Depopulation In Full Swing- Part 1.
LibertytalkcanadaMass amounts of depop in real time info has been coming out since the new year started in such high amounts I can barely keep up. Catch up in this episode with me, while also seeing videos from back in the day where the elite show their plans for depopulation. *Get rid of the toxic geoengineering spray that is all over your veggies by having your own tower garden in your home or on your covered deck. Checkout the amazing Tower Gardens here: https://odessa1.towergarden.ca as well as WHOLE fruit and vegetable supplements (Non GMO) with a 2 year shelf life at https://odessa1.canada.juiceplus.com *Don't get caught with your pants down. Buy your gold and silver at https://libertytalkcanada.ca/gold *Contact my awake friend & financial investment advisor Adrian Spitters to get information on how to capitalize on the massive amounts of homes being built in Canada to help you with inflation (with NO pressure, just info) Email: adrian@adrianspitters.com Web: www.adrianspitters.com or call him at 604) 613-1693. Tell him Odessa sent you. *Help keep this show going! If you appreciate my hard work you can buy me a coffee at: libertytalkcanada@gmail.com (e -transfer). Credit card donation at https://buy.stripe.com/5kAcNy1EZ3bC5H2bII or by cheque made out to "Van Corp Ent" at PO Box #45012 at 4326 Dunbar St, Vancouver, BC V6S 2G0 *FULL super informative episode about the AC50 Browns gas Hydrogen machine here : https://librti.com/view-video/june-29 and see the AC50 hydrogen device at aquacure.life and use the promo code "liberty" for a 5% discount . *You can contact Odessa at libertytalkcanada@gmail.com for more information on the amazing iTerra device that is here: https://wellnesssolutions4all.com/odessa .Watch this episode about it: https://rumble.com/v2eb35k-interview-with-grizzly-patriot...and email libertytalkcanada@gmail.com if you are interested in getting one. More info in an email I will send back to you in a reply. Don't lose track of my shows go to my website https://LibertyTalkCanada.ca and subscribe to my email list, and my telegram channel: https://t.me/LibertyTalkCanada OR twitter: @odessaorlewicz FB: Odessa Orlewicz https://librti.com/odessa (The BEST place to follow my shows is librti.) https://rumble.com/user/Libertytalkcanada SHOW LINKS: https://expose-news.com/2023/09/01/c19-jab-reduces-lives-of-men-by-24-years/ https://dailysceptic.org/2023/12/22/covid-vaccines-integrate-into-human-dna-peer-reviewed-study-confirms/ above flows into: https://thedailybeagle.substack.com/p/explosive-dna-modifications-impact https://dailysceptic.org/2023/08/20/u-k-population-collapse-good-for-the-planet-wef-adviser-prof-sarah-harper-explains/ https://makismd.substack.com/p/canadian-government-admits-48780 https://news.rebekahbarnett.com.au/p/breaking-australias-drug-regulator https://dksdata.com/ExcessDeaths https://twitter.com/JoshWhoX/status/1740834488806994323 https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/canada-300-percent-increase-unspecified-cause-death/ video: Rockefeller- https://twitter.com/JoshWhoX/status/1731908556146807006 video more depop: https://twitter.com/MarkFriesen08/status/15095924918125404183.33K views 15 comments