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The Divine Law of Cure - Warren Felt Evans Audiobook

12 videos
Updated 11 months ago
For more on New Thought: American writer Warren Felt Evans (1817–1889) is well-known for his writings in the metaphysical and spiritual healing domains. "The Divine Law of Cure" explores his viewpoints on metaphysical ideas, spiritual healing, and the relationship between spirituality and health. The book is the result of the extensive learning and research of the author and exhibits a familiarity with the literature on the subject. It is profoundly religious without being offensively dogmatic. It has been received with universal favor by all who are seeking light on the subject on which it treats — the cure of disease in ourselves and others by mental and spiritual agencies.
  1. 1.1 The True Idea of Religion
  2. 1.2 Religion a Development from within and not Foreign Element Imported into our Nature from Without
  3. 1.3 The Power of the Religious Emotions over the Life and Health of Man
  4. 1.4 All Religions Useful and Spiritually Medicinal
  5. 1.5 The Essential Idea of Christianity as Unfolded, in the Johannean Gospel
  6. 1.6 The Presence of God in the Material World and in the Realm of Mind
  7. 1.7 Saving and Healing Grace, or Medicine a Sacrament
  8. 1.8 Origin and Conservation of Life-Force
  9. 1.9 The Scriptural Idea of Health and Disease
  10. 1.10 Birth of the Christ as Illustrating the General Law of Conception, Vital Relation of Man to God