Liz Gunn: The Mother Of All Revelations (Tens Of Thousands Of NZ Deaths Are Linked To COVID-19 Jabs)
Sunfellow On COVID-19NZ Loyal's Liz Gunn follows up on her pre-election M.O.A.R (Mother Of All Revelations) announcement. After viewing this video, many kiwis will be wondering how this was allowed to happen, were their relatives' victims?, and why it hasn't stopped immediately? OIA Documents: - https://docdro.id/htV2dnZ - https://docdro.id/hDgvjvo Original Rumble Video: https://rumble.com/v3qp8bu-m.o.a.r-update.html NZ Loyal Website: https://nzloyal.org.nz/ Learn more: NZ Politician Calls for Full-Blown Criminal Investigation into COVID Vaccine Deaths https://vigilantfox.substack.com/p/nz-politician-calls-for-full-blown .......................... New Zealand Documentary: Memorial Day (From #SilentNoMoreNZ) https://rumble.com/v21j00a-new-zealand-documentary-memorial-day-from-silentnomore-nz.html .......................... Collection Of Peer Reviewed Case Reports & Studies Citing Adverse Effects Post Covid Vaccination https://react19.org/science Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/covid-19-vaccine-pharmacovigilance-report/ More Than 1,000 Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries https://community.covidvaccineinjuries.com/compilation-peer-reviewed-medical-papers-of-covid-vaccine-injuries/ COVID-19 Vaccination Stories, Side Effects & Healing https://sunfellow.com/covid-19-vaccination-stories-side-effects-healing/ COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Tracking System (VAERS) https://sunfellow.com/covid-19-vaers/ COVID-19 Vaccine Bad Batches Reference Page https://sunfellow.com/100-of-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-were-caused-by-just-5-of-the-batches/ Increasing Death Rates, Plummeting Birth Rates, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) https://sunfellow.com/increasing-death-rates-plummeting-birth-rates-sudden-adult-death-syndrome-sads/ COVID-19 & Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) https://sunfellow.com/covid-19-antibody-dependent-enhancement-ade/ Covid-19 – Vaccine-Induced T Cell Suppression, Virus Activation, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s https://sunfellow.com/bhakdi-burkhardt-cole-hoffe/ Vaccine-Induced "Turbo Cancer" https://rumble.com/search/all?q=sunfellow%20-%20turbo%20cancer COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions, Miscarriages, Infertility, Shedding, DNA Contamination https://sunfellow.com/covid-19-menstrual-breast-milk-disruptions-miscarriages-infertility-transmission-shedding/ COVID-19 Psychosis https://www.sunfellow.com/covid-19-psychosis/ COVID-19 - Mystery Clots In Vaccinated Deceased People https://sunfellow.com/covid19-blood-clots-in-vaccinated-dead-people/ Has Our Blood Supply Been Contaminated By Vaccinated, Genetically-Modified Blood? https://www.sunfellow.com/has-our-blood-supply-been-contaminated-by-vaccinated-genetically-modified-blood/ COVID-19 Magnetism, Graphene Oxide, UV Fluorescence https://sunfellow.com/covid-19-magnetism-graphene-oxide-uv-fluorescence/ Censored, Sidelined And Villainized Doctors, Nurses, Health Care Workers Describe Their COVID-19 Experiences https://sunfellow.com/censored-health-care-workers-describe-their-covid-experiences/ COVID-19 Healing Resources https://sunfellow.com/covid-19-healing-resources/27K views 33 comments -
Exposed: Australian Political Crime Family Responsble For COVID
Alice Springs To MindConflict Of Interest - Covid In Australia ========================== (All credits belong to the content creator of this video - Dorothy Joyner) "Why are Australia's governments desperate to enforce experimental inoculations on citizens? A web of interconnections, relationships, family ties, government grants, plus funding from sponsors, DNA harvesting, security risks, foreign powers and criminal corporations with billions to spend should cause Australians to ask. Who is paying whom? This video updates the earlier video on 14th November 2021 to add information and remedy possible misunderstanding. It includes some more information learned in the last week which pose more questions. It also rectifies a perceived ambiguity. Following production of this video we noted a website page published by a separate group showing considerable potential conflict of interest, that we had not investigated. Therefore, we added their page at the end of our content at 17min 12sec. We explain this on the video but some viewers incorrectly assumed the publishers of that web page provided or approved of the content which is a product of our research. This is wrong as that group did