Draconian protection
2 videos
Updated 5 months ago
Protection from draconian reptilians
Dissolve Alpha Draconian System Of Control Fear Based Trauma
DrVirtual7EmpowerDynamicsAll trauma comes from Alpha Draconis Influence - Draconian recycled feedback loop of abuse fear turned inward through destruction chaos death despair tension panic stress mind control etc. Reptilians are said to be a violent race whose culture is based heavily on war. The Draconians don’t particularly have patience for humankind and see humans as a source of nourishment. They are also blamed for a large percentage of human abductions, along with the Orion the Greys. This Audio Track Heals All Timelines The Past And The Present Now Moment. This contains very powerful healing affirmations below the normal range of hearing.4.39K views 12 comments -
DrVirtual7EmpowerDynamicsDrVirtual7 Subliminal Programs Stop R.e.p.t.i.l.i.a.n Alliance Mind Body Takeover Terrestrial R.e.p.t.i.l.i.a.n Archon Greys Taurians Nordics Annunaki And More Breaking Hypnotic codes Mind Body Infiltration Download here_ https://sellfy.com/p/Xs0S/ Energy Food Source Harvesting Abduction Dream Infiltration Cloning Disease Claim Of Ownership Bacteria Remote Hosting Shock And Awe Deception Sex Manipulation Pain Matrix Exiting Brain-Eating Parasites Black Box Sentient Feed Loops And More. Hypnotic Code Breaker Is A Unique Recording Codes Are Professionally Researched Into Subliminal InAudible Spoken Affirmations Easily And Naturally Accepted By Both Conscious And Subconscious Minds. All You Have To Do Is Listen And Relax Minimum Requirement Is 1-2 X Day Or Night For Four Months Then 1-2 X Weekly For Maintenance Earphones Are Optional Warning Extremely Powerful Do Not Drive A Moving Automobile And Or Operate Industrial Machinery While Listening. My First Amendment rights allow me to report my knowledge and experiences to the public. DrVirtual7 Reserves The Exclusive Right Respectively As A Subliminal Artist To Professionally Designed Affirmation Trade Secrets. DrVirtual7 audios are some of the most listened to in the matrix In the areas of spiritual awareness, self empowerment and personal development. ====================================================== #Drvirtual78.65K views 13 comments