Making Sense of Latest Trump Shooting Conspiracy Theories | Michael Shermer
The Rubin ReportDave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Michael Shermer about conspiracy theories; the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump; the impact of DEI initiatives on STEM fields and the rise of "woke" culture; the dangers of the polarization of society and the potential impact on the republic; why a liberal like himself now hopes for a landslide victory for Trump in the upcoming election; the challenges faced by the skeptic community in the face of rising "woke" ideologies; and much more. Check out the NEW RUBIN REPORT MERCH here: https://daverubin.store/ ---------- Today’s Sponsors: Contagion Emergency Kit - This prescription Contagion Emergency Kit from The Wellness Company provides you with a carefully selected assortment of effective medications for bird flu, COVID-19, and other respiratory illnesses. Rubin Report viewers save $45 at checkout PLUS free shipping when they use code: RUBIN. Kits are ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE USA. Go to: https://TWC.health/RUBIN and use CODE: RUBIN Gravity Defyer - Sick of knee pain? Get Gravity Defyer shoes. Minimize the shock waves that normal shoes absorb through your feet, knees and hips with every step. Use the promo code "RUBIN30" at checkout, to get an extra $30 off orders over $130 or more. Go to: http://gdefy.com and Use the promo code "RUBIN30" ---------- #RubinReport #conspiracy #theories #trumpshooting #trumpshooter #skeptic #MichaelShermer #DaveRubin Want to have a glimpse of some of the research and ideas that are emerging from universities and are about to enter the mainstream and shape our culture? Trying to have a better understanding of the current affairs of university life and the state of our higher education system? What does the future of college and higher education even look like? To get a look into the future we talk to university academics from some of the most prestigious institutions about their research, ideas and what we can expect in the future. Check out our playlist on a range of academic topics here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEbhOtC9klbBQiqrd9ZZThHpEmsH1oL_H To make sure you never miss a single Rubin Report video, click here to subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJdKr0Bgd_5saZYqLCa9mng?sub_confirmation=1 Looking for smart and honest conversations about current events, political news and the culture war? Want to increase your critical thinking by listening to different perspectives on a variety of topics? If so, then you’re in the right place because on The Rubin Report Dave Rubin engages the ideas of some of society's most interesting thought leaders, authors, politicians and comedians. The Rubin Report is the largest talk show about free speech and big ideas on YouTube. Dave allows his guests to speak their minds and his audience to think for themselves. New videos every week. The Rubin Report is fan funded through monthly and one-time donations: https://rubinreport.com/support ****** Join Dave's Locals community: https://rubinreport.locals.com/ Order “Don't Burn This Country” the follow up to Dave Rubin’s New York Times bestselling “Don’t Burn This Book” here: https://daverubin.com/book/ Buy Tickets for upcoming events here: https://daverubin.com/events/ Dave Rubin's book, "Don't Burn This Book" is available at: www.dontburnthisbook.com LISTEN to The Rubin Report podcast: www.rubinreport.com/podcast See Dave LIVE: https://daverubin.com/events/ Sign up for our newsletter with the best of The Rubin Report delivered to your inbox once a week: http://www.rubinreport.com/newsletter Official Rubin Report Merchandise: https://rubinreport.myshopify.com/ All art on the set are original works by Caylin Rose Janet. Get a print here: https://www.caylinrosejanet.com/rubinreportart.html ****** Michael Shermer Author, Conspiracy Michael on X: https://twitter.com/michaelshermer Buy Michael's new book "Conspiracy: Why the Rational Believe the Irrational" here: https://www.amazon.com/Conspiracy-Why-Rational-Believe-Irrational/dp/1421444453 ****** Follow Dave on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RubinReport Follow The Rubin Report on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rubinreport Follow Dave on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daverubin Follow Dave on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rubinreport/?hl=en About Dave Rubin: http://rubinreport.com25.9K views 32 comments -
New Official Trump Assassination Details And Conspiracy Theories
