Dr. Yuval Harrari - Useless people - drugs and computer games
EllevenAs he says: "The product this time will be humans themselves. We are basically learning to produce bodies and minds. The problem [with the lower classes] is boredom and what to do with them. How will they find some sense of meaning in life when they are basically meaningless, worthless.” Very narrow minded individual astounding that they WEF should revere him as a prophet. Stupid educated human being. Humanity is designed for creativity and soulful occupations which technology will free us up to pursue180 views -
Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harrari and WEF's agenda
OOanaTrinTRANSHUMANISM (IMO a modern version of eugenics) is the science seeking to improve human populations via genetic engineering. The death of the liberal paradigm and the rise of technocracy and transhumanism.47 views -
Moppersmurf55The WEF agenda is clear. They think humans are useless. And also say there are no gods. Killing religion. Scumbag Yuval Harrari, Klaus Schwabs consultant.164 views -
Another Ludicrous Speech from Yuval Harrari
AshAzairisWEF's puppet, Yuval Harrari, giving more speeches about nihilism and his lack of care or respect for anything.138 views 2 comments -
Covid is to convince people to accept total biometric surveillance - WEF Harrari
Just News - updated regulary - ohne ZensurCovid is to convince people to accept total biometric surveillance - WEF Harrari110 views -
WEF Economist: It’s Our Moral Duty To Force Seniors Into Suicide Pods
The People's VoiceThere are far too many useless people in the world according to Dr. Yusuke Narita, a 37-year old professor of economics at Yale, whose solution to the so-called problem is forced “mass suicide” of the elderly. Speaking about forced euthanasia of the elderly to depopulate the world, Dr. Narita said if seniors don’t take a hint and step into suicide pods provided by the elite of their own accord, the “possibility of making it mandatory in the future [will] come up in discussion.” The Yale professor is a World Ecoomics Forum contributor and is known in Asia as the “Japanese Yuval Noah Harrari.” When he is not teaching at the prestigious Ivy League school in New Haven, Connecticut, Dr. Narita spends his time appearing on TV and promoting the WEF ideology on behalf of his master Klaus Schwab. Last year, when asked by a school-age boy to elaborate on his alarming mass suicide theories, Dr. Narita graphically described to the young students a scene from “Midsommar,” a 2019 Hollywood horror film in which a Swedish cult forces one of its elderly members to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff. According to Dr. Narita, the young generation have a duty to “work hard toward creating a society like that.”302K views 90 comments -
In 2030 You Will Own Nothing?
albertlieo7Click The Link For More Information! https://bit.ly/MYPROUNIVERSITY What will the world look like in 2030? Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, has some bold predictions. In this video, we'll take a look at what Schwab thinks the future holds for everything from technology to the environment to the global economy.18 views -
World Economic Forum (WEF): You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy!
Not MSMMirrored from / Original Video Source: World Economic Forum (WEF) - Klaus Schwab@Neuremberg My Channels: NotMSM - https://rumble.com/c/c-2594130 GoodVsEvil1 - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/WcKcScJIjN6U/178 views -
“You Will Own Nothing & Be Happy” - Davos 2022 The Great Reset
Russell BrandJan 24, 2022 • The annual “globalization ball” in Davos is upon us once again - a virtual event for the second year running. A new book ‘Davos Man’ reveals how its founder Klaus Schwab benefits from this gathering of the global elite. #Davos #TheGreatReset #KlausSchwab Get tickets for my 2022 tour here: http://bit.ly/33_2022 Elites are taking over! Our only hope is to form our own. To learn more join my cartel here https://www.russellbrand.com/join and get weekly bulletins too incendiary for anything but your private inbox. *not a euphemism Listen to my Luminary Original podcast, Under The Skin, to hear from guests including Edward Snowden, Jonathan Haidt, Jordan Peterson, Naomi Klein, Kehinde Andrews, Adam Curtis and Vandana Shiva. Subscribe to Luminary at luminary.link/russell For meditation and breath work, subscribe to my side-channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AwakeningWi... My NEW weekly meditation podcast, Above the Noise, is available now only on Luminary. Meditate with me here: luminary.link/meditate FOOTBALL IS NICE is my free, weekly, full-length podcast - subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/c/FootballisN... My Audible Original, ‘Revelation', is out NOW! US: http://adbl.co/revelation UK: http://adbl.co/revelationuk AU: http://adbl.co/revelationau CA: http://adbl.co/revelationca Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/russellbrand Locals: https://russellbrand.locals.com/3.48K views 36 comments