DTL111“AN SV40 MONKEY POX…THAT SHOWED UP IN 1951-1955…NOW SHOWS UP IN THE ‘COVID VACCINE’…75 YEARS LATER…?” https://x.com/liz_churchill10 IT'S NOT A VIRUS, THEY JUST SHUT DOWN EVERYBODY'S IMMUNE SYSTEM THAT TOOK THE JAB. THEY ARE PURE EVIL ZIONIST JEWS WHO SHOULD BE CAUGHT, PINNED DOWN & INJECTED WITH THIS POISON A MILLION TIMES OVER. THEY ARE THE BIGGEST SERIAL KILLERS ON EARTH BUT ARE ALLOWED TO WALK FREE AFTER KILLING 2 BILLION WORLDWIDE, & COUNTING. THAT'S PURE INSANITY. SOURCE 👇 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/JERdTs6qv5bn 💥💥💥 PROVERBS 15:3 The eyes of theLordare in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. JEREMIAH 16:17 For my eyes are on all their ways. They are not hidden from me, nor is their iniquity concealed from my eyes. ✝️✝️✝️ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/F8nnw2tnXp9t https://t.me/wideawaketruthseekers https://rumble.com/user/DTL111119 views -
April 2020 Epoch Time Wuhan Fort Detrick USAMRIID SARS-CoV2
The Real Dr. Judy A. Mikovits(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/ ) The biggest issue I've learned over my 40-year career, it's not really fighting the viruses and learning how to treat the viruses. It's fighting a system that is determined to cover up and persecute anyone who reveals the truth behind. We've done this kind of work for now 40 years for me, the sequence analysis and comparison of the virus of the SARS2 COVID-19 apparently has genes that come from other humans and other species, including some envelope, the GP41 from HIV. I graduated from the University of Virginia in 1980. My first job was to go to the National Cancer Institute, which was housed at Fort Detrick, Maryland, the same place that houses the USAMRIID, US Army Research Institute on Infectious Disease, the biosafety level four facility, equivalent of the Wuhan facility. And so at these facilities, it's where investigators, who I went in there myself, you can see the breakdowns in safety, and it's everywhere. That's why I have no doubt the Chinese biosafety level four was just as lacking in safety, in rigor, you can argue that they don't care. Judy Mikovits, PhD - 04/15/2020 1st documentary movie on the origin of CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus: https://youtu.be/Le_rfTdayLs?si=iQD23q7j8NjM834d Fort Detrick, Ebola, Cures: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/f/fort-detrick-ebola-cures1.81K views 3 comments -
Dr. Judy Mikovits - Molecular Biologist Goes “Scorched Earth”[FULL INTERVIEW]
The Pete Santilli ShowTHE PETE SANTILLI SHOW MONDAY JANUARY 08, 2024 EPISODE #3891 8AM SPECIAL GUEST: • Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD (Molecular Biologist) - World renowned PhD Biomedical Research Scientist with 50+ scientific published articles. NYT Best Selling Author. International speaker presenting solutions. WEBSITE: • https://therealdrjudy.com/ SOCIAL MEDIA: • X: @DrJudyAMikovits 🚨 INTRODUCING! Our Newest Partner Bella Grace. Bella Grace Elixir is the greatest health and wellness product of all time because of 3 powerful ingredients: LEARN MORE HERE: http://Pete.BellaGraceGlobal.com 🚨Join Pete’s 21 Day Fat Camp Weight Loss Challenge - Visit Bioptimizers.com/pete ! Use Promo Code: PETE 🚨Order Your Prescription Emergency Kit & “Election-Variant” COVID Kit by visiting TWC.health/pete Use Promo Code: PETE for 10% OFF. ☢️Protect yourself from harmful EMF radiation. Neutralize harmful electromagnetic radiation and effectively counteract any negative impacts on your body Visit: http://AiresTech.com and use Promo Code: PETE30 & get 30% OFF! JOIN OUR TEAM “BACKSTAGE” BY JOINING OUR LOCALS COMMUNITY: 1 FREE MONTH LOCALS: http://petesantilli.locals.com/support Promo Code TRUMP 🚨🚨🚨 SIGN UP AS A LOCALS ANNUAL SUBSCRIBER AND RECEIVE A FREE MYPILLOW 2.0 ! http://petesantilli.locals.com/support 🔵 Purchase your copy of “Understanding The End Time” by Pastor Irvin Baxter & Dave Robbins http://endtime.com/pete Use promo code PETE for a 10% discount. Send Pete & Deb an Email! http://wkrpete.com/email Send Pete a Text! Text “Pete” to (844) 837-5132 Support Mike Lindell & All of His Employees by Visiting MYPILLOW.COM: http://mypillow.com/pete (Use Promo Code PETE) 🚨 PROTECT YOUR 401K FROM CRIPPLING INFLATION & GROWING DEBT. IF YOU HAVE $50K OR MORE IN RETIREMENT SAVINGS, CALL 855-614-1681 or visit http://goldco.com/pete TO RECEIVE A FREE IRS LOOPHOLE KIT & LEARN ABOUT HOW TO GET $10,000 (Or More) In Free Silver For Doing It! 