BlueTruth Documentary (English voice over)
Truths UnlimitedThe injected individuals are emitting bluethooth MAC addresses coming from an unknown manufacturer. Not only that, even when they die, the dead body continues to emit such signals. The Comusav group from Chile carried on an investigation on thousands of individuals injected and not injected with the C19 vials, finding out that most of the injected emit a discoverable bluethoot MAC address, able of receiving and emitting communications through the bluethooth communications protocol. See the documentary at the Comusav website (both English and Spanish): https://www.comusav.com/bluetruth/ References: https://www.comusav.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/bibliografiaA-MikAndersen.pdf Related information: How it works: https://odysee.com/@WatchTheSpell:2/intracorporeal-communications-network-corona2inspect:3 Extended microtechnology microscopy: https://drdavidnixon.com/ Graphene Based Nano Networks: https://odysee.com/@WatchTheSpell:2/prof-ian-f-akyildiz---graphene-based-plasmonic-nano-antenna-for-terahertz-band-communication:e LQC odysee: https://odysee.com/@laquintacolumna:8 Source: https://odysee.com/@WatchTheSpell:2/BlueTRUTH-Documentary-(English-voice-over):81.3K views 1 comment