Prophet Julie Green - Live Show with Julie and Thomas Renz - Captions
The Church of What's Happenin' Now - Prophecy & The PropheticIn this live show, Julie Green welcomes her special guest and dear friend Tom Renz, whom she met on the Reawaken America Tour. Tom is an attorney and a patriot fighting against corruption, including big pharma and government malpractices, particularly surrounding COVID-19 and the lockdowns. He shares how his faith in God has grown and guided him through his battles, which have included taking on monumental challenges such as fighting for medical freedoms, the truth about vaccines, and other forms of government corruption. Tom also discusses his work on raising public awareness and the importance of unity in fighting against these injustices. Additionally, he mentions his 404 series of short books designed to educate people on complex issues quickly. The show concludes with Julie praying for Tom's protection and success in his ongoing legal battles. ✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here: 👉 https://rumble.com/v4k750k Full Video Transcript: Good morning once again everybody and thank you for joining today's live show. I have a special guest today. He is one of my dear friends. I have met him on the reawaken America tour and he is a patriot. He is a fighter. I love him very much and welcome Tom to this show. I am so happy to have you joining us today. I'm so honored to be here, Julie. I mean, and I can't say enough awesome about you and your whole team. God's been so good. I was so excited. You know, we met in reawaken and we became friends and, you know, we've just kind of, that's just kind of grown ever since you are the, some of the greatest, I don't have to tell your viewers, they know, but you guys are just awesome. I, I, I just love you ladies. Well, we love you guys too. And it's an honor to get to know you. And. I wanted to have you on because I wanted the people to know what you are doing. You are fighting for this country. You are fighting hard. And first of all, I want to ask you this question before you let us know how all the things that you're doing to fight to save this country and to save lives. The last three or four years, how has that impacted your relationship and your job with the Lord? Monumentally. Bye. To say the least, right? I mean, I've always been a God guy. There's no question about that. And when I started, so four years, four plus years ago, when the lockdowns occurred, I sat in this chair in this office and I had my hand in my on my head and I just, and I prayed. And I said, God, I said, if you put this fight before me, I'll do the best I can to do it your way. And I promised him that I'd do that. And I had no money, no connections as a solo practitioner. I answered my own phones live in a small town of 12, 000 in Ohio and knew at that point that I was asking God, you know, Hey, I'm going to take on big pharma, big government. You know, I mean, how ridiculous is that? Right. But I knew, but I was asking God because it's, it's, it's way more for me than I can handle, but I wasn't asking to do it. I asked God. And so he put it before me and as is frequently the case I didn't know what I was asking for. So, he put it before me. And he's continually asked me to do way more than I could even come close to doing, but he's also continued to carry me. He's continued to find ways to make it happen. He's continued to find ways for, for just for amazing things to occur. I know a great example is you know, we, there's been several times where, you know, no resources, no anything where I've been pretty close to dead broke on this and you know, just this winter God, you guys actually, I don't want to give away anything, but you yourself actually supported me on, on some stuff and I, I'm not going to say any more than that, I've gotten to the point now where I've learned that I, I really don't need to worry. Right? I'm fighting way over my head. I'm fighting on God's grace right now. Right? So, what's, what's happened is, is that I've learned to trust him more. My faith has grown. My faith has shifted, right? Because at some point, faith quits being about, I know that God exists and starts being about, how can I serve him better? Right. Because I know him, you couldn't convince me. There's no God any more than you could convince me that the sky is yellow. You couldn't convince me that there's no God any more than you could convince me that, you know, I'm a tree, it just isn't the case. So at this point, it's more about. What does he want me to do? How do I do it? How do I get, how do I get forgiveness for the sins that I continue to, to make against him? Because I'm not a perfect man. How do I bear good fruit? How do I bear the most good fruit that I can bear? And so, it's, it's changed everything. It's changed everything. And I don't know if I do it right, but I know at the end of the day that my entire fight is for him. Mm hmm. So if the people don't know who you are, which I'm sure a lot of people do, but if they don't know who you are, who, who is Thomas Renz and what have you been doing to fight for this country? And I know you said you're fighting Big Pharma. You remind me of David and Goliath. You are this man who has been put in front of a bit, this big giant that God wants to take down, but it's God's ability and his strength through you that will help bring these things down that are against us. So you said Big Pharma, but I know you have a lot more fighting than that. You're helping January Sixers and you're doing so many things for this country. And I just wanted them to know. Who you are and what you're doing. Well, so the most important thing that I am is the thing that I, I always, I answer this with that with, I say, I'm a nobody because if you want to know who I am, I'm a nobody, I'm an American, I'm a guy, I live in Fremont, Ohio, right? And there's nothing more important than I'll ever be than that. Other than a humble servant of God. And it's funny because now four years ago, when I said that people were like, yeah, you're right. Now when I say that, they're like, Oh no, you've got a platform. You've got this, you've got that. The only thing that's changed is that people know my name, right? I haven't changed. And still the most important thing is that because who I am is a guy who's still trying to fulfill that promise I made to God, that I would fight his fight, his way to the best of my ability. And so. As an attorney, which is kind of, I think what you were actually asking you know, I'm a guy who's out here fighting and I'm an anti corruption guy. So it started out being COVID and lockdowns. Then it went to COVID lockdowns, vaccines. Then it went to big pharma. Then it went to, okay, wait a second. The guys that. You know, big pharma and all these guys that are corrupting the government to allow things to occur in COVID are also corrupting the government elsewhere. And so the corruption is systemic. And so I've become kind of an anti corruption guy, period. And it's an interesting thing because most anti corruption attorneys are Democrat or Republican, but. I'm neither and I'm, I'm both right. I don't like either of them. I don't like anybody. Mitch McConnell's as crooked as Nancy Pelosi. And so I don't really care who you are. I don't care if you've got a D or an R. I just care whether or not you're doing the good things or bad things. So I kind of just go where the badness is and stick my nose into it and usually get my nose punched and fight it. I've learned a lot and I've learned that you The courts are corrupt in a lot of cases. I've learned that the government is corrupt in all cases, and I've learned that people are frequently corrupt, whether they know it or not, sometimes by accident myself included, right? I mean, we all make mistakes. We're all sinners, but what I've found is that. If, if we dig hard enough, there's usually a lot of ways to do this. And so we've, we've expanded. We start out as a lawyer filing lawsuits on COVID issues. We expand the lawsuits on all sorts of things. And at this point, I consult and do a lot of work. I'm kind of a lightning rod at this point, wherever I go government or some bazillionaire seems to fund an awful lot of lawyers to fight against everything that I do. And so a lot of my work has gone under the radar because, you know, if I, if I tell everybody, Hey, I'm going to do this suit, well, suddenly there's 50 lawyers from Harvard, all paid to defend it. So a lot of what we're doing is kind of behind the scenes right now, a little bit, we're playing some sneaky stuff. The other thing that I've learned is that one of the most effective tools to combating corruption. It's public awareness. When we spread the word the word of truth people, people tend to look and they tend to get active and it makes it much harder for corruption to exist. And so we're evangelizing truth, much like you're evangelizing Christ's word every day by getting it out there in a lot of different ways, which is an odd thing because I, the one thing I never wanted to be with this was well known. And it's the one thing that I have to do the most to protect and preserve the fight, because if I don't have the public knowledge and awareness of what we're doing, I can't do it. When I go into a courtroom, so we have a great example is there's a particular judge who we're not going to name, and I'm not going to talk about the specific action, but this judge was sanctioned by a superior court. And Is retaliating against some, some lawyers, right? He's retaliating because against lawyers who were responsible for him being sanctioned by a superior court, and he's doing so in a very unethical way. Well, this is a common thing that's occurring right now. You know, when you start calling out corrupt people, they act more corrupt. They double down on it. When, when people become aware of this though, It becomes much harder for that sort of thing to happen because if the, if this judge, for example, thinks that he can get away with this without anybody noticing, that's fine. But if millions of people suddenly know this judge's name, which will probably happen in the not too distant future, well, he's going to have to think twice about whether it's really worth it because his reputation, his position, you know, he may not lose his job. But he's going to have to have to deal with the fact that everybody on the planet now knows that he's a crook. And so the power of people in the power of awareness and the power of truth is monumental. And so, my work has shifted from just going to court to going to wherever we got to do to get truth out and to fight corruption. Yes. And I, that's one thing I loved about, you know, what you guys are doing. That's the reason why I wanted you on the show because there are a lot of people like you that are doing things that are not being known because there's information being suppressed. There's things being suppressed everywhere. And now you've been fighting the jabs. You've been fighting corruption in the government. You've been fighting with the whole things that are going on with January 6th and those prisoners and things like that. But a lot of people don't know this because mainstream media keeps it quiet. They try to suppress all this information. They try to divert people to other situations to try to distract people. Disinformation again, that's why social media is so important. That's why shows like this are so important to get people like you who are fighting behind the scenes and risking everything they have and their lives in order for this country to stay free. It's like you said, a lot of people know on this, you know, who watch this, watch this ministry and they watch me and they know guys that have a lot of prophecies about corrupt judges. He's had a lot of prophecies about the corrupt government. He's a lot of the prophecy is about a corrupt judicial system. But one of the things that we have to understand, and I know that you know this as God is the judge over all the earth. And so you may be going in front of a natural judge, but you have the judge in the courts of heaven that is on your side. Whether you can see him or not, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether, you know, it looks like he's doing anything or not. He is. And that's what I wanted to encourage you with too, is that, that guy and that judge and all these judges that you're facing that are corrupt, it says in God's word in Psalms chapter 75 and verse 7, is a God is a judge over all the earth. He takes down one and lifts up another. So these judges, They, it looks like they're getting away with stuff right now, but they're not. And there's always a day of judgment and there's always a day of justice. And always in God's time. Right. It's really an interesting thing. Cause like I said, as I've done this, I've had to learn so much, so much. And a lot of it comes down to humility, right? Because I'm a lawyer. So humility is not necessarily my strong suit. You know, What I found is that, you know, God's got this peculiar way of doing things and he's going to do it where you can't mistake who who's getting credit for it. Right. Because it's, it's his show. And when you're doing things that are, that are out of your league, you know, that's my job is to fight out of my league, right? One guy from Ohio shouldn't be able to make an impact on, on a plan like COVID or a thing like you know, government corruption or, you know, these kinds of global, I, I shouldn't be able to do anything on any of this. Right. The only way that I can is with and through him. Now, if I run around looking like a superhero, that's great, but that gives credit to me. That's not the point, right? The, if I go around high fiving myself for what I'm doing, that's, that's novel. It's wonderful. But ultimately God is the one that's doing this. And if, if I want to continue to be successful in this, I've got to make sure that the fruit that I bear, you know, the accreditation goes to the, to the. Source. Right. Not, not to me because. Yeah, some of the stuff we've came up with, some of the plans, some of the stuff that we've implemented some of it's just so far beyond what I could come up with. It's mind blowing. You know, you'll put something in your head and you're like, man, that's brilliant. Where did that come from? And it clearly wasn't me, you know? Or. You know, I mean, in more practical terms, you know, it's, it's, it's even you know, like I said, there, there has been four or five times since I started this and where, where we, we couldn't pay the bills and we just prayed and the next day Literally, random anonymous checks show up. It's happened multiple times. We're just check, just show up and it's, you know, we're not rich. We've never been rich. We're very, very judicious about any income we get because we never know, you know, but, and because we get it by the grace of God, frankly. No one can afford to pay. I mean, as, as an attorney, I'm okay at what I do and I've got a lot of demand for my time. So my, my rate would be pretty high if I billed, nobody can afford that. No regular person can afford what it would take to hire a lawyer, to go to federal court for this and this and this and this, or to develop a plan for this. And this, I mean, it's beyond that. So I can't make what I would make if I was doing it that way, but I don't need to, as long as I can take care of my family I But more importantly, since no one can afford that, you know, our income comes from donations, but, and I'm not asking for donation. Well, I am always, but that's not the point, right? The point here is not that the point is that in a very tangible way, right? Cause everybody's like, Oh, I got a plan. I got to this. I got to that. And you should plan, you know, be wise, like serpents. Right. But in a very tangible way, Our plan is simply to trust God and he keeps making it work. Now, you know, we take steps and you know, we do what you, what God asks us to do, because we live in a world that is fallen and broken this net and other. And so we have to keep getting by. So naturally we plan and we do our business planning, all that sort of stuff. But at the end of the day, we've continued to get by, by on God's grace, 100%. Mm hmm. That's what good things. It's awesome. Oh god, you know, I tell you this all the time God is the one if he's called you to do something if he's annoying you to do something. He's the one who provides You to be able to do it, whether you're not wisdom and knowledge, understand that he's going to give you in order to fix, finish the job and do the job and the finances that you need to do it. And so that's why we told me that when we were sitting in December and I was like, see, that's God, he is so amazing. And just when you think that, oh my gosh, all hope is lost. He shows up and you are fighting a lot of giants. You, you really are. I mean, when you're fine, I mean, just thinking about big pharma alone, you're not thinking about any, you're not thinking about the corruption of the government. And you know, all these other things that you're fighting. Just, just big pharma and how big that is and what the jabs did, what they did to our country, what they're doing to people now, the damage that they're causing. I remember seeing a short clip of you and you were saying how all these things and all the thing that jab was doing is on the rise. Like was it 300 percent more with miscarriages and whatever? It was the most appalling thing that I heard of all the things that it was doing. And you're fighting for that. And that is a very hard thing to do. battle. And I'm sure that you've, you know, there's days where you're just like, Oh my gosh, how are we going to do it? But then God, and that's what I love about God is because even though it looks so bad, it looks so hard and it looks so big, he, he ought to ultimately does something to say. I'm in control. And so I want you, I want them to be aware of all the things, what you can tell us. I know there's things you can't, what you are fighting and what any of them can do to help you and your fight. Well, we're fine. If you, if you are if you're watching this show, you know, I understand the demographics of the people watching the show. And so if you're watching this show, we're fighting everything you care about. I pretty much guarantee you that in one way or another. Yeah. You know, some of it's in the courts, some of it's not. There's a lot of ways that this has to be done. We're working right now and I'm hoping to unveil some, some next steps here in the next, I would say in the next month or so we should have some, some pretty big announcements to make. What we've found is that one of the things most necessary. Between now and the election is to really kind of bring awareness to certain things, because right now there is no court case that's going to have the power of this election. There's going to be a lot of fraud in this election. We looked at some things related to what's going to happen here, and we've done a bunch of work on this, you know, 2020, there was a substantial amount of election fraud. And in 2024, what we found. Is that it's, you know, they're setting up for even bigger. And part of the plan appears to be, you know, Biden has had a Southern border wide open, which is absolutely the definition of evil to me, because when we look at the Southern border issue, one of the things that we see that nobody talks about is the human rights abuse. They try and say, we're being nice to these people. We're not being nice. We're allowing the trafficking of children, the sex trafficking of women even of men and boys. We're talking about drug trafficking, fentanyl, human rights abuses, the stuff that's occurring on the southern border is worse, the worst human rights abuses on this planet. And yet nobody's doing anything about it. Well, why? Well, as the people are streaming over, Joe Biden has created and facilitated a number of openings in the law that are going to essentially allow for a lot of these undocumented to vote. They won't actually vote though. What'll happen is, is the Democrats are going to go harvest the ballots, fraudulently stick them in and, and pretend. That they voted. There won't actually be, I mean, listen, all these guys aren't going to the voting, the polling booth. What's going to happen is though, is because of the, the ballot harvesting and such they're going to take a bunch of ballots and they're going to, they're going to essentially try and steal the election that way. So we're working on some stuff there. We want to raise awareness about that. We want to raise awareness about issues related to this because the power of the people. Far exceeds anything we're going to be able to do in the courts in this period of time because the courts have been very corrupt on election issues. They've avoided everything there is right now. I'm waiting. There's a couple of cases that I'm looking at and considering filing, but I'm waiting to see because we have this. The SCOTUS right now is looking at some pretty critical things. The free speech cases are monumental. And there's another case out there where they've been looking at the Chevron doc, and I know that doesn't mean anything to anyone who speaks English, but if you speak lawyer, this is a critical, critical case. The, the most foundational problem constitutionally in this country from a nerdy lawyer perspective has been the creation of the administrative state, right? What do you do when the IRS is mad at you? Nothing you lose, right? What do you do when the FBI decides to arrest you for J six, even though they started J six and we're behind J six while you get arrested, what do you do when the DOJ comes after you? Well, you lose because they have infinite budget and you don't. So. The administrative state is a core problem in this country. And there's a law it's, it's Supreme court common law, and it's created something called the Chevron doctrine. And it's the reason that we have so such an over overpowered administrative state. It's one of the core problems. If the Chevron doctrine is overruled. Or, you know, they kind of pull back some of that power. That'll be a monumental thing. It'll have impact on every part of this country. I'm praying they get this one, right? That and the free speech cases are the two most important things out there. You know, the Trump cases. are kind of an interesting thing because they're important, but you got to understand something. Those cases are so fraudulent and such garbage that those cases are actually just more measures of how corrupt the courts are, in my opinion, than anything else. It's kind of like the J6 cases. The J6 cases aren't actually, important in the legal sense, because in the legal sense, all they're demonstrating is that there's absolutely no credibility or justice in the, in those particular courts, right? The judge, the judges in D. C. that have been behind the J6 cases should, in my opinion, be disbarred and brought up on ethics charges because it's such, such an egregious thing that it's mind boggling. But, You know, to, to depending on what happens with, from a legal perspective, though, from a lawyer's perspective, not a corruption perspective, the Chevron doctrine case and the, the, the free speech cases are critical and they're kind of going to be, Bellwether cases in terms of determining our next steps legally. But most importantly though, over the next year the next, what is it, eight months now? We have got to, got to, got to do everything we can to promote shows like yours, Julie, help people know what you're doing. Because you get the message out about God and what he's looking for, promote awareness about corruption about the evil that's being perpetrated on, on the American people. And then I guess one last thing that I think I, I think your audience may be interested in. I'm working very hard still. So with the COVID, that led to mRNA vaccines. And if you follow my work, you know, I've talked about mRNA in the food supply and elsewhere. mRNA is in fact gene therapy. Okay. There's no question about it. Both Pfizer and Moderna admitted it in their filings. It is gene therapy. It's designed to impact and manipulate genetic your genetics, right? Now, they'll say, well, it doesn't enter DNA and it doesn't this and it doesn't that. Well, they're lying from the beginning, right? First of all, they're saying it's mRNA. It's not mRNA. It's mod RNA or SA RNA or RNAi. It's a lot of things, but it's not messenger RNA. It's laboratory modified Frankenstein RNA. It's designed to do different things. And one of the things that I think is particularly interesting that people need to look into is I just pose a random question, what could be a greater insult to God, a greater blaspheme against God than to take his perfect creation, create it in his own image and to modify it. Right. Some of the stuff that I've read, and I've got a lot at this point, a lot of stuff that is, It has to remain confidential, right? So I've got a lot of sources and a lot of info that I get that I can't necessarily be public with a lot. When you follow far enough up the food chain and you look at this, it shouldn't be a real surprise that when, that the people behind this stuff that know that there are any poisons. Are killing children, killing babies, maiming people. It shouldn't be a huge surprise if I, or stretch to believe that these people might just be rotten people. Right. Well, some of the, some of the stuff that we see about some of these people really strikes you as kind of cult like kind of just plain evil, and this really is a spiritual battle, a battle of good and evil. And one of the things that I want to pose to your audience is I want you to think about. If these people truly are evil, and they truly are against and openly and aware of the fact that they're against God, you've all know Harari consistently talks about that openly, then I would, I would ask, is it really beyond us to think that, you know, there would be some intent to blaspheme God by modifying his, his perfect creation? I can't quite prove that yet. I'm working on it. But I, I'm comfortable saying that. Maybe we all ought to think about that. And I think that's what we have to pray about it too, because these are the days of Noah and when you say like they're genetically modifying, that's exactly what happened in Noah's day. And that's the reason why there was a flood in Noah's time. That's the reason why the entire creation was destroyed, except for Noah and his family, because they're the only ones that had the pure blood left, the bloodline of God. And so we have to be very, very particular on standing and praying. And that's why God keeps telling us to never surrender. Don't quit. Don't back off. Don't give in, pray and fight the good fight of faith. No, God is bigger because I was just reading to people this morning that God can reverse, God can wipe out, God can cleanse, God, God can destroy any destruction of the enemy. So as you are telling this truth, as you are making people aware that they are trying to genetically modify, they're trying to change our bloodline. Satan has always been after the blood. Always because the blood is what destroyed him. The blood of Jesus Christ is what destroyed his power and destroyed him. And that's one thing he hates about us is because we have the blood of Jesus Christ. And so we think about the bloodline of God and the bloodline that we have, of course, that he would try to manipulate that. And of course, anyone who's tries to manipulate that God is going to destroy just like he did in the days of Noah. And he even said in the last days it would be like the days of Noah. So we really wouldn't shouldn't be surprised as christians that this is happening But just because we are aware and you are fighting this fight that a lot of people didn't maybe they don't know about it They don't know that they're trying to modify us People knew through the jab. I was shocked to hear the food. I truly was because when somebody told me that I was like, how are they getting this into the food? I guess it doesn't really surprise me. They're all in coots with each other. The FDA, everybody they're disgusting, but it was shocking to me. I said, okay, Lord, what are we doing? He said, we'll pray. I am the one who washes. I'm the