playlist thumnail

Third-Person Shooter Theater

5 videos
Updated 10 days ago
Welcome to "Third-Person Shooter Theater"! This Video Playlist features my playing of "Third-Person Shooter" Video Games; tentatively in alpha-numerical order. Not necessarily a review but I will also talk about each of those games, offering my thoughts on them while playing. Many for the first time!
  1. Third-Person Shooter Theater [S1E5]: "Alienfront: Team Based Combat" (Arcade - 2001) [NA Version]
  2. Third-Person Shooter Theater [S1E4]: "アクセル・ブリッド" (SFC - 1993) [JP Only]
  3. Third-Person Shooter Theater [S1E3]: "007: Tomorrow Never Dies" (PlayStation - 1999) [NA Version]
  4. Third-Person Shooter Theater [S1E2]: "007: Everything or Nothing" (GBA - 2003) [NA Version]
  5. Third-Person Shooter Theater [S1E1]: "3-D WorldRunner" (NES - 1987) [NA Version]