not know we exist. The updated video shows links to numerous sites in Australia that may have bearing on the topic of Conflict of Interest, or act to assist Australian citizens seeking answers to various challenges posed by the current situation in Australia. We again state that reference to published links are provided only to assist the viewer to gain more information on the subject. None of the publishers of those links have any input or knowledge relating to our research and production team. None approached us for assistance and none were approached by us. We thank viewers for your encouragement and constructive criticism. Time and resource constraints mean we now do ask assistance to produce a video that looks closely at evidence of financial incentives offered to institutions and individuals such as hospitals and physicians, for attributing patients’ illness, cause of death, hospitalization etc to ‘Covid’. Any reports of coercion, threats and bullying of medical professionals to promote mRNA inoculation and/or reject alternative options by any authority, association, or medical board is also requested. Such claims need corroboration or reference to a recording of the event/s. The purpose of the new project is to provide facts so adults responsible for children can be better informed to provide or deny consent to have the children in their care injected with an experimental mRNA inoculation. Thank you. Dorothy Joyner." TEXT and VIDEO SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v3ugojy-australian-political-crime-family-responsbile-for-covid-exposed.html1.16K views 8 comments -
Medical Boards, Medical Journals and the Mercantile Interests of Big Pharma
NZDSOSRobert F Kennedy Jr vows to change the way things are done at NIH, including an investigation of the collusion between medical boards and the pharmaceutical industry, who delicense doctors who try to heal patients; and of the medical journals who revoke studies, and refuse to publish studies, that challenge the mercantile interests of pharmaceutical companies. The effects of these changes should reach the shores of New Zealand where the Medical Council are clearly in collusion with those same mercantile interests. Learn more at our articles, for example: https://nzdsos.com/2024/04/05/joan-simeon-world-health-organization-mou/ https://nzdsos.com/2025/01/14/medical-freedom-on-trial-nzdsos-court-case-verdict/ https://nzdsos.com/2023/06/23/dr-bruce-dooley-unmasking-hidden-power-fsmb/ This video was recorded from https://x.com/emma6USA/status/1890438996251062476258 views 2 comments -
JamesRoguskihttps://DebbieLerman.substack.com https://SashaLatypova.substack.com https://JamesRoguski.substack.com 310-619-30554.67K views 23 comments -
RFK Jr says 150,000 Reports "Disappeared" from VAERS
welcometheeagleReplay from RFKjr's visit to Calvary Church in San Jose on June 19, 2021. Please notice in his context of "disappeared" Bobbie means that reports vanished before they were ever formally published. The world would be all over "deleted" reports that were published then subsequently deleted. So I wonder how many more reports have "disappeared" over the last 18 months since Bobbie made this statement? https://www.vaersaware.com/dashboards Support The Eagle! Venmo: @Albert-Benavides-1 PayPal: BENAVIDEZ18 CashApp: $AlbertBenavides Contact me at ProtonMail: Welcometheeagle88@protonmail.com https://www.vaersaware.com/ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/welcometheeagle88/ https://rumble.com/user/welcometheeagle https://odysee.com/@Welcometheeagle88 Tweeter: @welcometheeagle GETTR: @welcometheeagle3.69K views 4 comments -
Pfizer Caught Red Handed: The Pfizer Papers | Dr Chris Flowers
Alice Springs To MindDr Chris Flowers leads a team of volunteers analysing the Pfizer and Moderna clinical trial documents released by court order, via Daily Clout. Read their reports here: https://dailyclout.io/pfizer-and-moderna-reports/ Dr Flowers is Associate Professor of Radiology (retired), University of South Florida. Previously, Associate Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of California, San Francisco. Retired academic cancer radiologist, author, and scientific paper reviewer for multiple radiology journals.111 views -
JamesRoguskihttps://NotSafeAndNotEffective.com 310-619-30551.01K views 9 comments -
Liz Gunn: The Mother Of All [COVID-19 Vaccine] Revelations (Data Revealed In This Video)