one who cleanses. I'm the one who will wipe out destruction. And just like in the days of Israel. When God's people were destroyed because of what the Pharaoh and all of his people were doing to them, God washed them clean. He helped them. He said when they were out, there was no feeble among them. And so God can reverse the effects of the enemy. So while you are doing your work and you are fighting in the courts, which we're going to pray for you before we end the show today, at some point, we're going to pray that God Uses you like David and you can take down these giants in an even faster, quicker way. That God gives you revelation knowledge on what to do because God is the one who's the alpha, the omega. He's the beginning of the end. He knows it all. Our enemies only have a piece of the puzzle. We sometimes only have a piece of the puzzle, but he has the entire puzzle. And so as you're telling these people this, I also want them to know that God can retroactively restore our bodies, our bloodline and everything that the enemies are trying to do. He can reverse those effects. But the one thing we have to do until that happens is we have to stand and fight. and plead the blood of Jesus, we had to stand and fight the good fight of faith, and we had to thank God that he is our deliverer and he's our protector, and that is extremely important when you hear about all these horrible, nasty things. I mean, you're dealing with things that I don't think, I mean, people would probably lose their mind over. I mean, really, because people don't know how bad this is. No, they don't. And I will tell you that I have, I literally have nightmares of some of the things that I know. I, it's, it is truly scary. If the public understood what I, what I've got, and I'm not talking about speculation, I'm talking about, I can show you a paper trail, one, two, three, four, right? When I tell you that they can put these, these genetic modifying vaccines into an animal and it's transmissible to a person. We have the paperwork, we have the studies, we have the information when I tell you that they've already created plants that have vaccines in them, that you eat them and you're vaccinated, I've got pictures of the plants. I've got, I like that they exist when I tell you that the genetic, that the organic food act has an exemption that allows for vaccines for you can give a cow a vaccine. That modifies their genetics in a way where the cow grows a third eye and still listed as organic. What do you think eating organic food is going to keep you safe? Oh no. As long as they call it a vaccine, you can give that animal anything you want to give it. And it doesn't matter. And they can still list it as organic. So you've got to understand this is. I mean, this is scary as can be. And when you, you said it, you said it. The only thing that gives me comfort is that God can find some way to screw it up or for him. I mean, he can mess it up for him one way or another, because when I talked about the Chevron doctrine being important. Mm hmm. Well, Chevron administrative agencies see these administrative agencies interpret these rules to allow these things to happen and they're allowed to under that law. So we, if we can reign that in, then what happens is, is that we can you know, prevent some of these things in the courts a little bit more readily. But right now yeah, the FDA and the USDA and all these different groups, they're working and they are absolutely allowing it. BioNTech, Pfizer BioNTech, the creators of the ModRNA poisons. Mm hmm. Partnered with Janssen, largest seed producers on the planet. The, all of this stuff is occurring. We, they're, they're intentionally putting it into, they are poisoning our food supply. We know it's happening. Why do you think Bill Gates and China are buying all the land? It isn't because. They just really like farming. It's because if they can control the food, they can control the people. That if you notice all the billionaire investment is in necessities, food, energy, shelter, things like that. If you notice black rock going in and buying houses and property everywhere, why is that? When they control the necessities, they control the people. Yep. If you got to eat, that's why medicine, why do you think big farmers got a lock on medicine? If you're dying, you'll pay whatever you want for the medicine that's going to cure you, except for, well, if the medicine that's going to cure you is also going to make you sick you know, the best cure, you know, people will comment on, you know, a big pharma doesn't create cures. They create treatments because you've got to repeat customer with the treatment you don't with a cure. Well, how about treatments that make, that create other ailments, right? I don't know if you guys have followed, but big pharma is now advertising. They're advertising for drugs that you can use to treat side effects from other drugs. I, Yeah, have you seen this? Yeah. So particularly some of these mental health drugs, right? So there's a bunch of them out there like, you know, if your antidepressant doesn't help you enough take this and it'll help you more Well, so wait a second if the antidepressant That side effects include making me suicidal isn't working well enough. I should take another drug to help the antidepressant, which will make me even more suicidal. I mean, it sounds like a great plan to me, or Hey, if your bipolar medication has given you the shakes to the point that you look like there's something wrong with you, you can take this drug with your bipolar medication and then it'll get rid of the shakes. Sounds like a great idea to me. You know, I, I mean, it's insanity, but our FDA is allowing it to occur because they are completely corrupted. There's no oversight. And this is occurring elsewhere and in the food industry, we're seeing the same sort of thing. So they're now putting things in the foods that are terrifying, frankly. And the other thing that's occurring is we don't have country of origin labeling on our food. So even if you couldn't put some sort of a poison or some poison isn't licensed in the U. S. Doesn't mean it's not licensed in China. Doesn't mean it's not licensed in Australia and that food could be imported and you don't know where it came from. You have no way of telling. So we you know, we have all sorts of things going on and it's, you, you'd said you'd said, you know, if the public only knew, well, trust me, this is only what I'm talking about. Here's the tip of an iceberg. I could talk about this for days and still not cover everything we've got. It's terrifying. That's why I think it's so important for the Lord to give out encouragement every day because you know, you're telling you're seeing things that we can't see. And I know that there are tons of people out there like you. Who are fighting like big farmer who are fighting the things with this corrupt government and, and, and the corrupted globalists and all these other things. And, and you guys are seeing things that none of us, the reason why I know there are certain things is because God said, there's going to be shock and awe. He also said that everything that can be shaken will be shaken. And you see what happened in the book of Exodus. You also see what happened with Noah. You see what happened with all these different things. When the evil ruled and evil controlled, God had to shake the entire earth, not only to cleanse it, to wipe it, to clean it out of the destruction, but God is going to have to do something so massive and so big. Like you said before, only he can get credit for this. Only he can get the glory for this. Only he, and this is another thing I told one of our other dear friends that are on the reawaken America tour. I told him that only God can do this. We are just vessels that help people aware. That's right. When he's talking to him now, when Thomas has talked about food, I want you guys to understand you better be praying over your food, pleading the blood of Jesus over your food and saying, no weapon formed against me shall prosper and any poisonous thing, it shall not harm me in any way, shape or form, because again, with every one of their actions. We have, we can have a reaction and our reaction is a prayer. It's the power of God. It's the power of the name of Jesus, which destroys any power of the enemy. So when enemies are doing something, we have to know that God has given us something to fight it back, counteractive. God is giving us something to change. The course of direction change. He's allowing you to see these things. He's allowing you to fight these things. He's allowing us to hear these things because he has said in his word, he's given us power and authority and dominion over all the power. Well, one thing I wanted that people to know today is that there are a lot of things that are going on. People have to open their eyes not in fear to the point where you're, you know, you're like, Oh my God, I'm not going to eat anything anywhere. You know, and starve yourself. It's a fact of, you have to be aware to start praying, but there's like, we go as a team or we're going here, like, you know, eating as a family at our house, we make sure we pray over our food, no matter where we're getting it from. And we need to, and Julie, I'd love to, I'd love to put this out there for your audience. There are a lot of things happening people don't know about. And obviously I can't share everything that I know about, but what I can tell you though, is understand something, this is a battle. And so one of the things that I get a lot of is, Oh, there's a plan. There's a, this, there's a, that there are a lot of plans. There are a lot of this, there are a lot of that. They don't always go as expected. Sometimes they go better. Sometimes they go worse. I can assure you there are no plans that go perfectly from beginning to end. You know, there's an old, there's this kind of old battlefield adage. When I talked to my, my buddies who are vets and studies, but yeah, it's all good until the bullets start flying. Right. Then the plans all kind of go to poo. A lot of people have talked about, have talked to me about a plan with regards to COVID and the vaccines and where this is going and how this is going. And I can tell you this, I have spent 24 seven for four plus years. Researching corruption and bad and this, that, and other. And the core of everything that I've done is related to these to the COVID stuff, because the, the modification of our genetics, the poisons in the foods, the vaccines, all this stuff. This is where I've spent more of my time than anywhere else. Now I've, I've been involved with everything that you can imagine, right? I can talk to you about J6 or elections or Southern border, you name it. But on the COVID side, I can tell you all one thing. There's no good plan. There, there may have been plans, but they all sucked. And frankly the plan that we have right now is to get enough of we, the people awake and pushing and fighting, you know, my job is to get people awake, get them pushing, get them fighting so that they understand, because we need as many people pushing and fighting on this as possible. If you're sitting back. And waiting for someone to win the, the MRNA big pharma fight. And you think there's some sort of a plan going, we don't need your help. I got news for you. We need as much help, particularly in that fight as possible. Best laid plans go to waste, you know, when, when the bullets start playing. And this particular plan is is, or this particular area is one that we need a lot of help in and we need to get, A lot more people aware of the depth of the depravity of it, because what's occurring, a lot of other areas of kind of what started with, you know, I think going back to 2020 when the great reset started, a lot of other areas of this we're seeing success, right? Trump's numbers are real high. A lot of the fraud's being exposed. A lot of good things are happening. This particular area is not going well. And it's not? Because vaccine uptake is way down. We've been very successful in terms of making sure people don't want COVID vaccines, but people aren't aware of what's going on in the food supply. There, there is very credible data out there that I can point to, to show that they can aerosolize, we know they can aerosolize the vaccines, they can spray it in the air and vaccinate. I've got some very credible scientists who've laid out to me how that could be used on a massive scale. Right? I even had some people who were credible talk to me about the possibility of using a plasmid base to aerosolize it and use use out of an airplane. Now, I can't say that that's happening. I can't prove that that's happening, but the fact that someone's researching it is terrifying. You know, the fact that they're, they're researching massive distribution techniques for, for these vaccines, cause there's no informed consent if they just start spraying this stuff, there's no informed consent when you put it into food. And you know, is it happening? I know I can't say it's happening, but is it worth being worried about? Yes, it is. And I'm going to tell you right now, you want to trust any plans you want to trust, go ahead. But on the COVID stuff, there's no, there's no overarching plan other than get the people moving and get people fighting back. Because a lot of resources have shifted into this because it's the one area that you know, we really don't have a whole lot of backup in, you know, the injected vaccine in your arm, people are fighting, but the food supply, the air, stuff like that. It's weak. We need a lot of help and a lot of support there. It's, and it's just not there. You know, and that's the thing where this is why it is important to get this, this stuff out, because first of all, God's plan is the only plan that works. And I pray that anybody who is dealing with any of these things, you included. That you get God's plan and that God will show you the right way because there is one way that's going to take every one of them down. He can take them out in a day. I don't know how he's going to do that. I just know in over and over and over, he proves in his Bible that he does that no matter how big, no matter how nasty, no matter how evil our enemies are and how much they have in their supply house. God's supply house is way bigger and God's power is even greater. So what we can do as a, as people, we can't, we're not lawyers like you are. So we can't fight in the courtrooms, the physical courtrooms like you can find those courtrooms, but we can fight in a courtroom of heaven and we can stand and we can pray. Another thing that I know was Gideon, remember Gideon and his army, he had 30, 000 and he thought he was doing good. And then God is like, Yeah, you don't need 30, 000. It was only 300 because it wasn't the army. It was 30, 000. I was supposed to get the glory. It was supposed to get God because having 300 of those men against those massive military that was against them, it was virtually impossible. But God says, all things are impossible with all things are possible with me. And so all the impossible situations you're facing Thomas, one of the things with all of you and whoever are fighting with you. I want you to know that El Shaddai, that name, El Shaddai is a God who nothing is impossible. So you're facing virtually impossible situations everywhere you look, everywhere you go in all these court battles, these court cases, and they seem like they suck. But God is saying, that's a job for me. God is a God who is El Shaddai. There's nothing impossible to him. There's nothing impossible for him. And there is no devil in hell or anyone he uses that can outsmart God. So any of these plans that they have. That are seemingly impossible and I know because I'm not seeing everything you're seeing but I don't have to see it to believe That I know God is bigger. God is bigger than what they're doing to our food. God is bigger than what they're doing to our country. God is bigger than what they have done to January 6th and president Trump and every other thing they have done is just in this country. I know God is bigger and I see these things or I hear these things prophetically and sometimes I don't like to hear, and I definitely don't like to give them out sometimes because they're not all the same. Sunshine and roses and everything is going to be, you know, fine. You know, it's, it's going to get darker before it gets better. Things are going to look worse, but don't be in fear. Things like that. God's been giving warnings. And so I thank you for anything else that you want to share. And I know you have books. You have a three part series, right? The 401, the 404 series. Will you please explain those books to them so they can get their hands on some of this information to help them out? Yeah. So the 404 series are very, very short. So they're, they're more like booklets, right? They're very, very short. You can read them in 15 minutes, maybe 20. And what we do is we take real complicated issues. So we've got CBDCs. We've got mRNA in food. And then we have the, the third one is, is kind of the COVID fight, why the fight's so important and some techniques on how to fight it. That's the newest one. That one's a little longer. And we've got a couple more coming. What we're doing is we're putting out these short books and they're designed for a quick read and to get you up to date and to give you some citations so that you can actually. Do something because if there's two things that I really want to leave with people, one is God will win this, but God was quite clear. He does not want to come home and see his servants sleeping. That's right. You got to get off your butt and be part of the solution. If you're sitting there waiting for God to do it, he's going to, you're part of the problem. He's not going to be happy, right? The idea that we can just sit back and ignore the world around us and pretend like, Hey, God's going to take care of it. Well, wait a second, God will take care of it in his way, but do you think he's going to take care of you if you were the lazy servant who he found sleeping when he came home? You ain't getting taken care of if you were the lazy servant. Okay? So, so first of all, please don't take trusting God for meaning you should be a lazy servant. I trust God, so I fight three times harder. I don't sleep because I trust God, right? I don't want him to come and find me sleeping. So the other thing that I would say is, please, we've got to end the infighting. Yep. We're all sinners. I'm probably the worst of us. I'm a soulless lawyer. Please stop the infighting. When we get rid of guys like you, you'll all know a Harari and these people who are trying to poison people and kill people and kill babies, then I'll worry about whether or not. You know, someone on our side was Christian enough or good enough or, you know, whatever until then, I, you know, but the books were designed to give you stuff so that you can actually take action. Read it, share it, share the information. You can go to a town council meeting to, you know, you can argue these things after you read these. So that's the point of the books. We've got we've got a bunch more of them coming out. We just wanted to. It's kind of a new thing. Nobody does short books like this. So we figured, yeah, we try it. It's either going to work well or be a big flop. One of the way, but that's up to God. Right. But that's the books tomrenz.com. We get by on your donations, follow us on, on truth social on X. And I have a question for you, Julie. So I want you to scold me because I, if there's a, if there's an authority on God on this interview, it's not me. I mean, you know, a soulless lawyer versus like awesome profit y God person, woman who's like amazing. Right. So I I'm a guy who, I think all of us have our own ministry. Right. And I have no, like I said, soulless lawyer. I have no, no business teaching anybody about God, but I can absolutely introduce you to Jesus because I, I have to, I got to talk to him daily as a soulless lawyer to ask for forgiveness for my existence. I just I just weighed in on a controversy and I'm curious, I'm just really curious what you think about this. Okay. So Dana Leish and Riley Gaines and a bunch of conservatives, they put out a calendar and it was, I mean, you know, they were wearing, Riley Gaines was wearing a swimsuit and a couple of, they were wearing, Dana Leish was wearing like jeans and a t shirt, but holding a couple of guns. And the idea was to, you know, a calendar, right? Okay. I'll grant you. People would buy it to look at the girls. But I said, listen, there was an uproar about this because they said, they said that, you know, that's not Christian. And I said, well, maybe it's not perfect Christian, but are we real? Do we really need to fight over this? I mean, do we really got to, I mean, I've got people, sex trafficking children, and you're worried about a calendar where the women are all clothed. I mean, there's no nudity and granted. And so I get the whole, and I've, I get it right. You know, don't promote lust this, that, and other, I get all that. But it's just like, have I, have I become so jaded as an attorney that I've lost sight of? I mean, I just don't, I don't care about that. No, this is the thing. And I, and I'm right with you because this is the thing that the Lord has been saying that I don't know how long this last year or two, he said to unite. Because the enemy wants to do is he wants to divide us because the house of divide against itself cannot stand And so just like when you have people all over the place that are saying well that person's wrong and that person's wrong and they're Blasting it all over social media and they're tearing each other apart. I'm talking about christians I'm talking about god fearing loving, you know, they have big ministries They are godly people but they're blasting persecution all over for many different people including myself One of the things that it hurts it doesn't hurt me to the fact that Oh my God, they said something that's going to make me sad. It was a fact of, wait, why are you paying attention to me? Why are you not going and fighting the enemy? Why are you not praying and fighting? Like you said, for Silas trial says trafficking, why are you not praying for the January sixers and why are you not praying for what's going on in our country, the evil and how the evil has really got us to believe. That we have to separate church versus state and we have to stay out of politics and we had to Why there are so there is life and death going on Of not only human beings but there's life and death going on with this country So i'm staying with you on that. We have to be united as a front lock arm in arm I don't care what our doctrines were and if this person believes in that There are people that are out there that don't believe the same way I do. I don't care. I'm not out there blasting them all over social media. I'm not even mentioning their names. I would never do that because I'm not going to be judged for that. Because God is the one who corrects people, but we have to be, God has been very strict about this for paying attention. You have a common enemy. He's out there stealing, killing, and destroying, and stop being distracted with what everybody else is doing and thinking this person's doing wrong. And this person's doing wrong, knock it off. You have a fight. You have an enemy and you got to shut him up. That is something that I love that you brought up because people have got to stop being divided in the body of Christ and stop being divided as American citizens or whatever country, because there's tons of countries watching, but no matter what country you're living in, you should be united as citizens. There's a resistance growing worldwide and all these different countries all over the place. There are, they are pushing back against our governments. They are putting manure, manure shouldn't be, I love that. I just saying, I would love to see certain things like that happen. I wish that's happening to us. I would love to see people when I mean by that, I would love to see people resisting. I would love to see people fighting up peacefully, peacefully. I'm not saying anything violent because what I always tell people, the greatest way you can fight. The greatest way you're going to win is by praying because God's word is a two edged sword and it destroys the power of our enemy. So the best way we can do is to fight that good fight of faith. Like you said, we need to fight it together and not CAD being catty and religious and traditional and legalistic and, and whatever else we got to start saying, I don't care what you're doing. If it's wrong, God will deal with you. Let's bring it on. Let's fight this good fight of faith and let's fight this common enemy. Thank you. I feel much better because I was starting to doubt myself. You know, I am a solace lawyer, so, and I got a lot of forgiveness to ask for. So, you know, I figured, but I mean, it's just like. I'm supposed to be offended by a calendar with no nudity when I've got people literally child sex trafficking across the border Literally pushing pedophilia around the country Literally pushing trans on children and porn hard real actual porn in elementary school libraries And yet we're gonna fuss over a calendar that's raising money to support women being in women's sports I mean, I just I, yeah, I, I understand. I ain't perfect, but yeah, I'm just going to pick my battles. But you know what? That's that righteous in a nation rising up in you. And that's that wanting to see justice and wanting to see, you know, like you said, you deal with things and I want to pray with you. I want to pray for your sleep. I do want, and that's something that God said in his word that we can have sweet sleep. I want, no matter what you're seeing, no matter how horrendous this is. No matter how evil it is and dark, this is that you are protected and shielded from that. And then God can give you peace and God can give you rest. Because again, you are doing things. You're a lawyer doing things in a court of battle and you're dealing with demonic things. You are dealing with demonic forces on a daily basis when you go in those courtrooms. But you have to understand, and I want you to know that, and along with everybody else that's listening, is that God is the one. He is the one. No matter what we're facing as a nation, no matter what we're facing as a Christians, no matter what we're facing in our government, God is the only answer. God is seriously the only answer to all these problems, and God is the solution. So I wanna pray and I want everybody to be in agreement with me and pray over Thomas because. Again, he does a lot of things for us and father god right now in jesus name We just looked up thomas rhines in his entire everyone who works with him Everything that he's dealing with father god. I know that you know what he needs Well right now satan. I bind you the strong man Every principality every power and every ruler of darkness of this world is trying to hinder or harm him That's trying to bring this pressure on him That's trying to bring this weight on him with all the darkness that he's seeing father god You are his You are his comforter. You are his way maker and you are the God who nothing isn't possible. So no matter what of these court cases that he's seeing and he's fighting father goth, I thank you that you have the heart in him, like David, that he is fighting these fights. Just like David did with Goliath. It doesn't matter how big those giants were that he knows just like David did that anyone that he's facing is against you. And if they are against you, father God, you are in on his side. You are the greater one. And I thank you, father. God, just like David, he knew that because that Philistine was uncircumcised, he did not have a covenant with you. He knew that he would fall. So I thank you, father. God, right now. As thomas fights any of these fights some that he got to speak about and some that he's not allowed to talk about But I thank you father god, no matter how impossible these things are else should I you show up for him? I thank you father god you provide I thank you father god that you make a way I thank you father god that you give him peace I thank you father god