The Narrative
220 videos
Updated 1 year ago
Digging up historical inaccuracies from what we have been told/taught....is this part of The Great Reset?
Star Forts and Flames?
MYLUNCHBREAK CHANNEL PAGEToday we investigate Star Forts for the 2nd time and go even deeper. We also expose the Chicago Narrative that is clearly lying to us, creating fake stories, fake characters and much more. I couldn't be more thankful for all of your support. I am having a lot of fun sharing this information with you all! I hope you all have a great rest of your day! LINKS: BECOME A SPONSOR OF MY LUNCH BREAK: Shout-Outs For the next Month's Episodes! Patreon: https://patreon.com/MyLunchBreak Twitter: https://twitter.com/MYLUNCHBREAK_ Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2q03po-his-story-not-ours-pt-5.html T-shirts: https://my-lunch-break.myspreadshop.com/tartaria+my+lunch+break-A644da062cabffc5328538705?productType=111&sellable=yrpy4VgZADuvGXd0Gj02-111-22&appearance=2 Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/flat-earth-sun-moon-zodiac/id1440996640 EMF Hats: Coupon Code LUNCHBREAK to get $10 off https://www.ProjectTinfoil.com This is all in my own opinion. As always, and of course, you are free to believe whatever you want. Thank you for your support.18K views 48 comments -
Jon Levi: Melted Cities! Stop Spending, Stop Participating! [03.03.2024]
KimOsboelA reservoir of knowledge on display; the research is a treasure trove for the curious minds The host's passion is infectious; a magnetic force that draws us into the narrative. JonLevi 310K subscribers 360 views Mar 3, 2024 https://youtu.be/LdVWPozdn_Y?si=RggXywwq7JQvfSca https://www.youtube.com/@jonlevichannel https://odysee.com/@JonLevi:3 https://jonlevichannel.com2.58K views 2 comments -
Lost Architecture of the German Empire (Before the World Wars) “Old World” Oldest Photographs
TheWarAgainstYouLost Architecture of the German Empire (Before the World Wars) “Old World” Oldest Photographs - 229,868 views Apr 12, 2022 - Today we will be looking at what is considered by many to be the epitome of Old World architecture, that is, Old World Germany, also known as, The German Empire. - Upon unifying in 1871, the German Empire included such kingdoms as Prussia, Saxony, and Bavaria. - With them came an assortment of magnificent architecture which we will focus on today by looking at 121 of the oldest known photographs taken in The German Empire. - These images, all photographs (not artistic depictions, maps, or drawings) will be from before the World Wars which greatly reshaped Germany. - Many of the structures in these buildings were damaged or destroyed, so these images could be our best insight into this particular section of “Old World”. - I will also briefly (for about six minutes) discuss the overarching narrative history of Germany, from Julius Caesar to World War II. Mainly, this video is about the wide range of photographs. - I’d like to hear which one stands out to you the most in the comments (be sure to leave a time stamp), and we can look further into the specific history of any of the buildings or statues depicted. This was one of my favorite videos to make, with over a year of image collecting, and then editing the greater list into 121 images I felt best represented “Old World Germany”. - Key moments History of the German Empire 3:30 German History 4:07 The Double-Headed Eagle 5:27 Revolutions in 1848 and 1849 6:53 The Industrial Revolution of the Mid-1800s 6:59 - Enjoy! Links for Further Reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archite... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germany https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germani... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germania https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Ro... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reforma... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirty_... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_o... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleo... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unifica... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_... - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@FRESHboosters3K views 5 comments -
Old World is Worldwide? | Part 5
MYLUNCHBREAK CHANNEL PAGEWelcome Back to Episode 18! Today we investigate the narrative surrounding California and the Roman Connection! We find major flaws in the story and show how the old world is still very much alive! TWITTER: https://twitter.com/MYLUNCHBREAK_ RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/v2ess12-timeline-begins-in-1800.html19.3K views 42 comments -
