17 videos
Updated 7 months ago
Yes , education entertainment
Outlaws, For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada ~ (Full movie 2012, 143 mins.)
Truth Set FreeAn epic historical war drama film directed by Dean Wright and written by Michael Love, based on the true events of the Cristero War in Mexico. It stars Andy García, Eva Longoria, Oscar Isaac, Rubén Blades, and Peter O'Toole. The film dramatically documents the civil war that erupted in Mexico from August 1926 to June 1929 when newly elected Mexican President Plutarco Elías Calles (Rubén Blades) began a violent crackdown against the country's adherents of the Catholic faith in an attempt to impose a new Masonic political agenda there, based on a previously unenforced article in the Mexican constitution of 1917, which gives the State authority and rule over that of Church and religious matters. The film depicts the carnage by showing churches being set on fire, professed Catholic priests murdered, and countless of their faithful peasants killed and having their bodies publicly hanged on telegraph poles as a warning to others, all with very little help or support for the Cristeros from the Vatican and the reigning Antipope at the time, Pius XI. (In fact the tiny army of The Cristiada practically had Calles' hugely armed forces on the brink of defeat when they were commanded to call off their military campaign by the orders of the Vatican in light of a new bogus 'settlement agreement' which never materialised when hostilities ceased.) The story shifts to Father Christopher (Peter O’Toole), a professed Catholic priest, who is ruthlessly murdered by the Federales. A 13-year-old boy, José Luis Sánchez (Mauricio Kuri), witnesses the killing. Driven by love for his faith and anger against the injustices committed against Fr. Christopher and the Church in Mexico, he joins the rebels, the Cristeros ("soldiers for Christ") fighting against Calles. Their battle cry is "¡Viva Cristo Rey!" ("Long live Christ the King"). (Permission to share on this platform has been granted for some territories by the distributor. Some scenes or images may have been censored for immodesty or heresy.)71 views -
FREE Online Scripture كتاب مقدس مجاني على الإنترنت
Free Humanityquran.com discord.gg/qwd3T4zk biblegateway.com/ archive.sacred-texts.com/isl/index.htm57 views -
1984 George Orwell Full Movie ORIGINAL
Free Humanity1984 George Orwell Full Movie ORIGINAL159 views -
Joris and The Dragon (re-upload)
Free HumanityTime to introduce back the humanity to humanity. we must correct all the damage done to society by bringing back chivalry and romance. Joris(George) and the Dragon. Ai art, Animated pictures, Medieval, history, legend, Rumble becoming a very bad platform to work with, uploading sometimes bugged.72 views -
Janosik 1 and 2, 1962, Movie,(Slovak folks hero)
Free HumanityJánošík was born on 25 January 1688, and baptised shortly after. His parents were Martin Jánošík and Anna Čišníková from Terchová. His godparents were Jakub Merjad and Barbara Krištofíková. He grew up in the village of Terchová in the Habsburg monarchy's Kingdom of Hungary area (present-day Žilina District in northwestern Slovakia). He fought with the Kuruc insurgents when he was fifteen. After the lost Battle of Trenčín, Jánošík was recruited by the Habsburg army.[3] In autumn 1710, as a young prison guard in Bytča, he helped the imprisoned Tomáš Uhorčík escape.[4] They formed a highwayman group and Jánošík became its leader at the age of 23, after Uhorčík left to settle in Klenovec.[5] The group was active mostly in northwestern Kingdom of Hungary (today's Slovakia), around the Váh river between Važec and Východná,[6] but the territory of their activity extended also to other parts of today's Slovakia, as well as to Poland and Moravia.[3] Most of their victims were rich merchants. Under Jánošík's leadership, the group was exceptionally chivalrous: they did not kill any of the robbed victims and even helped an accidentally injured priest.[6] They are also said to have shared their loot with the poor and this part of the legend may be based on the facts too.[6] Jánošík was captured in autumn 1712 and detained at the Mansion of Hrachovo, but was released soon afterwards.[7] He was captured again in spring of 1713, in the Uhorčík's residence in Klenovec (Klenóc).[2][8] Uhorčík lived there under the false name Martin Mravec at that time. According to a widespread legend, he was caught in a pub run by Tomáš Uhorčík, after slipping on spilled peas, thrown in his way by a treacherous old lady. Jánošík was imprisoned and tried in Liptovský Svätý Mikuláš, (present Liptovský Mikuláš). His trial took place on 16 and 17 March 1713, when he was sentenced to death. The date of his execution was not recorded, but it was customary to carry it out as soon as the trial was over. The manner of his execution, not in public awareness until the early 19th century, became part of his modern legend. A hook was pierced through his left side and he was left dangling on the gallows to die. This brutal way of execution was reserved for leaders of robber bands.[6] However, sources diverge about how he was executed, and it is also possible that Jánošík was hanged.[2] A legend says that he refused the coup de grâce offered in exchange for naming his associates with the words: "If you have baked me so you should also eat me!" and jumped on the hook.[9] Juraj Jánošík (first name also Juro or Jurko, Slovak pronunciation: [ˈjuraj ˈjaːnɔʃiːk]; baptised 25 January 1688, died 17 March 1713) was a Slovak highwayman. Jánošík has been the main character of many Slovak novels, poems, and films. According to the legend, he robbed nobles and gave the loot to the poor, a deed often attributed to the famous Robin Hood. The legend is known in neighboring Poland (under the name Jerzy Janoszik also Janosik, Janiczek or Janicek[1]) and the Czech Republic as well as Slovakia. The actual robber had little to do with the modern legend, whose content partly reflects the ubiquitous folk myths of a hero taking from the rich and giving to the poor. However, the legend was also shaped in important ways by the activists and writers in the 19th century when Jánošík became the key highwayman character in stories that spread in the north counties of the Kingdom of Hungary (much in present Slovakia) and among the local Gorals inhabitants of the Podhale region north of the Tatras. The image of Jánošík as a symbol of resistance to oppression was reinforced when poems about him became part of the Slovak and Czech middle and high school literature curriculum, and then again with the numerous films that propagated his modern legend in the 20th century. During the anti-Nazi Slovak National Uprising, one of the partisan groups bore his name.103 views -
Catweazle , Episode 1 , The Sun in a Bottle
Free Humanityhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cgIHS7am9g59 views -