that you give him rest and no matter what it is I thank you that he knows that the greater one is with him everywhere. He goes and every courtroom and no matter what he hears or no matter what he sees, that he knows that you are bigger than anything he faces. And I thank you, father, God. For tearing down these giants in front of him, tearing down these giants in this nation, tearing down this evil, this corruption and all these regimes and all that plots and plans and schemes of the enemy. Father God, there's only one plan that can work and that is yours. And we thank you father god for giving thomas wisdom and knowledge understanding even greater than he's already been given And show him no matter if it's in a dream show him father god when he's listening to you in any way Show him where he didn't see a way out of it before and we thank you father god for him We thank you father god for his strength We thank you father god for his perseverance that he won't give up and he won't quit and we thank you father god for that Fight that you've given into him And you've given all him all these victories and we thank you for it in jesus name Amen, and amen. So again, you guys go to thomas or tomrenz.com That's tomrenz.com. I know they've shared in the live chat. I have it right here. Go get his books Go and I know you are on social media. I know you were on it was a tick or Sorry, you're on twitter or x whatever, but what else? I call it twitter because That's what I know it asks, but what other social media platforms can they find you on truth? Can they find you? What can they find? Oh yeah, we're on truth social at Tom Renz Twitter, where it runs Tom, cause I didn't have that one. And then we we've got our show. We do our show every day on rumble and on X and locals and substack. We've got, we do a sub stack and you know, I'm, I'm rude and I'm crude. And I'm you know, an awful evil lawyer who says exactly what he thinks and kind of doesn't apologize. And I even swear now and then, so you need to pray for my soul. Which really that's actually no joke. I really do need that. But Hey yeah, please. We're the shows are actually important because we do know that we, we've got to get the word out, right. We've got to make sure that people hear. What's going on and understand what's going on. We try and run live around, you know, 12 or one Eastern most weekdays. And we share whatever information we have. We try and try and, you know, keep people in the know when we have new things. And, and I think this year. One of the most important things that I can do more than I can do in any one courtroom is going to be to make sure that we're getting truth out there. You know, some of the truth that we, we try and share through the courtrooms, there's just no process or time to get that done before 2024 selection. So we really got to start reaching, reaching the people where they are. So the show's important. Yeah. And you know what? God doesn't expect us to be perfect. He doesn't and that's why we have Christ because he's the one who has made us the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus So it doesn't matter if you're perfect or not You are doing the will of God and we also pray the protection of God all over you No matter who you're facing that know up and formed against you shall prosper So I thank you Tom for being on the show today. You are amazing. We love you I know the team loves you and we are so blessed to call you our friend So, thank you for all you're doing For this nation and for so many people to help them. And we just thank you. So, and people are asking, where is your live show? So he said, rumble, he's on rumble. What's your rumble channel again for them? I think it's that Tom runs at Tom runs. Okay. So look up in rumble, look up Tom runs, and then also you can find him on truth. You can find him on X and then he has some sub stack. So you can go find, he's got those live shows. Go watch them. They're awesome. Go get those books. He's got three of them. They're small. Go get those books. You can find them on his website and get up and stand up and resist and never surrender. So God bless you, Thomas. I thank you for being on today's show and God bless each and every one of you and share this episode out because people need to know that true so they can set them free. So God loves you. We love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day! -------- JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL 4620 E 53RD STREET SUITE 200 DAVENPORT I608 views 1 comment -
Prophet Julie Green - Live with Julie and Ben Pauling - Captions
Believe And Live!Hello everybody. And welcome today's a live show. I have a very special guest with me and today's Thursday, February 29th. And yes, we are on the road in Dallas, Texas for the moms for America event. I was so excited about this live show. And most of you may be asking who is Ben and I'm going to introduce to you who he is. ✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here: 👉 https://rumble.com/v4geu2r He's such a powerful man of God and what he is and what his goals are and what he's doing for God. In this time that we're living in. So Ben, thank you. And welcome to today's today's live show. And I can't wait for you to tell everybody the journey you've been on and what God is doing for you. Amen. Yeah. Thank you so much for having me, Julie. I'm really looking forward to this. And it's okay. I would like to pray before we start the live show, really. That God again, he's in control and that this is going to be a great awakening with this live show. Is that's not a normal show. I really want people to know what you are standing there for, what you're fighting for and how important it is to where we are now. So father God right now in Jesus name. And we just lift up this live show to you right now, Father God. And I thank you for this opportunity in this time of fellowship together. I thank you, Father God, for Ben and everything that he's doing for the community, everything he's doing for all of these children, everything he's doing, Father God, and the ministry that you have him doing right now. And we thank you that there is going to be more of an awakening to have his voice heard and what he needs to accomplish in your name. And we thank you for that in Jesus name. Amen. And a men. Okay. You to introduce yourself to my entire stream and I just want to just let everybody know what's on your heart, how this journey started, how God has you where you are now and what you are doing. Yeah. So my name's Ben Pauling. I'm working on a film called dream. And so this is a story that, that is close to my heart. And I was, I received a dream in 2020. And it was on August 6th of 2020. And I woke up from this dream and I just was, was struck by the visuals of a industrial warehouse on a desolate road near train tracks and deserty kind of area, and I noticed that there's a blacked out windows of this warehouse. And I just felt behind these. This gated facility that there were, there were children in there. And I woke up after encountering someone that was coming towards me to kill me in the dream. And I woke up and I just had an immediate sense that there was something more to this and that there was actually like an actual place. And so I actually went driving around the outskirts of my hometown, looking for this place and searching for this very like clear visual. And although I didn't, I ended up finding the exact place, this storyline just kind of downloaded into me. You know, I've been a filmmaker for about 15 years now writing acting and developing different projects with my family. And so I immediately felt that this was going to be a powerful story then that was essentially just given to me by God. I literally just started writing it and it just all kind of downloaded. And the journey with that has been just really powerful, but I'll kind of go backwards a little bit in the story, which is you know, I grew up with this background and creating film and creating acting since I was like five years old. And me and my brothers, we used to create a, you know, little, little videos and skits and stuff like that together. And then, you know, as we got kind of older, my, my brother got involved with my dad in different production companies. And then we kind of just felt God calling us to create our own stories and fast forward to, you know, I grew a believer grew up. My dad was a worship leader at several different churches, but it was in 2015 after a radical encounter with the Holy Spirit that I really like felt the mandate and the call. And I asked God actually, when I was living down in LA, like, if this is what you want me to do, you know, I know how hard this is and how unlikely of, you know, like breaking through in this industry is I want to know that it's from you. It's not just a dream. And so I, I remember That day, I was I was reading Luke, where Jesus reads Isaiah 61 in the temple. And I just thought it was so amazing seeing Jesus read these, these, these scriptures out loud. And so fast forward to that night when I'm, I'm praying and I'm asking God this prayer. I just flipped open my Bible and it's that same verse in Isaiah 61, you know, the spirit of the Lord is upon me and is anointing me to set the captives free, you know? And so I had heard that verse and it just like, for some reason, it was just a total like marking of like, A yes from God that this is what I'm supposed to do and it wasn't a direct like, you know Go be a filmmaker verse but it was just something in the spirit really spoke to me And I remember texting my brother because he was he was up in northern california. I was down in southern california and I told man like this is the year this is this is you know, god's call for my life. I've asked for this this this this Sign in this, in this, he showed up in this way. And I look at the clock and it was on January 17th at 11, 17 PM. And I thought, Oh, that's kind of interesting. One, one seven. Okay. And then the next day in the mail, I, we get in our, our water bill and it was a hundred, a hundred dollars. And 11 and 17 cents. And then I go outside and I look at our apartment and it was, it was like 217. So that number 117 has kind of also been a significant marker and kind of, just showing up and actually it's been kind of interesting cause in many films, many big movies, it showed up and it's usually like an important scene. On the door or like the room 117 and multiple, I just kind of crazy how many films it's in. But yeah, so God's really kind of marked us for that. And so from that, I knew that this, this, this dream and the writing of it was going to be really important because God had already shown up in, in, in writing of other screenplays where my I'd be writing something down in LA. My brother would get a dream about what I just wrote. And then tell me about it. And then, you know, I actually, my mom had this long term illness. And she had an endometriosis. And then she had stuff removed. And then she had scar tissue. It was abdominal adhesions around her organs. So I had written a character based off of her. And my dad in this other storyline that we were writing. And I had written that she gets healed in it. And she'd never read that. But fast forward three years later, she hears from God that she's going to stop taking her, her pain medicine because she's in constant pain all the time. And so during that three days where she stopped taking it, she wakes up. And she's, she's healed. And out of, out of the blue, she just feels, she doesn't tell anyone yet, but out of the blue, she feels like she, she should read the script that I wrote. The scene that I wrote and it was exactly how she was healed. And so she, you know, that was, it was just a crazy, crazy miracles taking place with writing and with just seeing God show up in dreams to where I had the faith that. That this was definitely him and that he was going to use this. And so immediately I'd return it into a script. And so I turn it into a short film. We're getting ready to make it. And then we kind of take a little bit of a detour and decide to make it into an actual feature film movie script. And within a couple of weeks, I was on a zoom calls with the Academy award winning actor. And we were getting ready to, like, have the movie financed through Hollywood traditional financing with, with big, you know, studio people involved. And, so that was all getting ready to go and it's like, man, this seems like, you know, really easy. This is just gonna take place. And then all of a sudden we started finding out about all the, opposition to the subject matter because it really wasn't on the forefront in the story. It's, it's sort of like a, you know, twist that takes place and it doesn't really hit you until kind of a little bit further and along in the film about what's really taking place with this situation. And so God, God moved it. To where we weren't moving forward in that avenue with that people with those specific people and they weren't really of the same, you know, heart and mission as us. And It was a kind of a couple year journey and I just felt in the beginning of 2023 to go on an extended fast and God really called me because we had this other person that was going to invest in this in this project and I was kind of really wanting wisdom on if that was the right person to partner with. And so I ended up not being the right person, but God had called me this fast and I really felt like he was saying, because we had created this trailer to just. Post it online, and I'm not sure if you guys have it or if we can, you know, put a link to it or whatever. Okay. We're gonna share it. Yeah. Yeah, but, you know, over 10 million people ended up seeing it right when we posted it. And it just kind of like changed everything. And from there, we've just been talking with a lot of different people throughout the US and we've been partnered up. And so, yeah, what people are about, you know, what people can can see if we want to share that before I go any further. Has been really like, you know a miracle story of how this taking place and then from there I'll i'll share a little more but I think it'd be awesome if we could you know share that. Yes I will share this screen with you right now. I mean, it's powerful I can't wait for people to see it. And like I said, it's it's something that will move everyone. So We are going to share the screen right now and share this trailer. Are you ready? Huh? Ready to rumble? Where's Jamie? What do you mean where's Jamie? I thought she went with you. My little sister went missing. She's been missing for like 30 minutes. Someone needs to get on the intercom and tell them that a girl's been missing. I had a dream last night. I was standing at the gate of this old warehouse. This guy pulls up in a truck. He's staring at me like he wants to kill me. You think God sent you a dream to go break into a warehouse? That's what you're trying to tell me. She could be in there! Someone's in there! If it wasn't just a dream, I'd do something about it. Wow. Okay. You need to tell everybody what exactly that movie, I mean, from watching the trailer, it's so heart wrenching because you know, watching sound of freedom, this is so powerful and this is why I wanted you to be on here to get this out about child sex trafficking and how God gave you that dream in order to make this movie to help this be more of. Awareness of people that we have to not only pray We have to be diligent on fighting this back because it is a huge issue Yeah, and and you know, like many people have realized like oh, you know, no one's talking about it again Sound of freedom came and it went and so it's something we really have to keep at the forefront of the of this reality And really, you know what we're doing, you know, so i'm the director writer and i'm obviously going to be starring in this film That's not complete yet. That that is the trailer that we created. We shot that for nothing For a couple, you know, lunches of some people to help us kind of come out and be part of that, but we are getting ready to, to make that here in the next two months, we're going to be cameras rolling. And so, yeah, so I had this dream and I didn't really know a whole lot about what was going on with trafficking at the time. I had seen some, some documentaries I'd seen, I think out of shadows was a documentary I saw, and that was kind of. touching it a little bit, but really it wasn't on my radar. And it was really kind of like, I, I'd heard things in earshot. My dad was involved in a rescue of, of, of women from trafficking through a crazy circumstance when I was younger, but I didn't really understand the reality of what was going on. And so it was really something God put on my heart and just kind of dropped into my soul. And what I felt was I just felt for the first time in my life, I felt what it must be like to be a child alone at night. In that situation with no sign of hope. And I just remember, you know, when I was a child and just thinking about, you know, having a, like a nightmare or something like that, or just a scary night or just, you know, maybe if I was homesick, even at a home homesick, you know, and I just really felt that I couldn't do, I couldn't. Do something else until I I'd seen this through until I had actually fulfilled this mission. And so at the beginning of 2023, during this fast I was doing, I was watching this man's ministry named Troy Brewer and they've rescued over 10, 000 kids with their trafficking organization and they have 4, 500 or something like that in their care right now. And 18 rescue centers throughout the United States. And I had seen this video of this young girl who was And she was an eight year old girl and in Columbia out of 120 kids that were rescued at the beginning of 2023, and she was mute. She wouldn't speak. She was totally traumatized to the point where she wouldn't engage socially with anyone. And he hadn't met her yet, but he had seen a picture, you know, because he gets all the pictures of the kids that they rescued throughout the. World and so he knew what she'd look like and he was on his anniversary in florida at the time And he goes to sleep and he has a dream and in the dream he He sees this miracle that was supposed to take place in his life because in a dream he had passed away And he was like at the gates of heaven and an angel was asking What was the one miracle you think you missed out on while you're down there? And he immediately went to a miracle that hadn't took place in real life yet Which was him going up to this little girl at this rescue center her running up to him You And running into his arms and him saying, it's okay for you to start talking now. I mean, I'm, I'm your Papa Troy and she immediately just starts talking in the stream. And so he wakes up from this dream and he's like, I gotta go do that. So he flies down to Columbia, goes to the rescue center and the whole thing takes place exactly like his dream. And this little girl, like is like healed instantly and she's just like talking and she's totally. Totally changed. And so there's like this very powerful, like crazy you know, miracle that took place. That was the face of their organization. Fast forward. So I'd seen that and I was like, there's something about this. Like I was really, I don't know what it is. I had my team watch this, this testimony. And I was so compelled to the point where I had had it written. I went back into my screenplay and I had written a character inspired by this young little girl. And fast forward to when we released the trailer in July. Or june or july and we get connected with, with this man. And we get, my brother gets on the phone with him and says, Hey, you know, we're making a movie and he's like, Hey, that's, you know, he lets us know what he's dealing with right now, which was. That little girl was just re trafficked and the caretakers were killed and she was snatched back and into trafficking. And so he was just totally distraught and like it was, it was like a face of the organization, you know, this powerful testimony, that same little girl out of all the kids that they could have took, they took that little girl. And so we, I knew at that point, like, that's not a coincidence that we just connect with him right when this took place. And at the same time, my brother also had just connected with special ops guys that work with Tim Tebow and Tim Ballard, all those top level guys. And he says, let me see if I can connect you with some guys that know how to track, you know, stuff like this down and help you with this. And he's like, I dare you, like, go for it. And within a week they're, they're, they're war rooming together. And then after they come up with the game plan within three days, they figure out she's already been sold to three different cartels and they rescue her on her 10th birthday, re rescue her for the second time. And it was just, it was just a miraculously powerful testimony. And that's the one I knew is like, man, like we haven't even made the film yet. And, and God's already moving in these miraculous ways. And what really, what was powerful about what we're doing, cause we're still raising the funds. We have a great amount raised right now so far. But we're, we're about 500, 600, 000 short of the completion funds to be able to get this out there. And so when we do get it out there, it's going to be, you know, sound of freedom. It made a huge impact in putting the image in people's minds in the visual. And so what we're trying to do is activate people while they're there and they're moved to directly impact this, directly impact rescues with, with those, with those donations. And so, we're raising donations right now and all the ROI on, on the donations, all the return on investment on the donations are going to be going directly to this work of this trafficking rescues and, and this organization with Troy Brewer, who they have, if you look at the numbers, they are. At the top of making impact and it's kind of, and he's, he's getting, he's beginning bigger now. He's actually going to be on TVN tonight to speaking on what they're doing at the border and but the work they've been doing has been not in the limelight, but it is top level when you, anyone that's in this field is aware of who he is and at the level they're doing. And the most important thing is, Is that these kids are getting healed and they're receiving jesus and they're being set free in that way And you know now they're they're they're they're set free not just on here on earth, but they're set free for eternity and So that that's you know, kind of the the mission of where we're at And so when people see it in theaters, they're going to be able to directly partner With a direct link sound of freedom had this thing at the end of their thing that was very effective, which is pay it forward to buy another ticket. And so we don't want people just to come in and then to buy someone else's ticket. We want them to help with rescues right when they're in the theater. And so we want, we want them to, we want as people are watching it for it to be making direct impact because there's so much work being done right now. And there's so much work that they can do that they don't have the resources for. To go in and cause when you save a child, you're not just rescuing them. You have to now literally create a forever home for them and create a whole ecosystem for that child and all of the people that are rescued to sustain and live, you know, for the rest of life. And that took a lot of recovery, a lot of aftercare. And it's very, very expensive. And especially here in the United States is there's so much red tape and there's so much just like, like obstacles that are put in place to where it's so hard to even adopt. It's so hard to even you know, create an environment for these children. It's almost like they want them to just remain in that, And that's in that, that, that, that nightmare, because there's the, the, the, the, the obstacles and the legal things put in place are just so difficult to cut through. But with resources, like for instance, it's a hundred thousand dollars to just home one child, you know, that's rescued in the United States. It's so much easier and out of, out of the country, but this is, you know, this is a real enemy. This is a real, you know, concerted effort that we're up against. And so the body of Christ needs to. Coming together with the body of Christ and to make an impact with this thing, you know, you know what you're seeing all this story about this little girl who was trafficked and then freed and then trafficked again. I mean it's just, it's so hard because you know, we pray for this all the time. I was just talking about that before we got on and it's not just that these kids get freed from these, you know, horrible, horrible human beings, but it's their life outside of it. Because a lot of people who are, I mean, they, the, these children have their innocence taken away. They had their lives taken away. They, they have such darkness that they've lived in. And so it's so important that when you are getting them out, that they are still not living that darkness, that they are free. And so that's what I think is so incredible about the story is that not only are you guys working on. Getting them out, but getting them the love of Christ, getting them a home. We as Christians can do so much because we have God on our side. We're not limited. And it's like enough of the Christians. It's like, we have to all get behind this and realize that this is a horrible, horrible, and the reason why you guys are going through these things with it, making it harder and spending so much money is because our government is involved. And I know people don't want to hear that. But I am very bold to say that. Our government makes these laws, or makes these things, To make it harder because they're a part of it. And this is a huge problem. And this was why we have to get, I mean, the Washington establishment out, we have to get all these people out to set in place a way we can help these children even easier to get out. But there's nothing impossible for God, no matter how big this may seem. Yeah. And so what God's shown me too, is that. You know over 10 million people have seen it now and all the comments is a lot of young people have actually been moved by this this this clip this trailer that they've seen and It's it's twofold because it's it's bringing to light this issue But it's also bringing to light the the kingdom tools and the kingdom Impact that we can have and how to hear god how to partner with god, you know The storyline is a young man who whose sister goes missing at a local fairgrounds event three years later She's never found and he has a dream from god You He does something with that. Him and his friends go and they uncover this, this, this trafficking operation in their small town. And really what it is is it's showing, because some people ask, where's God in the midst of this, where's God in the midst of this evil. And God's supposed to be desiring to live in us and to work through us, you know? And so hearing from him and knowing him and his voice is so key and so important to A lot of this work and what I've come to realize just from all these people is they use dreams in in these Non christian they take these stuff seriously in these these military operations these special operations And in a lot of cases they they take this stuff kind of stuff into account the supernatural and there's been I've now been aware of people saying yeah This is actually pretty spot on with what we use and what people use a lot of times When it comes to the tactics they use to combat this specific evil, because it really is a specific evil. It's not just like, it's, it's a spiritual thing. These kids are being, there's witchcraft that's put on it. There's so many different elements to this thing that, that is, that is, that is so much more than meets the eye. And it is a real spiritual war. And when people wake up to that reality thing, well, what can I do about it? It's like, well, what God calls us to do is usually within arm's reach of what's right in front of us. And it doesn't always require us to go off into some other. But, but what can we do? How can we be more aware of our surroundings? How can