CIA-DOJ-FBI Pizza-Gate Secrets Sex Multi-Billion Dollar Human Trafficking Industry
What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?Millions of Rapist and Pedophile's Are Living and Working and Rape in U.S.A. and Secrets of the Multi-Billion Dollar Human Trafficking Industry World Wide is a documentary that exposes the global sex trade in women from the former 18 Soviet Bloc Country and U.S.A. The film takes viewers into the shadowy, multi-billion dollar world of sex trafficking. The documentary is available for free streaming on I Love Docs, a platform that curates award-winning documentaries. On December 10, 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article four on the official document states, “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms”. Despite this being listed as a basic human right, and slavery having been abolished in 1865 (regarding the United States Constitution at least), forms of slavery are still present in almost every country in the world. It is estimated that around 29.8 million people are enslaved today, of which 26% are children under the age of 18. Slavery comes in many different forms, “from women forced into prostitution, to child slavery in agriculture supply chains or whole families working for nothing to pay off generational debts. Forced labor, people trafficking, debt bondage and child marriage are all forms of modern-day slavery that affect the world's most vulnerable people.” (theguardian.com) Someone is considered enslaved if they are forced to work—through either a mental or a physical threat—, owned or controlled by an ‘employer’, again usually through threats or abuse; dehumanized, meaning they are treated as property and bought or sold as such; or has their freedom of movement restricted or taken away from them. In modern days, definitions of contemporary slavery are typically taken from the 1956 UN supplementary convention, which states, "debt bondage, serfdom, forced marriage and the delivery of a child for the exploitation of that child are all slavery-like practices and require criminalization and abolishment". Along with that, the 1930 Forced Labour Convention defines specifically forced labor as "all work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty, and for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily". Modern slavery is a multi-billion dollar industry with estimates of up to $35 billion generated annually. This is what makes it so difficult to rid the world of slavery; because as long as a large number of people can benefit financially from it, the industry remains extremely hard to control. This is what governments and people in general need to focus on changing. Multinational corporations buying products without properly considering where they came from is perhaps one of the biggest contributors to the slave trade industry. Popular stores like Forever 21, Aeropostale, Victoria’s Secret, Toys ‘R’ Us, Urban Outfitters, and many more purchase their cotton from farms using child labor, and when confronted they often just change the subject, refusing to admit to anything, but still continuing to do business with the same farms. Public image means a lot to multinational corporations like these, so either informing them or accusing them of contributing to forced labor will make them stop, and as soon as these farms no longer have buyers, they will go out of business and will have no use for forced labor. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) also contribute to slavery, however they do so in a less direct way than some multinational corporations. It has been proven that as countries fall into debt and their economies plummet, an increase in poverty, child labor (and other types of forced labor), and worker exploitation is almost inevitable. As one group dedicated to fighting slavery states, “The policies of the World Bank and the IMF exacerbate the problem of poverty by imposing huge debts on developing nations and forcing governments to cut back such vital social services as education and medical care in order to pay back the debt. The IMF and World Bank also require countries to roll back labor laws, open up to foreign investors and trade and privatize essential services, including pensions. These policy reforms result in an increase in poverty, child labor, and worker exploitation.” (fightslaverynow.org) To change this, the IMF and World Bank should focus more on helping economies as a whole, and supporting less developed countries instead of just issuing debts. Once these economies are more stable, slavery and human trafficking will decrease. Government intervention varies—while most countries have policies and laws against slavery, others have no counter-trafficking laws at all. Some international policies have been created however: the UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, adopted by the General Assembly in 2003, established a universal trafficking definition and also set a goal for all countries to prevent human trafficking, and help victims of slavery. Overall, governments should continue with what they are trying to do, and once all countries have counter-trafficking laws, there should be a significant decrease in slavery victims. 32 Shocking Sexual Assault Statistics for 2023 At present, sexual assaults are the most prevalent crimes in the US, yet also the most underreported. Over the last two decades, much work has been dedicated to change the landscape of sexual assault and to empower victims of this type of crime. But the thing is: Despite several helpful, progressive reforms, sexual assault statistics reflect that many crimes are still not fully addressed or understood. Which is why: It is important that we analyze and address the strengths and weaknesses of the current approach with the help of the latest sexual harassment statistics in order to understand what needs improving and where. With that said, let’s dive right in. Alarming Sexual Violence Statistics (Editor’s Choice) One of the most shocking facts about sexual assault is that approximately only 5% of sexual assault reports filed have been proven false. 82% of all juvenile sexual assault victims are female. 90% of adult rape victims are female. 41% of sexual assaults against Native Indians are committed by a stranger. Adolescents aged 14‐17 were by far the most likely to be sexually victimized; nearly one in six (16.3%) was sexually victimized in the past year. General Statistics about Sexual Assault Although statistics on sexual assault can’t even begin to convey the suffering of victims and their families, they can offer a glimpse into the disturbing extent of the issue. 1. In 2019, over 652,676 women were raped. This figure excludes non-rape sexual assaults but includes date rape statistics; if included, data from non-rape sexual assaults would take the figure closer to the one million mark. What’s worse, it has been rising for the last decade at an annual rate of 2.9%, and this trend shows no sign of decreasing. 