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Hollywood Exposed

9 videos
Updated 3 months ago
Many movies in Hollywood have occult and gnostic themes What are they about and what is the spirit behind this eye-popping video documentary. Mega Movies like The Matrix Trilogy, Pleasantville, and The Truman Show have an underlying gnostic theme. Which is only an inversion of the truth. Hollywood’s War on God is a mind-blowing, eye-popping documentary that reveals how satanic forces are using Hollywood’s most memorable movies and most popular actors to propagate an ancient lie in fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Learn how these movies are initiating the masses into a Gnostic worldview that will culminate in a “strong delusion” as the world joins Satan and the final Antichrist in their war on God. Hollywood Gnostic Agenda & More: Let's see some of the things Hidden in Plain sight to mainstream Paganism, and The Antichrist Agenda. The Occult Law of Reversal. Today everything in society seems to be upside down. Evil is now good and good evil. There is a law that the elite occultists have practiced for years. Hollywood and the Music Industry have pumped this sewage into the lives of people all over the world. By fundamentally changing ie. reversing the culture. Aka “Change”, Shift, Counter-Culture, and a host of other buzzwords. A look at the fundamental tenets of what the occultist aspires to. Edward Alexander Aleister Crowley was born in 1875 and died in 1947. He is considered the nineteenth and twentieth-century chief archetype of divination, which includes communication with the dead. He was a top Satanist! The Goal, The Law of Reversal. Stories about him are legion. His sexual and psychological exploits and experiments through divination almost become legendary. He made his home near the shores of Loch Ness, Scotland. The home was actually a castle, known as Boleskine House. The Law Of Reversal: A Lesson From The Occult "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" [Isaiah 5:20] Even if you are a pagan, you would have to agree over the last 100 years the culture around the world has been reversed or turned upside down. It's a plan to bring in the infamous antichrist who has deceived the whole world into thinking he is god. It's a lie. Occult Landing Page: Occult Law of Reversal Page:
  1. Exposing the Hidden Symbolism of Masonry Temple Ceremonies
  2. 33 Conspiracy Movies Listed (What are They Saying)
  3. The Chosen: Brought to Light in Their Own Words Exposed
  4. Mocking God "The Promised Land Series The Mockumentary" End Time Signs
  5. Saturn Worship & The Opening of Pandora's Box - Cube Symbolism 666
  6. Predictive Programming & 9/11 Hidden Symbols
  7. Hollywoods War on God - Gnostics Upside Down Lies Exposed
  8. V for Vendetta - Satanic Inspired Movie Gnostic Roots
  9. Read the Small Print Satan's Kingdom (Selling Souls to the devil)