we be more cognizant? And then when we're given opportunities to partner with people that are doing big things to move on that and to do that. And it's just been a really amazing thing to see young people noticing that and saying, wow, I, I feel like I've gotten dreams from God. I feel like I've seen places and people reaching out and, and, and really picking up on that and then feeling the, the encouragement and the empowerment to, wow, maybe I should listen to that. Maybe I should. Not ignore that unction or that, that feeling or that dream and pay attention to it in a way that translates because people don't want to necessarily hear about something like this, but with a storyline that is this, you know, entertaining and is action filled and is, and is, is you know, like kind of, attractive, it, it, it kind of directly pierces through any preconceived notions and people feel kind of interested in, in stepping into that theater and hearing more about this thing. So how can, because obviously I've already seen it in the chat. People will say that they want help. How can they help get awareness for this movie? Now I do have a website that it was it's actually it's actually www. restore7. org slash stream. Hold on. Yeah, no problem. It's, it's so I'll just kind of continue as, as, as we yeah, so what ended up happening was, is we actually partnered up with several different ministries and so far God's has provided art, the investors that are on board are all people completely outside of the, the film industry and are, you know, Purely lovers of Christ and, and early July, actually, Marty Grissom, who's your friend. I was talking to him on the phone, and the Spirit of God just fell, and he says, you gotta come out to this reawaken tour in Vegas. And I didn't even know what that was at the time. I, I actually don't follow a lot, a lot of the, the online stuff that's been taking place. I, I kind of just, my mom does, and she sends me the video. She sent me your videos before she sends me the Elijah streams, stuff like that. But I, I hadn't really like done a deep dive into it, but Marty's on the phone. He's like, you got to come to this thing. And I was like, I don't know what that is, but he's like, yeah, you got to come. I'll see if I can get you up on stage. And so I ended up going. At the same time I was getting connected with restored seven, which was Johnny Enlow's ministry. And he was saying that that Steve Schultz was going to be at the reawaken Vegas tour. And I was like, Oh, I'm going to be there. And he says, well, let me see if I can try to connect you. And so, when I get there and I'm meeting people and I'm sitting down having breakfast with Marty and he's like, Oh, look, there's Steve Schultz. And so Marty didn't know Steve Schultz. I don't think at that point, and he's like, he directly goes and he introduced as me and then we just start talking and like the spirit of God just moves again. And I think what one of the things was prior to that a week prior to that we had done a movie event for the screening of this trailer and then I showed the movie field of dreams. Cause that was kind of an inspirational film when it came to this, of having a dream, following it and seeing the fruition of it. And so we had screened this film outdoors, Field of Dreams, and I think they, you're in Iowa, no? Is that where you're from? No? Yes, I am. That's, that's, that's where, that's where they shot Field of Dreams, right? Yeah. So, I was sharing kind of the whole testimony with Steve and he's like, well, that's crazy. I was just watching, I was just watching that movie. Last week and actually we have these, these water wells and, and wherever they do the digging, that's called the field of dreams. And so everything was kind of correlating and he just immediately committed on to being an investor producer right then at that point. And from there some other people came on and then also Troy Brewer, who he's a producer and investor on this. And so we have a team of people. And so that site right there is Johnny Enloe's site. And he's allowed us to use that to raise funds through his nonprofit tax deductible. But on top of that, those funds are going to be the return on those funds of investment is going to be directly going to rescuing kids and not going to studio, not going to, you know, lining producers pockets. And so that's, what's really impactful, really amazing about what we're doing here is not just talking, but really trying to walk it out and see the fruit of it, because at the end of the day that's where this all started. That's what this is all about is, is making an impact with this issue as big as we can. And we have some really big producers on board, producers from Godzilla, producers from The Chronicles of Narnia, and I Can Only Imagine, and also Samuel Rodriguez, Pastor Samuel Rodriguez, he did Breakthrough and Flamin Hot, and so we're strategizing right now to make this have as big of an impact. In fact, also I have some close acquaintance, now friend that I've met through this process who he's starting something that's kind of under the wraps with a very big Christian network that is branching out into doing more film content and they have the database from all the people They've hired Google's experts and all the database from Sound of Freedom to push our film out in the same way once it's done and to get as many eyeballs and people drawn towards seeing it in theaters. And so that's what we're, that's also why it's been so difficult is keeping the ownership of this. And keeping as many fingerprints off it as possible. So that way we're able to make as big an impact when it comes out. Cause a lot of films, they sell the rights, they sell everything prior, and then all the money goes to the studios and all the money goes to all these other things. And so we've been waiting and patiently, Stewarding it. So that way it's not being compromised and it's not letting anyone else decide, you know, where it's going to be seen, but we're going to make sure it's seen in the biggest way possible and have as big as impact as possible. So that, yeah, website restore seven. org dream people can, can partner in that way. And so, and so, yeah, it's just been a crazy journey and it's still, still going on. And so the biggest thing has just been, there's been really seeking the Lord and prayer. And yeah, there is a real spiritual warfare that goes along with it. It has, it has been you know, a real thing that you just, the deeper you get into it, you don't, you don't go, Oh, this is, this is not real. This is like the real, the more we stepped into it, we realized how real this is and how real that battle is and how, you know, when you see these kids faces, you're like, you're, you're blown away that, that evil would take it to that extent. Cause it just, it doesn't make any sense, but. I mean, if someone is not willing to come to Christ, and that these demons aren't willing to bow to his name and to turn to him, that doesn't make any sense either when you're in the presence. you know, such a loving father and almighty God, I don't think that evil will ever make sense. It doesn't, but it's again, what we have to do is not only you, you are doing your part and I know there's a lot of people who want to help you and that's why I had that link up. But another thing that we can do to help you with your part is the power and the authority of God and his name and the power of prayer. And I tell people this all the time and every morning. You guys, you guys are doing a, you said it's not just with people, you are dealing with demonic forces and beings that are using these people to do what they're doing with child trafficking. And so what we can do as Christians is not just help this movie because we can, but we can pray. That God helps you in every way, shape, or form that no matter who you come up against, no matter how big these things are, no matter if it is, because this is a worldwide problem, this is not just United States of America problem. This goes worldwide. This goes with the global government and everything else. They are part of all of these things. And so what we can do as Christians is. Also stand in the gap for you, stay in the gap for everybody like you and every person that is trying to help these children, every ministry that's trying to help these children to not only get them free, but to stop this entire society that is going on. That people don't know about. And that's why I love the fact that you're doing this because you are bringing awareness and just like the sound of freedom. I know they had problem. It took like five years between the time they started it and how, when they actually got it in theaters, because they were stopped in every way, shape, or form, we don't want that to happen to you. We want this to go, because this is such a timely situation and timely matter. We want this to go as fast as it possibly can. And as big as it possibly can. worldwide to help this out. So not only we are helping get out this information, but we're helping more people know how to pray about it and how to help you guys in a more significant way. Yeah, yeah. And another thing to that, you know, I've kind of been called to emphasize too, is if people do want to come on and partner in a bigger way and in a bigger you know, size of, of making impact towards the budget, there's also, you know, set up for investment at a certain level, you know, let's just say if someone were to put like 100, Okay. 150, 000 or more that we have those mechanisms in place for people to consider it as an investment. But we obviously we want to keep it as much a percentage as we can, as much in donations as possible. So that way that the return on that, but really, I think the biggest thing is getting it in front of people and then allowing those people, because once you're in the theater, It's bigger than a movie ticket if you're going in and you're getting people to donate, you know? So the return on investment is, is, is one way we're doing it. But really it's, once people are in theater, they have, they can give as much as they want. And if you see the amount of people that went out and saw sound of freedom, and another thing people don't realize is that sound of freedom is, is, is made by a studio angel studios. And a lot of that. I can't speak to all of it, but most of that, the funds that were raised for that are going towards the more filmmaking and more building of the studio and extending that way. And so there was a big impact with, with, with an amazing sense of bringing people's forefront, but we just, we can't stop there because even, even if all of that money went towards child trafficking, it is so expensive. I know Tim Tebow's organization spent like 70 million just to rescue a thousand children here. And so it is, it doesn't have to be that expensive. There's a lot of cases where it doesn't have to be. But when you're talking about the amount of money that's going in this industry, you know, it's, it's, I mean, how much money do they spend on COVID? You know, I mean, they spent trillions of dollars on COVID. So, This is, this is, you know, at the forefront and it's a real battle. And every dollar is a soldier in that army. And really we have, so we, we believe God's going to do something really big with this. And I can't speak to exactly what that's going to look like, but I do believe that that from what we've seen so far There's just not a coincidence of timing. In fact, Sound of Freedom was, was really holding us up for a while because it was sitting on the shelf for so long. And we would, we would have people telling us that that's not a good concept to make a storyline around. Maybe we make it about drug trafficking. You know, we had people telling us this when we, when we were kind of going in the Hollywood direction and people kind of wanting to change or, or, you know, don't emphasize that that's not good for marketing. And so when Sound of Freedom came out, it really just, shut all those people up and realize, no, people care about this. They want to go and impact this and they want to talk about this thing. And so that was just crazy timing. How God had kind of our trailer come out, right. You know, right before sound of freedom hit the theaters. And it was only by his hand and his timing is impeccable, is perfect. And so we know that he's, yeah, go ahead. Sorry. Well, again, that perfect timing of God, even though sign of freedom was held up for five years, but I do believe that was perfect timing of God. It's the perfect timing of God for what you need right now. And because a lot of times we're just like, God, hurry up, hurry up, come on, hurry up, hurry up. And it's like, we don't see the whole entire picture. We see this little, we see a little minuscule and it's like, you know, Now, because I believe before, five years ago, people would not have accepted it and received it the way they are now. And it was the same thing with your film and what you are doing. I love the fact that more Christians are getting involved. We're taking back the seven mountains of influence and one of them is entertainment. And entertainment is so important because it, it really does. Society, it molds society. It changes society. It changed people, the way they think and the way they act, where they talk, what they believe. And it's like, we need to take that back from the enemy's camp. And I, I'm telling you, I swear to God, we have, we have to play for the seven mountains of influence. And also what is going on. With this whole entire situation with, with Christians too, is that we had to be aware of all these things and aware that God has given us this authority to take all these things back and we have to take them back for the kingdom of God. And so these seven things don't continue to happen anymore. And that's again, the reason why I love the fact of what you're doing with this film, again, people have asked what is the film it's called dream and how God gave this to you. So he gives me, he gives me words prophetically. But he gave you this prophetic dream, like it reminds me of Joseph. How Joseph received dreams from God, they were prophetic dreams and how they moved to change and save a nation. So it's so powerful how God is using you in that way. And I just. It, it's so amazing. I love it. I absolutely love it. You know what's, what's amazing is you say Joseph, because, you know, like, it, it, it, the journey of it we're where really, you know, this whole thing started 10 years ago, you know, of, of, of feeling that commission, you know, feeling that, that call, you know, and so, you know, we know that it took Joseph 10 years to, you know, in the, in the pit, you know? And so I really do believe that that yeah, we do have to influence this. And I, I remember Johnny Enla was saying when I was. Speaking on, on Elijah streams a couple months ago that, you know, he, he had a word that at some point he saw for a time, whether it be long or short, that, that, that, that Hollywood would be known as Hollywood. And I think what we're really seeing is, is. God's impact in so many these Christian films are getting a lot better. And this isn't strictly just, just going towards that audience. It's going towards, you know, really the mass audience. Cause God hasn't just called us to just stay in our corner. He's called us to infiltrate and he's called us to, to, to overcome and to overtake, and that is not going to be just through just, you know, You know, forcing people to think the way we want to think, but it's going to be through touching people's hearts and influencing them and letting the spirit of God draw on their heart in a, in a real way to where they're changed from the inside out. And so I really think that that we're going to be seeing many more of this, and this is just the beginning. And this is something that we see is if we can make a huge impact and a huge splash of this, that, that we don't need Hollywood. We can create, we can create our own industry in a way that we're these filmmakers that are, that are struggling to get their story. You know, I've talked with the creators from, you know, God's not dead. A lot of these great filmmakers are still struggling to get their, their, their next story out there. And it's always a constant, you know, like with passion of the Christ, you know, how long have been waiting for that? Second film we made, how many obstacles was it so hard to get that film made? You know, and so we really have to bind together. We really have to support each other We really have to to pray that these kind of things into being and not let let Not let you know Not take no for an answer when it comes to this but really just press in with the lord And strategically figure out how he wants us to partner with this because it's the biggest thing. There's nothing you know It's You know, I forgot who it was. I think it was Steve Jobs, but the storyteller is the most influential person. It, it, it is the one that, that, that history is remembered by, you know, in, in these ways. And so it's really important that we, we, we as believers take these avenues as real like weapons that we can use, you know, music is so influential and the enemy knows that. He knows that he can, he can open doors if you're, if you're, if you're, with what you're watching, with what you're hearing. And it's, it goes both ways, you know, so, so God can infiltrate and you can use those little doors the enemy likes to use. And he can use that for his good and to changing people's hearts and sowing their seeds. And that's something you can't put a price tag on. That's right. And again, too many times that Christians, and again, the body of Christ has not known all these things. And to bring up awareness is so important because the truth sets people free in so many different ways. And so what we can do as a body of Christ is make sure that we are praying to take back this mountain of influence from the entire industry of Hollywood and the pedophiles. And the evil in general. The evil. It's like you said, Lucifer, he was the one in heaven with music. He's the one who created the music. He's the one who did a lot of stuff with the music. And so they've taken our, they've taken music, they've taken film. They've taken TV shows, any type of thing they can do in order to influence people. And now it's time for the body of Christ to know that, that God has given the earth over the children of men. It's what it says in Psalm 15 and verse 16. And so we have to know that there is something for us to do in every atmosphere. I know we've gotten a lot of pushback and ridicule and persecution because we're going after politics. We're going after and bringing God back to earth. Into the political round, because when you take God out, this is what we're left with. Well, we need to bring God back into the film industry, back into every single walk of life in order for God to be in control and not man and not the enemy, not the devil. And so. It's so important for us right now to use our authority. It says that in Matthew 18, 18 through 19 is we have to bind all these things and we have to review, have to know our authority in the name of Jesus. And again, when I watched that trailer, I, it was hard for me to watch a trailer to the movie dream because you, you know, as a mom, I, I put myself in the shoe and the footsteps of somebody else losing a child. And I know that that happens on a daily basis. And we can't take for granted, not only our freedoms, but our families that the enemy has tried to destroy in every, in every way we can think of. And now he's taking our children away from us in this way. And they're using it for, you know, horrible things. And so I thank you for everything that you're doing to get awareness more of this society that a lot of people didn't know about. Yeah. And you know what God's told me is that there's no Goliath. It's too big. That's right. A thousand demons against the spirit of God. It's nothing. And so this is something that I believe God is, is addressing right now and is not letting it lead people's minds. That's right. And we are gonna, we're gonna see this thing stamped out and I, I believe that. I believe that we're gonna see this thing stamped out and we're gonna see. The, the, the goodness of God in the land of living to where, where people will be forced to acknowledge his goodness and glorify him for it. And that's something that, you know, this, this ministry that we're partnered with, they're about to scale up tremendously and the amount of work that they're doing is about to scale up tremendously. And there's a, there's a strong amount of faith that, that what, what God wants to do through us, there's nothing impossible. And so we can't allow ourselves to think that this is an issue that we can't address. That's just not a heavenly mindset. Heavenly mindset is, no, we can. He's empowered us. He's empowered us with his spirit. You want to come against God's children? You want to come against the innocent? No, we won't stand for it. And we're going to do everything in our power and in his power. To see that stamped out and see that evil eradicated and to see those children set free. I love how you said David and Goliath, because the way that showed us, you know, for the last couple of years, we need more Davids. We need more people that are boldly like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the face of death and saying, I don't care because I know my God. David, he knew that he couldn't fight Goliath without God. You are fighting in Goliath and we know that you are fighting the industry, but you know what? All you need is God. God will make a way when there is no other way. And there's no devil in hell. That's going to stop what God is doing through you. And that's, what's going to stop what God is doing through this movie and awareness of child trafficking. He on the heart of God wants every single one of these children free. He wants to not only. Free from the hands of the captors. Like I said earlier, he wants them free spiritually. He wants them free in their soul. He wants them free in every way they can to have a life that was paid for by Jesus Christ. And that's why it's so important. We all can do something. Not everybody is a director like you or makes movies or has dreams that everybody's on here, like I am on social media or any other way, but God uses all of us in a certain way. We are all part of the body of Christ. Jesus is the head and we are the body. We are supposed to work together as one. And this is something is so, so, so important that we have to work together as one to take back the industry. This Goliath is going down and we are going to pray about that before we go today, I'm telling you, we are going to pray. of the entertainment industry or how many there are. I don't care how many giants there are. We have to have shameless audacity and bold confidence and bold faith. And when we step out in bold faith, we don't need another specific. You know, God knows the specifics. God, God knows what, what he wants to do. And we need to just step out of the boat and watch him show up in a way that doesn't make any sense to our natural mind. So what can they do with listeners? What can they do to help you? You said to donate to the cause because again, what he's doing, and I want to tell everybody what Ben is doing is making this movie called the dream, or it's called dream. And this movie is awareness of sex, child sex trafficking. And what people can do to help raise money to free these children, right? Yeah. So people can, can give a generous donation at the website on the screen, restore7. org slash stream. It'll be a lowercase d in the dream. And so yeah, so with that, we're going to be, With, with that, what we have so far, we're going to be rolling cameras in two months. And so we're moving out in faith and we're, we're going to be seeing this thing through with whatever miraculous way God is going to provide. But we, we know we have faith that, that it's going to take place and that's what's needed. It's going to come through. And from that, we're going to be completing the film and having it done by the end of this year so that it can be released for a theatrical release. In early 2025. And so we have bigger name producers attached that are going to help us. They have those distribution connections to make sure that this gets out there and gets into theaters and gets in front of people. And so it's just an amazing thing that, that your viewers, viewers that have from, from other streams are getting together to partner with this and to really be part of this, join the team, join the dream team and see this thing through from beginning to end and see the miraculous testimony that we have. And to have those seeds sown into this into the kingdom, but into this mission, they're going to reap great harvest. And so it's just, it's a very unique thing. It hasn't been done very many, many times in this way. And the miraculous testimony that's taken place is going to be like none other. And so, yeah, I just encourage people. And if people want to come on, like I said, invest, we get about 600 grand that we need left to cover. We can have conversations about that at our email too. You can email John J O N at a R C H a G E dot U S. And we can talk about that as well with people and kind of, you know, explore that if there's any desire for that opportunity But yeah, this is something that, that, that we're heading into and we are going to be you know, creating an amazing American classic great story. You know, and that's where it kind of starts, is creating a film that people are blown away by and wanna see and remember. 'cause you know, so many great films, they remember Field of Dreams. People go out and still see that film when it comes out in theaters and they travel to the locations from it. And so when a story is truly. you know, like impactful and is, is just unforgettable. It has life long beyond it's, it was first created and it has the ability to continually just, it's just like what the Bible is. It's story. It's the gospel. It's story form. These stories impact people and change realities. They change lives. And so we believe that this is one of them and that we're I'm just honored to be a part of it and just to Be have to receive this when I wrote this this was such an easy. I've written probably 10 screenplays and 10 different Projects we've developed and this when whenever I was in the process of writing this one It was like easy. It was just like, God was just giving every scene and it was, it was definitely nothing I can just take the credit for. It was, it was felt like it was downloaded to me from him. And so I'm so excited to see this thing through and then share it with you guys. I'm excited. Like I said, that's why I have you on here. But before we go today, I want, that's one of the things that we can do right now. I know a lot of people are having hard times financially. If you guys can give, give, if you guys can't, I, one thing you can do is you can pray. I want you to pray because I know God is in this. When I first saw this, I know God was in this. It's so powerful. So father God, right now in Jesus name, we lift up not only Ben, but every director, every producer, every person that is taking back this mountain of influence of entertainment. And first we know father god that we have the authority and the ability in the name of jesus to bring down any name Every knee must bow to the name of jesus. So right now in the name of jesus christ. We bow we command all these Devils and no matter where they are how much they are how much they influence with this entertainment industry We bind them and we rebuke them away from this Film in Jesus name, we plead the blood of Jesus over this film. And I thank you, father, God, that no weapon formed against us or prosper. And everything that Satan was trying to do to harm it, you are going to turn it into something good because father God, I know that I know that I know. No matter what, when the, when the devil knows he has at his end, he tries fighting as hard as he can. Well, we are commanding that this is an end to what is going on in his film industry. They will not control us anymore, but father God that we are taking it back for the kingdom of almighty God. And so we thank you for what you're doing right now financially for this film, father God, and everything they need because you are Jehovah Jireh. You are their provider. And we thank you, father God, that there's no devil in hell that's going to stop the finances needed for this film or any, or also bringing these children into homes, because that's what this film is about. To release these children out of captivity and to give them homes. And so father God, we thank you for deleting them and guide them and directing their path. And we thank you father God that you are in control, not anybody else, but you are in control. And we thank you father God, because you are in control, you win. And so we thank you for it in Jesus name. I thank you, Lord Jesus. You God, you are real and you were good. And you're moving right now. I just pray a blessing over everyone watching, everyone that would partner, everyone that would give, everyone that would feel the unction, anyone that would feel that just a call just to pray, we just thank you for that, how important that is, God. And you are in our midst, and you are moving, and you are doing miraculous things in every single one of our lives, God. It might not always look like this, but it is just as important in the kingdom, what we're all doing in every little bit part that we play. And so I just thank you, God, just bless Julie and I bless the team here and all the work that they're doing, God, that the enemy would try to come against, but no weapon shall prosper, God. And no matter how many accusations, no matter how many, just, just persecution takes place, there's nothing that could harm a child of God that's covered in the blood and that knows who they are. And so I just thank you for this ministry, God. And that it would, it would continue to grow. It would continue to confound the worldly mindset and the wisdom of man. And it would continue to bring a harvest in your kingdom in Jesus's name. Amen. Amen. Well, thank you. And thank you again, Ben, for being on. And again, everyone, the movie is called dream. I have the website right up there for you. You can go check that out and I'm excited what God is going to do for you, Ben, because I know that God is definitely on the way. This is our time. It's not the enemy's time and we are taking back everything away from the evil. So thank you for being on the show. So today and letting us aware of what you guys are doing for so many children that are out there right now. So God bless you. And I'm excited to give an update to everybody and have you back on. So thank you for joining today's show and thank everyone for being on today. God loves you. We love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day! RESTORE 7 WEBSITE http://www.restore7.org/dream JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL 4620 E 53RD STREET SUITE 200 DAVENPORT IA 52807 COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International JGMI WEBSITE: https://www.jgminternational.org/283 views 1 comment -