Sunfellow On COVID-19FreeNZ Media writes: "Our work in releasing M.O.A.R. to data specialists and analysts and to the public throughout the world is dedicated to all the Kiwis who have lost their lives unnecessarily and prematurely due to a coerced jab that is now proven to be toxic." The crucial data On New Zealand's excess deaths from the Covid jabs: https://nzloyal.org.nz https://freenz.substack.com Original Rumble Video: https://rumble.com/v3ynskd-operation-m.o.a.r-mother-of-all-revelations.html See also: The New Zealand M.O.A.R. Covid-19 Vaccine Data Set https://www.sunfellow.com/the-new-zealand-moar-covid-19-vaccine-data-set/ Previous M.O.A.R.-related videos: New Zealand Police Are Raiding Home Of Whistleblower Who Leaked Covid-19 Vaccine Mortality Data! https://rumble.com/v3zbspk-new-zealand-police-are-raiding-home-of-whistleblower-who-leaked-covid-19-va.html Jimmy Dore Interviews Steve Kirsch About New Zealand Whistleblower & The Damning NZ Vaccine Data https://rumble.com/v3zdbuj-jimmy-dore-interviews-steve-kirsch-about-new-zealand-whistleblower-and-the-.html Must Watch! Steve Kirsch Presents Record-Level COVID-19 Vaccine Data From 3 Countries https://rumble.com/v3yzeoh-must-watch-steve-kirsch-presents-record-level-covid-19-vaccine-data-from-3-.html Liz Gunn: The Mother Of All [COVID-19 Vaccine] Revelations (Data Revealed In This Video) https://rumble.com/v3yqgsf-liz-gunn-the-mother-of-all-covid-19-vaccine-revelations-data-revealed-in-th.html Liz Gunn Update: "I saw potentially 400 deaths linked to one vaccinator. This is horrific stuff!" https://rumble.com/v3s48jl-liz-gunn-update-i-saw-potentially-400-deaths-linked-to-one-vaccinator.-this.html Liz Gunn: The Mother Of All Revelations (Tens Of Thousands Of NZ Deaths Are Linked To COVID-19 Jabs) https://rumble.com/v3r2usr-liz-gunn-the-mother-of-all-revelations-tens-of-thousands-of-nz-deaths-are-l.html .......................... NZ’s COVID Vaccine Massacre Exposed The NZ Government’s Complicity In Mass Murder By Kiwi4Justice November 30, 2023 https://freenz.substack.com/p/nzs-covid-vaccine-massacre-exposed Mass murder. A massacre. It is the only description that is worthy of the bombshell evidence from a NZ government whistleblower in Liz Gunn’s M.O.A.R (Mother Of All Revelations). It is a tragedy of unthinkable magnitude. The evidence that has now come forward from this whistleblower, and others, shows us that the NZ government’s roll out of the COVID vaccine was not just a crime, it was a massacre. The evidence and implications are inescapable and difficult to comprehend. But what is even more disturbing is that this was no accident. It was, and continues to be, willful mass murder. The scale of the death and injury for the people of NZ from the COVID-19 vaccine that has now been proven beyond any doubt is challenging to think about. It is devastating confirmation of what so many people in NZ and around the world have been shouting from the rooftops for so long, but who have been ignored and ridiculed by the mainstream media and the government. It is a sad and sorry vindication for those 18,000 Kiwis who set up camp in their tents and cars in front of Parliament in February 2022, who were ignored, demonized, and labelled a ‘river of filth’ by those who are culpable for this terrible crime. When Liz Gunn forwarded me her interview with the whistleblower and his evidence in advance of the M.O.A.R drop to get an ‘emotional reality check’ on what was coming, I thought I was ready for it. But as a patriotic Kiwi who loves his country it was difficult to mentally and emotionally process what Liz and the whistleblower were showing me. To put the scale of this massacre in some sort of perspective, the number of COVID-19 vaccine deaths in NZ now shown by this evidence is thirteen times the number of NZ deaths at Gallipoli. Gallipoli x 13. From the time the vaccine was rolled out in NZ it has been the equivalent of the Christchurch massacre nearly every single day since. Expert statisticians here in NZ and abroad have studied the data and concluded that the probability of these deaths not being from the COVID-19 vaccine are 100 billion to one. In just one particular vaccination centre in Invercargill, 51 people were vaccinated within the space of just two hours. All 51 are now dead. Out of the 837 people who were vaccinated at another vaccination centre, 253 of them are now dead. 30% of everyone who was vaccinated at that centre are now dead. At another vaccination centre, of the 923 people vaccinated there, 276 are now dead. There were numerous vaccination centres around the country that had mortality rates at this sort of level of 30%. This is compared to the normal average mortality rate of just 0.75%, which is what we should be seeing. The data also shows how many fatalities were linked