Hebrew Israelite lies and false doctrines
14 videos
Updated 1 year ago
This movement mainly started in the late 1960s from the 1 West school has been growing over the last 20 years because of the internet. Although there are many different camps and doctrines most of them share many false doctrines of the devil created by the 1 west leaders. There is no historical, scriptural or archaeological evidence to support their claims. Most are made up lies easily debunked by the actual evidence. This movement is spreading a false gospel and is destroying lies and spreading hatred. Like all lies and works of darkness it must be exposed.
What does The Bible say? Part 2
Disciple of ChristToo many men leading churches and assemblies are twisting what the bible says in order to get people to do their own personal will rather than the will of the Heavenly Father. This is part two of a study looking at what the bible says and the true meaning of specific verses that are often quoted and misinterpreted out of context. Hopefully the questions I pose will cause other believers to think for themselves and not be deceived by wolves in sheep's closing who seek to use, manipulate and control them. YHWH gives us free will. Imposing your will on others is considered to be witchcraft and it is of the devil. We must fear and obey YHWH, not men. YHWH has chosen and anointed many men throughout the eons to lead and guide us in his ways but not to lord over us and take advantage of his flock. I pray that this study will help believers to be able to identify and avoid deception, bondage and unnecessary division in the body of Messiah. Shalom, -Brother Paul6 views -
What does The Bible say? Part 1
Disciple of ChristToo many men leading churches and assemblies are twisting what the bible says in order to get people to do their own personal will rather than the will of the Heavenly Father. This is part one of a study looking at what the bible says and the true meaning of specific verses that are often quoted and misinterpreted out of context. Hopefully the questions I pose will cause other believers to think for themselves and not be deceived by wolves in sheep's closing who seek to use, manipulate and control them. YHWH gives us free will. Imposing your will on others is considered to be witchcraft and it is of the devil. We must fear and obey YHWH, not men. YHWH has chosen and anointed many men throughout the eons to lead and guide us in his ways but not to lord over us and take advantage of his flock. I pray that this study will help believers to be able to identify and avoid deception, bondage and unnecessary division in the body of Messiah. Shalom, -Brother Paul20 views -
Another false doctrine obliterated!
Disciple of ChristWhat does scripture say about violence and violent behaviour? Is your Pastor or spiritual leader promoting violent behaviour? If so, they are going against the word and YHWH's will for mankind.33 views -
Proof that the book of Jubilees is NOT inspired scripture
Disciple of ChristIn this video we look at 3 of the many examples of how the book of Jubilees contradicts what is written in the Bible proving that it is not scripture inspired by YHWH. While there is some useful and interesting information in this book it contains some quite major falsehoods and cannot be trusted as a reliable and accurate source of doctrine yet some believers do create false doctrines because of their mistaken belief that this book is 100% true and inspired.96 views -
Are the books of the Apocrypha the inspired word of YHWH?
Disciple of ChristI recently saw a video that made claims that the Apocryphal books which can be found in the Catholic bible are not inspired scripture. Without actually having read the books and without knowing the content the video made the following false claims which many Christians make. The claim is that the books are not the inspired word of YHWH because: - They do not contain any prophecies - They are never quoted in the New Testament - There are rs in thee books which go contrary to biblical doctrine In this video I prove some of these statements false using verses from these books. My intent is not to convince anyone that these books are inspired but rather to stop listening to the opinions of men who often deceive people when it comes to the faith. My intent is to intrigue believers to read these books for themselves and make up their own minds with the inspiration of the Holy spirit. These books at the very least are valuable for their historical content and I believe that they contain a lot of biblical wisdom. -
Does Jesus command believers to own weapons? Luke 22 explained.
Disciple of ChristIn Luke chapter 22 Christ tells his disciples to sell their cloaks and buy a sword. Some preachers and assemblies use these verses to make the claim that Jesus commands all believers to be armed. Yet in the account, when the disciples responded that they had 2 swords, Christ told them that it was enough. If we are all commanded to own and carry weapons when why did only 2 of the disciples need a sword and not all of them? A few other verses explain exactly why Christ made this command and I cover them in this short teaching. Welcome to my new series titled "Exposing false doctrines". I pray that this short study edifies you and I pray that I will continue making more videos in this series as the Holy Spirit leads me. During the teaching, I quoted the following proverb which was also quoted by Bruce Lee in an interview. “It is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war.” ― Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings12 views -
Are Jews Impostors or are they the true Israelites?