Prophet Julie Green - Take FiVe with Pastor Dave and Julie Feb 28 - 2024 - Captions
The Church of What's Happenin' Now - Prophecy & The PropheticWe want to welcome all of HisGlory Nation from east to west to north to south. Welcome to today's take five. It's Wednesdays with Julie. We're actually in the same state. Believe it or not, not too far away from each other, but it's cold here in Texas. All right. Every Wednesday is a fire with when with Julie on Wednesdays, but this one may be even take it to a whole nother level with what's going on with the Pope and the Vatican. ✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here: 👉 https://rumble.com/v4gj2mf Now it's time to bring on Julie, Julie green and Wednesdays. It's good to see you. It's good to see you too. for having me back on. It took me a while to literally see you. We were getting the film up and you could hear me and you could see me, but I couldn't see you, but now I can see you in three places, four, three places. Yeah. Four. I'm glad you can see me. Yes. We are in the same tech. We are on the same stage. Just, you know, a couple hours apart. And we'll be in the same state next week, right? So that's good. So there is so much going on in the world. We were talking before we, we, we came on about the King and the Pope. And so I got some, when we get to it, I got three pages of just notes on Chronological of what's happened with the Pope. He's in the hospital right now. And then as I mentioned to you in January, the archbishop Vangano had a call to the Swiss the Swiss army. And I miss this. This is a big deal. I'll read this here. We'll go in and get into the, the, the, the, the, the lines later, but archbishop Vangano called for the Swiss guards to remove and arrest. Pope Francis and Cardinal Fernandez after discovery of a pornographic scandal. I missed that in January. Did we haven't talked about that? Have we? No, I didn't even hear about it either. So somehow I miss it too, because I have a lot of different prophecies regarding the Royals. And how they are not, they not, they're not, they don't appear, what's going on is not what it looks like, is what I'm trying to get at. I'll spit it out. But also, like, I was just reading over some of the ones for Charles, and Guy's saying things are not how they appear to be with him either. And so this is very interesting with all these things going on. And I actually read one that said that he was going to let Andrew take the fall for all this scandal for all like Epstein and things like that, when he's just as guilty as his brother was. You know, the whole house of cards is coming down before I forget. Prince Andrew or Andrew was tied, he got let off by the same judge that prosecuted president Trump in the New York case that just came out this week. Yes. He let, he let Andrew go. Can you imagine the same happens to be the same judge that lets Andrew go in the Epstein case is the same one that just throws the unconstitutional things at president Trump. Engoron? Yes, I had a prophecy about him a couple weeks ago and the Lord said he was going to come down. He was, he's going to be disbarred. He will not be able to keep what, where he's sitting at, because again, God is a judge over all the earth. You cannot do this kind of injustice and get away with it. Just like Fannie Willis is figuring that out down in Georgia. You know, she thought she could do whatever she wanted. And it's not all of these indictments. Just like God said, we're all going to implode. You see the problems with Jack Smith. You see the problems with Allen, Brett, Alvin Bragg. You see the problems with Fannie Willis. And now this anger on one, just watch. And also the one with EG and Carol, whatever her name is, that was also falling apart. So all of these, it's just, I'm telling you a lot of things were allowed to happen for their ultimate falling destruction. Okay. So I know you, I don't know this for a fact, but you can help me with this. I'm sure people came after you saying, well, Julie talked about the King and all this stuff. And well, whatever people thought six months or whatever that go, that was everything's changed this weekend because we see who they treated as the re their real King. I was telling you before I got it. I got a text message from a couple in. Tell sources on Sunday that, did you check this out? Big things are going on in England. I'm like, well, what are you talking about? And then I got a video of three of three soldiers doing an eyes right in front of Buckingham palace with no flag. And I did a little bit of research and they told me this is extremely rare for this ever to happen. And the King's not around. This would only be done if there was a King or a Queen there. Well, lo and behold, what? Two hours later, Rothschild dies. Jacob Rothschild, that's who they were signaling to their king. And then you hear all this about King Charles supposedly has six months to live or less with cancer. And Harry there's Harry's in the news again today and they can't travel, all this stuff is falling apart. So they're actually saying he only has six months to live. I did not know. I just knew he had cancer. What I heard was, it was like, you know, they're making it like a big deal. It wasn't a big deal. And I'm like, they're lying because God said he was going to have an ultimate fall. And one thing I did, the, I got a lot of persecution for the, you know, he's never going to be king. He's never going to get that crown. And I tell people this. Okay. Cause when I asked the Lord about, I said, Lord, if you want me to apologize, I will apologize. What do you want me to do about this? What kind of insight you have for me? What kind of instruction do you have for me to give the people? And he said, point blank, Julie, there was a fake inauguration as a president. So you have a person that's acting as a sitting president when he's not really the sitting president. And I said, well, yeah, we had a fake inauguration for sure. He said, but you also can have a fake coronation. So just because it looked like a real coronation, just because it looked like the real crown, doesn't mean it was. Or he could even have the real crown, but it doesn't matter because if you are really not the blood king or the rightful heir, it doesn't matter what it looks like. You can have a fake coronation. And that's exactly what we had with Charles. That's why when the Lord ever brought him up, he always said either Charles or Prince Charles. At the time he was called Prince Charles, but he's never called him king. Wow. Just like he doesn't say Joe anymore. It hasn't for a long time. He always calls them the Biden. There's a reason why he references people in certain ways. Well, Tucker Carlson kind of shocked the world yesterday. He's been shocking the world a lot lately, but he, he said something and Tucker is pretty precise. And when he says something you can, sometimes it's like Trump in some ways that it's, there's a deeper meaning. He said that he, he alluded to that, that Biden wasn't the real president and he, he alluded to that bright Biden wasn't, he was a fake. It wasn't really him. He did yesterday. And this is. Two days. That was yesterday. The day before that Tucker Carlson came out and just shocked the world and said, a hundred percent for sure. The 2020 election was rigged. He said that. And then he went and laid out why it was rigged. I totally miss this. Of course, I don't get to watch the news all the time. I don't get to watch it when it's prophecy fulfilled, but it's like, I had no idea all this stuff was going on. I didn't know what Tucker came out. I didn't, I know that there was an ad that came out. I can't remember. Somebody said something at CPAC about the 2020 election. I think it was Steve Bannon about how much there was so much proof that it was like president Trump won 49 out of the 50 states or something. I only heard it from somebody. I actually didn't watch the clip myself. I just was told from my team members, cause we just got back from a prayer retreat praying over the nation and praying for president Trump and stuff. So I had no idea what was going on. Well, they told me like, yeah, he said that they're, they, he would have won 50, 49 out of 50 states. It actually would have showed the real thing. Yeah, I, I, I've mentioned that what, how many years ago now, three years, maybe four years ago, because a certain general that I know knew exactly what the, the, the actual numbers were. And he told me at that time that Trump won 49 out of 50 States, including California. And he said what else did he say? It was like 400 and. 410 electors. And then I've seen Mike, Mike Lindell's evidence in public and in private, and that's overwhelming proof that this was a Lance. I mean, it wasn't even close. Okay. So I have a really funny story. So there's not, there's another article that came out. It was all over the news and people might've just blown it off and thinking it wasn't a big deal. Do you remember how commander? His German shepherd was kicked out of the white house because so many people. And it just came out that they actually hid how many people he bit. And I was sitting around the table with my team and I was like, I know the Lord had a prophecy about a dog. I had to look this up and see what this meant. I have to look up. This has to be very significant. Cause he's bringing this back up to me. When I heard about his dogs being kicked out, at least this last one. And I'm like, but there's a reason I had to look this up. This is from October 31st of 2022. And I knew as soon as I heard this one, I started, we all started laughing. I'm like, I can't wait to tell Pastor Dave when we're on the show together. So this is from the 31st of of October of 2022. This is quite a while ago. And the prophecy is called your enemy's plans will not succeed against this nation. That's like, I always look at the, at the title. This is a part about the dog. Okay. And remember his dog's name is Commander. That's very significant. All right. A dog will be in your news and the reason may surprise you, but it will signal something about to take place in your leadership. So you have commander who gets kicked out of the White House. Well, Joe is supposedly the commander in chief as president. Oh, I just got the ones, sorry. And so he's commander in chief as president. And so what, why would that dog be so significant about being in the news? And to have anything to do with something about to take place in our leadership. Well, if commander got removed from the white house and he's a dog and he was a Biden's dog. Well, then I believe God saying that signal is Biden is going to be removed. Wow. Wow. Are you before I go into the dog comes those balloons? Did you do that? No. I mean, I moved my hand, so I must have signaled something, but no. So I was on a zoom call with somebody about a movie that we're doing and Nobody touched the buttons. So somebody was listening to us and we didn't know if there was good guys or bad guys, but the balloons tells me it's probably a good guy. Balloons went up in the middle of that zoom call. Nobody touched it. And we started getting thumbs up likes during this private zoom call. Anybody's hand says we found this out. So we were on our prayer retreat and we had somebody who could not be with us. So she was on there. And I don't know. I made some type of hand gesture and she's like, it's the hand gestures that are bringing it up. So I think it, yeah. But there's sometimes we don't make it see it's okay. So there's sometimes we don't make, we don't have any of our hands anywhere. Like I'm having my hands down like this and all of a sudden it'll show up. That's when we know. And then all of a sudden we'll get like all these different fireworks. Our hands are not in the camera. So I'm like, okay, they're listening. They are listening because of hand gestures. But yeah. I don't know. So back to, back to that prophetic word you, you're familiar with dog comms, right? No. Have you heard the term dog cam? So what they do at the deep state, what they do is they signal a dog has been their comms for the last five, six, seven, eight years. And that signals somebody significantly significant statue has died. So when you see dog comms, that means they're dead. Really? So there might be more to that than just. Oh, that is so cool! Relieving the commander. Cause like, I, I was just like, we were all just laughing because I was like, Wait, what was a dog's name that was removed? And the commander, I'm like, Commander in Chief! I'm like, he's supposedly the Commander in Chief! I was like, that is not a coincidence that that dog had that name and that dog was removed, physically removed. And, not only was he physically removed, but also, they were hiding what he did to have him be removed. I think now that I have never heard a dog calm, so that is very interesting because when I was like, when I heard that I was like, God, a dog and how was that have anything to do with the leadership, you know, monkeys, when I heard monkey was going to be in the news for a significant reason, and then it was like a month later, it was monkey pox that came out and I'm like, okay, well, that's interesting. So he's naming, like, he, he, he's gives me different animals sometimes. I'm just like. Okay, that's odd. But that even makes more sense than now that even it did before we were excited about it does. It took people for a while to figure out what the heck are these dog comes. So it's if you do any research on it at all, there's probably at least 15 times in the last 78 years where a James Comey, for example, is one that did that. Put his dog in a picture on Instagram or whatever it was. And people are like, well, what is he talking about the dog? Well, a signal that a significant death came like a day or two later announced publicly, so that's their dog comms. And speaking of dog comms Hillary was one of the dog comms. And today Tom Fenton. Just this was 14 hours ago. Hillary email scandal is back Biden's state department. Hillary's email scandal is back. Benghazi scandal is back all. So there's 14 out of our 17 scandals that we talked about since January, 2017 are literally back in play with the Clintons as of yesterday or 14 hours ago. There are prophecies for every single one of those Hillary's emails. He said he, she has not gotten away with it and he'll be back. He also talked about Benghazi and Benghazi would be in your news. And he said he was going to expose all that happened in that particular point. So there is a lot of these things you just said, all of them have been in prophecy. So there, that's why I said, even though I didn't know if I was gonna have enough time to get off the plane, get to rental car, get to the hotel, set this up to do this show. I'm like, no, I have to do this show today. And I was like, there is too much news going on not to do this. I'm like, no matter what it takes, I got to do this show today. I got to do this show today. Well, praise God you got it. I'll just quickly read what Tom Fenton just put out. This is again 14 hours ago. Biden State Department just gave Judicial Watch 97, 000 as part of a settlement from the federal F. O. I. A. Lawsuit that uncovered the Clinton email scandal. This lawsuit arose on the Benghazi scandal. And was the most significant non governmental investigation in American history. Judicial watch some simple FOIA law lawsuit charged that the the course of American history and led to Hillary Clinton's defeat in 2016. Our historic lawsuit is now officially over. And settled through a remarkable payment of 97, 000 by a corrupt State Department. Hillary Clinton ignored the law, but received special protection from both the courts and law enforcement. For countless Americans, this double standard of justice destroyed their confidence in the fair administration of justice. Americans will never have known about Hillary's classified email and related pay for play criminality, but for judicial watchers, diligence. Huh. There, there, okay. So not only is Benghazi her emails, but the Clinton foundation, I'm talking, they are going to absolutely come apart. Their walls, their Clinton walls are coming down on their protection because what they're going to do, this is, this is something that the Lord talked about. And I do have that Benghazi one. I'll, I'll find it in this prophecy here. I just pulled it up, but God said that there was a lot of them. And I'm pretty sure she was one of them because this was about a year and a half ago. They're letting certain people fall to protect others. And one person that they're going to protect and ain't going to work is Obama. So they're going to let Biden go and they're going to let this person go. They're going to let Kamala go. And remember, all of a sudden, they're going to, again, we go back to this. They're talking about, he is not going to make it to the 2024 election. He, He's not. And we can all see what God said was going to happen. He was going to deteriorate so fast. They would not be able to slow this down and they would not be able to keep this charade going with him being able to be competent and in the white house. That is, we're seeing him fall apart right in front of our eyes. But again, they want to get rid of Kamala. You see him talking about Gavin Newsom. I think somebody just mentioned again Michelle. So there's a lot of things going to implode, but again, in order to save Obama or protect Obama, they're just going to keep letting all these things happen. They're going to turn on one another. And that's what God said that they were all going to do. They're going to start turning on one another in order to protect him. But it ain't going to work because it's not going to work. Low sive prophecy that has not come out yet. And I can't wait to give you some of this information that the Lord has given me regarding him too. So, well, whatever, whenever you, you, you say that information about, I have a lot of Intel that probably backs that up. He's gotten away with a lot. Obama has gotten a lot away with a lot of things and all that is going to come out. And I think some of those things, honestly, for, for a couple of years, I just thought, yeah, that's not true. There's no way that's true. And then. People that I really, really respect that are, have never been wrong, showed me more evidence. And I said, well, you're right. Michelle is not who she says she is. Obama he dated my boss when I was at AT& T. I know that for a fact, he's a guy. It looks just like Michelle too. He's a big guy. And it goes on and on and on, you know, Where he was born and his kids and all that's coming out. Okay. So I found this one about Benghazi. Okay. I have to give this to you because we were just talking about it. So this is from August 3rd of 2022. So this is almost two years ago now, and it's called the rise of my trumpet is about to be heard. So this paragraph says a Hassan situation will yet again, being a news similar to Benghazi. And it's a lie. They're trying to start a war. Things are not how they appear to be. If you are wondering some of, of you about Benghazi, it will be exposed. Hillary will pay for that. And so will Obama and the Biden. And then he mentions John Kerry, Eric Holder, Susan Rice, and among others. The truth is coming for you. There is no more hiding it or trying to bury it. Oh no, it's all being exposed along with the plot against the former president who wouldn't go along with the one world government. It's happening. My children to hold on and get ready a great change around the world. So again, he talked about Benghazi being exposed and I knew it. And as soon as I, as soon as you said, I was like, yes, I know. I think there's even more than one of these. But this is one who also mentions Obama and the Biden this one too. Well, I, I've known General McInerney, I think for maybe five years now, four or five years, the first time he ever came on us publicly together, he came on to expose Benghazi, and that was probably four years ago, and he kept saying, Benghazi is not over the truth about Benghazi is going to come out, and I happened to get some of the intel that he has that hasn't come out publicly, and it is going to come out. It's just about in God's perfect timing and you see the dominoes starting to fall. They're falling faster and faster and faster. It's just, it's hard to keep up. It's moving so fast. So this is okay. This is one about Hillary and her emails. Okay. This is from March 31st of 2022. So almost exactly a year. From right now two years ago, actually two years. Sorry, March 31st, 2022, a firestorm of truth is hitting your enemies. A firestorm of truth is hitting your enemies. And this one talked about Hillary. I go, I gotta go down to it. Cause it's pretty far down here. And I don't, I don't have all my screens. I've only have one screen right now. Cause I'm out of town. So I have to find this. And it talked about, it talked about her emails in here. So, okay, sorry. I got it. I'm going past it here somewhere. This one also talked about laptops with those extra laptops that were coming out that we've talked about before. I gotta, I gotta find it. Where is this thing at? While you're finding that, let me again, explain to people about Hillary's emails again. Remember when she, she bought the bleach bet to scrub the servers and scrub the emails. She that's high technology to try to get rid of all your emails. And then she took hammers literally to a BlackBerry and people said, Oh, that's crazy. Why would you take a hammer to a BlackBerry? Well, if you know anything about blackberries, which I came as a director from AT& T, I had a blackberry for many years. Blackberry has a blackberry server on the device itself. So you can, you can have data on a network that you could bleach bit, but that data will still always stay on that blackberry. So to literally get rid of it, you have to take a hammer and smash it. And that's why she did it. Yep. So this one actually begs the question because everyone kept asking again. This is March 31st, 2022. And it says, Lord, what about Hillary's deleted emails? So people keep asking, Lord, why are all these people getting away with all these things? So he tells you the question and then he answers it. He says, for I, the Lord have them all. I, the Lord have them all. And they are about to come out. They will be in your headlines. All deleted emails have been found and recovered. This discovery will be a big news story. Hillary Clinton will finally, once and for all, be let go by the elites. They will not try to save her this time like they always do. So again, God mentioned Benghazi. He's mentioning Hillary's deleted emails. And now all of a sudden, all this stuff starts to come out. Now again, everyone's like, well, it's been two years. So what? It's like you said, it's all the perfect timing of God. So even though it was two years ago, who cares if it was two years ago? It's going to be better now. It's going to be sweeter now than it would have been two years ago, because not enough people were awake back then. People were not waking up like they're waking up now. Yeah. And you throw the Nexum and Epstein that's not over either. And those are both connected together. Chuck Schumer, the former Mexican president the Pelosi's are involved in that. And then I just. I think it's public now about P Diddy. P Diddy was involved in that, the rapper and with, with, with MS 13 gangs. And so there's a huge scandal on P Diddy coming out that ties to part of an Epstein type situation as well. And Pope, Pope is involved in that too. Pope, when was this? Pope, Okay. January of this year, 2024 is part of the outline I had on the Pope. Pope mentioned an Epstein documents. Then the Pope came out and responded to that and said, yes, I did take a picture with Maxwell. Wow. So there are tons of prophecies regarding the Pope and exposure and the Vatican. Everything. I mean, even says the Pope will be in breaking news reports. There is a lot coming down about the Pope, and yes, he definitely will be exposed for all that he has been a part of. I gotta find that one on here, because, again, he didn't get The Pope will be in major headlines, and the reason may surprise you. Well, I think him being a part of Epstein Island will be very shocking and surprising. And, and for the Archbishop ano to call for the Swiss Army to arrest him for porn. Really, that was the one I would mentioned. January 24th, arch Archbishop Ano called for the Swiss guards to remove and arrest Pope Francis and Cardinal Fernandez for the discovery of what they found on pornographic material. I've been telling his glory audience for probably four, five years now that two Cardinals, one cardinal. Has all the financial documentations on the corruption of the Vatican. And another one has all the proof of what happened in the bowels of the Vatican with child just horrible acts to children inside the Vatican. And here's another one just to remember on August 20 August of 20, 000 2022, And you tell me this isn't crazy Pope, but people forget, forget about this. The Pope ordered all Vatican affiliate entities and all Catholic churches to transfer all their funds and assets to the Vatican bank by, by September of 2022, why would he do that? Wow. And I will also say. God had Cardinal in a prophecy. Cardinal, this world will be in your news. I think