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Hebrew Israelite lies and false doctrines

14 videos
Updated 1 year ago
This movement mainly started in the late 1960s from the 1 West school has been growing over the last 20 years because of the internet. Although there are many different camps and doctrines most of them share many false doctrines of the devil created by the 1 west leaders. There is no historical, scriptural or archaeological evidence to support their claims. Most are made up lies easily debunked by the actual evidence. This movement is spreading a false gospel and is destroying lies and spreading hatred. Like all lies and works of darkness it must be exposed.
  1. What does The Bible say? Part 2
  2. What does The Bible say? Part 1
  3. Another false doctrine obliterated!
  4. Proof that the book of Jubilees is NOT inspired scripture
  5. Are the books of the Apocrypha the inspired word of YHWH?
  6. Does Jesus command believers to own weapons? Luke 22 explained.
  7. Are Jews Impostors or are they the true Israelites?
  8. A question for Hebrew Israelites
  9. Another Message for the Hebrew Israelites
  10. The top 10 LIES / False Doctrines of the Hebrew Israelites