to each individual vaccinator. One vaccinator had a mortality rate of 25%. One in four people that got the vaccine from that vaccinator is now dead. Other vaccinators were similar. Their vaccine batches were literally death batches. These numbers are simply off the scale and impossible to interpret any other way than a vaccine massacre. Then there is the huge bias of number of deaths in the South Island versus the North Island. Of the top 20 most deadly vaccination centres in the country, 10 out of those 20 were in Christchurch alone, and two of them (10% of the national total) were in tiny little Gore. Meanwhile only 2 out of 20 were in Auckland where one third of the total population is. This should be statistically impossible by population unless specific vaccine batches were a whole lot more deadly than other batches. This is exactly what the data shows. The data shows a very clear picture of certain vaccine batches being ‘death batches’, with other batches much less so. This should not happen unless something very strange and very abnormal is occurring with this vaccine. It requires extremely serious investigation. The whistleblower has unique access to the data in question. He designed and built the database for the NZ government, specifically for the COVID-19 vaccine. It is official government data and it includes extremely detailed COVID-19 vaccine data for 2.2 million Kiwis. The whistleblower watched in horror over a two-year period as the death data escalated in front of his eyes, until he felt he had to step forward to expose it. For that, NZ must wholeheartedly applaud and thank him for his courage and morality. It is no small thing that he has done coming forward like this. Sadly, being a whistleblower is a very dangerous thing to do in today’s world of Deep State corruption and criminality. But what the whistleblower was looking at in front of him on a daily basis was not just faceless numbers and statistics. He was looking at enormous lists of names in certain places and certain times. Names of people who are not here anymore. Names of real people with real families. Human lives, not numbers. It was too much. He says there are just two words for why he had to come forward. Never Again. As horrendous as this is, the most devastating point that the people of NZ need to understand is that this enormous number of deaths were not due to a very unfortunate and unforeseen outcome of a well-intentioned government health strategy. No, these deaths were the result of willful complicity in mass murder. These are very difficult words for people to hear, but the evidence is unfortunately incontrovertible. The NZ government had full foreknowledge of what the outcome would be of the COVID-19 vaccine. They had all the information and data well in advance of their massive nationwide roll out of the COVID-19 vaccine. They had clear evidence showing them exactly what would happen if they went ahead. They knew that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine would cause huge numbers of injury and death. They were also advised by both the NZ Justice Department and NZ Medsafe that their proposed vaccine mandates could not be legally justified. They went ahead anyway. They signed their contract with Pfizer, they trumpeted the COVID-19 vaccine to the whole country as ‘safe and effective’, and then they forced it onto the population through their illegitimate, brutal mandates that deliberately split NZ society in two through medical apartheid. Through an OIA (Official Information Act) request from a doctor in NZ, there is confirmation in writing from NZ Medsafe that they had possession of the initial Pfizer safety data for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine months before the government began their nationwide roll out of the COVID-19 vaccine in mid-2021. That initial Pfizer data showed absolutely devastating outcomes in terms of numbers of serious injury and fatalities. That data was so bad that the FDA (Food and Drug Agency), who had given the official authorization for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, attempted to have it legally concealed from the public for 75 years. Yet despite having this horrific safety data, the NZ government not only told the NZ public that the COVID-19 vaccine was absolutely safe and effective, but they went ahead with the mandates and vaccine passports to effectively force the vaccine onto as many of the NZ population as possible. All done with full knowledge of what the deadly impact would be. As part of this process, the NZ government signed a contract with Pfizer for the provision