there was another one where talk about being in major news stories, but I have to look that up, but I do see Cardinal, this world will be in your news. So I would say that that word is in the news and this is from, again, this is from 2022. There are bombshells that are coming out right now that God has spoken in prophecy in 2022. So, I mean, there's just a lot of things I can't. So, at some point, I know I got to get to this prophetic word that I have for you. It's going to be a shocking. I think a lot of this Intel you probably already have. There's a lot of documents that are about to come out. And I have. I can tell you that over the weekend, I got, we got two more whistleblowers to come forward. One is in regard to the state department and this whistleblower said that the state department confirming what the Lord told me in January of 2017, that the state department is the Genesis of all this wickedness in the world at all orchestrated from our own state department. That does not surprise me at all because the Lord has been talking about how. How horrible our government really was and how it's going to shock the world on how bad they are and what they've done against the American people. So this is one, okay, this is the one he also, and I found the one last time I was on here when I couldn't find the one about Taiwan that I just had. Oh yeah. He's given me a lot of different prophecies about Taiwan, so I'll get to that one. But he's also given me a lot of prophecies about water, like the ocean, like the Atlantic Ocean, things like that. And another, he gave me another one. This was from February 15th. He gave it under this prophecy called documents are coming that will crush the enemies against you. He mentions a warship again. And this is the second or third time I think he's mentioned a warship. And he said, a warship will be in your news for a significant reason. The location is important along with whose warship it is. My children, I say this again, pay attention to the waters. It's signaling to you much more is going on than what you have seen or been told. Now this is the part I wanted to get to. A great shaking is coming to the FBI, CIA, and NSA. Documents are coming that have been held in a secret place that proves the election fraud, the coup against my David. It proves how Washington establishment has controlled this nation. It proves that treason has been committed by the majority of your government. It proves January 6th was a plan and paid for by the establishment. It will prove all the indictments against your rightful president are fake and fraudulent. It will prove that they have planned, what they had planned for this nation, to bring it to its knees and to forever change this country. It will prove the southern border, Russia and Ukraine war, Hamas attacks against Israel, ISIS, Hezbollah, they've been paid for by your government to cause as much war and damage as they could. For chaos and destruction. It will prove the terror cells and terrorist attacks they want all over this nation. It will prove sex trafficking and all who are involved. Where that money came from and where it went. It will prove every stolen election. It will prove and show the fraudulent corporation that was designed to take you out, oh United States. It will prove the plot to impeach President Trump. It will prove the assassination attempts on him and his family. It will prove and it will show insider trading and how they manipulated the markets for the financial gain. It will prove how fake the IRS is and all who were supposed or in your supposed tax brackets. And how they are unlawful and will prove how fraudulent the Federal Reserve is, it will prove how Obama and all of his hands in as much of the destruction of this nation since he had been in government governmental positions who had put him there and how he is not an American citizen, how they faked his birth certificate because he was groomed from birth to bring down this nation for a global government. Now that's all huge. Now, it still goes on. It will prove the deaths they had taken place to have all their plans in place to keep this country going down until they had full control over the government body. And the masses through their multimedia outlets and social media platforms to pull the trigger to fully destroy this nation for their globalist agenda. Wow. When was that prophetic word? I got it on. This is the first one from February 15th. I pre recorded it. It will come out on Monday March 11th. I had two prophetic words on February 15th. One was before my live show, one was actually during a live show, but this was before that. But I pre recorded it for Monday, March 11th, cause I'll be gone out of town for that long. Amazing. Yeah, that's a lot of that's already in play. The warship you're talking about in Taiwan an admiral just came out yesterday and warned everybody, a U. S. admiral, that China is doing exercises near Taiwan and they think that the exercises are, could be, that they'll go on the offense against Taiwan. That was yesterday. So there are literally warships out in the th that area, the China Sea right now, and again, back in the Taiwan, I remember the first time you brought Taiwan on, I was like, I've never heard anything with Taiwan. And then I get 400 Texas after we're done. And yes, bio labs and trafficking, same as Ukraine and money laundering, but not as bad as what Ukraine is. So speaking to the labs, we've been talking about the labs for ever in Ukraine and now it is public. Here it is. U S bio labs. I got this yesterday. This is the same map that Fox news ran. After the start of the, the Russia Ukraine war by mistake, when that general was looking at the map and they're like, why is Putin hitting all these targets? It doesn't make any sense since militarily, well, Fox news inadvertently put a bio lab map up where all the bio labs were, and here's the bio lab. I'll, I'll talk about that today on today's war report, but this confirms what we've been talking about, where the bio labs are literally on the border with Russia. So you see why. One of the reasons why Putin didn't want to have biolabs on his border. There are so many things about the biolabs, so many things about Putin, so many things about Ukraine. I don't even know where I'll begin with all of it because the Lord has been talking about this for so long. And again, we've been talking about this for what? Two years probably? Yep. At least we've been talking about all of these different things. I've got to find that prophecy on Taiwan. I've got so many things open. I only have one screen, so I'm trying to like, and they're all coming out so fast that it would take probably 24 hours just to get people up to speed. Really? Yep. I mean, there's so much information coming out and you talk about the big techs while you're looking for that. That was part of that prophetic word. I think his name is Mike Benz as the one that came out on Tucker Carlson and explained how the tech companies worked with our three letter agencies and rigged the election against president Trump Tucker Carlson spoke about that yesterday, confirming that that was one of many ways that they, The election was stolen. My Mike Benz is still coming out with more information about our three letter agencies and the fake news. It's just that all this information is just coming pouring out now. Oh, and then Google, Google lost 7 billion yesterday, I believe. And market cap because their new AI Gemini went all wacky and made everyone African American when they're not. So they lost 7 billion in market cap in one day. Wow. Oh, God talked about the fall of Google too. There's that one thing that you have said that he has not talked about. All the things I just said are within the last 24 hours. And okay. So my husband just sent me this just announced Mitch McConnell will step down in November. Wow. That's also a prophecy because God said he talked about Mitch McConnell. He's talked about removals. He talked about people stepping down. We will find out whether that was because he really wanted to, or that's because of something else that's going on behind the scenes. Something else that's going on behind the scenes. There's no doubt. All right. Here's another one. I, this is what I alluded to earlier. Prince William has unexpectedly pulled out of attending the memorial service for the late King Constantine of Greece, where he was due to give a reading. He said it was a personal matter. Either had something to do with Kate. Or it had to do with his dead father. And when you, when you know the Royals, these type of ceremonies are the only reason the Royals exist because they have no power anymore in England. It's, it's for these rituals. So for them to miss a funeral like this or a memorial, that's a big deal. Wow. Well, There's a lot going on about the Royals. God has been talking about London. He's been talking about all the things that are going to happen in England. He's been talking about the exposure of the entire Royal family and everything that they're hiding. So again, this is more prophecies that God has been revealing for the last two years that it sounded okay. Crazy to me. Even when I heard some of these things, it did. And now you're just like, well, that totally makes sense because it took that long. Yeah. For all these pieces to a puzzle to start coming in line like they needed to in this last couple of years. So this is why all of this is getting really, really excited. And so I was like, there's no way I'm missing this show today because I have to be on. There's too much news going on. Did you do puzzles when you were a kid? Yeah. Yeah. So you do, I used to, my family used to do these complex, I mean, we didn't have, we didn't have cable. So you'd these complex puzzles. So it would take you the longest part of these old puzzles were just to get the corners and get the foundation set up. And then once you've got the corners and the foundation set up, then you can start putting in the middle. Easier, it goes quicker and that's exactly where we're at right now. The foundations have been put in and now those middle pieces are coming in faster and faster and faster. So this one about Taiwan, I did find it finally. Now this is interesting because again, he's mentioned Taiwan a lot. This one says secrets are about to be revealed on what it has been hidden in Taiwan. Your fraudulent administration didn't want the world to know. To know about now, this one was from february 12th and this prophecy is called a financial storm is coming That will wipe out your enemies worldwide So a financial storm is definitely coming. That's for sure Now have you heard anything about bangladesh? Because he mentions bangladesh will be in the news for a shocking reason in the same one right before taiwan And I think i've heard bangladesh a couple times I'm wondering if there's something big. Okay. You're shaking your head. So there must be, yes. It ties into what you just said. Bengal dash is one of those key components of the financial reset. What? Yeah. Gold bringing the, the. The reset when the reset happens to being part of the good guys, bringing in a gold back Bangladesh, it gets rarely mentioned, but Bangladesh was brought on my radar radar back to 2018 or 2019 when a general told me about Bangladesh that nobody knew that they were sitting on a lot of, I think it was gold. I think it's gold if I remember correctly, but finances, they're going to be big in this reset. Huh? It's funny that he mentions Bangladesh. Like I said, this is probably the second or third time he's mentioned it under. And again, he said for a shocking reason, under the prophecies called a financial storm is coming that will wipe out your. That's it. I get really excited when God does this stuff because there are certain things that he will tell me. And I'm like, I have no idea why he's saying these things. But he always has me go not only to that when I'm on your show too, but always to the headline or to the title of the prophecy because it goes along with what's inside the prophecy itself. The title is important. And that's always that only does he give me the prophecies, but he also gives me the titles of the prophecies. So they all, they all just go in together. I just, that's interesting. I had no idea about Bangladesh. Well, it wasn't, it was a long time ago since I talked to him about Bangladesh. It's probably been. Five, six years ago that this general told me about this. And if you wouldn't have said financial storm and then Bangladesh bang, bang, it would've went right over my head, but they are part of that, I remember. And there's another, there is another small country that most people have never heard of that are, that are going to blow people's minds in this financial reset too. Matter of fact, we, we, this person told me to get a message to president Trump. And if president Trump was listening to what we were saying the comms were that president Trump will come out and say a white horse. And president Trump on the, on, on, in the Rose garden came out and said a white horse. So he knew what we were talking about. He must've heard it from his glory or however he found it. But that was the, that was the comm that I was told to give to president Trump's team to see if he would respond back. Meaning does president Trump know about this? This financial reset. And he said the white, the white horse. So whoever that King was, I don't remember that day. That's another player in this financial reset. It's a small country. Well, God's mentioned a lot of different countries. Like I said, there's sometimes where I'm just like, okay, I don't know because I don't follow all of that kind of thing. I don't follow it like the news like that. So I don't know what's going on in these countries. I mean, he's talking about weather events. He talked about weather events in like California. There are so many different prophecies being fulfilled about all the crazy weather that's going on all over the country and all over the world. And especially in China, he said that things were going to be in China, like they were in Egypt and they have gotten hit hard. I think they got hit hard with floods. I think it was my assistant Natasha that showed me that they had were hit with not only floods really hard one day, and then it was like hail the next day. Or like in the same week or something, there are things going on all over the place. Then not only is the weather an indicator about judgment coming and about what's going on all over the world, because it's not just our government falling. This is governments all over the world. God's grants, God's mentioned all these places. And he's also talked about an uprising. He's talked about resistance. He's talked about people standing up. They're getting fed up. They're growing. They're going to start standing up to the government. Look at all the places right now with the farmers. Look at all of them. So my assistant showed me where they actually had farmers brought in dirt and manure and they were planting in parking lots of government facilities, a government, and I don't know if it was France or Denmark or wherever it was. I literally, I know where you're talking about. And I'm like, cause, cause again, it goes to all these different prophecies that guys been talking about. A resistance is growing and I'm like, well, okay, you have resistance growing in all these countries around the world. Why is a resistance like that to that degree not going on in this country? And then you did see something with the boy cause for the semis, but the more they do against us. The more resistance is going to grow and a more bold is going to grow, but people have to realize, and this is what the Lord's been telling me through prophecy. The whole point of January 6th was not just for president Trump. It was to get him. Okay. But it was also to intimidate the United States of America citizens, all of us. So we wouldn't. Boycott. We wouldn't rise up. We wouldn't protest. We wouldn't come together. Cause I've heard so many people say we do something. We do something. We do something over social media. And there's like, no, no, no, no. If we do, it's just gonna be another January 6th. It's just a trap. It's just a trap. It's a trap. And it's like, they can't stop a whole country. No, they can't. They can't stop. If all of like, okay, if all of Trump supporters, I'm not even saying going in protest, If all Trump supporters are all, even not even Trump supporters, just God loving American citizens, people that love this country, if they would all just start praying, in unison, all start getting on the same page that it is not the Democrats, it's not a Republican thing, this is a good versus evil thing. If we would all get on the same page and just start fighting like that spiritually in prayer, do you know how much damage we can do to the enemy's camp in a short period of time? Because you're letting God do it. Amen. So I was looking while you were talking about that about the farmer. This is yesterday. I knew I had information on what you were talking about. Farmers are now smashing through barriers at the EU headquarters and Brussels, Belgium, as the summit of European agriculture ministers began, you could see they're just, it's riots in the streets, just completely blocking them, smoke everywhere. That was yesterday. There, there's actually prophecies about agriculture too. It would be in your news. I think for a shocking reason, I'd have to find that one also. But again, people, the more they take our freedoms away, I'm sorry. I'm S I'm shocked. New York is not boycotting or do not resisting, or they're not getting angrier than they are because I know New York city. They're those, those people that live there. They're strong. They're strong people. Yep. And they're bold people. So I'm, I'm really shocked that they have allowed the sanctuary city the way it is, because it's infringed upon their rights for their children and for their entire city as a whole. I mean, this, our government is giving 10, 000 credit cards or EBT cards or whatever crap they are. They're giving those to people, but you let people that are veterans who fought for this country. You let them go homeless, but you will pay somebody to come over here. And two people had slips of the tongue. God said their tongue was their worst enemy. Where it was either, maybe two happened again. So they said, what is it? Two? I know it was Nancy Pelosi said it and there's other senators said it. I think it might've been sent somebody else that the illegals are their most important thing right now. Well, why? Cause they want them to vote. They want them to vote. Yep. That's exactly right. It's another way they can rig the election. And another way they're going to rig the election again is not only they're going to do watch the viruses. We all know that because guys have been talking about viruses again. It's coming. So last week when we were on our prayer retreat, you know, AT& T went down and you had, you know, God's been talking about these kinds of things. Yeah. I don't know if it was the good guys, if it was the bad guys, or what it was, but that to me is a signaling, Hey, things are going to happen. Comms will calm down. Phones are not going to work. Your internet's not going to work. That's the reason why he keeps selling people in prophecy to get to know him. To know how to pray. To know how to stand. To know how to use his word. Because when, you know, we can't do shows like this, which I'll be really sad, but we can't do shows like this, and you can't be on the internet, They have to know how to fight spiritually. They're going to have to know how to stand. And they're going to have to know also what to expect God to do. Because when he's saying all this chaos is going to happen, he's giving me plenty of prophecies about that, we have to be firmly footed. He keeps talking about never surrendering. He keeps talking about holding the line. He, I mean, he keeps talking about we're in the army of the Lord and he keeps using military terms and he's saying, you're in for a fight. So you need to know the enemy, but you also need to know who is a leader of your army. And that's me. And I never lose. don't lose through him. That's what people got to remember. It's going to get a lot, a lot worse, but don't fear. When that moment comes back to the AT& T I was told it was bad guy, good guy. It was a counter. It was, it was going to be worse. But it may turn out for the better because what they discovered in that, but to have a whole network. Go down for that long a period at 3 a. m. In the morning you're talking about AT& T and it wasn't just AT& T that went down, it was all three major carriers, Verizon and T Mobile as well. So it was funny because. As soon as I heard AT& T, I'm like, oh, I know Pastor Dave, he's got to know some stuff, because I know he's got to have some connections still, because I know he used to work for AT& T. So I was like, he's got to have something. But I was like, that was not done on accident. And then of course they come out and say the dumbest, dumbest excuse. Oh, it was solar flares. Or, and then there was another one they said, it was one of my other team members told me that it was they were doing update and I was like, well, your, your phones don't go down all day because of an update error. Like that's just stupid. So some of the things that they were saying did not make any sense and they, how they came out about it and they tried to like make excuses. I was like, okay, now you're just being stupid. Well then they gave everybody a 5 credit for that day. Whoa. Wow. Did they really? Yeah. AT& T don't overdo yourself by giving your customers 5 back for the whole entire year. I'm surprised they did that because they usually don't ever do that. Yeah. So there must've been something even deeper than what meets the eye because for AT& T to give anybody a credit across the board and forget about it. They're, they're, they're very tight. Yeah. Remember too, we've talked about this. That was it eight months ago that every Senator got a sat phone. Yes. First time in history. What do they need a sat phone for? Huh. Oh, I don't know. I have no idea why, why would you need a sat phone? If we have, you know, normal cell phones. I mean, Really? They'd only need a sat phone if you didn't have communications. So get it! Elon Musk, remember that name. I hope he's a good guy, or at least playing a good guy role right now. Because he's going to be a key part of what's happening next in space. Okay, I got, alright. I have had prophecies regarding Elon because there, there's even times where I've even questioned where he's at as well because one minute he appears like he's a good guy and the next minute I'm like, Oh, I don't know about that. I think he might be, let's see here. This is from June 4th of 2022. So I think this is before he even bought Twitter. This prophecy is called, this is just one of them. I have to have more about Elon. Shocks are coming to destroy your enemy's plans. Let me see, Elon Musk will continue to be in your news, and soon my children you will positively know which side he's actually on, and it may surprise you. From June of 2022. So again, when he talks about the AI, I'm just like, okay. And some of the things that he wears, I'm like, it seems to me like he's more Luciferian, but the, but it could sometimes be an actor show with him also, because he could be one of those info. God said he's infiltrated the infiltrators type of thing. Well, you think about logically, he's at least a gray hat because he wouldn't have bought Twitter and made Twitter come back when, especially when, and go after Facebook and Google like he is. He called him evil. And I think it was yesterday. Oh, the last two or three days, he's tweeted and commented at least two or three times about the illegal aliens coming into this country and, and our Southern border that we will not have a country. And he's taken a really passionate stand about our border. He doesn't need to, but he is. Yeah. And also he came out sometime in the last day or two. He came out and condemned George Soros and was telling people what George Soros and who he is, what he has done with his money. Speaking of that, I have not got this confirmed, but I was told yesterday, and I think it is public. I think I saw it somewhere public. George Soros was declared a economic terrorist. And the nation of Australia and Australia Supreme court two days ago, came down and said, vaccine mandates were unconstitutional. That was a huge, huge. Yes. I came down in Australia. Yep. There's Supreme court. There's a lot of prophecies about Australia too. Oh, there are so many about their government. There's so many about France, this government. There's so many about Canada, the Kennedy, the Canadian government. There's so many about the Chinese government. Yeah. I mean, there are governments that are going to start imploding worldwide. It is not just ours. Yeah. Canada is in deep, deep trouble. Is going down for sure. He's going down for sure. Yep. Yeah. God's been talking about the exposure of Trudeau for quite some time and a freedom in Canada. That's amazing. That 98 percent of what we've talked about today has really come to fruition in the last 24 to 48 hours. And people still say nothing's happening. I don't understand that. And, and, and, you know, it's funny too, because, and I also hear from people still, you know, well, God wouldn't prophesy through somebody every day or, you know, you know, first of all, all these different things, God wouldn't prophesy about politics. Really? God wouldn't expose his enemy. I beg to differ on that. I think that, that I've heard that I've, I've, I've, I've heard that well, I don't know if it's a complaint or comment about why would God talk to somebody every single day? He talks to me every day. Mm-Hmm. . I talk to him every day and he, and I'm not gonna get prophetic words like you do, but he's always encouraging me. He, he talks to me literally every day. If your heart is willing to listen to him and talk to him, he'll talk to you, everybody every day. Throughout the day. Yeah. And I don't get properties every turns off every single day. It's, I mean, I get 'em a lot, but I mean, the reason why I can go and do this as much as I'm doing 'em five days a week, well, sometimes when I'm gone, I hear someone, I'm gone. So then I have to make up for 'em when I'm, when I'm back home. So it's like. I'm not hearing him every single day, but it's pretty darn close. Yeah. And, and again, I've gone back to that because I've asked him that I've asked him why I've asked him why the prophetic every, or at least a lot of the time, why is it so much? Why is he asked me this every single day of getting on? And he said, it was an answer to your prayer. And I said, well, I didn't pray about prophecy. I didn't, I really did not. I knew my dad had actually prophesied over me and he said, you're going to actually move into the prophet's office. Well, that was like seven, eight years ago. And I, I was having prophecies like once or twice a year. I was hearing from the Lord a lot. Cause I was told you get in your prayer closet and you bring a notebook and a pen and a pen. And you listen, you sit there and listen, you don't want to do all the talking. God does all the talking. So that way a long time ago when I come to this, I said, but what do you mean, Lord? I said, I didn't ask for that. He said, yes, you did. Father I just want to give them whatever they need to hear for this very day and this very hour. And this is what my people need to hear. I didn't ask about prophecy, but he knew they needed the prophecy. But not only do they need the prophecy, because there are so many big things that happen. Okay? So all these things that we're talking about today, how many prophecies, different prophecies he's given to me that I couldn't even go through all of them today. Of all the ones that are coming to pass or have already come to pass. It's to encourage his people that he does prophesy that he is proving himself because time and time again, well, the children of Israel, they saw all this magnificent things that God did, but they still questioned him. And so he keeps giving. These words, but I know at some point they're going to stop. And that's why I tell people, I