MyronGainesXFuel Your Day With Coffee from 1775 HERE: https://1775coffee.com/?ref=FRESH Exclusive Content HERE: castleclub.tv - https://freshandfit.locals.com/ Wanna be heard? SUPERCHAT BUTTON: fnfsuperchat.com - https://streamelements.com/freshandfitpodcast/tip ️Rumble️ ➜https://rumble.com/freshandfit -------------------------------- Clips Channel ➜ https://www.youtube.com/c/FreshandFitClips/videos -------------------------------- Purchase Our Merch ➜https://www.freshandfitstore.com/ Get 30% off your first box, plus a FREE gift, when you give Tiege Hanley a try at: https://tiege.com/fnf Use Code "fresh" for discount with Gorilla Mind: https://www.gorillamind.com/fresh Order Myron's book "Why Women Deserve Less" here: https://a.co/d/9YdQI9d Exclusive Content HERE: castleclub.tv - https://freshandfit.locals.com/ ⏲️ TIME STAMPS ⏲️ 0:00 : Preview 4:00 : Show begins!🔥 - Follow Myron on X for uncensored takes - https://x.com/unplugfitX 6:30 : Laura Loomer VS. Sulaiman? 7:10 : July 31st🗓️ : (Top Hamas leader gets k1lled along with Hezbollah commander) 9:30 : Isr@el will get attacked by 4 countries 12:30 : July 13th🗓️ (Trump gets sh0t) : Who is running all the investigations? 18:00 : Audio issues (Skip this) 25:00 : Testimony from Secret Service Acting Director & FBI’s top officials 29:30 : Role of an OPR & how their investigation works 36:00 : Storytime : When Myron got in trouble with the OPR 43:00 : Back to the testimony : Acting Director DEBUNKS the conspiracy theories🧢 48:00 : Myron helped the Congress with this case 49:30 : Do the officers need permission to sh00t someone? 51:00 : Testimony from FBI Deputy Director who served in the field - Paul Abbate 56:30 : Oswald DID NOT k1ll JFK - These guys did👉 - https://rumble.com/v52s155-who-killed-jfk-the-biggest-coverup-in-american-history.html 58:00 : Timeline of the Trump’s sh00ting : What really went down? 1:06:30 : Timeline of the sh00ter : Thomas Matthew Crooks 1:10:00 : Crooks was anti-sem!t!c??👃✈️🏬🔥 1:15:00 : What’s inside the Crook’s Encrypted messaging apps?? 1:19:00 : POV of the counter sniper : This was a great sh0t 1:25:00 : Why did Crooks miss the sh0ts? 1:26:00 : Come to our yacht party!🛥️ (Tickets for only $998) - https://www.ffpod.org/ 1:27:00 : Deputy Director explains what went wrong 1:32:00 : How was Crooks able to get in with an AR-15? 1:34:00 : Communication issues : Myron explains how the law enforcement radio system works 1:39:00 : HILARIOUS! : Myron mocks a dude in the chat 🦧🦧 1:46:00 : Intense exchange between Sen. Josh Hawley & Deputy Director 1:47:00 : This dude definitely follows Myron 1:48:30 : Why were the agents in charge not relieved of their duties? 1:51:30 : Background on Josh Hawley 1:58:30 : Another clip farmer Sen. Ted Cruz & Deputy Director 2:00:00 : Secret Service caught red handed on X - https://x.com/SecretSvcSpox/status/1812451649387933912 2:06:00 : Trump is a difficult protectee 2:08:30 : LOL! Myron mocks another dude in the chat 🦧 2:10:00 : STUPID ahh Question!💀 : Did the same person deny the Trump request who also denied the RFK request? 2:13:00 : Exchange gets heated🔥 2:15:30 : Was Trump hit with bullet or a space laser?🛸 2:18:00 : Testimony ends 2:21:00 : Reacting to Dan Bongino : The Secret Service has a new leader 2:27:00 : Who denied the security request? 2:31:30 : Trump got all the security requested in Butler, P.A. 3:36:30 : Upcoming shows on Fresh&Fit 2:39:00 : Myron bought ETH at $1800 2:40:30 : Russian prison exchange : Biggest exchange between Russia & USA since the Cold War 2:42:00 : Outro!42.7K views 73 comments -
Sebastian Gorka FULL SHOW : FBI tries to fake Trump shooter's history
AMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaSebastian discusses the FBI's attempts to falsely portray the Trump shooter as a right-wing extremist, the latest speculation on Kamala's VP, and more, with guests Sen. Marsha Blackburn, Peter Navarro, Jennifer Horn, and Megan Basham. Tune in to America First with Sebastian Gorka, Weekdays 3PM-6PM EST. Check out our store: https://sebgorkastore.myshopify.com/ Subscribe to the America First podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/america-first-with-sebastian-gorka-podcast/id1451874289 Follow Sebastian Gorka on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SebGorka Follow Sebastian Gorka on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sebastian_gorka/ Follow the America First Facebook page: https://facebook.com/AmericaFirstGorka/ Visit https://SebGorka.com for more!18.9K views 8 comments -
Deep State Fails To Kill Trump: Naval Intel Officers Reveal Who Pulled The Strings | The StoneZONE