2. Over 40% of women in the US have encountered sexual violence. Sexual abuse, as shown by rape and sexual assault statistics, has affected 41.8% of women in the US who have been victimized by sexual violence other than rape. 3. Nearly 80% of female sexual assault victims experience their first assault before the age of 25. Exactly 79.6% of female victims who have experienced one or more completed rape did so before the age of 25. 4. Around 20% of American males have been the victim of sexual violence. According to Rainn statistics, outside of the correctional system, most rape victims are female. However, studies show that 21.4% of males in the US have been the victims of sexual violence and have experienced this outside of any prison facility. 5. A quarter of male victims of sexual assault were under 10 years of age. According to studies, an estimated total of 28% of male victims of sexual assault in the US will have experienced their first assault at 10 years of age or younger. 6. Rape Statistics show that less than 20% of rapes are reported. It is estimated that only 19% of rapes, completed or attempted, are reported annually. This figure runs consistently across the board. The general consensus is that rape is still considered something shameful, hence victim reluctance. 7. Women and men with disabilities face twice the risk of sexual assault than able-bodied individuals. Sadly, data gathered from watchdog organizations and US sexual assault statistics have found that disabled people were twice as likely to be victims of sexual assault than able-bodied people. Statistics of sexual abuse show that the majority of these heinous assaults were carried out in care environments (both facilities and home care). Yet, they were also reported as taking place during hospital or general practitioner sessions, as well as in individual therapy sessions. 8. Nearly 20,000 sexual assaults were reported in the military last year. A study on the level of sexual assault within the military from 2010 revealed sexual violence statistics that showed a figure of 3,577, of which only a quarter took place during deployment in combat zones. The study was repeated in 2019, and the sexual assault stats showed over 19,000 sexual assaults had now taken place in the US military. 9. 7.2% of all children surveyed in 2019 had been victims of sexual assault. Child sexual abuse statistics highlight the harrowing revelation that teens aged 14 to 17 were in the highest risk category for sexual assault, with more than one in four adolescents (27.3%) having been sexually victimized during their lifetimes. 10. Approximately 70 women commit suicide every day in the US following an act of sexual violence. Women sexual assault statistics reveal some extremely disturbing facts. An estimated 70 women commit suicide daily in the US, directly as a result of sexual violence. Worryingly, this figure has grown by 2.87% over the last year. 11. Sexual violence incidents, preceded by stalking, increased by 1.9% in 2019. According to statistics and sexual harassment facts from 2019, the incidents of stalking that led to sexual assaults have increased steadily over the last year. What makes this figure even more alarming is the fact that initiatives were put in place to prevent and protect victims from such occurrences. So, governmental legislation and thinking about the issue must be reviewed. 12. During 2019, 13% of all women in California were victims of rape. Sexual harassment statistics reflect a large percentage of Californian women have been reported as having been a victim to an attempted or completed rape in 2019. Current rape statistics by state show that 13% of all Californian women are in danger of being a victim of sexual assault. 13. Statistics show that 1 in 6 US women will be raped annually in the US. Surveys and rape statistics by gender have found that 1 in 6 American women, and 1 in 33 American men has experienced an attempted/completed rape as a child or adult. This disturbing figure has been predicted to rise exponentially over the next three years. 14. Over 1.5 million women were raped by an intimate partner in 2019. Statistics on sexual harassment from the Department of Justice suggest that over 1.5 million women and 834,700 men are raped and/or physically assaulted annually by an intimate partner in the United States. This staggering figure is both disheartening and unnerving. Experts have created focus groups to analyze and explore these sexual assault statistics by state in more depth. Little Known Facts About Male Victims of Sexual Violence According to sexual assault statistics, males are also high-risk victims of sexual violence. Which means that: Sexual abuse is not limited to females, and the abuse of boys has little to do with either the abuser’s or the victim’s sexual orientation. Perhaps unsurprisingly: Male rape statistics show that most perpetrators of male sexual assault are men. These predators choose to rape both gay or straight men because rape is an act of aggression and domination, not of sexual desire. Contrary to popular belief: Girls and women can most definitely be perpetrators of sexual violence toward males, and instances of this kind are more prevalent in society than most people realize. In contradiction to the sweeping statement thinking of most people, male sexual assault statistics have now proved that most males who experience sexual assault (at any age) do not automatically go on to become sexual abusers. In many cases: According to gun violence statistics, attackers can use various weapons, physical force, or even the threat of force to gain the upper hand. Others, according to rape victim statistics, may use blackmail or their position of authority to threaten someone into submission. 15. Approximately 16% of males in juvenile prisons have been sexually abused. A 2019 study by the US Center for Disease Control examined woman rape statistics in juvenile prisons for incidents and frequency of sexual violence. The results showed that 16% of males had been victims of sexual abuse, whereas over 60% of males in these facilities had encountered the threat of sexual violence. 16. In Florida alone, a staggering total of 1,477,000 men have been victim to sexual assault. In Florida, 20.4% of men, or 1,477,000 men, have been victimized by sexual violence over the last decade. 17. Over 25% of male sexual assault victims will experience their first assault before 10 years of age. According to sexual assault statistics 2019, studies and statistical analysis, in excess of 25% (27.8% to be exact) of male victims of sexual assault will probably experience their first attack by age 10 or younger. 18. Nearly 40% of adult males that experience sexual violence from an intimate partner are left with psychological scarring. Reports and studies on US rape statistics show clearly that 39.7% of men who have experienced sexual assault from their partner such as rape, stalking or physical violence, are left with long term impacts such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other types of psychological injury. 