Nov. 4, 1964 | LBJ Victory Statement
Real Time 1960sNov. 4, 1964 - In Austin, Tex., today, President Lyndon B. Johnson said in his victory statement: “I ask all those who supported me and all those that opposed me to forget our differences because there are many more things in America that united us than divide us.” Johnson won his first elective White House term by battering down Republican strongholds across the nation. Maine and Vermont fell into his column, as did normally Republican Kansas. Only in the South, where he lost five states, did his drive falter. It was the greatest presidential victory of modern times — the largest ever in terms of votes rolled up and margin over his opponent. Support this project at patreon.com/realtime1960s26 views -
Nov. 3, 1964 | RFK Victory Speech
Real Time 1960sNov. 3, 1964 - A massive tide of votes for President Johnson swept Robert F. Kennedy into the U.S. Senate today and appeared to have given Democrats control both of the state legislature and of the New York congressional delegation. With his brother Edward reelected as Senator from Massachusetts, Kennedy will form half of the second brother act in the history of the Senate. The last pair of brothers to sit simultaneously in the chamber were Theodore Foster of Rhode Island and Dwight Foster of Massachusetts between 1800 and 1803. Support this project at patreon.com/realtime1960s29 views -
Nov. 20, 1964 | Berkeley Free Speech Movement — Nina Spitzer
Real Time 1960sNov. 20, 1964 - This KRON-TV news footage features views of students demonstrating at the University of California at Berkeley as part of the free speech protest movement there. It also includes an interview with spokeswoman Nina Spitzer, who explains the purpose of the demonstrations and what she hopes the outcome will be. Support this project at patreon.com/realtime1960s22 views -
Oct. 27, 1964 | MLK Remarks in Los Angeles
Real Time 1960sOct. 27, 1964 - Dr. Martin Luther King visited Los Angeles today to urge people to vote in the Presidential election. He said he would vote for President Johnson. Dr. King’s whirlwind trip to Los Angeles included a visit with the residents of a low-cost housing project at 112th St. and Compton Ave., a Negro fraternal organization, Carver Middle School, Jefferson High School, McCoy Memorial Baptist Church, Los Angeles City College, South Park at 51st St. and Avalon Blvd., and The Boys’ Market at Rodeo Pl. and Crenshaw Ave. Support this project at patreon.com/realtime1960s17 views -
Sept. 27, 1964 | CBS Special on the Warren Report
Real Time 1960sSept. 27, 1964 - This two-hour CBS News Extra, “November 22nd and the Warren Report,” features Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather showing taped interviews with witnesses of the Kennedy assassination and those closest to Lee Harvey Oswald. The program also explains the Warren Commission’s findings. Support this project at https://www.patreon.com/realtime1960s70 views -
Sept. 25, 1964 | Documentary: “The Techs”
Real Time 1960sSept. 25, 1964 - KRON-TV’s “The Techs” provides a look at an innovative educational program called the Richmond Plan at De Anza High School in Richmond, Calif. The Richmond Plan, started in 1962, is described as being an integrated teaching program for 11th and 12th-graders which provides opportunity and direction for those interested in entering the technical fields of work. The film was written and produced by Al Kohlwes, narrated by Ed Hart, and directed by Al Scollay. Support this project at patreon.com/realtime1960s30 views 1 comment -
Sept. 25, 1964 | California Wildfires
Real Time 1960sSept. 25, 1964 - The big Santa Barbara brush fire moved today into an area of several hundred mountain cabins in Ventura County, Calif. It was unknown how many of the cabins were occupied, as the area has few telephone lines. The sector is 10 air miles west of Ojai, an art center and tourist attraction of about 7,000 population. There was no official report of a threat to Ojai. The fire, now in its fourth day, has charred more than 80,000 acres and destroyed at least 78 homes, some of them mansions. Governor Edmund G. Brown and the Federal Small Business Administration have declared Santa Barbara County a disaster area, facilitating repair loans. The U.S. Forest Service brought in 300 more firefighters today, making the total 2,100 men battling the blaze. This brought the fire’s casualty total to 41 injured, besides one firefighter, John L. Patterson, 45 years old, burned to death yesterday. Patterson tried to run through the flames when trapped by a flare-up northeast of Montecito. Three other men huddled against an embankment and survived. Support this project at https://www.patreon.com/realtime1960s40 views 1 comment -
Sept. 24, 1964 | Warren Report Released
Real Time 1960sSept. 24, 1964 - President Johnson today received from Chief Justice Earl Warren the voluminous report from the commission which investigated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Johnson accepted the heavy, blue-bound book in a short ceremony in the Cabinet Room. The Chief Executive met with the seven-man commission privately for about 20 minutes, and then cameramen were permitted to take photographs. The commission was named by Johnson a week after the murder of President Kennedy in Dallas, November 22 last year. The report will be made public Sunday evening. Support this project at https://www.patreon.com/realtime1960s22 views -
Sept. 21, 1964 | Arthur C. Clarke Predicts the Future
Real Time 1960sSept. 21, 1964 - On this clip from the BBC Horizon documentary “The Knowledge Explosion,” science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke offers his vision of the future. Support this project at https://www.patreon.com/realtime1960s46 views 1 comment -
Sept. 18, 1964 | MLK Meets Pope Paul VI
Real Time 1960sSept. 18, 1964 - Dr. Martin Luther King talked for 25 minutes today with Pope Paul VI and said the Pontiff promised to make a personal and public denunciation of racial segregation. The American civil rights leader called his meeting with the Pope and the Pontiff’s words “profound encouragement for all Christians in the world and particularly in the United States who are involved in the civil rights struggle with us.”Dr. King, 35, a Baptist minister, and the Catholic Pontiff conferred in the papal apartment in the Apostolic Palace. The Vatican did not issue a statement afterward. But the fact that the Pope granted the private audience and spent 25 minutes with Dr. King was significant in itself. Private papal audiences are rare and often last barely 10 minutes. “The Pope told me to say to the Negro people,” Dr. King said, “that he is remembering them in his daily prayer and that he is continually asking for God’s blessing as we continue the struggle for freedom and justice.” Support this project at https://www.patreon.com/realtime1960s22 views