, ‘Is it Safe?’ At what levels does ever increasing Wifi become dangerous to human health? Can it, or, is it affecting our electronic bodies, our well being and our abilities to think? And to what degree, if any, do invisible radio and microwave frequencies begin to affect our own DNA structures? Over the past few years, and secretly for decades, scientific and medical evidence has shown conclusively that the low frequency pulsed radio and microwave frequencies are causing significant damage to our cells resulting in extreme increases in autism, heart irregularities, brain wave changes, cancer and generational fertility destruction in males but even more significantly in females. The most prominent changes due to WiFi radiation though is with our children and teenagers due to their developing immune systems and thinner skeletal structures: “As stated by University Researchers, Government Scientists and International Scientific Advisors; a minimum of 57.7% of schoolgirls exposed to low-level microwave radiation (Wi-fi) are at risk of suffering stillbirth, fetal abnormalities or genetically damaged children, when they give birth. Any genetic damage may pass to successive generations.” NEW Barrie Trower WiFi Report - Humanity At The Brink https://rense.com/general96/trower.html This conflict of interest is happening all over the world; however, some governments have been taking a more active role in protecting citizens and the environment. Not the U.S., though, and it’s only getting worse with the insane “Race for 5G.” Current rules, safety limits and guidelines for microwave RF radiation exposure were adopted in 1996 and don’t apply to how most people use or are exposed to devices and infrastructure today. They also don’t apply to how current technology and products are manufactured and marketed. There is still no “safe” level of exposure that has been scientifically determined for children or pregnant women even though devices are marketed to everyone – including kids – to use in ways that aren’t safe. US AUTISM RATES AMONGST SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN RISE TO 1 IN 50 http://www.wakingtimes.com/us-autism-rates-amongst-school-age-children-rise-to-1-in-50/ Health experts continue to warn that kids are more vulnerable to exposure. In fact, no biological entities seem to be immune. Still the promotion of 5G and other microwave RF radiation emitting devices and the forced installation of RF emitting infrastructure (towers, etc.) only increases like it’s magically innocuous and beneficial to all of us. Alzheimer’s The Number One Killer: Prevention and Reversal of Cognitive Decline Paperback – May 14, 2018 https://www.emfacts.com/2018/05/alzheimers-the-number-one-killer-prevention-and-reversal-of-cognitive-decline-paperback-may-14-2018/ ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY POLLUTION http://www.wakingtimes.com/electromagnetic-energy-pollution/ HOW DNA IS REPROGRAMMED BY WORDS AND FREQUENCIES http://www.wakingtimes.com/how-dna-is-reprogrammed-by-words-and-frequencies/ Radiation From Cellphones, Wi-Fi Is Hurting the Birds and the Bees; 5G May Make It Worse https://www.newsweek.com/migratory-birds-bee-navigation-5g-technology-electromagnetic-radiation-934830 The scientists who compiled the BioInitiative Report 2012 (www.bioinitiative.org) summarized in their findings that biological effects from exposure to wireless (microwave radiation) start at about 3.4 to 6 microwatts per square meter average power density (as can be seen on the right side of the meter in the video). Building Biologists suggest that peak signal strength (as seen on the left side of the meter) is 30 to 40 times more detrimental to one’s health than the average power density measurements. For Parents to Know “12. These symptoms can include headaches, dizziness, nausea, pressure in the head, feeling faint, chest pressure, difficulty concentrating, irritability, weakness, fatigue, an irregular heart beat, etc. 13. Children are beginning to show signs of dementia, where they cannot remember basic things, a phenomenon being called “Digital Dementia” 14. RF increases endorphins and is addicting. Children do