Disciple of ChristFor over 10 years I was part of the "Hebrew Israelite" movement. One of the doctrines that most members of this this movement believe and promote is that the Jewish people, and often specifically the Ashkenazi Jews, are imposters and are not descendants of the biblical Israelites but are actually converts to the faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They use various select bible verses and other details to make a convincing argument but are their claims true? After doing a lot of research on my own and having my eyes opened this is what I discovered. If this video intrigues you at all and you want to investigate further on your own I have provided links to some of the sources that I used. Don't take my word for it. Study to show yourself approved if this topic interests you at all and let the facts lead you to truthful conclusions. I pray that you will find this video to be informative and that it will help to spread truth and expose lies. Shalom. Dr. Brown Debates: "Who are the Real Children of Israel?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XomrvQ_czb4 The Real Truth About the Black Hebrew Israelites (Dr. Brown with Vocab Malone) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPE2Zx65r5k The Religious Beliefs of the Black Hebrew Israelites - with Vocab Malone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VG_RfqzPVk Full Debate with GoCC Elder Elder Rawchaa Shayar on the Dividing Line https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hNGCX2nXvE Interview/discussion with Ex-Hebrew Israelite Andrew Garcia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeI1FJulKFs Who Are the Lost Tribes of Israel? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK8ZBPqnUbE The History Of The Jews Around The World - Part One https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y8jyQKskdY History of the Jews Part Two Eastern Europe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGhwjMxd0NY Are Israeli Jews Imposters? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U01H-zJRklE Ashkenazi Jews and Khazar Theory | Unpacked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cw0G9COpeMY Debunking the Khazar Myth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdN0BaoT5Y0 Shaul Stampfer: Khazar Myth and Jews of Eastern Europe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6FctjTvFMM The Origins of the Khazars | DNA - Geneticist Razib Khan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnGm_62F9OE 56. No, Ashkenazi Jews are not Khazars (Jewish History Lab) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MkA8Qu_how Scientific Evidence on the Shroud of Turin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bxBDb5BWCA Shroud of Turin: The evidence, that corroborates Jesus' historicity and biblical identity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsAKSZ-RVxs The Shroud of Turin and Sudarium of Oviedo connection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7bvIMC79Sw Evidence for the Shroud of Christ! Resurrection 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLnCIp3OVmE NEW! Science Proves Shroud Image Is JESUS 2020 Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkvoAJp4dGI The Sudarium Of Oviedo | Mysterious Cloth Linked to Jesus' Burial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNy65pKZS34 Biggest Shroud Of Turin Discovery Ever Made https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNMmj67Ywhc3.85K views 8 comments -
A question for Hebrew Israelites
Disciple of ChristYHWH gave me a revelation that I had never considered before so I'm sharing this question for you all to ponder. This only applies to Hebrews who believe that Yeshua is the Messiah amnd YHWH manifested in the flesh. Some camps reject Christ's divine nature so my question won't make any sense to any of those groups. Shalom.48 views -
Another Message for the Hebrew Israelites
Disciple of ChristThis is a follow up to my last video. I received several comments which indicated that many who watched it didn't understand what YHWH had revealed to me and why it is important. This video is a rebuttal to some of the ignorant comments made and I am bringing forth a second witness from the Messiah's own words. Again, if you are a Tanakh only believer and you deny the gospels and the divinity of Yeshua then you will never agree with this message because you are anti-Christs and you need to repent and accept Christ or you can never be saved regardless of who you believe that you descend from. I pray that this message will bless you and bring you our of the deception that I was once a victim of. Shalom.88 views -
The top 10 LIES / False Doctrines of the Hebrew Israelites
Disciple of ChristThe title says it all. Below are a few of the links that I mention in the video. Deuteronomy 28:68 Falsehood and Hebrew Israelites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4iFCyhcKSs IUIC "Israelites" Wrong on Deuteronomy 28 ABSOLUTE PROOF! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1HHGbuRvQw 7 QUESTIONS on DEUTERONOMY 28 "HEBREW ISRAELITES" CAN'T ANSWER! (vocab malone) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYAUaERVoEA Deuteronomy 28 Irrefutable Interpretation Dr Eric Mason & Damon Richardson (HIGHLIGHTS by Vocab) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKZ-LBTRfQ4 MIKE WINGER Discusses MAIN Hebrew Israelite Bible Verse! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIembdA5yUk President Nasser Speaks about the Egyptian Jewish Community in Response to Western Propaganda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAQBhcb7KKw DEBUNKING FAMOUS "Hebrew Israelite" Meme (Jews left black, returned white) [audio] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uWRemnLXAQ BIZZLE Posts DEBUNKED "Hebrew Israelite" Meme, Misuses Rev 2:9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehenOtYXrfU Are Jews Imposters or are they the true Israelites? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFu-BfnJtMQ I forgot to mention it in the video but for those who really want to investigate this further to see whether or not I am speaking the truth, I'm linking a playlist that I have complied of over 130 videos that expose the many false doctrines and lies being propagated by many camps. Hebrew Israelite lies exposed! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSrWxE5LGssjcOkJrqiQTxCXekM5WqZTq462 views 1 comment