2018 Videos
6 videos
Updated 9 months ago
Here you can watch our content from 2018 working for and on behalf of UG:Media Global Digital Broadcasting (UG:Media).
Website: theug.media
Temple Black album launch Thursday 23rd February 2018
adamofcoventryproductionukOn Thursday 23rd February 2018 UG:Media got exclusive backstage access to Temple Blacks Album Launch at the Arches Venue Coventry and had an exclusive interview with the band members and what was coming up for the coming year. Links Facebook / templeblack5 Website http://templeblack.com YouTube / @templeblack5519 Soundcloud / temple-b Further Info E-Mail templeblack@zoho.com19 views -
Slack Alice Interview 01 04 2018 Evil Easter Arches Venue Coventry
adamofcoventryproductionukOn April 1st 2018 UG:Media was invited to attend Coventrys Evil Easter Gig an all day music event at The Arches Venue Coventry and to interview all of the bands that played during the day. The Second band was interviewed by Adam15 views -
Metal To The Masses Coventry (MTM) at the Arches Venue Heat 2
adamofcoventryproductionukIn 2018 UG:Media attended heat 2 of Metal to the Masses Coventry the road to Bloodstock and our Very own Martin Jones interviewed the Following bands. Kirikai / kirikaicov Pelugion / pelugion VengeFul Attonement / vengefulatonement Opus Mortis / opusmortisuk Arches Venue Coventry / arches-venue-10762178072910319 views -
Deltorers Evil Easter Gig 01-04-2018
adamofcoventryproductionukOn April 1st 2018 UG:Media was invited to attend Coventrys Evil Easter Gig an all day music event at The Arches Venue Coventry and to interview all of the bands that played during the day. The first band that Mad Martin interviewed was Deltorers for more info go to the following links below: Lnks Facebook: / deltorers Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/7GqZAp... Twitter: / thedeltorers Booking and Press Press contact deltorers@gmail.com Booking agent deltorers@gmail.com7 views -
These Wicked Rivers interview Evil Easter Gig
adamofcoventryproductionukOn April 1st 2018 UG:Media was invited to attend Coventrys Evil Easter Gig an all day music event at The Arches Venue Coventry and to interview all of the bands that played during the day. The Third band that Mad Martin interviewed Links Facebook / thesewickedrivers Website http://www.thesewickedrivers.com7 views -
Superhooch interview Evil Easter Gig
adamofcoventryproductionukOn April 1st 2018 UG:Media was invited to attend Coventrys Evil Easter Gig an all day music event at The Arches Venue Coventry and to interview all of the bands that played during the day. The Forth band that Mad Martin interviewed Links Facebook / superhooch Website http://www.superhooch.co.uk E-Mail and Press superhooch@outlook.com11 views