not have the understanding and discipline to pull away, and parents need to regulate use of any RF-emitting technologies 15. Exposure guidelines are based on average exposures yet the body responds to peaks, not to averages. In schools with WiFi, children can be exposed to peak pulsing way above the safety guidelines recommended by independent scientists for a significant portion of the day, with the worst symptoms many times happening during those peak times 16. Schools use industrial grade WiFi that is significantly more powerful than home WiFi, and designed to go through cement walls, brick and to travel into outside areas of the school. Newer systems use potentially more dangerous directional radiation patterns in addition to the higher power. 17. RF in a school bus, car or train exacerbates the RF exposures due to the radiation reflecting off the metal vehicle. 18. Children with metal braces are especially prone to symptoms from RF…” https://www.momsacrossamerica.com/for_parents_to_know How Do You Make Your School Safe From EMFs? 1.“Hard-wired cable or fiber optic communications networks, replacing over-the-air WiFi transmissions. 2. Workstations with Ethernet connections available throughout the school for laptop internet access. 3. Students and school personnel taught to disable WiFi functionality on laptops and personal devices. 4. ‘No Cell Phone’ policy on campus. 5. Personal hotspot devices not permitted. 6. Wireless ‘smart boards’ removed. 7. Hard-wired computer peripherals, such as mice, keyboards, etc. 8. Hard-wired printers, with WiFi function disabled…” https://www.momsacrossamerica.com/efm_clean_conscious_school Compositions and methods to modulate cell activity patent WO2016049031A1 https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/d6/40/c7/480dc356392df2/WO2016049031A1.pdf Ferritin nanoparticle compositions and methods to modulate cell activity patent US10786570B2 https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/95/95/38/5ee082f4c72d09/US10786570.pdf Ferritin nanoparticle compositions and methods to modulate cell activity https://patents.justia.com/patent/10786570 Genetically engineered 'Magneto' Science protein remotely https://www.vaxxchoice.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Magneto-Proteins-remote-control-brain.pdf 5G APOCALYPSE - THE EXTINCTION EVENT https://rumble.com/v298x94-5g-apocalypse-the-extinction-event.html CNN REPORT in 1985 Admitting EMF's + 60ghz 5G IS A WEAPON! https://rumble.com/vtkcu5-cnn-report-in-1985-admitting-emfs-60ghz-5g-is-a-weapon.html FORMER VODAFONE BOSS BLOWS WHISTLE ON 5G CORONAVxRUS CONNECTION https://rumble.com/vtr6db-former-vodafone-boss-blows-whistle-on-5g-coronavxrus-connection.html 5g and Vaxxines Being Used For Mass Murder - Dr. Ricardo Delgado https://rumble.com/vubf4l-5g-and-vaxxines-being-used-for-mass-murder-dr.-ricardo-delgado.html 5G Vaxxine Wuhan 5G and the Cor-ona Vxrus https://rumble.com/vorhz5-5g-vaxxine-wuhan-5g-and-the-cor-ona-vxrus.html IN WUHAN THEY ROLLED OUT 5G AND SAID PEOPLE WERE DYING OF A VxRUS https://rumble.com/vt6ww9-in-wuhan-they-rolled-out-5g-and-said-people-were-dying-of-a-vxrus.html US PATENT 3773049: Apparatus For The Treatment Of Neuropsychic And Somatic Diseases With Heat, Light, Sound And Vhf Electromagnetic Radiation https://www.transformation.dk/www.raven1.net/mcf/lidamachine-nessie.htm WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION WMP REPORT No. 28 https://library.wmo.int/doc_num.php?explnum_id=9683 WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATIONPROGRAMME ON PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OFCLOUDS AND WEATHER MODIFICATION RESEARCHWMP REPORT NO. 23 https://library.wmo.int/doc_num.php?explnum_id=9631 Operational Defenses through Weather Control in 2030 https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA539515.pdf Weather Modification the Ultimate Weapon http://www.chemtrailplanet.com/PDF/WeatherModificationtheUltimateWeapon.pdf The Artificial Clouds in the Earth's Atmosphere DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCENATIONAL AIR & SPACE INTELLIGENCE CENTER https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/weather/artificialclouds.pdf