🚨🚨Help Us Build Our Church UPON THIS ROCK: Please Contribute whatever you can monthly — Ideally, we’d rather have 1 million supporters with a $1 bill than 1 millionaire or a small handful of angel investors paying everyone else’s way. http://givesendgo.com/rock 🚨Stock Up On Emergency Food Supplies http://peteprepstore.com 🔴🔴🔴CARDIO MIRACLE: Get 3 Free Scientific Reports That Just Might Save Your Life! Text CARDIO To: 844-837-9924 Visit https://cardiomiracle.com/?ref=PETE and use Promo Code PETE to save 15% & get free shipping when you subscribe. FOLLOW US: SEE ALL OUR LINKS: https://wkrpete.com _____________________________________ SUPPORT US: PAYPAL: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/petesantilli LOCALS: http://petesantilli.locals.com/support17.4K views 49 comments -
Rename NIAID National Institute of Acquired Immune Disease
The Real Dr. Judy A. Mikovits(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/ ) Brannon Howes: You think he's finally going to get, be brought to justice? Anthony Fauci? Judy Mikovits, PhD: Yes, in the worst way. He actually created the Chronic Disease explosion. He actually created the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. We now know they're infections by injections and they created allergens. So I propose to rename that National Institute of Acquired Immune Disease, AIDS. He literally created the AIDS epidemic and the explosion in chronic cancers, back in 1983 when I was at the National Cancer Institute. And he, at that time, engineered the chimeras. HIV never was LAV, lymphadenopathy virus, and Gay Related Immune Deficiency was never AIDS. And human immune deficiency virus was injected in every hepatitis B vaccine! They've been injecting and causing AIDS and the explosion of cancer. And so the worst thing that can happen to Anthony Fauci is I take over that Institute, direct it and the Cancer Institute, bring back the 1982 Biological Response Modifiers Program, a translational research program, experts from everywhere, naturopathic doctors, pharmaceutical doctors, MDs. I was a fermentation chemist and did adoptive transfer and virus separation, as you know, and chemokine signatures. We own all the patents back from 1999 when I led the Lab of Antiviral Drug Mechanisms. 11/20/2024 - Brannon Howse Live: Dr. Judy Mikovits Tells Brannon Howse That Cancer Has Been Cured But Federal Government and Big Pharma Complex Wants Americans Sick: https://www.banned.video/watch?id=673e59bc76629c9c3004561c2.09K views 11 comments -
Thank You Dr. Fauci [Full Film]
UNCENSORED MED!A 🇺🇲Award-winning documentarian Jenner Furst seeks answers from Dr. Fauci about the origins of COVID-19, a bio-arms race with China and what could be the largest coverup in modern history in a real-life Oppenheimer meets Outbreak. More on Dr. Anthony Fauci: https://www.kmscreative.org/uncensoredmedia/categories/dr-anthony-fauci ------- 💻 WWW.KMSCREATIVE.ORG 📺 WWW.UNCENSOREDMEDIA.TV35.6K views 22 comments -
The Origin of HIV Aids The best documentary Channel 4
Biological MedicineThis film doesn't so much delve into the 'origin' of HIV / Aids but it very effectively explains a widely accepted and logical theory of how the virus spread through polio vaccination programs . Be sure to download this and re-upload to your own account using clipconverter or a similar youtube downloader. I've seen this documentary get shut down 5 or 6 times already so we need to keep it up for all to see!!!! Source: https://youtu.be/mzwTb5E8JtU?si=LOG3JfNhqc4pwpoH985 views -
Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes the HIV Underpinnings of Covid-19
BillGatesIsEvi1Dr. Judy Mikovits goes into detail about the early days of HIV research under Tony Fauci and how the Covid spike protein is based on it68 views 2 comments