and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine in NZ. We know that in the same contract that Pfizer signed with the South African government (now been made public), Pfizer clearly stated that they could not confirm the long-term safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine, and therefore they required to be legally indemnified against all liability for any injury or death from the vaccine. It is an almost certainty that exactly the same statement was in Pfizer’s contract with the NZ government, and yet the mantra of ‘safe and effective’ was pumped out day after day from the government’s ‘single source of truth’. Quite incredibly, the government’s ‘safe and effective’ message is still being vigorously pushed out across the country even now. Even with all the deadly evidence to the contrary clear for people to see. It would seem they simply don’t care. In addition to this, during the roll out of the COVID-19 vaccine, the NZ government, and associated agencies, actively prevented NZ doctors and health practitioners across the country from raising their very valid concerns about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine to their patients in order for them to be able to fulfil their Hippocratic Oath of informed consent and ‘do no harm’. Any doctors or health practitioners who attempted to raise concerns or ask questions about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine were threatened with loss of medical license and/or loss of job. In some cases, those threats were implemented. A climate of fear was deliberately created for doctors and health practitioners across NZ to prevent any push back against the mass roll out of the vaccine. This led to the formation of the organization NZDSOS (NZ Doctors Speaking Out with Science). This new evidence from the whistleblower also shows a disturbing pattern of basic medical ethics and medical processes being abandoned, with vaccine clinics pushing through patients like a McDonald’s drive through in a ‘dash for cash’. Informed consent is one of the most important aspects of the Hippocratic Oath and ‘first do no harm’. With this data showing patients being rushed through vaccine clinics at rates of sometimes 30 people per hour, where were the conversations with each patient outlining risk factors and personal medical history that could make a person more at risk from the vaccine? When these people were rolling up their sleeves were they being informed that the official Pfizer safety data had lists of adverse reaction covering 9 pages, and that there were 1,223 deaths from the initial trials? This is information that the NZ government had months before the vaccine roll out began. This is not negligence, it is criminal. As well as the evidence of tens of thousands of deaths that this new whistleblower evidence is now showing us, there is also much additional evidence of the huge scale of injury and death caused in NZ. We have confirmation through Stats NZ of an enormous increase in excess deaths beginning from the time the vaccine campaign began. We also have a huge and historically unprecedented number of serious vaccine injuries registered on the NZ Medsafe database, and we have extremely alarming evidence brought forward from multiple Funeral Directors in NZ in relation to the numbers of deaths, the causes of death, and the horrific symptoms being seen in many of those deaths. It is not only the huge number of deaths that we now know about. The massive number of serious and life changing injuries is also difficult to comprehend. As a minimum it is in the hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders. Now we can see why our hospitals, emergency services, and Funeral Directors across the country have been beyond bursting point the last two years. In February 2022, the NZ public stood up against this crime against humanity with the largest public protest in NZ history. With 18,000 people camped in their tents and cars in front of NZ Parliament, all 120 sitting MPs signed a joint agreement that no MP would engage with or speak with those protestors. Instead, the protestors were labelled by the government as a ‘river of filth’ and demonized by mainstream media. Both the NZ Bill of Rights and the 1947 Nuremberg Code make it a crime to force or coerce a medical procedure onto a person. Not only were the people of NZ forced or coerced into taking this experimental medical procedure, but the NZ government knew full well that this particular medical procedure had deadly and horrific outcomes on a very large scale. The NZ government went to great lengths to make