US Paramedic Harry Fisher Exposes The Realities Of Covid Protocols & Vaccine Deaths
David IckeThis week on Gareth Icke Tonight. Alaskan paramedic and military veteran Harry Fisher talks to us about his experience throughout Covid, including the murderous covid hospital protocols that killed so many, and his personal experiences of performing CPR on vaccine recipients, just moments after they were injected. Author and executive editor of The Federalist, Joy Pullmann is on the line to talk about everything from the US elections, the threat of world war, and the woke agenda to mentally corrupt our children, within the classroom. And author and activist Tony sayers calls us from Mexico to war us of the false spiritual teachings as well as delving into the metaphysical manipulation of humanity in terms of entity attachments and etheric AI Implants. Tony also writes about the deceptions at death and the trickery that goes on when we pass over. That’s Gareth Icke Tonight, Thursday 7pm UK on https://www.ickonic.com12K views 28 comments