Are Sports Rigged ? Sure, Everything Else Is.
VeteransAgainstTreasonHOPIUM FOR THE PEOPLE POSSIBLE TIMING: · Thurs. 16 Jan. 2025: It was believed that President Trump, Commander-in-Chief, was sworn back into office on Thurs. 16 Jan. under US Military Law. · Fri. 17 Jan. 2025: The Corporation of the UNITED STATES 1871 is dead. · Sat. 18 Jan. & Sun. 19 Jan. 2025: Global Military action coming – 450,000 sealed indictments to be served next week. · On Martin Luther King and Trump Inauguration Day Mon. 20 Jan. 2025 ten days of Communication Darkness will begin. The new Star Link Satellite System will show documentaries 24/7 to inform the public about the fall of the Cabal and it’s fiat US Dollar, independence for all 209 nations participating in the Global Currency Reset and the availability of long hidden technologies including Med Beds. · Mon. 20 Jan. 2025 Washington DC Military High Alert: Big danger with body double to be used – threat of explosives, drones spraying chemicals or bio weapons, EMP as Deep State has set up new 5G Cell Towers in the area. Communication Blackouts in many areas. New US Attorney General, Brunson Case. Star Link Satellites, new QFS Banking – full disclosure and Military Tribunals. · On Sat. 25 Jan. 2025, the first phase of the wealth redistribution will officially commence, directly benefiting millions and marking the start of real community rebuilding efforts. · On Mon. 27 Jan. 2025 Med Beds will be introduced to the public, bringing hope and healing to millions. These advanced technologies will begin their initial rollout, prioritizing those in critical need and children suffering from long term illnesses. · On Wed. 29 Jan. 2025 Healing Centers equipped with Med Beds begin operations in strategic locations worldwide. Training programs will be launched to educate specialists in this life-changing technology. Trump has been working on this Med Bed launch since 2016 when he was first put into office. · On Fri. 31 Jan. 2025 public demonstrations of Med Bed capabilities will be broadcast globally, showcasing their potential to restore health, reverse aging and eradicate disease. A new standard of well being will be established, redefining humanity’s relationship with Healthcare. · On Mon. 3 Feb. 2025 an international Med Bed Access Program will be announced, ensuring equitable distribution and usage. Leaders affirm that every individual, regardless of status or location worldwide, will have the right to healing and restoration. · On Mon. 26 May 2025 Memorial Day President Trump will host a massive celebration commemorating the 250th anniversary of the U.S. Independence of 1776. Festivities will start on Memorial Day and continue into July 4th. Must Join: BARRON TRUMP My armchair observations of the unusual Trump inauguration: Fox Newscasters complained that Trump’s swearing in started too early and before Melania had a chance to carry the Bible up to the podium. The Bible and Trump’s hand were covered from sight, but an insider took a picture (posted on Telegram) that showed Trump’s hand stayed to his side while he took his oath of office. That appeared pretty intentional that Trump didn’t put his hand on the Bible while he was being sworn in as President of US Inc. I say that was because from what I understand he had already taken his oath of office, but that was to President of the Restored Republic United States of America. Rumor was that happened on Thurs. 16 Jan. On the other hand, (Vance’s hand that is), the US Inc. Vice President did swear on the Bible his allegiance to office on Monday – it makes you wonder who was sworn in as Trump’s Vice President of the Restored Republic United States of America on Thurs. 16 Jan. Rumor was that JFK Jr. has been playing that part since July 4 2021. You see, we have unknowingly been living under two sets of rules since Biden’s 2020 fraudulent election. One was that Trump handed his authority over to the Military before he left office, remained as Commander-in-Chief and we were living under Martial Law so Trump could catch the bad guys. Must Join: BARRON TRUMP642 views 2 comments -
David DuByne: They're Centralizing Food Production as We Enter New Cycle & Reset 10-1-2024
TheWarAgainstYouDavid DuByne: They're Centralizing Food Production as We Enter New Cycle & Reset 10-1-2024 - November 2nd, 2024 Geopolitics & Empire - David DuByne discusses the momentous civilizational changes that are happening on the planet and how we are entering a new historical cycle. The cost of living is reaching an untenable point as food production is intentionally being sabotaged to get us on a centralized system. As the middle class is wiped out many will be forced to migrate from rural and suburban areas to urban smart cities. He comments on the climate shifts and how perhaps there is missing history that would explain our cycles and why we're ending up in feudalism again. He gives his thoughts on the specter of war, BRICS, strategic relocation, geoengineering, and more! - *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donatehttps://geopoliticsandempire.com/donations Consulthttps://geopoliticsandempire.com/consultation Become a Memberhttps://geopoliticsandempire.substack.com Become a Sponsorhttps://geopoliticsandempire.com/sponsors - **Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors! Above Phonehttps://abovephone.com/?above=geopolitics easyDNS (use promo code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!)https://easydns.com Escape The Technocracy course (15% discount using this link)https://escapethetechnocracy.com/geopolitics LegalShieldhttps://hhrvojemoric.wearelegalshield.com Wise Wolf Goldhttps://www.wolfpack.gold/?ref=geopolitics - Websites LibertyLinkshttps://libertylinks.io/SolarMinimum Adapt 2030https://www.youtube.com/@Adapt2030 Civilization Cycle Podcasthttps://civilizationcycle.com - About David DuByne David DuByne's ADAPT 2030 Channel and Civilization Cycle Podcast discuss timelines for what you can expect from now through 2030 as society resets so you can keep your families safe. - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Mirrored From: https://old.bitchute.com/channel/geopoliticsandempire/3.27K views 2 comments