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Dr. Melissa Sell: Your Health. Your Story. [Ep 99]

12 videos
Updated 7 months ago
We understand in basic terms how the brain influences our entire physiology, but it could also be a mediator between health and disease, with different emotions tipping us one way or the other. German New Medicine is a fascinating medical paradigm founded on the principle that unresolved and unanticipated traumatic conflicts are the root causes of disease. Today we're joined by a doctor and GNM practitioner who's going to talk us through the guiding principles of this paradigm and reveal how illnesses are impacted by our experiences. This is the Story of German New Medicine with Dr. Melissa Sell.
  1. The Story of German New Medicine with Dr. Melissa Sell
  2. A Brief Overview of German New Medicine
  3. The Five Biological Laws of German New Medicine
  4. The Third Biological Law of German New Medicine
  5. Does All Cancer Have a Deep-Rooted Emotional Cause?
  6. The Fourth Biological Law of German New Medicine
  7. The Fifth Biological Law of German New Medicine
  8. Nature is Healing: Why Disconnection from Nature Makes Us Sick
  9. Germanic Healing Knowledge
  10. Treating Patients with German New Medicine