A Biblical Response to EUTHANASIA
4 videos
Updated 1 year ago
This series of messages is intended as a Biblical response to the Postmodern disregard for the sanctity of human life that is found in the present Culture of Euthanasia.
Canada's Euthanasia NIGHTMARE: The Slippery Slope to HELL
Pastor Terry ReeseWith our final message on the evils of Euthanasia, we provide you with a real-world laboratory case of what happens to a people when it loses its collective national soul. Canada's awful euthanasia program, MAiD (i.e., Medical Assistance in Death) has only been around since 2016--and yet, within a scant seven years, the warnings of its fiercest critics have been VINDICATED, with mounting abuses and an ever-expanding circle of victims. This is an extended-length study--but we promise you that the time that you invest in this will be WELL WORTH it!51 views -
The Tears of Hippocrates: The Dark History of Euthanasia (T. Reese)
Pastor Terry ReeseIn this extended message, we relate the dark turn that modern western medicine has taken from the historic Hippocratic ideal. With the rapid changes that we have seen in medical ethics, administration, and technology, this is an issue that Christians--as well as other citizens of good will--need to keep in focus.34 views -
Playing God: Euthanasia (Pt. II) - Terry Reese
Pastor Terry ReeseIs life worth living--even in the face of suffering? Our 2nd message on Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide is also the 10th message in our Sanctity of Human Life Series. As families face growing dilemmas in today's evolving medical culture, our focus in this message is upon where our hearts as Christians need to be as we are called upon to place our trust in the will of the Lord.12 views -
Playing God: Euthanasia (Pt. I) - Terry Reese
Pastor Terry ReeseGod is a God of LIFE--but today, we are burdened with a "Culture of Death." In this message, we begin looking at Euthanasia--the deliberate & active termination of a human life, which follows the wicked course suggested by Job's wife: "Curse God and die! (Job 2:9)"12 views