Why does the shape of the earth matter? is not about shape.. ITS ABOUT THE LIE..
NAZIworldORDER - NWO - SECRET SOCIETIES, ILLUMINATI, GREAT RESETWhat difference does it make to my life? The crucial point of these questions is not the shape.. it is the lie... Telegram@flatearthdome ✨ - THE LOST HISTORY OF FLAT EARTH --->>> https://rumble.com/v4heqs0-the-lost-history-of-flat-earth.html - - THE TORUS FIELD - Our and Mother GAIA'S Electromagnetic Field --->>> https://rumble.com/v4tljkn-the-torus-field-our-and-mother-gaias-electromagnetic-field.html - Also WATCH AND CONNECT THE DOTS >> - 1800 - 1900's NEWSPAPERS FLAT EARTH ARTICLES -->> https://rumble.com/v200wg4--1800-1900s-newspapers-flat-earth-articles-.html - TARTARIA - THE HIDDEN / STOLEN HISTORY -->> https://rumble.com/v1mujdf-tartaria-the-hidden-stolen-history.html - RESTORING HISTORY ''THE RECENT OLD WORLD'' - TARTARIA - HISTORY IS ONE BIG FAT LIE -->> https://rumble.com/v1mqvwa--restoring-history-the-recent-old-world-tartaria-history-is-one-big-fat-lie.html - Mud floods, tartaria, lost history #GodWins -->> https://rumble.com/v1m21l2-mud-floodstartaria-lost-history-godwins.html - WHEN BUILDINGS CRIED -PART 1: EVIDENCE THAT THE BUILDINGS HAVE MELTED -->> https://rumble.com/v1kkoyd-when-buildings-cried-part-1-they-have-hidden-the-truth.html - WHEN BUILDINGS CRIED -PART 2: EVIDENCE THAT THE BUILDINGS HAVE MELTED -->> https://rumble.com/v1kkqwd-when-buildings-cried-part-2.html - WHEN BUILDINGS CRIED -PART 3: EVIDENCE THAT THE BUILDINGS HAVE MELTED -->> https://rumble.com/v1kksgr-when-buildings-cried-part-3.html - WHEN BUILDINGS CRIED -PART 4: EVIDENCE THAT THE BUILDINGS HAVE MELTED -->> https://rumble.com/v1kkugz-when-buildings-cried-part-4-evidence-that-they-have-melted.html -------- TARTARIA & FREE ENERGY - THE HIDDEN, BECAUSE STOLEN, HISTORY -->> https://rumble.com/v1l9ii3-tartaria-and-free-energy-the-hidden-because-stolen-history.html - CONNECT THE DOTS and also WATCH: - CYMATIC TARTARIA -->> https://rumble.com/v1la4mh--cymatic-tartaria.html - 3,6,9 - TESLA FOUND THE KEY TO THE UNIVERSE -->> https://rumble.com/v1izm9l-369-tesla-found-the-key-to-the-universe.html ----- STOLEN HISTORY PART 1 Lifting the Veil of Deception -->> https://rumble.com/v1khryd-stolenhistory-13-lifting-the-veil-of-deception.html - PART 2 THE DESTRUCTION of the WORLD -->> https://rumble.com/v1ki19h-stolenhistory-23-the-destruction-of-the-old-world.html - PART 3 The Mystery of The World's Fairs -->> https://rumble.com/v1ki3mh-stolenhistory-33-the-mystery-of-the-worlds-fairs.html - The City of Agartha -->> https://rumble.com/v1kiqs3-the-agartha-network.html3.94K views 22 comments