19. New York statistics show that 18% of all rapes in the city involved a male victim. According to rape statistics, extensive studies, and focus groups, 2019 involved a record high of male rape victims within the city, with a record high figure of 18% - which is 5.7% higher than 2018. Sexual Assault Effects on Society 20. Over 80% of sexual assaults are committed by an acquaintance. Relatives, teachers, religious leaders, former spouses - unfortunately, the list of possible attackers is one of people who will most often have a very intimate relationship with the victim. Statistics on rape indicate that this connection normally results in most rape victims shying away from reporting such incidents due to obligatory or emotional pressures. 21. Almost 95% of child victims knew their sexual attacker. Rape stats by RAINN show that the vast majority percentage (93.98%) of child victims in the US in 2019 were familiar with their attacker. In almost all of these cases, as reflected by teenage sexual assault statistics, the child had spent a significant amount of time (10 plus hours, in one full duration or segmented) with their attacker prior to the sexual assault taking place. 22. The rate of false rape claims in the US is well below the 10% average mark. Although false rape claims do happen, it is important to keep in mind that the majority of rape claims are legitimate, as sexual assault statistics reveal. In fact, data collated in 2019 from false rape statistics, shows that a combined rate of 6.9% of rape claims were false. 23. Sexual assaults cost the US billions of dollars annually. Findings from college sexual assault statistics and other reports show that although sexual assaults take heinous tolls on their victims and cause terrible emotional damage, there is another cost that is rarely factored into such tragic events - the cost on society in financial terms. According to stats on sexual abuse, when we factor in the costs of funding and running sexual assault services, the resulting lower educational aspirations (a common affliction amongst adolescents who have been the victim of child abuse), and the cost of lost earnings of victims who have been traumatized to a point where they are unable to work, the costs on the US annually are in excess of $450 billion. A staggering figure on paper, and one that has, according to stats on sexual assault, been increasing yearly by 1.8% on average. 24. 69% of rape victims in the US are women aged between 12 to 34 years old. Sexual violence figures from 2019 were significantly higher compared to sexual assault statistics 2018. The 12-34 age bracket has been known to encompass the majority of rape victims in the US on an average year. 25. Transgender college students have a 5% higher rate of getting raped than other students. After conducting studies on sexual assault statistics by gender, US colleges have reported a rise in sexual attacks on transgender students. College rape statistics about transgender, genderqueer, and gender-nonconforming (TGQN) students have shown that in 2019 an average of 23% of students were in danger of being sexually assaulted, compared to 18% of non-TGQN students. These stats are concerning because they are significantly higher than college sexual assault statistics 2018, which means the problem is getting out of control. 26. Bisexual women are more than twice as likely to victims of rape than straight women. Of all the women at the greatest risk from sexual assault in the US, bisexual women are statistically in the danger zone. Sexual abuse statistics show that 46% of bisexual women reported being a victim of sexual assault in 2019, compared to 17% of straight women. Furthermore, sexual assault on college campuses statistics show an interesting correlation, which reveals that bisexual men face similar issues, with 47% of them being victims of sexual violence, compared to 21% of heterosexual men. 27. The majority (90%) of rape victims are female. Findings from sexual assault reporting statistics have unsurprisingly revealed that women make up the vast majority of rape victims. This figure reflects rape statistics US and includes adult victims but excludes juvenile victims, who, if included, would total 82% of all rape victims. 28. An American is sexually assaulted every 93 seconds. Sexual assaults are on the rise throughout the whole of the US. On average, state by state comparative analysis (including rape statistics by race data) shows that there are approximately 325,566 victims of rape and sexual assault (age 12 or older) in the US every year. 29. People with disabilities are twice as likely to be victims of rape and sexual assault as those without disabilities. Both males and females with disabilities experienced higher rates of victimization than able-bodied males and females. Surprisingly, rape statistics in the US show that those with a type of cognitive-functioning disability were at higher risk of violent victimization than those with any other type of disability. 30. Girls and women between the ages of 16 and 19 are 4x more likely than girls and women in other age groups to be assaulted or raped. Results gathered from numerous studies show that campus sexual assault statistics have found patterns on the locale of victims. In general, 46% of sexual assault victims were sleeping or performing another activity at home when they were victimized. Nearly 23% were traveling to and from school or work, shopping, or running errands. Some 19% were working when they were assaulted, 9% were attending school, and 19% were doing some other activity. 31. One out of every six American females is a victim of attempted or completed sexual assault. According to sexual assault facts, one out of every six American women will most probably be the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime. This ratio has doubled in the last five years, and analysts predict the same to happen over the course of the next half a decade. 1 in 33 American men (about 3% of the total percentage of women sexually assaulted) have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. This figure has increased by 22.4% over the last five years. 32. For every 1000 rapes in the US, 995 perpetrators will go unpunished. Studies covering unreported sexual assault statistics show that the overwhelming majority of perpetrators will escape punishment of any kind. US rape stats show that too many victims are afraid to follow through with the legalities of their claim, leading to perpetrators escaping punishment of any form. Sexual Assault Statistics: The Way Ahead As you can see from the latest stats, the current state of sexual assaults in the US is fairly bad, and current measures do not seem to be working. So, in addition to increasing awareness of sexual assault dangers, the stigma around sexual assaults needs to be lifted. This will encourage victims to come forward and prosecute attackers and also allow authorities to provide victims with the assistance and help they need in order to heal. Millions of US women say first sexual experience was rape and New study finds one in 16 women says first sexual experience was forced or coerced in early teens. The first sexual experience for one in 16 US women was forced or coerced