Right after the April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse
shalondafielder89Right after the April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse Video by: me #sharethegospel #spiritualwarfare #weareinthelastdays #inthelastdays #2024 #endtimes #thesolareclipse2024 #April8 #signsofthetimes #itstimetobevigilent #besober #itstimetowakeup #itstimetopray #wakeupchurch #wakeupchristians62 views -
People need to wake up and stop being led by their feelings
shalondafielder89People need to wake up and stop being led by their feelings Video by: me #sharethegospel #weareinthelastdays #knowthebibleforyourself #wakeup #wakeupchurch #wakeupchristians #dontbeledbyyourfeelings #repent #disturbing #inthelastdays #endtimes69 views -
It's a problem when you called it
shalondafielder89It's a problem when you called it out for what it is Video by: me #sharethegospel #weareinthelastdays #inthelastdays #disturbing #fallingaway #thefallingaway #wakeupchristians #wakeup #wakeupchurch #disturbing72 views -
We are definitely in the Last Days
shalondafielder89We are definitely in the Last Days Video by: me #sharethegospel #weareinthelastdays #itstimetopray #itstimetowakeup #disturbing #bevigilant #besober #wakeupchristians #wakeupchurch77 views -
This is very Disturbing
shalondafielder89This is very Disturbing Video by: me #sharethegospel #knowthebibleforyourself #weareinthelastdays #itstimetopray #itstimetowakeup #weareincrazytimes #signsofthetimes #disturbing #wakeupchristians #wakeupchurch #spiritualbattle #spiritualwarfare71 views -
When ya'll going to wake up
shalondafielder89When ya'll going to wake up Video by: me #sharethegospel #weareinthelastdays #knowthebibleforyourself #readthebible #inthelastdays #wakeupchurch #disturbing #wakeupchristians #bibleinspirationvideo #bibleisourinspiration73 views -
It's time to wake up
shalondafielder89It's time to wake up Video by: me #sharethegospel #weareinthelastdays #armorup #wakeupchurch #wakeup #wakeupchristians #spiritualwarfare #speakthetruthinlove #warnedthem #repent #turnfromyourwickedways #GetrightwithGod56 views -
Stop taking Love your neighbors out of context
shalondafielder89Stop taking Love your neighbors out of context Video by: me Ephesians 4:15 Nkjv but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ 1 John 3:18 Nkjv My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. #sharethegospel #weareinthelastdays #wakeupchristians #speakthetruthinlove #loveyourneighbor #warnedthem #wisdom ##stopmakingexcuses #repentorperish #stoptakingstuffoutofcontext #repent44 views -
Love your Neighbors: Speaking the Truth in Love and Warned Them
shalondafielder89Love your Neighbors: Speaking the Truth in Love and Warned Them Video by: me Ephesians 4:15 Nkjv but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ 1 John 3:18 Nkjv My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. #sharethegospel #weareinthelastdays #wakeupchristians #speakthetruthinlove #loveyourneighbor #warnedthem #wisdom #bibleisourinspiration #bibleinspirationvideo41 views -
These times are getting crazier
shalondafielder89These times are getting crazier Video by: me #sharethegospel #weareinthelastdays #wakeupchristians #warnedthem #wisdom #repentorperish #repent146 views