New Thought Snapshots
4 videos
Updated 11 months ago
These are short informatory videos discussing New Thought Concepts.
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here: https://everythingnewthought.com/
What are Christian Metaphysics in New Thought? Empower yourself!
Receiving Wisdom#christianity #metaphysics #newthought Christain metaphysics in New Thought provide a framework for personal and spiritual growth through the understanding that there is a Divine nature within individuals. To learn more, study Thomas Troward, Emmett Fox, Earnest Holmes, or Robert A Russell.18 views -
The Bible is Primarily a Book on Psychology and Metaphysics
Receiving WisdomThere are certain foundational principles one must understand if one is to study human nature. A great ancient prophet revealed the most important of such principles when he stated that humans are made in the image and likeness of God. https://everythingnewthought.com/4 views -
What is "New Thought" Compared to "New Age"? Two separate paths.
Receiving WisdomNew Thought and New Age spirituality, emerging in different eras, have distinct influences and characteristics. New Thought, rooted in scientific Christianity, emphasizes the mind's power, positive thinking, and the law of attraction, with historical ties to Jesus Christ's teachings. New Age spirituality, a more recent synthesis of diverse traditions, focuses on holistic practices and cosmic interconnectedness. Both share beliefs in consciousness, empowerment, and interconnectedness, impacting mainstream culture. While New Thought emphasizes the mind-body connection, New Age spirituality includes a broader spectrum of holistic practices. They differ in historical roots, core beliefs, and practices despite common themes.10 views -
What is “New Thought”? Find out to transform your life for the better!
Receiving WisdomAs a child of God, you have spiritual powers. You simply have to understand the specifics of how to use them, and you can transform your life for the better. For more about New Thought: https://everythingnewthought.com/14 views