Subject To Change
HeartTOHeart#1MinuteEncouragement Change is inevitable. Life circumstances are subject to change, but our purpose and potential in Christ Jesus, changes not. We should not measure our life by a negative worldly viewpoint. We should gage life by the God purpose in play and our faithfulness to God. The success in this life is being faithful to God. Wherever God positions us, wherever He takes us, and whatever situation we find ourselves in, we know that Christ in us, is simply-significantly all we need to succeed. Our life, being all in with God, this is where our potential is. It is all about God in us, the possibility we have in God, not what things look like right now in our ever-changing world. God will finish what He started and He will finish well. God is a miraculous transformer. No doubt about it. We can’t change things or people, only God can. Heart-To-Heart, let’s do what we can do to keep pace with where God is, how He is moving. Let’s lean into His Sovereign sway and stay in followship of Him, in step with what He is doing. Even if our world is radically in flux, we can finish well with God. Being “with God” faithful to Him, this is truly what matters most. Simply-Significantly be all in with God, faithfully in followship of Him. Faithfulness is the measure of our success; it is what really matters in a culture where everything is subject to change. The heart of the Gospel is change. In this season of radical change, we faithfully point people to Jesus Christ, Who will transform their future, a change from death to forever life. #DigDeeper https://thebridegroomscafe.com/faithful/101 views -
Break Us ~ Change Us
HeartTOHeartJesus as we connect with You, heart to heart, You break our hearts for what breaks Yours. Lord, we grieve and humble ourselves before You, asking for forgiveness for the depravity of our human choices has reached new lows and continues to plumet day after day. (A Horrific Display Of A Depraved Humanity, Which You, Lord God Have Exposed: https://www.lifenews.com/2021/08/06/university-may-be-subject-of-investigation-after-its-caught-using-body-parts-of-babies-born-alive/ ) Forgive us Lord God, as we pursue what is wrong, hurting the innocent, stealing life, destroying others, so we can gain the “temporary” of riches, and gain position in a depraved culture, as we stand on the side of evil to get ahead in this world, we were not destined to stay in. We all will leave here in death, and we will take nothing we have sold our soul to get, with us. Father God, we grieve with You, over how far humanity has fallen, chasing after the temporary and we pray for Your intervention to expose and expunge evil from our human condition and turn us back to You. Change it up in us Lord God and turn us away from evil deception to the reality of Your Truth; away from serving no power higher than self, to loving You and serving You, Almighty God, out of our vital-vertical relationship with You. Purify our hearts, Jesus, and teach us how to guard them from the enticement of evil, from the killing, stealing and destroying deception of our enemy. Jesus, we are so grieved for the depravity of our human condition and pray that You would change it up. How have we fallen this far? The depravity of people harvesting the organs of children while they are still alive, this is beyond soul sickening. Please help us Lord, turn the tide of humanity away from evil to good, help us to resist evil by doing good. Holy Spirit lead us away from seeking all the temporary things of this world, to seeking first the Kingdom of God, our future and permanent home with You. Forgive us, Lord God. Expose and expunge the evil of our human condition, break our hearts, change us so our reflection is You, Your purity of righteousness. Amen. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/thebridge/85 views 1 comment -
Cra-Cray Crazy!
HeartTOHeartWOW~ our culture is cray-cray right now! Hard times are here where what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right. We need to anchor ourselves; this is going to be a rough ride. DECEPTION is everywhere, kind of like a weapon against truth and it is ushering in so much havoc. God’s Truth will stand the test of time and I find that His Promises stir up amazing courage in me in times such as these. BUT GOD, He will deliver us out of all the trials of our time and no weapon of the enemy will prosper against us. We are never alone or forsaken, God is with us and incredibly so, He is with us in Spirit and Truth. In Christ, we have strength like no other and we can endure, persevere patiently in these days where the mediatic false frenzy is at a high roar. Jesus is our anchor in the storms at this time and His anchor will hold us firmly to our moorings of faith. With God all things are possible and He is able to do anything, this AweGOD is with us from every moment into every choice. Incredible God We Serve. He loves us like no other. We are never not forsaken by this precious, incredible Way-Maker God. Temporary is the aggravation of our enemy, permanent is our future and hope in God. Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement video and breathe in God’s hope. God bless you and yours. Patiently Endure, this cray-cray culture is not forever, we have a forever future and hope in Jesus. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/anchor/189 views 1 comment -
Cra-Cra Crazy Times
HeartTOHeartWhat A Freaking Jungle Out There! How do we navigate these cra-cra crazy times? Pillars of our leadership are falling everywhere. God is exposing and expunging illegitimate corrupted authority. Who do we believe? The news media are no longer journalists, they are political propogandists. Shut Of Main Stream Media! No more fake reality and false narrative. I guess that is a good thing. It is turning us all back to the voice of Truth, to God’s Voice. We can’t navigate through the jungle of this age without Him and we should have been listening to Him all along. We need His discernment. We need to hear His reality of truth first. Definitely a JUNGLE out there, dense with deception. Listen up to God: Isaiah 30:21 When you turn to the right or turn to the left, you will hear his voice behind you to guide you, saying, “This is the right path; follow it.” Isaiah 30:21 There is never a time where we are not navigated by God. He has not left us here alone to make our own way, He is our Way-Maker God. Listen Up! Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/whispers/775 views