Geoengineering Projects World Map http://sonmi.weebly.com/uploads/2/4/7/4/24749526/geoengineering_projects_world_map.pdf Section 346 of Public Law 105-66 (Attachment A) https://www.navcen.uscg.gov/pdf/ndgps/ndgpsESC/backgroundDocuments/NDGPS%20MOA%20%20Feb%2099.pdf GWEN Towers, HAARP & Satellite GPS_EMF Control Grid https://www.transformation.dk/www.raven1.net/mcf/gwen-haarp-satellite-gps-emf-control-grid.htm NATIONWIDE DIFFERENTIAL GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEMSERVICE https://www.navcen.uscg.gov/pdf/ndgps/Appendix%20A.pdf Age of Ethics and Consciousness_ GWEN, ELF, HAARP and Satellite Control Grid https://jahrun.blogspot.com/2010/04/gwen-towers-haarp-satellite-gpsemf.html The Ground-Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) System https://educate-yourself.org/dc/gwentowersbybyronweeks.shtml HAARP, Chemtrails, Tsunamis-Hurricanes-Tornados-Earthquakes-Et-Al-Et-Cetera http://theartof12.blogspot.com/2013/11/haarp-chemtrails-tsunamis-hurricanes.html Mind control towers, ELF waves & thier effects on DNAEver Seen a Mind Control Tower? Bet You Have http://islandrepublicofdan.blogspot.com/2013/10/mind-control-towers-elf-waves-thier.html Firefighters Living Next To 5G Tower End Up With Brain Abnormalities After Being Exposed To Electromagnetic Radiation https://jasperandsardine.wordpress.com/2018/08/01/firefighters-living-next-to-5g-tower-end-up-with-brain-abnormalities-after-being-exposed-to-electromagnetic-radiation/ 5G Network The Same Frequency As Governmental ‘Crowd-Control’ Microwave Weapons https://jasperandsardine.wordpress.com/2018/10/13/5g-network-the-same-frequency-as-governmental-crowd-control-microwave-weapons/ Total Population Control Agenda https://www.sacredintuitiveelements.com/1309/total-population-control/ Gwen Towers: What Are They Being Used For? https://jasperandsardine.wordpress.com/2018/10/24/gwen-towers-what-are-they-being-used-for/ Brain Jabbed PART 1 OF 3 Richard D Hall https://rumble.com/v24m5xs-brain-jabbed-part-1-of-3.html Brain Jabbed PART 2 OF 3 Richard D Hall https://rumble.com/account/content?type=all&q=brain#:~:text=Brain%20Jabbed%20PART%202%20OF%203%20Richard%20D%20Hall Brain Jabbed PART 3 OF 3 Richard D Hall https://rumble.com/v24mci6-brain-jabbed-part-3-of-3-richard-d-hall.html NATO's Cognitive Warfare To Control Your Brain, Thoughts, & Behavior - Operational https://rumble.com/vnsztv-natos-cognitive-warfare-to-control-your-brain-thoughts-and-behavior-operati.html Dr. James Giordano The Brain is the New Battlefield https://rumble.com/vm6178-dr.-james-giordano-the-brain-is-the-new-battlefield.html The Global Brain Hive Mind Artificial Intelligence Control Grid https://rumble.com/vp694h-the-global-brain-hive-mind-artificial-intelligence-control-grid.html Edmond man says cheap drug for dogs cured his cancer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYILnjc_wuY&pp=ygUqVklERU8gUFJPT0ZfIENBTkNFUiBJUyBDQVVTRUQgQlkgUEFSQVNJVEVT original link found on Lyra Nara Inc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70yyHUzq-sU95.5K views 77 comments -
Dr. William Makis: Using Ivermectin To Heal Cancer, Including COVID-Vaccine-Induced Turbo Cancer
Sunfellow On COVID-19Dr. William Makis: Using High-Dose Ivermectin To Heal Cancer, Including COVID-Vaccine-Induced Turbo Cancer NEW PODCAST! "15 minutes with Dr.Makis" - Episode 018: High Dose IVERMECTIN and CANCER Everything you wanted to know about treating Cancer with Ivermectin but were afraid to ask your Oncologist! COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancers don't respond to chemotherapy! Original video: https://makismd.substack.com/p/new-podcast-15-minutes-with-drmakis-63c See also: Vaccine-Induced Cancer & Turbo Cancer https://rumble.com/playlists/dtgIqdwOPYY How To Heal COVID Vaccine Injuries https://rumble.com/playlists/RaQVQsmVSS8 Dr. William Makis on Substack: https://makismd.substack.com/ Dr. William Makis on X: https://twitter.com/MakisMD Dr. William Makis on GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/MakisMD Dr. William Makis videos on this Rumble channel: https://rumble.com/playlists/Nmx0xHf1JJE96.8K views 131 comments