DUMBS and UNDERGROUND ⚔ The Invisible War ⚔#Evergreen #Evergiven #HRC = #Hillary #Killeray ##Rodman #Clinton #ClintonFoundarion #ChildSexTrsfficker #Witch #Satans #Bitch #Adrenochrome - Pizza 🍕 PizzaGate - the victims transported and tortuemred in Containers >>Evergreen -->> https://rumble.com/v1mljm4-pizza-pizzagate-the-victims-transported-and-tortuemred-in-containers-evergr.html - 🍕 HILLARY WAS EVERGREEN - CODENAME HRC - Episode 117 with HonestWalterWhite -->> https://rumble.com/v1tdciw-hillary-was-evergreen-codename-hcr-episode-117-with-honestwalterwhite.html - 🍕 EVERGREEN - CONTAINERS & PROJECT PELICAN --->>> https://rumble.com/v27a6yk-evergreen-containers-and-projrct-pelikan.html - 🍕 PLAYBOY EXPOSED - PART 1 SEX WITH DOGS & WORSE — PLAYBOY <-> BOYPLAY -->> https://rumble.com/v1m2bmg--playboy-exposed-sex-with-dogs-and-worse-playboy-boyplay-part-1.html - 🍕 PLAYBOY EXPOSED - PART 2 - REMOVING THE ILLUSION -PLAYBOY:BOYPLAY -->> https://rumble.com/v1m2d6a--playboy-exposed-removing-the-illusion-playboyboyplay-part-2-.html - 🍕 PLAYBOY <-> BOYPLAY Hugh Hefner was CIA | Mossad Agent & Epstein of the 70ties till to his death -->> https://rumble.com/v1jfp1j-playboy-boyplay-hugh-hefner-was-cia-mossad-agent-and-epstein-of-the-70ties-.html - 🍕 'Secrets of the (Cabal) CIA' - Full Documentary -->> https://rumble.com/v1kl5nh-secrets-of-the-cabal-cia-full-documentary.html - 🍕 TRANSGENDER VICTIM EXPOSES THE EVIL TRANSGENDER AGENDA -->> https://rumble.com/v1lqj8z-transgender-victim-exposes-the-evil-transgender-agenda.html - 🍕 ENTER THE PIZZAGATE - SHATTERING THE ILLUSION - 2020 DOCUMENTARY HD ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v1lrig7--enter-the-pizzagate-shattering-the-illusion-2020-documentary-hd-.html - 🍕 THE TRAFFIC KING 🍕 Epstein, DISNEY, Gobal Elite -->> https://rumble.com/v1lla7b--the-traffic-king-epstein-disney-gobal-elite.html - 🍕 CHILDSEX TRAFFICKING - ALL PEDOCRIMINALS ARE TRAPPED and TRACKED -->> https://rumble.com/v1jkh1r-childsex-trafficking-all-pedocriminals-are-tracked.html - 🍕 TRACKED & CAUGHT IN THE ACT -> TREASON -> DeathPenalty -- https://rumble.com/v1j96te-we-have-it-them-you-2-all-tracked-and-caught-in-the-act-treason.html - 🍕 TRACED & TRACKED - WATCH THE TRAITORS COMMITING A TREASON -->> https://rumble.com/v1keohz-traced-and-tracked-watch-the-traitors-comiting-a-high-crime.html - 🍕 🔥CHILDSEX TRAFFICKING - 🍕 THESE LITTLE ONES 🍕 8 MILLION CHILDREN ARE MISSING EVERY YEAR WORLDWIDE - FOR THOUSAND AND THOUSAND YEARS THIS IS GOING ON - IT'S THEIR FOOD - THEY HUNT CHILDREN FOR PLEASURE - DRINK THEIR BLOOD (ADRENOCHROME) AND THEN EAT THEM -->> Trafficking/Pedophilia/Satanic Ritual/ Abortion Clinics -->> https://rumble.com/v1ll0yj-these-little-ones-doku-cps-traffickingpedophiliasatanic-ritual-abortion-cli.html - 🍕 CHILDSEX TRAFFICKING INDUSTRY - 100.000 missing children per DAY! -->> https://rumble.com/v1lkuux-childsex-trafficking-industry-100.000-missing-children-per-day.html - 🍕 BASED ON THE REALITY - SOUND OF FREEDOM - WHAT IF IT WOULD BE YOUR DAUGHTER? -->> https://rumble.com/v1lia0l-based-on-the-reality-sound-of-freedom-what-if-it-would-be-your-daughter.html - 🍕 WALMART WAS A CHILD SEX AND ADRENOCHROME worldwide LOGISTIC NETWORK OPERATOR -->> https://rumble.com/v1ljel9-walmart-was-a-child-sex-and-adrenochrome-worldwide-logistic-network-operato.html - END TIMES LEAGUE in association with Pikeman Production - 🍕 🔥 PEDO WARS - PART 1 - "OUR ENEMIES ARE PUR EVIL" -->> https://rumble.com/v1kwohh-pedo-wars-part-1.html 🍕 🔥 PEDO WARS 2 - THE WORLD IS ON FIRE -->> https://rumble.com/v1kwjxv--pedo-wars-2-the-world-is-on-fire.html - 🍕 🔥PEDO WARS 3 - ORIGINS - FULL FEATURE ->> https://rumble.com/v1kwgcp-pedo-wars-3-origins-full-feature.html ------ 🔥 PEDOGATE 2020 - Part 1 In-Depth Exploration (Mouthy Buddha) -->> https://rumble.com/v1io4hh-pedogate-2020-in-depth-exploration-part-1.html 🍕🔥 PEDOGATE 2020 PART 2 - Tom Hanx (NEW INFO) (Mouthy Buddha) -->> https://rumble.com/v1iomkb--pedogate-2020-pt.ii-tom-hanx-new-info-part-2-mouthy-buddha.html ------ 🍕🔥 Q+ Trump’s War On Crimes Against Humanity! -->> https://rumble.com/v1iigw1-q-trumps-war-on-crimes-against-humanity.html - 🍕🔥 THE WAR IS ON! TRUMP VS THE PEDOS PART 2 -->> https://rumble.com/v1jdgdg-the-war-is-on-trump-vs-the-pedos-part-2-..html - 🍕🔥Q+ Trump’s War On Crimes Against Humanity! The Worldwide Covert Military Intelligence Sting Operation! -->>> https://t.me/GitmoTV/17384 ------ all PERVYWOODS PARTS provided by #QWARRIORSWORLDWIDE >>>> 🔥 PERVYWOOD - ALEC BALDWIN -->> https://rumble.com/v1ke32r--pervywood-alec-baldwin.html - 🍕🔥 PERVYWOOD PART 1 THOSE WHO YELL THE LOUDEST -->> https://rumble.com/v1k4crd-pervywood-part-1-of-7-those-who-yell-the-loudest-.html?mref=7ju1&mrefc=65 - 🍕🔥 PERVYWOOD PART 2 - STRANGE DARK SECRETS - -->> https://rumble.com/v1k4e0d--pervywood-part-2-of-7-strange-dark-secrets-.html?mref=7ju1&mrefc=65 - 🍕🔥 PERVYWOOD 3 - PAWNS OF THE ELITE - CENSORED VERSION + SPECIAL ENDING (MIRRORED) -->> https://rumble.com/v1k4emv--pervywood-3-of-7-pawns-of-the-elite-censored-version-special-ending-mirror.html?mref=7ju1&mrefc=65 - 🍕🔥 PERVYWOOD 4 - WASHINGTON DC -->> https://rumble.com/v1k4fh5--pervywood-4-of-7-washington-dc.html?mref=7ju1&mrefc=65 - 🍕🔥 PERVYWOOD 5 - THE PEDO PUNISHER -->> https://rumble.com/v1k4gal--pervywood-5-of-7-the-pedo-punisher.html?mref=7ju1&mrefc=65 - 🍕🔥 PERVYWOOD 6 - A ROYAL FLUSH -->> https://rumble.com/v1k4j49--pervywood-6-of-7-a-royal-flush.html?mref=7ju1&mrefc=65 - 🍕🔥 PERVYWOOD 7 - DISNEY'S DEMONS -->> https://rumble.com/v1k4jsp--pervywood-7-of-7-disneys-demons.html?mref=7ju1&mrefc=65 - 🍕🔥 PERVYWOOD 8 - HALL OF FATE -->> https://rumble.com/v1k8vf7-pervywood-8-of-8-hall-of-fate.html - 🍕🔥PERVYWOOD 9.1 - VOL.1- THE NEW WORLD ORDER -->> https://rumble.com/v1ke22d--pervywood-9.1-vol.1-documentary-the-new-world-order.html - 🍕🔥 PERVYWOOD 9.1 - VOL.2 - THE NEW WORLD ORDER -->> https://rumble.com/v1ke0st--pervywood-9.1-vol.2-documentary-the-new-world-order.html - 🍕🔥 PERVYWOOD 9.1 - VOL.3 - THE NEW WORLD ORDER -->> https://rumble.com/v1kdzq7--pervywood-9.1-vol.3-documentary-the-new-world-order.html - 🍕🔥 PERVYWOOD 9.1 - VOL.4 THE NEW WORLD ORDER -->> https://rumble.com/v1kcn3x--pervywood-9.1-vol.4-documentary-the-new-world-order.html - 🍕🔥PERVYWOOD 9.2 - VOL.1 - HOUSE OF FRAUD -->> https://rumble.com/v1kgzdb--pervywood-9.2-vol.1-documentary-house-of-fraud.html - 🍕🔥PERVYWOOD 9.2 - VOL.2 - HOUSE OF FRAUDS - ELECTION FRAUD (DOKU) -->> https://rumble.com/v1kh38l--pervywood-9.2-vol.2-house-of-frauds-election-fraud-doku.html - 🔥PERVYWOOD 9.2 - VOL.3 - THE VOTING MASCHINES (DOKU) -->> https://rumble.com/v1kh4hl--pervywood-9.2-vol.3-the-voting-maschines-docu.html - 🍕🔥PERVYWOOD 9.2 - VOL.4 - HOUSE OF FRAUDS — JANUARY 6th 2021 - THE STORM of the CAPITOL (DOKU) -->> https://rumble.com/v1kh1gb--pervywood-9.2-vol.4-house-of-frauds-january-6th-2021-the-birth-of-brotunda.html ------ 🔥 DEEPEST DARK — DOCUMENTARY 2021 — (⚠️🔞WARNING !! - VERY DISTURBING) ---->>> https://rumble.com/v1jfanr-deepest-dark-documentary-2021-warning-very-disturbing.html?mref=7ju1&mrefc=73 - REAL WARNING !! - This Documentary contains footage and concepts wich are highly disturbing and very graphic. - This can not be unseen once watched! This Documentary exists for educational purpose only. - Sharing is highly recommended! - To expose these dark and sick aspects of the world people have to shine light on these topics and bring it into consciousness! - #StopChildSexTrafficking #SaveOurChildren - - 🔥 MISSION STATEMENT: To SaveOurChildren is OUR MAIN MISSION - Every exposed PEDO is one less - CHANNEL DISCLAIMER ©️ COPYRIGHT / LICENSING ———————————————— we invite every content owner and video producer to contact us by email (EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL@proton.me) #StongerTogether - WWG1WGA - Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purpose such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. - WE ARE NOT COMMERCIAL - The videos published by us serve exclusively for the dissemination of truth and education and does not contain any advertising from our side. - JOIN US ON TELEGRAM --->>>> https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL topic connected with https://t.me/DUMBSandUNDERGROUND --->> ☕️🔥 if our work is useful for you, we appreciate your support by buying us a coffee ☕️ . Your support helps us to keep the pace to EXPOSE the PEDOS and the CABAL. Big Thank you for your support - WWG1WGA --->>> ☕️🔥 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/EXPOSEpedos30K views 19 comments -
Obama Outed As 'Shadow President' Secretly Orchestrating Hamas-Israel False Flag
The People's Voice- Visit http://PrepareWithTpv.com so that you’re ready to survive the imminent false flag food shortages - Claim your ownership stake in The People's Voice: https://collective.thepeoplesvoice.tv NBC News has admitted that Barack Obama has been secretly operating as America’s ‘shadow President’ for the last three years, illegally serving a third term in the White House. According to an explosive report, Obama has been secretly overseeing the Biden administration, heightening concerns the ex-President is actually the secret commander-in-chief with his former VP operating as a frontman. Should we really be surprised? The disastrous results of the Biden presidency are far worse than anything that could be cooked up by an incompetent old man with dementia. Make no mistake, the economy has been expertly tampered with, and the world has been pushed to the brink of World War 3 by hidden hands. There is an arsonist in the White House and he has left his fingerprints all over the crime scene.419K views 272 comments