His Story, Not Ours? | Pt 1
MYLUNCHBREAK CHANNEL PAGEToday we begin a brand new series! His Story, Not Ours? I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did making it! We go deeper into this narrative and go all over the world, including an island! The Old World is still alive through our research! I hope you all have a great day! I'm so thankful for your support!! Twitter: https://twitter.com/MYLUNCHBREAK_ Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2jn22a-old-world-is-worldwide-part-5.html20.8K views 64 comments -
His Story, Not Ours? | Pt 2
MYLUNCHBREAK CHANNEL PAGEFor Part 2 of His Story, Not Ours? we go even further into the narrative and find buildings that don't belong here. Courthouses that were not built for that. More competitions! and a few surprises. Thank you all for your support! I am so thankful for you all. I hope you all have a great day! LINKS: 20% OFF + FREE SHIPPING Manscaped: PROMO CODE: MLB20 Twitter: https://twitter.com/MYLUNCHBREAK_ Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2l1n04-his-story-not-ours-pt-1.html18.4K views 45 comments -
His Story, Not Ours? | Pt 3
MYLUNCHBREAK CHANNEL PAGEAre you ready to dive into the history behind the old world? Is what we are taught the truth? Let's make that decision together for ourselves! We go around the world and look for the hidden past of our realm in episode 21. Thank you all for the support! I hope you all have a great day! LINKS: TWIITER: https://twitter.com/MYLUNCHBREAK_ RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/v2lkije-his-story-not-ours-pt-2.html18.5K views 31 comments -
His Story, Not Ours? | Pt 3
MYLUNCHBREAK CHANNEL PAGEToday, lets stick to the facts and show people exactly where these architects really were in the 1800s. I hope you all enjoy this episode as much as I do. I will be referring to this episode for a long time. Groundbreaking for our research in this community in my opinion! Please Like, Comment and Subscribe it really helps the channel I hope you all have a great day! LINKS: SHIRTS: https://my-lunch-break.myspreadshop.com/tartaria+my+lunch+break-A644da062cabffc5328538705?productType=210&sellable=yrpy4VgZADuvGXd0Gj02-210-7&appearance=2 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/MYLUNCHBREAK_ RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/v2ner34-his-story-not-ours-pt-3.html Thank you all for the support! I hope you all have a great day! LINKS: TWIITER: https://twitter.com/MYLUNCHBREAK_ T-SHIRT: https://my-lunch-break.myspreadshop.com/tartaria+my+lunch+break-A644da062cabffc5328538705?productType=210&sellable=yrpy4VgZADuvGXd0Gj02-210-7&appearance=2 RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/v2lkije-his-story-not-ours-pt-2.html18.9K views 61 comments -
His Story, Not Ours? | Pt 6
MYLUNCHBREAK CHANNEL PAGEToday we look into the Old World. Book burning. More Fires? Ancient structures in India and we take a visit back to Ohio! I couldn't be more thankful for all of your support. I am having a lot of fun sharing this information with you all and seeing where it goes. I hope you all have a great rest of your day! LINKS: Twitter: https://twitter.com/MYLUNCHBREAK_ Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2q03po-his-story-not-ours-pt-5.html T-shirts: https://my-lunch-break.myspreadshop.com/tartaria+my+lunch+break-A644da062cabffc5328538705?productType=111&sellable=yrpy4VgZADuvGXd0Gj02-111-22&appearance=216.5K views 37 comments -
Fabricated History
MYLUNCHBREAK CHANNEL PAGEToday, we continue to find more and more clues to our true history. We dive deep into the Milan Cathedral narrative and find incredible information. We see recent events that give it all away, as well as finding map comparisons to the old world. I couldn't be more thankful for all of your support. I am having a lot of fun sharing this information with you all and seeing where it goes. I hope you all have a great rest of your day! LINKS: Shout-Outs in the Next 4 Episodes! Patreon: patreon.com/MyLunchBreak Twitter: https://twitter.com/MYLUNCHBREAK_ Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2q03po-his-story-not-ours-pt-5.html T-shirts: https://my-lunch-break.myspreadshop.com/tartaria+my+lunch+break-A644da062cabffc5328538705?productType=111&sellable=yrpy4VgZADuvGXd0Gj02-111-22&appearance=215.8K views 55 comments