intercourse in their early teens, encounters that for some may have had lasting health repercussions, a new study suggests. The experiences amount to rape, the authors say, although they relied on a national survey that didn’t use the word in asking women about forced sex. Almost seven percent of women surveyed said their first sexual intercourse experience was involuntary; it happened at age 15 on average and the man was often several years older. Nearly half of those women who said intercourse was involuntary said they were held down and slightly more than half of them said they were verbally pressured to have sex against their will. “Any sexual encounter (with penetration) that occurs against somebody’s will is rape. If somebody is verbally pressured into having sex, it’s just as much rape,” said lead author Dr Laura Hawks, an internist and Harvard Medical School researcher. In the years after coerced or forced sex, affected women had more sex partners, unwanted pregnancies and abortions, and more reproductive health problems including pelvic pain and menstrual irregularities than women whose first sexual experience was not forced. Nearly 16 percent reported fair or poor health, double the rate of other women. The study could not establish whether forced sex caused or contributed to any of the health or other problems. “Experiencing rape at first sexual encounter is an extreme loss of autonomy over one’s sexuality,” Hawks said. She said it’s not surprising that it might lead to later mental and physical health problems, given other studies on lasting effects of trauma. The results were published Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine. #MeToo Other studies have found that long-term effects of sexual assault may include social isolation, feelings of powerlessness, stigmatization, poor self-image and risky behavior, which all may increase risks for depression and other mental health problems, a journal editorial said. Research published last year also found worse psychological wellbeing and physical health among women whose first intercourse was forced or coerced. The new study is an analysis of responses from 13,310 adult women who participated in nationally representative United States government health surveys from 2011-2017, before the popularisation of the “Me Too” movement, which demands governments, industries and communities address sexual abuse and harassment. The researchers focused on a survey question that asked during in-person interviews if women’s first vaginal intercourse experience with a man “was voluntary or not voluntary, that is, did you did you choose to have sex of your own free will or not?” The results suggest that for one in 16 American women – or three million – the first sexual encounter was not voluntary. According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly one in five women have been raped in their lifetimes. For almost half of those women, it happened when they were younger than 18. The study, which asked women from ages 18-44 to recall their first sexual experience, has no information on women’s relationship with the men, who could have been boyfriends, relatives or strangers. Men were not included in the study. Sex education Hawks said boys need to be taught communication skills to prevent them from pursuing sex “with someone who is an unwilling participant”. The onus should not be on the victims or survivors, she said. “The ‘Me Too’ movement is a promising sign that we’re more willing as a society” to address sexual violence she said. The journal editorial notes that the study lacks information on women’s health and any abuse before their first sexual encounter. There also is no data on any later sexual violence – which all might contribute to health problems, the editorial said. “Such research is needed to understand and address the full range and consequences of these experiences,” the editorial said. Sex education specialist Dan Rice said inadequate sex education in US schools contributes to the problem. “Our culture teaches people not to be raped instead of teaching people not to rape,” he said. Just 24 states require sexual education to be taught to public schools and some programmes focus only on abstinence. Consent is not always on the agenda and boys often are not taught how to express their emotions in healthy ways, said Rice, interim executive director at Answer, a Rutgers University group that provides sex education training for teachers and oversees Sex, Etc, a teen-run sex education magazine and website. Sarah Emily Baum, 19, a staff writer for Sex, Etc, said the study results ring true. “Almost everyone has a story or a close call like this one or knows someone with a story or close call,” said Baum, a sophomore at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. Baum recalls that a police officer invited to discuss sexual consent and assault at her high school focused only on girls, telling them, “‘You’ve got to make sure you say ‘no’ and say it loud enough for people to hear.'” There was little mention of boys’ responsibility, and no discussion of same-sex assaults or even girls being the aggressors, said Baum, who is gay. “If I go on a date with another girl, I also have to make sure there is clear consent and clear boundaries,” she said. “It goes both ways.” John Podesta Is Ready to Talk About Pizzagate and The former Clinton campaign chairman is among the victims still recovering from a vile conspiracy theory that ended in gunfire has given it a lot of thought and believes the best way to deal with the trolls is to ignore them. His wife, Mary, however, takes a different approach. When angry people call their home in the middle of the night, she has a conversation with them. “She sits on the phone and talks to them, which is disconcerting actually to most of the people who are calling just to leave a nasty message on your voicemail,” Podesta says. “When somebody actually engages them and says, ‘Why are you doing this?’ they fold pretty quickly. But she has more patience for that than I do.” Podesta is easily forgiven for having little time for his tormentors. Since 2016, he has been the victim of a deranged and viral conspiracy theory known as Pizzagate. The theory — which has its roots in the emails stolen from his personal account by Russian hackers and dumped online by WikiLeaks — claimed that Podesta was a pedophile and that he, Hillary Clinton and a Washington, D.C., restaurateur named James Alefantis ran a child sex-trafficking ring from the basement of Alefantis’ pizzeria, Comet Ping Pong. On its face, Pizzagate was insane, with zero basis in reality. Yet in the frenzied days after Donald Trump’s election, it caught fire on social media platforms including Twitter, YouTube, Reddit and 4Chan, metastasizing into a story so twisted and bizarre that it radicalized online trolls and traumatized others who, through no fault of their own, had gotten sucked into the conspiracy. Two years ago this month, Pizzagate reached its grim apex when a 28-year-old man stormed into Comet Ping Pong with a revolver and an AR-15 on a mission to save the “children.” Edgar Maddison Welch had binge-watched YouTube videos about Pizzagate and tried to recruit friends for his rescue mission. “Raiding a pedo ring, possibly sacraficing [sic] the lives of a few for the lives of many,” he texted one friend a few days before he got in his Prius and drove from his home in North Carolina to Washington. Customers and employees fled the restaurant as Welch fired several rounds into a locked closet full of computer gear, searching for the infamous child sex dungeon in Comet’s basement, which he never found — not least because the pizzeria doesn’t even have a basement. No one was hurt, and Welch surrendered to the police, hands on his head, in broad daylight in the street outside of Comet. He was later sentenced to four years in federal prison. Even after the arrest, Pizzagate lived on. The day after Welch stalked into Comet, Michael Flynn, Jr., the son of Trump’s first national security adviser, tweeted: “Until #Pizzagate proven to be false, it’ll remain a story.” An Economist/YouGov poll in late December 2016 found that 46 percent of Trump voters and 17 percent of Clinton voters thought Pizzagate was real. A few months later, a small rally of Pizzagate believers took place outside the White House. Protesters have stood outside Comet carrying blown-up photos of Alefantis’ god-daughter taken from his social media accounts. Strangers online have threatened to torture, rape and kill him. “I’ve been through a lot of Washington shit in my life,” Alefantis tells Rolling Stone. He grew up in D.C., and dated David Brock, the notorious conservative journalist turned Clinton loyalist, for 10 years. “This is not my first time at the rodeo,” he says. “I had never seen this volume of specific, directed attacks.” In the two years since the shooting, our understanding of online conspiracy theories has grown, of how they take root and the people who believe and spread those theories. But what about the victims? What is it like to be on the receiving end? How do you fight back against a plainly false allegation that changes your life? For four decades John Podesta has worked at the highest levels of American politics: campaign chairman for Hillary Clinton’s historic 2016 presidential run, chief of staff to President Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, counselor to President Obama and adviser to senators and congressmen. But nothing could prepare him for Pizzagate. Speaking about the conspiracy theory and its impact on his life for the first time, Podesta tells Rolling Stone that he learned about it the old-fashioned way: from the news. As Clinton campaign chair, he had spent the final month of the 2016 race locked in hand-to-hand combat with reporters about the contents of his personal emails, which WikiLeaks was releasing in periodic batches to damage Clinton’s chances. He didn’t have time to reflect on the hack, let alone notice the conspiracy theories bubbling up about him on websites like Reddit and 4Chan. Searching for evidence of illegality or anything sinister in Podesta’s hacked emails, wannabe online sleuths decided that mentions of “pizza” were code for child pornography. An anonymous 4chan user posted a list of other supposed code words to search for in Podesta’s emails — “pasta” meant little boy, “ice cream” meant male prostitute, “sauce” meant orgy. Soon, the hashtag #Pizzagate appeared and spread like wildfire on social media. Podesta claims he wasn’t overly concerned about his emails getting released: their contents, he now says, were “relatively much ado about nothing.” It wasn’t until after the election that he realized those emails had become fuel for a horrific conspiracy theory. In his career, he says he had never been on the receiving end of something like Pizzagate. “It’s painful and crazy,” he says. “I’m pretty grizzled. One big difference is you’ve got somebody sitting in the Oval Office stoking the conspiracy. That’s pretty different than what I’ve experienced in my years in politics.” Podesta was only one strain of the conspiracy. Another thread formed around Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong. It appears to have begun with a 2008 email included in the WikiLeaks dump in which Alefantis asked Podesta if he would give a speech at an Obama fundraiser at Comet. From there, the trolls began mining every detail they could find about Alefantis and Comet, quickly concocting a parallel theory that said Alefantis, Podesta and Clinton ran a child sex-trafficking ring. Self-styled investigators claimed that symbols on Comet’s iconic sign (which had previously been used by a D.C. liquor store that had since closed) were linked to satanic rituals. They said a photo of an empty walk-in refrigerator was evidence of a secret kill room. One day in November 2016, roughly a month before Welch’s attack, one of Alefantis’ young employees told him that a wild theory called Pizzagate was blowing up on Reddit. “What’s Reddit?” he asked. Alefantis is a self-taught chef who never graduated from college and a self-made restaurateur well-known around Washington. (GQ named him one of D.C.’s 50 most powerful people in 2012.) He opened Comet more than a decade ago to be “a place of play and interaction,” as he puts it, where families could eat pizza and play ping pong and engage in real, substantive conversations with one another. Alefantis told his staff that this Pizzagate thing would blow over after the election. Then Trump won, and the threats got worse. Violent messages poured into Comet’s Instagram and Facebook accounts, some of which Alefantis shared with Rolling Stone: I will kill you personally I truly hope someone blows your brains all over comet pizza Are you scared yet? You should be motherfucker because were [sic] coming for you You need to be raped killed and tortured like you do to children u sick fuck .. ur days of freedom are numbers u evil douche The home addresses and phone numbers of Alefantis and his employees were published online. Comet would receive 150 menacing calls in a single day, Alefantis says, so he unplugged the phone. People reviewed Comet on Yelp and said there were chopped-up baby parts in their food. As the threats became more violent, Alefantis repeatedly contacted the D.C. police and the FBI. He estimates he called the bureau three or four times and described a situation that, he admits, sounded insane. The FBI largely told him to call the police. “They were essentially like, ‘If you get a specific threat, let us know. Thank you, goodbye.'” When he asked what qualified as a specific threat, the FBI said, “A date and time when they’re going to come.” He says the local police visited Comet on multiple occasions but there was zero specific action taken by the police or the FBI as the threats escalated in the weeks after the election. (The FBI did not respond to a request for comment.) At the same time the Pizzagaters barraged Comet, they attacked Alefantis personally. Strangers filmed his house and questioned his neighbors, he says. Any person or organization connected to him also got sucked in. A non-profit art gallery whose board he