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Target Individuals Worldwidee

1 video
Updated 3 months ago
llegal human experiments and trafficking worldwide by military complex, medical and private tech-industries. The CIA is funding and coordinating this illegal human experiment programm to select and sell human victims for experiments. DARPA and DoD are developing the most advanced technology and are also involved. The CIA sell the human victims to companies and governments. All NATO countries including the the Swiss Government and military are involved. In Switzerland the World Campion Freddy Nock was probebly a victim. The CIA only select high powered people, to see how is possible to break down the victim. The brainwaves are transfered to Supercomputers for AI. Many medical doctors are involved too. They connect the victims to the medical health care network (WBAN) to get biometric data and to observe the victim 24h. Soon we will share evidence and names of involved scientists, military, government and private sector.
  1. CIA/DARPA Whistleblower Admits They Target Individuals To Test The Internet Of Things On Brains