sure the people of NZ were not able to be made aware of that known danger, and they went to even greater lengths to force as many of the NZ public as possible to take it. While at the same time they made themselves exempt from having to take it. It doesn’t seem possible that this could have happened in the country that I grew up in. This is NZ’s darkest hour. But we have to face up to it together with strength and unity, which has always been the bedrock of our country. NZ was brutally and intentionally split apart through medical apartheid and medical tyranny. NZ now must come together as Kiwis united around what we now know. We are all victims of this crime. This mass killing by the NZ government, and others, was willful. It wasn’t an unfortunate accident. ‘Two shots for summer’ was the shot that will be heard around the world. The enormity of the crime against the people of NZ cannot be overstated. It was a massacre. .......................... Increasing Death Rates, Plummeting Birth Rates, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) https://sunfellow.com/increasing-death-rates-plummeting-birth-rates-sudden-adult-death-syndrome-sads/ Denis Rancourt Sounds The All-Cause Mortality Alarm At International Crisis Summit 4 https://rumble.com/v3xoina-denis-rancourt-sounds-the-all-cause-mortality-alarm-at-international-crisis.html Collection Of Peer Reviewed Case Reports & Studies Citing Adverse Effects Post Covid Vaccination https://react19.org/science Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/covid-19-vaccine-pharmacovigilance-report/ More Than 1,000 Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries https://community.covidvaccineinjuries.com/compilation-peer-reviewed-medical-papers-of-covid-vaccine-injuries/ COVID-19 Vaccination Stories, Side Effects & Healing https://sunfellow.com/covid-19-vaccination-stories-side-effects-healing/ COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Tracking System (VAERS) https://sunfellow.com/covid-19-vaers/ COVID-19 Vaccine Bad Batches Reference Page https://sunfellow.com/100-of-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-were-caused-by-just-5-of-the-batches/ Covid-19 – Vaccine-Induced T Cell Suppression, Virus Activation, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s https://sunfellow.com/bhakdi-burkhardt-cole-hoffe/ Vaccine-Induced "Turbo Cancer" https://rumble.com/search/all?q=sunfellow%20-%20turbo%20cancer COVID-19 & Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) https://sunfellow.com/covid-19-antibody-dependent-enhancement-ade/ COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions, Miscarriages, Infertility, Shedding, DNA Contamination https://sunfellow.com/covid-19-menstrual-breast-milk-disruptions-miscarriages-infertility-transmission-shedding/ COVID-19 Psychosis https://www.sunfellow.com/covid-19-psychosis/ COVID-19 - Mystery Clots In Vaccinated Deceased People https://sunfellow.com/covid19-blood-clots-in-vaccinated-dead-people/ Has Our Blood Supply Been Contaminated By Vaccinated, Genetically-Modified Blood? https://www.sunfellow.com/has-our-blood-supply-been-contaminated-by-vaccinated-genetically-modified-blood/ COVID-19 Healing Resources https://sunfellow.com/covid-19-healing-resources/117K views 213 comments -
Medical Expert: COVID Vax Killed More Americans Than Vietnam
Tucker CarlsonUnlock all-new shows from Tucker and his team: https://bit.ly/3RCq6cc Tucker Carlson and Pierre Kory discuss the COVID vaccine. Follow Tucker on X: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson Text “TUCKER” to 44055 for exclusive updates. #TuckerCarlson #ChrisCuomo #Debate #DonaldTrump #feminism #CNN #JoeBiden #censorship #news #politics #januarysixth #AshliBabbitt #abortion #BLM #riots612K views 1.55K comments -
Tucker Carlson NewsHow many people died from the COVID shot? Do vaccines actually cause autism? Steve Kirsch has looked at the data. TIMESTAMP HEADLINE 00:02:57 What did the Covid vaccine do to America? 00:08:54 The most dangerous vax of all time? 00:22:55 Death toll 00:25:26 Are there connections between vaccines and autism? 00:36:35 How vax research has changed Steve's personal life This is an Unofficial Tucker Carlson channel. His official channel on Rumble is https://rumble.com/c/TuckerCarlson or his website: https://www.tuckercarlson.com Please follow our other channels: The Perimeter: https://rumble.com/v4e6g9f-adrian-dittmann-reveals-resisting-elon-is-futile.html Perimeter News Network: https://rumble.com/c/c-5673312 The Dystopia Daily: https://rumble.com/c/c-5860134 Website: https://www.newsfromtheperimeter.com/32.4K views 59 comments