chaired received angry calls. Any trace of Alefantis’ life found in public records or social media — an old home address, an event he had attended — was used against him. He came to see Pizzagate as a real-life video game played by the theory’s true believers. “These are people at home who want to investigate, and basically anything that’s available online is fair game to them,” Alefantis says. Sometimes, when he responded to the people making the threats, they would veer off into unexpected territory. “Some of those messages to me were, ‘How much do you pay your employees? Do you have health care?'” When he told them he did in fact offer health care, some responded, “Will you hire me?” But the onslaught proved too much for him to handle on his own. Through a friend, he got in touch with Mike Gottlieb, a partner at the firm Boies Schiller Flexner. (David Boies, one of the firm’s founders, is the renowned litigator who has faced criticism for his work on behalf of Harvey Weinstein and the fraudulent blood-testing company Theranos.) Alefantis and Gottlieb met on a Friday in early December 2016, and Gottlieb agreed to take on Alefantis as a client. That Sunday, Welch walked into the restaurant, guns in tow. (Welch did not respond to Rolling Stone’s request for comment.) Alefantis wasn’t at Comet but rushed over when he heard about the gunman. The neighborhood was a crime scene: there were SWAT officers and yellow tape everywhere, and police had evacuated Comet’s employees to a fire station down the street. The workers at Buck’s Fishing and Camping, another restaurant Alefantis owned on the same block as Comet, were locked inside for their safety, as were the other people who worked at nearby businesses. “I really hope that all these people fanning the flames of this conspiracy theory would take a moment to contemplate what has gone on today and maybe to stop,” Alefantis, still in shock, told reporters later that day. At the urging of his new legal and P.R. team, Alefantis reopened Comet on Dec. 6th, two days after the attack. A long line of customers waited to get in, and he stood at the front door to personally welcome them. He recalls seeing one of his best friends from high school in line with her young kids. Months later, Alefantis and the friend talked about that day. “She said, ‘The look on your face was Don’t come here,'” he recalls. “I asked her, ‘How did you feel?’ She was like, ‘I did not want to go there. It was so terrifying for me.'” But her kids wanted to go and so she took them. “That trauma exists,” he says, “not just for me, but for a whole community of people.” After Comet was back up and running, Alefantis and his lawyers set out to stop the spread of Pizzagate. “For me, at some point, I was like: My name is totally destroyed,” Alefantis says. “I just didn’t want anyone to come shoot us up again.” The response from the social media companies ranged from helpful to utterly dismissive, Alefantis recalls. Even before he’d hired lawyers, Alefantis had gotten Yelp to suspend Comet’s page after his staff had reported the abusive reviews. Facebook was responsive to Comet’s complaints. YouTube, however, refused to so much as acknowledge its role in amplifying Pizzagate, saying they were just a platform, that they weren’t an arbiter of truth and falsity and told Alefantis to get back in touch if and when he could get a court order finding the videos that promoted Pizzagate to be defamatory. “YouTube is a platform committed to allowing a wide range of free expression, but it is not and never has been anything goes,” a YouTube spokesperson tells Rolling Stone, adding that in the first half of 2018 the company removed more than 17 million individual videos that violated its policies. The traditional crisis communications playbook proved useless. Media interviews and op-eds did nothing to quiet the conspiracists and, if anything, emboldened them. Alefantis’ lawyers and P.R. team booked him onto then-Fox News host Megyn Kelly’s show a few weeks after the attack. It didn’t help: Alefantis answered all of Kelly’s questions, but the interview just became more fodder. “We thought it was possible to show and tell the facts — to make sure that people could see with their own eyes that the crazy conspiracies were just false,” says Molly Levinson, a communications strategist who advised Alefantis. “But we quickly learned that in these kinds of situations any attention is bad attention, any public conversation becomes twisted and contorted and most likely has more of a negative than positive effect.” The only real strategy, Alefantis realized, was a legal strategy. He would have to get aggressive with the loudest proponents of Pizzagate, people like Alex Jones, host of InfoWars, who had run multiple broadcasts with titles like “Pizzagate Is Real” and “Pizzagate: The Bigger Picture.” Gradually, in the months after the gunman showed up, Jones and others seemed to bow to legal pressure and backed away from Pizzagate. On March 24th, 2017, Jones published online and read on-air a lengthy statement in which he apologized to Alefantis, announced that he had removed past broadcasts about Pizzagate and admitted that those stories were based on “an incorrect narrative.” Neither Alefantis nor his lawyers would further comment on any interactions with Jones or on any possible settlement. Podesta says he considered litigation as well. But suing the Pizzagaters would be extremely difficult given that he was a major public figure. He pushed back against the trolls on Twitter, but that didn’t make much difference, either. He found that the best course of action was doing nothing. “If I really spent my life trying to figure out what those people were saying, it would drive me nuts,” he says. “The only rational reaction to that is to deal with it when there’s something serious and right in front of you, but for the most part to try to ignore it.” This past September, Alefantis traveled to New York City to attend a therapy session with his ex-boyfriend. Alefantis and his ex had broken up as Pizzagate was raging, but they had decided to see a therapist together. During their session, Alefantis assured his ex that, almost two years later, the nightmare had passed. “Things have moved on,” he recalls saying. “You’re safe. Everyone’s fine. It’s all over.” After their session, they headed for the subway. A stranger approached Alefantis on the street and began taking pictures in his face and screaming at him. “I’m going to my kid’s school right now!” the stranger said, apparently fearing for his child’s safety. “Don’t engage, James,” his ex told him. “Go call the police,” Alefantis said to the man, “and get the fuck away from me.” Alefantis walked his ex to the subway station. The stranger followed Alefantis on foot before eventually leaving. “The guy’s basically chasing after me through the streets of New York,” he recalls. “He’s a Pizzagater. He recognized me. It still happens.” Today, Alefantis says business at Comet is back to pre-Pizzagate levels. The angry phone calls and violent online threats have mostly subsided. You can still find plenty of disturbing