said, Hey, you know, God's not only giving these prophecies, but he's given these huge revelation. He will go into a deep dive of teaching any different prophetic wars and a reason why there has to be a teaching. It's not just a prophetic word. And he has me line it up with the Bible, because if you can't line up the Bible, then you need to throw it out. But God will do everything again to reveal to his people that he is working and that he's in control because too many times people like, yes, they get excited. God's in control. God's in control. I'm so excited. Well, then the Biden administration has something else or, you know, finances happening. You say this and they take your eyes off what God has already done. Exactly. The first shot they're like, Nope, I'm not here. They're under the desk. No, I loved it before the shot was fired. You know, shots fired when is when it gets real. I remember the first time I ever heard live shots fired rounds in the Marines. We looked at each other and I was like, this is real. This, this is not an exercise anymore, but going back to what you just said, I think is really important for people to, to know what's going on. about prophecy. I wrote it down. The one in the Bible does, does, does the prophetic word come true? And it may not happen right away, but is there a trail of these things happening, coming true? Does it match up to the word of God? And the last part of that, who gets the glory? You always give God the glory because it's his glory, not your glory or man's glory or prophetic voices glory. So those three things you have to look in any prophetic. Yeah. Because anytime anybody brings it back to themself, that's why I tell people every day, go to the Bible, get into your prayer clauses, start praying with the Lord, get in a fellowship with him, get into his word. There are teachings every single day. There's scriptures every single day. Why? Because it's not about me. All of these things, there's some, there's literally some revelations that I'm getting as I'm speaking to them. And I'm sitting there like getting excited and I'm going, Oh my God, I've never heard that before. Oh, I've never heard that before. Oh my gosh, that's so exciting. I am learning as, as I am teaching these things. Some of these things I already know, but some of these things that he's given it to me, that's why I was on with Clay yesterday and he was just like, well, you know, you know, for all the naysayers and what would you say to him? And I said, the most important thing that you ever had to pay attention when you're listening to somebody, do they give God the glory? Are they going back to him? Are they going back to his word? Are they putting you back to his word or are they putting you on themselves? Yep, exactly. That's the difference. If they were, if they're saying, well, I did this and I heard this. And again, it got to go back to God. That's why I'm so, and if I say it like I, I'm like, Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. It's God said that he is the one who has given prophecy. He's the one who gives us revelation knowledge because some of these things, when I was hearing these things two years ago, people were just like, Oh, she's some crazy lunatic. Hmm. Well now they're coming to pass. Why? Because they weren't my words. They were never my words. They're God's words. And that's why they're coming to pass. That's right. And I want to go back to another key thing that you said, because people always ask about the gift of prophecy. I don't know why the gift of prophecy just really scared. I do know why it's because it was taught wrong and the denominations, because you know, one denomination says the gifts of spirit are not for today, but talk about what you just said, because that's so key. You said when you go and get. A pen and paper. You go into your prayer closet, you're isolated, you're shut off. There's no distractions. It's just you and the father, the son, and the Holy spirit coming together. That's what people have to do. They got to get the distractions out and go to that prayer closet where they can have that intimacy with the Lord. I've learned, I trained myself literally the last, I don't know, 14, 15 years. I learned it from a pastor, a preacher that I love so much. And one of the things he's, you know, he said is get a journal. Yeah. And prayer is not just you go in your prayer closet and just complain to God about everything that's going wrong. It's a conversation. So I give him, I quiet myself, I turn everything off, I quiet myself, and I let him speak. And sometimes I'll come to people and I tell people, I don't hear an audible voice. I have never heard the audible voice of God. I don't hear it from my ear. I hear it from my inner man. My spirit man. So sometimes it may feel like a thought or a seem like a thought, but how I know it's not mine, because there are some things I'm going, what was that? Like, there are some things, these prophecies I'm going, did you really just say that Lord? And you really want me to repeat that out loud? Because, and another thing is no matter what he tells me and how outlandish it sounds, how crazy it sounds and how much ridicule or persecution, I will say it no matter what, because God told me to say it. Yep. I'll back off from it. Because that's what we're called to do. Yeah. There's a reason man thinks. Yep. It's only what he thinks. Exactly. Let me ask you this question because I, I don't have the gift of prophecy like you do, but the Lord does speak to me. And the more I get in my prayer closet and go to him and listen, I can, I can hear when he tells me, I've only heard his voice, maybe three or four times audible. One time was, was really serious. It was like to get my attention. David. And I was like, Oh, okay. I better, I better get my act in gear and listen to what he's saying. But the other, the other time, 99 percent of the time is what you just said, but there's times when I can tell if it's from the father, I can tell if it's from the son. And there's times I can tell it's from the Holy spirit. They have a, a completely different style when they, do you find that the case as well? Honestly, I've never even asked the Lord about it. No, I've just, to me, it's just like, I just hear his voice. I know it's him. I know. There are times where he gets my attention and I could be doing something totally different. Okay, I could be traveling or I could be doing laundry. And if he repeats something, I got to go run and go get a piece of paper and a pen. And I know he's about to speak. Or when we are we're on a prayer call. And somebody starts praying in tongues. All of a sudden, I'm just like, and I just start hearing something over and over and over again. I have to sit there and they know, they know exactly they can sit on my face. They know exactly what's going to happen. And, and then all of a sudden they all turn off their cameras and all their, you know, their mutes their mics because they know God's going to speak. Do I know the difference in between them? I've never even thought about it, honestly. Like. I just never have. There's a pattern about that now. Yep. There's a, there's a pattern and I don't get it all the time, but it's very, I would say maybe 5 percent of the time I can tell there's a clear distinction between if that message is coming from the father, if it's coming from the son or it's coming from the Holy spirit. It's the same message overall, but you can tell they communicate in different mechanisms, even though they're the one. God's always talking. I mean, he truly, truly is always speaking and people just have to realize that. That the reason why we have these things right here, we have these cell phone, we have computers, we have all technology4.45K views 1 comment -
Julie Green joins His Glory: Take FiVe
His Glory TVJulie Green joins His Glory: Take FiVe Socials: https://rumble.com/c/JulieGreenMinistries – Rumble https://juliegreen.locals.com/ – Locals https://odysee.com/@JULIEGREENMINISTRIES:5 – Odysee https://truthsocial.com/@juliegreenministries –Truth Social https://t.me/s/JULIEGREENMINISTRIES –Telegram Support our HIS GLORY Family Partners! Do what you can do to help defund the swamp by investing your hard-earned dollars in Kingdom companies like these. Put everything else in God’s hands by faith. Beverly Hills Precious Metal Exchange: https://bh-pm.com/ Mac Bear & Cheese Healthy Kids Vitamins: https://hisglory.me/kidsvitamins/ Kingdom Fuel: https://hisglory.me/kingdomfuel Cue Streaming: https://HisGlory.mycuestreaming.com ROOT: https://therootbrands.com/ Promo Code: HISGLORY My Pillow: https://www.mypillow.com/ Promo Code: HISGLORY Estate Planning Inc: https://www.estateplanninginc.net/read-me-bedford For A Full List Of His Glory Family Partners Click This Link: https://hisglory.me/partners/74.3K views 263 comments -
Prophet Julie Green - A Financial Storm Is Coming That Will Wipe Out Your Enemies Worldwide
The Church of What's Happenin' Now - Prophecy & The PropheticIn a powerful declaration, The Lord reassures believers that their adversaries' reign of control is coming to an end. God emphasizes that no force can hinder His power or thwart His plans, and that the faithful should remain steadfast in their belief. The Lord promises deliverance and justice, urging His children to hold onto His word and stand firm in the face of increasing pressure from their enemies. God assures them that the wicked will receive their due reward and that His protection is unwavering. God foretells significant revelations and events on the global stage, including unexpected news from Bangladesh, hidden secrets in Taiwan, and a whistleblower from the White House who will expose concealed truths. The Lord speaks of the imminent downfall of long-standing political figures in the United States, specifically mentioning Mitch McConnell, and predicts the rapid decline of the current administration. Furthermore, God warns of a concerted effort to instill fear through threats of disease and war, but reassures His children not to be swayed by the looming specter of World War III or any other disaster, as He is in control. Finally, The Lord speaks of a time of great restoration and justice for His people. He references the crumbling government of France, the exposure of Ukraine's corruption, and the impending collapse of China's financial system, all of which will have far-reaching effects. God also highlights the exposure of BRICS and a financial upheaval that will target the wicked, while promising an extraordinary transfer of wealth and restoration to the body of Christ, reminiscent of the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt. The Lord concludes with a message of hope, affirming that His people are on the victorious side and that their freedoms will be restored. ✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here: 👉 https://rumble.com/v4ekuuf Full Video Transcript: Good morning, everybody. And today is actually Monday, February 19th of 2024. You will see this on Monday, February 26. The reason for that is because I Am out of town. I'll be traveling home that day from a prayer retreat with the prayer team. So I want to make sure that you receive this prophetic word while I was gone. Before I get to that, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at jgminternational. org under our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 4620 E 53rd Street, Suite 200, Downport, Iowa 52807. And of course, if you do want. Any Julie Green Ministries merchandise. You can go to threesonsthreads. com. That's threesonsthreads. com. That's only people that can sell our merchandise and what we, I just want to let you guys know this again, Julie Green Ministries does not get any of the proceeds, the proceeds, the percentages go for that were supposed to go to us. We automatically have been sent to charities because we don't want to receive any proceeds because this is not why we're doing this. So I just wanted to let you guys know that. Okay. Now I want to go over this prophetic word with you today. And I was praying over this, this one, there's a lot of different scriptures, a lot of revelation. This one's called a financial storm is coming that will wipe out your enemies worldwide. A financial storm is coming that will wipe out your enemies worldwide. This prophecy was from February 12th of 2024. For I the Lord this day want to remind my children that your enemies are through. They are through with controlling you. They are through with controlling my church. My nations and this earth that I have created, they are through controlling the narrative worldwide. They are through with their big steal and with their financial system, with their globalist agenda and for their depopulation they wanted. They are through my children. They can't stop me and you need to get that down in your hearts So in this time where your enemies are raising the pressure Against you for what they are about to throw at the world that will look impossible to get out of for man But it's not impossible for me You will see how big I Am and how small and insignificant your enemies are in their plans against you My children rejoice You serve the Most High God. I Am your Father, Protector, Defender, Advocate, Standby. I Am your Vindicator. I Am your Justice. I Am your Freedom. I Am your Deliverer. So hold fast and hold tight to my word, and fight, and you will see the reward of the wicked. Sayeth the Lord of hosts, Bangladesh will be in your news for a shocking reason. Secrets are about to be revealed on what has been hiding in Taiwan. Your fraudulent administration didn't want the world to know about, Oh my United States, your government has tried to sicken this nation to the point of death. I have said many times before, these are the days of Haman and you are about to see many politicians and their health slip and fade away with nothing stopping it. The longtime politicians who try to control this nation, watch them all fall. Watch what is happening to them. The giants are falling with no return of their power or influence in this nation. Again, sayeth, the Lord disease after disease, fear after fear. They're about to bring worldwide to slow down, to stop the resistance. And the persistence of many worldwide who are not complying with their narrative. I told you, my children, your enemies are petrified of you and you're fighting against them. Panic has set in with no reprieve in sight. So do not fear what they are about to do to bring fear because I Am bringing them. I Am bigger than they are and I Am in between their plans and you. I Am protecting you. And your enemies are finished. Nuclear warfare! They're about to shout World War III. Doom and gloom. Disaster after disaster. Do not listen. They will not get away with the war they so crave. I told you they are not the ones in control. And my children, you are about to see that. The Golden Gate Bridge, I say this again, will be in your news for a significant reason. Watch and see what happens to Mitch McConnell, and there will be more to follow. A White House whistleblower is about to come forward and shock this nation on what has been hiding in plain sight. Explosive secrets are going to be revealed, and you have You will have started seeing the beginning of the fall of the Biden, and it's speeding up now. The puppet can no longer follow commands, and its functionality is about to take a big turn for the worst. Keep listening to your enemies as they try to lie. These are the days I've spoken to you about as they try to lie, they will accidentally tell the truth. Their tongues will be an enemy to them, and to the ones who are against you, my children. Removals have begun. Judgment has started. Justice will continue until my revenge is fully seen. Until my vengeance, sorry, is fully seen. All the wrongs will be made right. Until their evil and corruption is annihilated and the world knows who I really am that I Am a just God. Your enemies will pay for their crimes. Some already have with no end in sight, and there is more to come that you will actually see. sayeth the Lord. France is crumbling and their government will not stand. Ukraine will not continue with their lies and criminal acts that they have committed against this nation, and their own. A major whistleblower is about to expose Ukraine like in the likes that no one has ever seen before. All their corruption will be exposed with the foreign aid and how it was spent on bribes and blackmail and how they all helped the swamp cover. Sorry. And they have helped the swamp of this nation cover up from the world and the American people... It's coming the fall of the Ukrainian leadership and their lies that they have tried to hold up for years. I'm setting the people in that nation free from that great captivity. Continue to watch the fall of China's financial system and the cascade effect it will have globally. Every nation that has this desire to bring my nation financially down, they will be the ones brought down financially instead. My children, BRICS, will be exposed in a major way that will shock the world. A financial storm is about to wipe out your enemies all over the world Children of almighty God: a great restoration will be celebrated! I have spoken of this in my word the wealth of sinner is laid up for the just This is that time a great restoration is coming to the body of christ Like I did for my people in the land of egypt On their way out of that bondage in captivity. I Am doing great things on your behalf. So don't give up now because I will show you that you are on the winning side. Justice is being served. And your freedom's restored sayeth the Lord your Redeemer. So i'm gonna go over some of the scriptures that the lord had given me because there's a lot of the body of christ It does not believe at all that god does any type of financial restoration whatsoever There are people in the body of christ that get offended and get angry when you start talking about finances at all Why do you think the enemy has put that in the church? Why do you think he wants people? To be poor or to have lack of every kind or to live in poverty, to not be able to get out of paycheck by paycheck living. And people will use, again, they use some of the scriptures, but it's twisted. It's not how God intended. Now I want to show you certain scriptures right here, how God intends his people to leave any situation of captivity or any situation where the enemy tried to destroy them. Where God restored them. So in this scripture right here and Exodus chapter three, and of course, God has used this as example many times and many different situations that we are facing today. It's like a great example for us to follow. This is what was happening to God's people. They're thinking and talking and acting like a lot of Christians today. And they're only seeing the control of the leadership of the enemy and all the destruction they're causing instead of listening to the words that God is speaking to his people. In Exodus chapter 3 and verse 7 says, And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because they're taskmasters and oppressors, for I know their sorrows and sufferings and trials. Verse eight, what does he do before I get to that? What does he do when he hears the cries of his people? What does he do when he sees the taskmasters, when he sees the oppression and what's being done against his people? This is what's going on right now. God calls these people, the Pharaohs up today. He's seen the oppression. He's heard the cries of his people. So what do you understand or what do you need to know about God and what he will do in situations like this? And I have come down to deliver them. So that's God's solution. God's solution is to deliver them. In what way? I'm going to show you. And I have come down to deliver them out of the hand and the power of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a good land, good and large and a land flowing with milk and honey, a land of plenty. So what was on the heart of God? The freedom of his people, but also that they would live in a land where they had no lack. So God cares about people's, his people's freedom, his children's freedom, but he also says he doesn't want them to lack. That's why he was bringing them into a land of plenty. It also says in Psalm 23 that he is our shepherd and we shall not want or shall not lack. Again, a lot of people in the body of Christ have not been taught any of these things. So let's see. Let's turn to, for the sake of time, because I have a lot of scriptures to go to, go to Exodus 3 and verse 19. And I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go. Unless forced to do so no not by a mighty hand So again, this scripture right here is talking about your enemies are not going to let you go unless they're forced to And no not by a mighty hand. What does that mean? not by natural strength and ability from you That means it's going to take the hand of God to deliver us out of the situation. It's not by any just a might of any man. It has to be by God almighty. And that's what he's saying. Your enemies were not going to let you go unless I stepped in. And I did something about it. That's what that scripture is talking about. Exist three in verse 20. And so I will, he doesn't say I might, he says, I will stretch out my hand and smite Egypt with all my wonders, which I will do in it. And after that, he will let you go. Now, let's, before we go on to read, let's look up the word, Smite. Intentionally annoy, upset, or hurt someone. That's what the meaning is. Let's look up the definition. A desire to hurt, annoy, or offend someone. Deliberately hurt or annoy or, yeah, that's what, keep saying the same thing over again. Okay. In defiance regardless of notwithstanding. So again, God is going to stop. He's going to smite them. So obviously they're going to be annoyed because a smite means deliberately hurt, annoy, or offend. Well, they're going to be hurt and they're going to be offended. They're going to be mad because God is going to what his vengeance is going to be seen and felt God's people are going to see the vengeance of Almighty God against our enemies, but the enemies of Almighty God are going to experience it. And it's going to offend them. It's going to hurt them because it's going to destroy everything that they were doing against God's people. He is taking away what they have stolen from them. Then it says in verse 21, and I will give this people favor and respect on the side of the Egyptians. And it shall be when you go, you shall not go empty handed. So it wasn't God's desire just. For God's people to be set free from slavery. And if you read on, and we've gone over this many times before how there was no feeble among them when they left Egypt, that means they had no ramifications that, that they were not sick anymore. They were not bruised anymore. They were not damaged anymore, physically or mentally God freedom. And he made them whole. Because if you look up the word feeble, this is important for what God is doing for us. Now feeble means lacking physical strength Especially as a result of age or illness. So we said there wasn't any feeble So they were not lacking in physical strength or they were not they didn't have anything that was due to age or illness So no matter what damage was caused by the egyptians to god's people they weren't lacking in any of that god destroyed How satan was destroying them physically how satan destroyed them? Mentally how satan destroyed them financially god reversed and restored it all So again, it's importance of god on the same night of the passover when they took that lamb's blood And put it over the doorpost and they ate that lamb and they had their unleavened bread and they were doing what God was telling them to do, protect them from the angel of death. So the same, now listen, there was two different results right there, that, that night. There wasn't every single plague, but especially that night. This is important. God's been talking about the angel of death again. He's been talking about the restoration of God's people. So in that night of the Passover, you have the angel of death that was hitting and it was destroying the Egyptians on the same night that God brought physical, mental, And physical and mental restoration to his people. And the next day he brought them financial. They listen, they did not go empty handed. God does not want us to leave the situation that we're living in right now, even though all that, say, for instance, all the money in the world right now came into the bodies, the body of Christ in their hands. But we were all still in fear and doubt and worry and anxiety and depressed and suicidal and Too many people had you know, all these people were sick and dying. What's the good of that? God is saying he's going to restore it all that means our spirits our souls our bodies and Financially when god says that he made people whole remember it says that Testament when Jesus was healing people. He didn't just heal him. He made them whole that means that we're not lacking in anything It's important for us to know what's happening right now and what God is intended So, let's see what happens here in verse 22 Exodus 3 verse 22 But every woman shall insistently solicit of her neighbor and of other of her that they may be residing at the house of jewels They talk about wealth here, the wealth of Egypt, but also the wealth of the Israelites. That was stolen from them through taxation. That's how Pharaoh got them enslaved. What are they doing to everyone worldwide with taxation? Enslaving them, putting them in bondage, leaving them paycheck by paycheck where they can't pay their bills. It's this taxation. It's evil and demonic. There's so much more to this, but I have to keep going. All right. And they will. They may be residing at her house jewels and articles of silver and gold and garments in which you shall put on your sons and Daughters and you shall strip the egyptians of everything that belongs or Strip the egyptians of belongings due to you It was belongings due to the israelites because the egyptians stole it But also says in proverbs 6 and 31 when a thief has been caught. He's got to give it back. How many times seven fold Not just seven times, sevenfold. So this was a great example right here in the book of Exodus was how God's people were not only delivered, they were healed mentally, they were healed physically, and they were restored financially out of the captivity, out of the hands of the Egyptians. And when you see this here, it was belongings due to them, and it was not only the wealth that was stolen from them through taxation, but they got all the wealth of the Egyptians. They stripped them of everything. The Egyptians were broke after they left, after Israelites left, because they took everything. That's what God intends to even happen now. He doesn't want these ungodly, evil, tyrannical, oppressors, and evil people to keep doing what, again, he calls them now a day pharaohs. To keep them doing what they're doing with their form of Egypt today, worldwide. That's why when God's been talking to me for the last 14 years about a greater exodus, this is what he's talking about. It's nation on worldwide. Not just one nation, it's worldwide. Now I'm going to keep reading. There's other examples of this that I've got to keep going. Let's look at first Samuel. I have several different ones right here. What I might do is for the sake of time is I might give you other scriptures and I want you to go and read them if I can't get to them. Go to first Samuel chapter 30 first Samuel chapter first 30. This is David and Zag lag. Okay. We've gone over this before, but we're going to go over this again because this is also talking about restoration. Once the enemy stole something from God's people, God is revealing to us in multiple different occasions in the Bible what God does and what He expects His people to do in the time where something's being stolen from them. Even their families, their children, their homes, their finances, and their well being. There's a lot of things going on in this story with David and Ziklak. So they just came back from fighting, okay? They fought and they won, they came back, and guess what? In verse 2, And had taken the women and all that were there, both great and small captive, they killed no