Life After Infant Loss- Noelle Moore's Story of Creating The Finley Project
All My Favorite People PodcastIn 2013 first time mom Noelle Moore walked into the hospital 40 weeks pregnant with a perfectly healthy baby in her belly, but just days later she left the hospital empty handed due to a hospital staffing error. Her mission ever since has been to advocate for better staffing and hospital conditions for mothers, as well as coming alongside other women who have experienced infant loss to provide tangible resources, support, and a 7-part holistic healing plan. Join me as she shares her story of turning her most painful moment into her mission, and living a life that honors the memory of her daughter Finley. To learn more about how to financially support or receive services from The Finley Project visit thefinleyproject.org.63 views -
Trafficking Doesn't Look Like What You Think It Does with Merrie Karimov
All My Favorite People PodcastWith #savethechildren trending for much of 2020, it's easy to understand why so many people have a distorted view of what human trafficking really looks like, who is most vulnerable and how these traffickers groom their victims. Listen in while Merrie shares with me some of the things you may not know, the signs to look for with your own kids, and the things you can do to help and even prevent someone from being trafficked. Merrie is the co-founder of Harbour Hope International, a non-profit in Central Florida on the ground fighting human trafficking in our area. She shares stories from survivors and ways you can get involved. For more information about Merrie, visit www.harbourhope.org. 1 (888) 373-7888 - National Human Trafficking Hotline or TEXT the word HELP or INFO to 23373392 views -
Compassion & Forgiveness- Serena Dyksen's Post-Abortion Story
All My Favorite People PodcastAuthor and She Found His Grace ministry Founder Serena Dyksen shares her story of childhood sexual abuse and abortion. After experiencing the life-altering emotional and mental effects of her abortion, Serena started a sidewalk counseling ministry that seeks to offer hope to abortion minded girls and women, as well as a private abortion regret & recovery community that walks alongside women who have had abortions to help them heal. Serena has written a book that supports these ministries as well. More information about Serena & She Found His Grace can be found at www.shefoundhisgrace.org18 views -
A Heart For Fostering- Ericah & Sabrina Brinson Share the Story of The Treasure Coast Foster Closet
All My Favorite People PodcastSister-in-laws Ericah & Sabrina Brinson share their personal stories about becoming foster mamas, and the great need they saw within the foster care community. They started the Treasure Coast Foster Closet as a way to support foster families and kids by creating a place for them to come and shop, free of charge, to create a sense of dignity and to allow their local community the opportunity to be involved. Learn more about this amazing organization at tcfostercloset.com. #wearethevillage77 views -
A Haven for Single Moms- Lisa Anderson's Story of Grace's Table
All My Favorite People PodcastWhen Lisa Anderson became a single mom she learned first hand what women really need in that season of life. Listen in as she shares her story and how it led her to begin Grace's Table, a home and community resource center for single moms of all ages. To learn more about Grace's Table visit www.gracestable.com. Support Grace's Table with @inkhappydesigns Impact shirt of the month at www.peacelovetshirt.com LOVE ONE ANOTHER - IMPACT DESIGN Imagine the world if we really did what Jesus asked us to do: Love One Another! Spread the message with this shirt or pouch while doing your random acts of kindness - like smiling, holding doors, and saying "thank you!". Little acts of love make all the difference!- Love, Franki For every Love One Another shirt purchased in the month of May, $10 will go towards Grace's Table, a home for teen moms in Grand Rapids, Michigan.8 views -
Medical Freedom, Informed Consent & How You Can Be the Light with FL Freedom Keeper Melissa Simmons
All My Favorite People PodcastFlorida Freedom Keeper Melissa Simmons joins me to share all the ways YOU can get involved in this amazing global organization to learn more about medical freedom, to find community, and to activate change through legislation. If you're new to the medical freedom community or curious about what we stand for, you'll learn a lot in this episode, and seasoned Freedom Keepers will be encouraged to continue to fight the good fight. For more information on Freedom Keepers global, opportunities to get involved, and cool merch, check out freedomkeepersunited.org. Follow Melissa and the Florida Freedom Keepers on Instagram at @mdyer12 & @fl.freedom.keepers798 views -
Moms For Liberty Chapter Chair Jessica Tillmann on How Parents Can Get Involved, Now!
All My Favorite People PodcastDISCLAIMER* The audio on this episode leaves something to be desired. I apologize in advance, but thank you for listening! Have you been hearing all about these "domestic terrorists" aka Moms For Liberty? LOL On today's episode learn more about this grassroots organization that is sweeping the nation, giving parents a place to belong and to voice their concerns for our current public school system. Join me and Seminole County, FL Moms For Liberty Chair Jessica Tillman as we discuss some of the issues we're taking up here locally, and how you can get involved no matter where you live.25 views -
How To Talk With Your Kids About the Dangers of Online Grooming with Jan Edwards
All My Favorite People PodcastJoin me and founder of Paving The Way Foundation Jan Edwards as we discuss how to talk with your children about the dangers of online grooming, games with chat features, and talking with strangers. While this may seem like a tough and overwhelming conversation, Jan breaks it all down and shares simple strategies as well as Paving The Way's online tools for parents. Take the guess work and uncomfortableness out of the equation and JUST TALK WITH THEM. Your kids are smarter and savvier than you may realize, and have probably already encountered online groomers in one way or another. Listen in to gain confidence and clarity as you partner with your kids to make good choices while online. Check out pavingthewayfoundation.org for resources and more information.11 views -
Wake Up, O Sleeper- A Conversation with Florida Patriots with Purpose
All My Favorite People PodcastJoin me and two of the founders of Florida Patriots with Purpose, Tracy Main and Crystal Cassidy, as we discuss the need for a radical re-awakening of the Church. From encouraging pastors to be bold, to activating church-goers to get involved in the civic process, the time has never been more pressing to speak the Truth and win lost souls for Christ. But we as Christians can't do that from the sidelines, we have to know what is going on in the world and in "politics". Learn more about our local freedom loving Central Florida candidates by attending our upcoming Town Hall on Monday, May 23rd 2022 in Baldwin Park. Visit flfreedomkeepers.org to register. And check out floridapatriotswithpurpose.com to learn more about this amazing organization.126 views -
Mentorship & Modeling Entrepreneurship for The Next Generation at The Lab Orlando
All My Favorite People PodcastJoin me and my friends RC & Julianna, who started The Lab in downtown Orlando as a hub for entrepreneurial mentorship for young people in our community, as we discuss all the cool things they're up to. From their collaborations with friends in every industry who teach and model a path forward for the students, or their networking events that serve as training opportunities for anyone in the community, there's always something to learn at The Lab. To learn more, visit https://sherloc.kartra.com/page/laborlando8 views