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Heather Lowery: Your Health. Your Story. [Ep 17]

9 videos
Updated 8 months ago
In the last episode, Heather shared her personal journey from the depths of Lyme despair to triumph and regaining her health. This episode, we’re going into the details of what she did, what she now advises Lyme patients do as a medical professional, and the best tips for overcoming Lyme. Hear from this highly trained and experienced Physician Assistant as she shares why antibiotics aren’t always the answer, the biggest challenges often overlooked in treating Lyme, and her most recommended treatments, techniques, supplements, and health products. This show is a must for anyone suffering from Lyme or chronic illness. This is the Story of Healing from Lyme Disease with Heather Lowery – Part 2.
  1. The Story of Healing from Lyme Disease with Heather Lowery – Part 2
  2. Why is Lyme Disease so Difficult to Treat?
  3. Why Antibiotics Don’t Always Treat Lyme Disease
  4. Why the Detox from Lyme is Worse than the Disease
  5. The Top Therapies for Lyme Disease Your Doctor Won’t Tell You
  6. Diagnosed with Lyme? Here’s What You Can Do at Home
  7. Are You Over-Supplementing? A Medical Professional Weighs in
  8. The Best Diet for Lyme Disease Patients
  9. Is It Herx or Is It Something Else?