tweets if you search for #Pizzagate or #CometPingPong on social media. But the worst of it appears to be over. Alefantis says he thinks the trolls just moved on to other things. A restaurant in a smaller city, owned by someone with fewer connections, would’ve closed, he says. But the community of customers Alefantis had built up over the years rallied around him. Three brief phone calls and he had a meeting with one of the best attorneys in the country. “If this had been someone else or someone else’s restaurant, without 10 years of hard work and support behind us, without my understanding of how absurd the world can be and how difficult these things are, other people would have been taken down,” he says. But the trauma remains. He’s been called the most despicable thing you can say to someone. Even in liberal circles, people jokingly refer to him as the Pizzagate guy. He’s figuring out what the ordeal means for his future. “Previous to this, I was out in the world and I had nothing but glowing Google hits and my restaurants were easily reviewed,” he says. “Now, it’s nothing but filth, basically. When I go into a business meeting or do a new venture or go into a new relationship with someone serious, there are major issues. It’s destroyed my name.” Podesta, for his part, says Pizzagate seems to be largely over for him, to the extent online conspiracy theories ever really go away. He says his neighbors have chased away people walking up and down his block and acting suspiciously. After a Trump supporter sent pipe bombs to a number of prominent Democrats in October, Podesta resorted to poking and prodding his mail with a pen before opening it. President Trump still tweets about him, his messages amplified by an army of trolls at the ready. And the same backlash happens any time Podesta himself tweets about Trump, a move his staff has come to dread but something he won’t give up. Pizzagate has left him with some pretty big scars, Podesta says, but he worries more about the victims of viral conspiracy theories who don’t have his thick skin. “As a person who’s pretty hardened by a lifetime in politics, I sometimes think, ‘Well, how would a normal person even begin to live with this?'” Still, Podesta admits that the events of the past two years have left him less inclined to speak out. “You’re conscious about the notion that you are going to trigger a crazy response,” he says. “Sometimes you feel compelled to do it anyway. And I don’t do it for fun. I do it when I think something’s serious enough that I need to say something. And now I’m just a little bit more guarded it, and guarded about what appearances I accept.” He catches himself from sounding too woe-is-me. “I’ve had the honor of working for a president,” he says. “I can’t bitch too much about my life. It’s been pretty good.” The pizza’s still good at Comet, too. Did a Male Rapist Who Identifies as Female Transfer to a Women's Jail and Assault Female Inmates? Karen White, formerly Stephen Woods, confessed not only to abusing fellow inmates in a West Yorkshire women's jail, but to committing rape years earlier when she still identified as a male. Transgender prisoner Karen White (formerly Stephen Wood) of West Yorkshire, England, who confessed to committing multiple rapes as a man, sexually assaulted female inmates after being transferred to a women's jail. On 11 October 2018, a Crown Court judge handed down a sentence of life imprisonment to Karen White of West Yorkshire, England, who had pleaded guilty to multiple counts of rape, sexual assault, and unlawful (malicious) wounding. The case was unusual, to say the least. As the Yorkshire Evening Post reported, White is a transgender female who committed at least one of the rapes years ago when she still identified as a male. Stranger still, she committed the assaults on female inmates after being transferred from a men's to a women's jail due to her declared gender change: Karen White, 52, previously known as Stephen Wood and David Thompson, "used her persona to put herself into contact with vulnerable persons," a court heard. White began gender reassignment when she was first remanded into custody into a female prison, prosecutor Christopher Dunn told Leeds Crown Court. She began gender re-alignment after being sent to prison for stabbing a neighbour and it was then that police also probed allegations she had raped two vulnerable women. While in HMP New Hall -- a female prison in Wakefield, West Yorks -- she started wearing a wig, make-up and false breasts, the court heard. She then attacked two women inmates while at New Hall between September and October 2017 while on remand for other offences. White was actually accused of perpetrating four sexual assaults on female prisoners, though she only confessed to two, after previously claiming that she suffered from erectile dysfunction and couldn't have assaulted anyone at all. A report in the Daily Mail enumerated White's offenses: Prosecutor Charlotte Dangerfield told the court the first assault happened when White stood close to another inmate, touched her arm and exposed herself. For the second assault she made 'inappropriate comments about oral sex' and put the woman's hand on the 'defendant's left breast' so she could feel her padded bra. Miss Dangerfield said the third alleged assault involved White pushing herself indecently against another prisoner, and on the fourth incident she allegedly kissed an inmate on the neck. The rapes White confessed to occurred in 2003 and 2016. White (then known as Stephen Wood) was placed under arrest in the first instance, an attack on the pregnant wife of a friend, but the case wasn't prosecuted at the time for reasons that weren't divulged in the 2018 trial. The second occurrence came to light when police questioned a woman who had returned a letter White wrote to her from jail. She told them White had violently raped her five or six times over the course of a year. Prior to 2003, White had served jail time for indecent exposure and sexual assaults on children. More recently, according to the Guardian, she admitted to probation officers that she was still sexually interested in minors and would "think nothing" of abusing a child. The prosecuting attorneys openly questioned the sincerity of White's gender change in court. Prosecutor Chris Dunn referred to White as an "alleged" transgender female, pointing out that "there is a smattering of evidence in this case that the defendant's approach to transition has been less than committed." Addressing the defendant during sentencing, Judge Christopher Batty said: “You are a predator and highly manipulative and in my view you are a danger. You represent a significant risk of serious harm to children, to women and to the general public.” In any case, White will serve out her sentence in a men's prison. Although the decision to move her to a women's jail pending trial was rendered in accordance with a 2017 policy update emphasizing the right of prisoners to be treated "according to the gender in which they identify," the Prison Service admitted that mistakes were made in White's case and