one, but carried them off and went on their way. So they came back and their entire town was destroyed. Their wives were kidnapped. Their children were kidnapped. All their wealth was gone. They burned everything down. They destroyed everything that belonged to David and his men. Everything was gone. Verse three. So David and his men came to his town and behold, it was burned and their wives and sons and daughters were taken captive. Verse four. Then David and the men with him lifted up their voices and wept until they had no more strength to weep. That's what Satan intended. Satan intended them for state and depression and stay overwhelmed and grieved. He wanted them to do that. Why? Because it would have been their complete destruction. But look what happened with David. Go down to verse six. David was greatly distressed. The men spoke of stoning him because the souls of them were bitterly grieved. Each men for his sons and daughters. So David's men were with him and we're going to turn on him to stone him because they were blaming David for it. They were so grieved. They were going to stone David. They were going to kill him. Look what happened with David. When everyone was turned against him, he was isolated. He was all by himself. He lost everything in everyone. Look what David did, but David encouraged and strengthened himself in the Lord. His God. That's what we need to do when we, it looks like we've lost everything. Everyone's turned on us. It looks like our life is. Going awry and everything's going wrong. What should we do? Encourage ourself in the Lord Why because when we're encouraging ourself in the Lord, then God will be able to reveal the true the truth About what is really going on not just about what you're seeing not just about what you're feeling and the five physical senses and what? They're all screaming at you remember Fear is a liar, and nothing, and it, Satan wants nothing better for you than to get you caught in the spiraling of, I'm trying to think of the right word a quick, like a quicksand, where you step your foot into that quicksand, and it's fear. He wants nothing, nothing more than to destroy you with it. So you sink and you can't get out of that hole. He wants you to completely destroyed. He wants to paralyze you with that spirit of fear. Now, it looks like in the next right here, that David and all of his men zigglag on every right because everything was gone. Look what happened with David. He encouraged himself in the Lord. Verse 8, and David inquired the Lord saying, shall I pursue the troops? Shall I overtake them? So he's asking him, Lord, what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to pursue them? Are you going to help me overtake them? Now, remember, this is the same guy who fought a lion, anyone, fought a bear, anyone, and fought a giant, anyone. And he won against Saul. But again, if you have all of this right here, And if you have another situation where the enemy's trying to put pressure on you to give you to give up and quit What is god telling you? Let's see what the answer what god answered david when david again if david would have sat there and sulking Then he would have you know Wouldn't have anything would have changed They would eventually probably would have stoned him and they never would have gotten their families or their any possessions back nothing But david had to encourage himself and then get the word of the lord What do we have to do every day? Get the word of the Lord. And shall I overtake them? The Lord answered, Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them without fail, and recover all. That is on the heart of God. For us to overtake, to pursue, to overtake, and recover all. That's part of our mandate. That's part of our marching orders right now. That we are supposed to pursue the enemy with the word of God, fight with the word of God, which is the spirit, the sword of the spirit, To not back off, to not quit, to overtake the enemy by rejoicing seeing what God needs us to say and do and then guess what? He says he says right here Recover all and you can find out later on in verse 19 1st Samuel 30 in verse 19 Nothing was missing missing small or great sons or daughters spoil or anything that had been taken David recovered All how did they recover all because he encouraged himself in the lord and he inquired of the lord What do you want me to do? God told him to pursue overtake and recover all david newton no matter how impossible it was God was going to be with him and god is saying no matter impossible as it looks like right now God is with us. We will pursue overtake and we will recover all But we have to encourage ourselves in the Lord, not give up and not quit. Let's read a couple more scriptures and I'll go back over the prophetic word again, because there's a lot in there. Go to Proverbs chapter 13, because people say this is not scriptural. God does not talk about money. He wants you poor, blah, blah, blah. No, that is a twist in the doctrination of the body of Christ. Out of what rightfully belongs to you if people just actually read the word and not took somebody's word for it That's what I tell you every day. Don't take my word for it. You get in the word I'm giving you the scriptures you write them down you get in the word you pray and see what god says Proverbs 13 and verse 22 Proverbs 13 and verse 22. What does it say? A good man leaves an inheritance of moral stability and goodness to his children's children and the wealth of the sinner finds its way eventually into the hands of the righteous for whom it was laid up. Now let's look up the Bible gateway here because you know that I'm, I like to do that and I like to see other translations. So, let's look up the translation of this, oops, I pushed the wrong button, there we go. We're going to look up the C. E. V. I've never looked up the C. E. V. in this one. If you obey God, you will have something to leave for your grandchildren. For if you don't obey God, those who live right will get what you leave. Okay? But again, right here says The wealth of the sinner finds its way eventually into the hands of the righteous for whom it was laid up. So that means, the ones who don't obey God, They don't live right. Whatever they have, they're going to leave. With, with who? The ones who do live right. Now let's look up another scripture. Here's another one. Ecclesiastes. This is not the only place you can find a scripture like this. Go to Ecclesiastes. And it is Ecclesiastes 2 26 Ecclesiastes 2 26 for to the people who pleases God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy. But to the sinner, he gives a work of gathering and heaping up that he may give to ones who please God. This also is vanity and striving after the wind and on feeding it. Now again, it says for to the person who pleases God, God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy. Amen. Amen. But to the sinner, he gives a work of gathering and heaping up. Now let's look up this and another translation. Yeah, this is Ecclesiastes two and 26. If we please God, he will make us wise and understanding happy. But if we sin, God makes a struggle for living and then he will give, and then he will give all we own to someone who pleases him. This makes us wise. More no more sense than chasing the wind. So again, God is saying to us that if we Will please God if we are living towards God, then they will make us wise and understanding and happy But if we sin and God will make us struggle for a living then get well Then then he will give all that we own to someone who pleases him Now again, God is saying here, right here, For these who pleases God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy. But to the sinner, he gives the work of gathering and heaping it up. So the ones who are against Almighty God, He gives them the job to gather and heap up. So they're gathering and heaping up all of this wealth all over the place. They're using it to destroy the world. And God is saying, I have given the sinners the task of heaping it up To what? Hand it over. That's exactly what happened in Egypt. That's exactly what happened in Egypt. They took it, they heaped it, they heaped it, they stole it from God's people through taxation, and then eventually just had to hand it right back over. Alright, now I have to go back over this because I, well, you guys are seeing this on the 26th. But it's actually the 19th and I have a live show in an hour. So I have to get ready for the next one. All right. Now. So it says, for I, the Lord this day, want to remind my children that your enemies are through. They are through with controlling you. They are through with controlling my church, my nations, and this earth that I have created. They are through controlling the narrative worldwide. They are through with their big steel and their financial system. Now, this is why he's talking about right now, a financial storm is coming that will wipe out your enemies worldwide. Bye. How are they controlling it? Doesn't that phrase say money is power. So they have right now unlimited spending. They've unlimited money because they're printing money out of just thin air. All the money that they've been giving to Ukraine, all the money that they get into all these different things, all of what they're doing, it's all money. That's it's in thin air. And there's, it just doesn't exist. You have to have something that backs it up. That's why back in 1970s, when they got rid of the gold standard, they wanted it so they could hit free flow and everything they wanted. And make it more oppressive For other people and god says that's true He's here with their globalist agenda and for their deep population that they wanted They are through God is through With them then he says my children. They can't stop me Well, of course no enemy of almighty god can stop god. No one can stop god He's the most high god and he says and you need to get that down in your hearts Why because it's just like david david when he got that down in his heart. I just showed you a zig lag You David eventually encouraged himself and Lauren goes, well, no, no, no, no, the Lord helped me with a lion The Lord helped me with a bear Lord helped me with Goliath Lord helped me with Saul Well Lord's gonna help me in this situation So if we sit there and look at this if we know that we know that we know That David had all these different examples that God helped him Then why wouldn't God help him again? If if you don't see that guys helped you in a situation like that Then you can look in the Bible and God's no respecter of persons. It even says that. God's no respecter of persons. What does that mean? If he did it for one person, he will do it for another. If he delivered them out of a mess, he will deliver you out of a mess. Whether you created that mess or not created that mess. Whether the enemy put you in it or you put it in yourself, God's still gonna get you out of that mess. There's life and death situations. If he delivered somebody out of a life and death situation, he will deliver you out of that situation. He's no respecter of persons. Now look what it says. My children, they can't stop me. You need to get that down in your hearts. Why so you can encourage yourself in the Lord just like David did who says in that time where your enemies are raising the pressure Because there are the pressure is getting more intense He says pressure is against you for what they are about to throw at the world They will look it will look impossible to get out of for a man So it's going to look impossible to get out of for you and I he says it's not impossible for me You will see how big I Am and how small and insignificant your enemies are and their plans against you. What did we just read in the book of Exodus? What did we just read with David and Ziklag? The enemies were insignificant compared to God, no matter what their plans were, no matter what they did to destroy God's people. God not only restored God's people, but he showed his people that he was a great I Am my children rejoice You serve the Most High God. I Am your father protector defender advocate and standby. I Am your Vindicator. I Am your justice. I Am your freedom. I Am your deliverer So hold fast and hold tight to my word and find you will see the reward of the wicked said the Lord of hosts now again I've given you many different examples of Almighty God and all of his names. Okay. God is not just God. He has many names You And one of them is Al Shaddai, the God of nothing is impossible. One is Jehovah Nissi, which is our banner or our victory. If you know God as Jehovah Jireh, your provider, and then you're having all these problems with with lack and poverty and debt and things like that, and God's like, hey, I'm your provider. I'm Jehovah Jireh. I prove in time and time in my word, I provide for my people. Or if you need healing, he's Jehovah Rapha, your healer. He has many different names. He's Elohim, he's the creator. He's Emmanuel that means God is with us setting the names of God and you will find out who he is and what he will Do for you in situations? Don't just know him as God and that will change your perspective and your perception of what you see what's going on in your own life when you realize that God who's Greater than all of the earth when he was cool I knew he created the earth and he lives on the inside of you and you're on his side Then you're not gonna fear what's called you're what you're seeing right there in your face You And what the enemy is trying to get you to just like with David and Ziklag for you to be to get to the point where you're not going to get up. Now says Bangladesh will be in your news for a shocking reason. Secrets are about to be revealed on what has been hiding in Taiwan. Your fraudulent administration didn't want the world to know about. Now there is many prophecies on Taiwan. Things are hidden in Taiwan and apparently our fraudulent government didn't want us to know about them. He says, Oh my United States, your government has tried to sicken this nation to the point of death. Not just sick, sicken it with, you know, sickness and disease and viruses and things like that, financial sickness, everything that they're doing. He says, I have said many times before, these are the days of payment. You're about to see many politicians and their health slip and fade away with nothing stopping it. The long time politicians who try to control this nation, watch them all fall, watch what's happening to them. The Johns are failing with no return of their power or influence this nation again. That's exactly what happened with Egypt, with Pharaoh, his men kept pursuing God's people and eventually you saw them happen with the Red Sea. They died. They never had influence in Egypt again. So there's a lot of things that are going to happen, and God's going to show us that. A lot of revelation in that. Long time politicians. People have made profession out of being politics. I'm sorry. If the President of the United States had certain limits, then so do the House of Representatives, and so do the Senators. Period. The end. They should not be lifelong politicians. Why do we have that? Why was that established for the Washington establishment? Cause if it couldn't get the presidency, they could still have the house of the Senate. It's all disgusting, disgusting, disgusting manipulation. Then he says disease after disease, disease, fear after fear. They're about to bring worldwide to slow these things down. Stop the resistance and the persistence of many worldwide who are not complying with their narrative. I told you my children, your enemies are petrified of you and you're fighting against them. Panic has set in with no reprieve in sight. So do not fear what they are about to do to bring fear because I Am bigger than they are and I Am between their plans and you. I'm protecting you and your enemies are finished. There's many different examples that I've given to you about all these things that I'm reading to you right now about how we should not fear. We should not fear if we know God and we know what he's going to do. And how do you know that you get to know him by reading his word and being in prayer. Then the next paragraph, nuclear warfare. They're about to shout world war three, doom and gloom, disaster after disaster. Do not listen. They will not get their way. They so crave. I told you they are not the ones in control in my children. You're about to see that is true. Again, go read Exodus over and over. Get the revelation of who really is in control. It wasn't Pharaoh. It just, it wasn't. The Golden Gate Bridge, I say this again, will be in your news for a significant reason. Now watch this one. Watch and see what happens to Mitch McConnell and there will be more to follow. So listen for news reports on Mitch McConnell. Now, God has been giving us a lot of prophecies about him. We're already starting to see his health, health fail very quickly. So he said, whatever happens to Mitch McConnell, there will be more to follow. Now, listen up, a white house whistleblower is about to come forward and shock this nation on what has been hiding in plain sight. Explosive secrets are going to be revealed. And you are, you have started seeing the beginning of the fall of the Biden and it's speeding up now. Now God's been talking to us about the fall of the Biden for over two years. And he's saying, listen, it's going to speed up even faster. Now the puppet can no longer follow commands. His functionality is about to take a big turn for the worse. So we have seen it go really fast since the last couple of weeks. And God is saying it's going to get even worse and quicker than that. Keep listening to your enemies as they try to lie. They are, these are the days that I've spoken to you about as they try to lie, they will accidentally tell the truth. Their tongues will be their enemy. The ones against you, my children, removals have begun. Judgment has started. Justice will continue until my vengeance is fully seen. All the wrongs will be made right until their evil and corruption is annihilated. And the world knows who I really am, that I Am a just God. Yes, he's going to show the world who he truly is. Then he says your enemies will pay for their crimes and some already have with no end in sight. There is more to come that will actually you will actually see, say it the Lord. Then he talks about Francis crumbling, their government will not stand. God's talked about McCrone. He's not staying in that position. He is going to be removed. Then also God talked about Zelensky a lot and about him, how he's going to be removed. Ukraine will not continue with their lies and criminal acts that they have committed against this nation and their own. A major whistleblower is about to be exposed. Ukraine and We're about to expose Ukraine. It likes no one has ever seen before. All their corruption will be exposed with a foreign aid and how it was spent on the bribes and blackmail and how they have helped the swamp of this nation cover up from the world and the American people, our tax dollars, our money has gone to Ukraine and this leader leadership and God's going to show how they spent that money and what it went to that was hiding from the American people. It's coming to follow the Ukrainian leadership and their lives. They've tried to hold up for years. I'm saying that people in that nation free from a great captivity. So God's going to destroy that government there of Ukraine. A hundred percent. They they're reaping what they've sowed or they're going to sow what they reap, excuse me. They're going to sow what they reap. They've been reap, they're sowing a lot of corruption. They are going to go down for corruption and God's saying he's going to set those people free. Continue to watch the fall of China's financial system. He's been talking about that for a while now and the cascade effect it will have globally. Okay. Every nation that has a desire to bring my nation down financially, they'll be the ones that brought down financially. Instead, God's been talking about that Babylonian system. It is coming down. That's our financial system and watch to see it completely implode. But again, it imploded in Egypt and who reaped the benefits. It was God's people. It was, they didn't, they didn't sit there and they weren't in lack. They left. Egypt with all the Egyptians finances along with their own that there was stolen from through the three Egyptian and through taxation Then God says my children bricks now bricks is that financial system that they are trying to destroy the dollar with? Okay, all these different companies have cut the countries have come together to destroy the dollar All right He says it will be exposed in a major way that will shock The world more and more countries are joining it because they want to bring the United States down to its knees You And we're going to start seeing more come out of that. A financial storm is about to wipe out your enemies all over the world. Now, again, it wiped out the Egyptians and Gaza's greater Exodus. So if it wiped out one country. In the book of Exodus, and God says it's a greater exodus that will affect worldwide and set nations free worldwide, then why wouldn't the financial system? The same thing that happened. It'll happen worldwide. That's what God's talking about. Children of Almighty God, a great restoration will be celebrated. I have spoken of this in my word. The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. This is that time a great restoration is coming to the body of Christ, like I did for my people in the land of Egypt on their way out of that bondage and captivity. I'm doing great things on your behalf. So don't give up now because I will show you that you are on the winning side. Justice is being served. Your freedom's restored. Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer. So again, if you don't understand some of these things or you've been taught the exact opposite of this, I want you to get into the scriptures and I want you to pray about them. I want you to really get that revelation that God is giving to us this day. So it gets down into your heart. Do you realize that God is a God who restores just like what happened with Job? Job was the end of. The book of job he was restored. He got double for everything that was stolen from him in times of famine Just like with isaac when he instead of going to egypt when god says I will show you the land It's happened in genesis 26 when isaac did did follow the instructions of almighty god when there's a famine in egypt He didn't go down there. God said listen to me. He didn't follow the world's way of doing things He went and followed god and he reaped a hundred times You In that time because he obeyed god god happened with abraham It happened with so many different people when they follow god's instruction And no matter what happened in the world no matter what kind of depression and economic depression when I come we come a financial downturn God always restored his people. So don't worry about what's going on. Don't get in fear. What's going on? If you have things in the stock market, i'm not telling you what to do with it You pray about it and God will give you the wisdom on what he wants you to do. Okay. Well, I want to pray over each and every one of you today. Father God, right now, in the name of Jesus, I just want to lift up the, all those people that are watching and I thank you, father God, that no weapon formed against them shall prosper. And as you are bringing down this by the financial system, father God, this Babylonian system, and as a financial system is being destroyed worldwide, The enemy's destruction is now and I thank you father god that not only that it will not affect us in any negative way But I thank you father god. The wellness center is laid up for the just no matter what happens with viruses No matter what happens with governments collapsing No matter what happens father god with terrorist attacks or no matter what happens with the weather I thank you just like the land of goshen you are protecting your people by the blood and by the name of jesus christ Because we have a blood covenant with you I thank you father. God is welling up in them that you are the great I Am then if you are with David and all those ways So you will be with us just like with Joshua in the book of Joshua chapter 1 and verse 5 It says that no man can stand before you all the days of your life as I was with Moses So you you will I will be with you. And so I thank you father God you are with us like you were with David you are with us like you were with Moses I thank you father God you are with us And we will not fear and I thank you it's growing up on the inside It's a revelation knowledge and how big you are and how you are undefeated and you live on the inside of us We thank you for wisdom and knowledge and understanding. We thank you father god for strength and peace And no matter what we see and we thank you that we have the victory because you are our victory You are jehovah nissi and we thank you father god for it in jesus name Amen and amen. Well, I hope I encouraged you today and I will be back live again. You'll see us on Tuesday or on Monday February 26th and you will see me live again Tuesday, February 27th before I have to go back out of town to Dallas. So all right, hope I encouraged you today. Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word. Who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have A wonderful day. ------------------------------ Today's Scriptures Courtesy of @MelissaStarChild Exodus 3:7-8,19-22 Psalm 23:1 Proverbs 6:31 1 Sam. 30:2-6,8,19 Proverbs 13:22 Ecclesiastes 2:26 Job 42:10 Gen. 26:12 Isaiah 54:17 Joshua 1:5 Thanks Julie and team GOD wins, always! ✝️❤️🔥🕊️ ------------------------------ JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL 4620 E 53RD STREET SUITE 200 DAVENPORT IA 52807 COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International JGMI WEBSITE: https://www.jgminternational.org/ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/JULIEGREENMINISTRIES LOCALS: https://juliegreen.locals.com OFFICIAL JULIE GREEN TWITTER PAGE: https://twitter.com/julieGMinistry tithe.ly: https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithely/give-one-time/5174498 PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org https://prophecyindex.org/prophets/view/julie_green/PROPHECY FULFILLED TELEGRAM: https://t.me/PropheciesFulfilled OFFICIAL JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/people/Julie-Green-Ministries-International/100087483502629/ OFFICIAL TRUTH SOCIAL:https://truthsocial.com/@juliegreenministries OFFICIAL TIK TOK:https://www.tiktok.com/@officialjuliegreen?_r=1&_t=8ZY4kqL11OF JULIE GREEN MERCHANDISE: https://www.threesonsthreads.com998 views 2 comments -
His Glory Presents: Julie Green Ministries Ep. 62 "RED SEA LIKE MOMENTS WILL CHANGE THIS WORLD"
His Glory TVHis Glory Presents: Julie Green Ministries Ep. 62 "RED SEA LIKE MOMENTS WILL CHANGE THIS WORLD" I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, know your authority and get to know Me in a greater way. I am giving out greater revelation, level upon level upon level of revelation knowledge about Who I am, that I live on the inside of you, that I am greater than any problem you are facing, and that I am greater than any impossible situation. I am greater. I am greater than any enemy you are facing. I am greater than any global government. I am greater than any politician. I am greater than any corporation, and I am greater than any news media. I am greater because I am the Great I AM. Support our HIS GLORY Family Partners! Do what you can do to help defund the swamp by investing your hard-earned dollars in Kingdom companies like these. Put everything else in God’s hands by faith. Beverly Hills Precious Metal Exchange: https://bh-pm.com/ Mac Bear & Cheese Healthy Kids Vitamins: https://hisglory.me/kidsvitamins/ Kingdom Fuel: https://hisglory.me/kingdomfuel Cue Streaming: https://HisGlory.mycuestreaming.com ROOT: https://therootbrands.com/ Promo Code: HISGLORY My Pillow: https://www.mypillow.com/ Promo Code: HISGLORY Estate Planning Inc: https://www.estateplanninginc.net/read-me-bedford For A Full List Of His Glory Family Partners Click This Link: https://hisglory.me/partners/7.83K views 7 comments