The StoneZONE with Roger StoneRoger Stone goes through the shocking failures and lies of the Secret Service relating to their handling of the protection of President Donald Trump at his rally in Butler, Pensilvania on Saturday, July 13th. Stone - who wrote the New York Times Best Seller, The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, which revealed the Secret Service, FBI, and CIA involvement in Kennedy’s murder, and who also wrote The Myth of Russian Collusion about the Deep State efforts to remove President Trump in an illegal coup - makes it clear that the Secret Service and FBI cannot investigate themselves. Only House Republicans currently have the authority and subpoena power to get to the facts. Two United States Naval Academy graduates and Navy Intelligence veterans, Col. Dr. Timothy Shindelar (USMC Retired) and Gregory Stenstrom, co-founder of Patriot.online, join Roger Stone to outline their stunning exposure of a inter-governmental legal structure which is driving the entire effort to corruptly use federal legal authority to destroy President Donald Trump, as they did in the case of President John F. Kennedy and President Richard Nixon. Stenstrom and Shindelar have identified the placement of powerful Inspector Generals in every key agency of government who have broad powers to cover-up corruption and manipulate government power that report directly to the counsel. Stenstrom makes a compelling case that the counsel was the driving force behind what he documented as the stunning theft of the 2020 election through many different types of voter fraud. Stenstrom obtained absolute technical and video proof of widespread voter fraud in Pennsylvania and was sued for defamation along with Republican activist Leah Hoopes, President Donald Trump and New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Stenstrom, representing himself, pro se, so thoroughly documented voter fraud using truth as a defense that those suing him offered him millions of dollars if he would withdraw from the suit—leaving Trump and Giuliani vulnerable. Stenstrom refused the settlement and the defamation suit was dropped. Roger Stone discusses the situation surrounding Joe Biden and his withdraw. Stone says the president's brother, Jim Biden began telling Biden family intimates that Joe’s resignation would come Sunday. Sources told Stone that President Biden, who sleeps sixteen to eighteen hours a day, was handed a candidacy resignation letter that was not printed on White House letterhead by his top aides while in a groggy state on Sunday. Stone reveals that Biden is now furious because he is fully aware that Obama orchestrated his collapse. Stone reported that it was Obama who cut off the money to Biden, who lined up the Op-Ed by George Clooney calling on Biden to throw in the towel, as well as Obama lining up Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer in the effort to pressure Biden to quit. Stone reveals that Biden is furious, lamenting that "now I won’t go down in history like Roosevelt, LBJ, or even Bill Clinton." Stone also handicaps the prospects of new Democrat front runner Vice President Kamala Harris. Stone insists that despite media impressions to the contrary, her nomination is not a certainty, as she does not have votes today to be the Democrat Nominee for President. Stone points out that Obama, who orchestrated the downfall of Biden, has not endorsed Kamala and said he did not plan to endorse any candidate until the party formally selects its nominee. Stone, who correctly predicted the attempted assassination of Donald Trump as early as 2018 and who correctly predicted that Joe Biden would not stand for reelection, says that if Harris does not excel as a candidate and if she still lags behind Trump in poll numbers, that Obama will attempt to draft his wife, former First Lady Michelle Obama for the convention currently scheduled to be held in their hometown of Chicago. Purchase Gregory Stenstrom's Book, Parallel Election: https://www.ParallElelection.com/ GET THE STONEZONE IN PODCAST FORM: https://StoneZONE.com/podcast Show Sponsors: https://MyPillow.com/stone: Promo code STONE https://MyStore.com: Promo code STONE https://MyPatriotCigars.com: Promo code STONE https://CardioMiracle.com: Promo code STONE StoneZONE Shop: https://StoneZONE.com/shop -------------------------------------------------- Support Roger: Defense Fund: https://StoneDefenseFund.com Cameo: https://Cameo.com/RogerStone Minnect: https://app.minnect.com/expert/RogerStone -------------------------------------------------- Follow Roger: StoneZONE: https://StoneZONE.com Substack: https://rogerstone.substack.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/RogerJStoneJr Truth Social: https://TruthSocial.com/@RealRogerStone Gab: https://Gab.com/RogerJStoneJr Telegram: https://t.me/RogerStoneJr77.4K views 107 comments