publicly apologized. Jenny-Anne Bishop, a member of the transgender rights group Transforum, said the local board charged with deciding where prisoners should be incarcerated ought to have taken White's entire history of criminal offenses into account but didn't. Moreover, certain procedural steps that could have ensured White was placed in a facility where she wouldn't pose a risk to herself or others weren't taken. Despite what happened in White's case, Bishop defends the system, which is meant to protect transgender people from harm as well as the general prison population, as workable. "It is almost the exception that proves the rule," she told the Guardian, "you’ve just got to look at what went wrong and make sure it doesn’t happen again. No system is perfect." According to a government survey, there are 125 known transgender prisoners in England and Wales, though the Ministry of Justice says the actual number is probably higher. Nearly half of the 125 identified have been convicted of one or more sexual offenses. Disney Pedophile's Branson Necker Island 40 Miles To Epstein Orgy Island Global Elite https://rumble.com/v2dim5k-disney-pedophiles-branson-necker-island-40-miles-to-epstein-orgy-island-glo.html Disney Pedophile's Billionaire-Backed Sex Trafficking Cult Partied With Richard Branson on His Private Island and It’s also worth noting that former President Obama vacationed with Branson on Necker Island last year. Moreover, convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein had Branson and Bill Clinton listed among his contacts in his “little black book,” and his private island known as “Orgy Island” is less than 40 miles away from Necker Island within the Virgin Islands cluster. Pedophile and A Pizza Secret Human Trafficking and Child Sex Ring Evidence https://rumble.com/v2bbfv2-pedophile-and-a-pizza-secret-human-trafficking-and-child-sex-ring-evidence-.html CIA Director Pompeo Oversees Capture Of UN Pedophile Who Leaked Video Of Hillary Clinton Killing Child (True ?) What is the real world evidence and sources for these words that I've seen shared so much? “hotdog” = boy “pizza” = girl “cheese” = little girl “pasta” = little boy “ice cream” = male prostitute “walnut” = person of color “map” = semen “sauce” = orgy - So I searching online for any evidence that "pizza," "hotdogs," "cheese," or "pasta" are code words used by pedophiles. Found nothing, yet this "fact" has been repeated in virtually every post about Pizzagate. What's the source? Of course it's possible that the only Pedophile using these words and their kid sex friends. It may be their own private language. Podesta’s email account was hijacked and the hackers took his entire private library of emails. This sucked hard for Podesta because the hackers had tons of high ranking-sensitive information. From October through November 20,000+ pages of emails were uploaded to wiki-leaks. U.S. Government Is Selling Child Pornography and False Charges Against U.S. Citizens https://rumble.com/v2gonq2-u.s.-government-is-selling-child-pornography-and-false-charges-against-u.s..html I Was Raped By Politicians, Your Fathers Your Mother Other Family Members and U.S. Government Is Selling My Photos XXX Child Pornography (also called CP, child sexual abuse material, CSAM, child porn, or kiddie porn) is pornography that is unlawfully to some and not-unlawfully to other global elite who exploits children for sexual stimulation. It may be produced with the direct involvement or sexual assault of a child (also known as child sexual abuse images) or it may be simulated child pornography. Abuse of the child occurs during the sexual acts. Biden Daughter’s Diary Details How Washing Dad Privet Parts w/Soap and C*m Mix and I Think Its ‘Not Appropriate Now’ Showers with Joe Biden As A Child I Did Not Know About Sex Yet and She Said Was I Molested. I think so National File has obtained what a whistleblower has identified as a copy of the complete diary of Ashley Blazer Biden, the 39-year-old daughter of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, dating from during the 2020 presidential campaign. National File also knows the reported precise location of the physical diary, and has been told by a whistleblower that there exists an audio recording of Ashley Biden admitting this in her diary. In the diary, which our source says belongs to the former vice president’s daughter, the author writes of her struggle with drug abuse. Ashley Biden’s struggle with drugs was widely publicized. Ashley Blazer Biden, the 39-year-old daughter of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, has allegedly documented incestuous and sexual abuse. National File has exclusively released the full 112 pages of her diary, which was started while she was in a drug rehabilitation facility in Florida and details her romantic interests, crumbling marriage and struggle with drug and sex addiction. Biden's Daughter: "He Raped Me"...A copy of the complete diary of Ashley Biden, the daughter of Joe Biden, reveals in excruciating detail, her addiction to sex, which she claims began after having been molested by her father, beginning with inappropriate showers together when she was just a little girl. False Charges Against U.S. Citizens ALL The Time and U.S. Government FISA-DOJ-CIA-FBI-NSA-DEA always said they found child porn your PC/Computer Every Time! its not clear why every court case so far over 26,000 case have always been charged with possession of child pornography in every case. U.S. Government FISA-DOJ-CIA-FBI-NSA-DEA Personal always care a thumb drive with child pornography on it. So FISA-DOJ-CIA-FBI-NSA-DEA Personal get a search warrant for your home and pc or computer and plaint evidence of child pornography on your computer and now arrest you as a secret pedophile's with child pornography and they have probable cause to believe you the person committed a cognizable offence and now have evidence you have thousand's pics and video's child pornography by you.8.4K views 16 comments -
Christos Avatar: Live 6/28/24 Awakening, Ascension, Exploration, Ashayana Deane, 12 strand DNA Jesus (links below) TruthStream #274
TruthStream with Joe and ScottTruthStream links https://linktr.ee/truthstream https://christosavatar.com/ https://www.arhayas.com/ https://www.youtube.com/@AWAKEninConsciousness http://www.levashov.info/English/books-eng.html Welcome to Christos Avatar, a sacred online space dedicated to the exploration of spiritual awakening, spiritual ascension, and the extraordinary realms beyond our earthly existence. Here, we embark on a journey that transcends the boundaries of conventional understanding, delving into the depths of consciousness and embracing the mysteries of the universe. ► Spiritual Awakening, Ascension ► Starseeds, Indigo Children, Aliens ► God, Angels, Fallen Angels ► Anunnaki, Reptilians, Hybrids ► Lemuria, Atlantis, Forbidden History ► Unity & Christ Consciousness ► Multiverse, Dimensions, Star Gates ► Chakras, Merkaba, Kundalini17.6K views 42 comments -
Moody Blues - I Know You're Out There Somewhere = 1988
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