6 videos
Updated 3 months ago
Eileen Nauman has been an astrologer since 1970. She taught astrology in Adult Education at Kent State University and Akron University in Ohio for five years. She is a tropical-trained astrologer and uses the known planets and luminaries of our solar system plus eight 4th dimension Uranian Astrology planets.
Be sure to check out my book, Medical Astrology, available internationally in e-book and trade paperback at Amazon.
Zeus webinar by Eileen Nauman
Eileen NaumanEileen Nauman, an EMT and firefighter, embodies traits commonly associated with Zeus symbolism and mythology, showcasing leadership and decisiveness in her role with a volunteer fire department. Responding to nearly 400 fire and emergency calls annually, Eileen emphasizes the parallels between her work and the Zeus-like qualities of a commanding presence and strategic decision-making amid chaos. She believes that Zeus symbolism represents individuals who are creative, inspiring, and good with children, often thriving in educational and dynamic roles such as emergency responders and entrepreneurs. Although Zeus individuals can exhibit traits of being confrontational and physically active, Eileen notes their potential to develop into brave, strategic leaders, excelling in vocations that require confidence and experience-driven competence. Episode Highlights: 00:11:31 - Arrow of Collaboration: The Zeus Symbol 00:13:25 - The Procreative and Ambitious Zeus Archetype 00:27:27 - Zeus-Like Traits: Saving Lives in Action 00:29:48 - Zeus Individuals: Drive, Achievement, and Leadership 00:32:02 - Innovative Visionaries: The Zeus Creatives 00:33:36 - Diplomatic Leadership in Zeus Culture 00:34:50 - Strategic Leaders with Entrepreneurial Vision: Zeus Individuals 00:39:55 - Thriving in Risk: The Zeus Personality 00:55:40 - Zeus People and Road Rage Dynamics 01:02:48 - Effects of Trauma on Zeus Individuals 01:08:18 - Kronos and Zeus Conjunction Superpower in Writing You can find Eileen at https://walkingtheland.net/ See full transcript here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YZJQ6vQGLHi__KuT2Jk6wTMjmbGmC4dQ/view?usp=drive_link17 views -
KRONOS, Uranian Planet with Eileen Nauman
Eileen NaumanEileen, an accomplished astrologer from Virginia, USA, delves into the mythology of Kronos with a nuanced perspective shaped by her extensive expertise in astrology, specifically as a medical astrologer and author. She views Kronos as an archetype embodying both light and dark aspects, representing a dichotomy between moral, skilled leaders and those who seek power at any cost. Eileen emphasizes the importance of channeling Kronos's energy positively, highlighting the potential for individuals with strong Kronos influence to serve humanity through integrity and empathy, especially within fields like healthcare. Her work underscores the vital insights that myths about Kronos offer, particularly in understanding the complexities of ambition, power, and their impact on societal well-being. Episode Highlights: 00:03:26 - The Dark Saga of Kronos' Family 00:11:07 - "The Castration of Uranus: Family Power Struggles" 00:18:01 - The Duality of Kronos Traits Explained 00:22:30 - Power, Timing, and Maturity in Astrology 00:30:10 - Challenging Childhood Influences of Kronos Astrology 00:33:21 - Timely Empathy: Cronos People's Kind Acts 00:40:03 - Leadership in Shaping Medical Laws and System 00:46:12 - Healing from Father Figure Wounds for Growth 00:58:30 - The Influence of Father Figure on Drive You can find Eileen at https://walkingtheland.net/ See full transcription here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-366avh6MWhp92bAyR7rLgqyVldxdWhw/view?usp=sharing19 views -
Cupido: Home, Hearth, Family by Eileen Nauman
Eileen NaumanWith a glyph that is a combination of Jupiter and Venus, one feels uplifted and hopeful. If you are an astrologer, good things happen with Cupido as it transits and progresses around you or your client’s 360 or 90-degree progressed charts. As we know, every planet is like a ruler with one end symbolizing darkness/wounding and the other end symbolizing Light and Spirit, and a lot of “middle” as we walk through this present incarnation with this particular planet. Just as Jupiter is seen as the ‘good guy,’ and positive things happening in our lives, and Venus promises that you’ll have love, marry, and have a family happily ever after - that is only half the story. As we have seen before, not everything is positive and good in our lives. It is the same with Cupido. Its dark side can imitate war, but this time, it is within the family, their miasm or darkness that has carried on from one generation to the next, infecting everyone all over again. Let us explore this vast range of experiences that Cupido can give us and learn how to work with its many layers of energy. To download my handout on Cupido, please visit my website at: https://walkingtheland.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Cupido-and-fertility-birth-before-and-after.pdf For the planetary correspondences to the TransNeptunian Planets or Points, see my handout at: https://walkingtheland.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/TNPs-the-Higher-Octave-Planets-by-Eileen-Nauman.pdf27 views -
Admetos: The Dark Room by Eileen Nauman
Eileen NaumanAre you an Admetos person? You don't know? Listen to the video for more information about this amazing, magical, interdimensional planet that so few know about. Any major trauma and shock event that is tucked away in our subconscious – our Pandora’s Box – can hurt us, help us, cripple us, or set us free. But we are not conscious of its contents. How does it affect and shape our lives? How does it affect how we see and perceive the world around us? People with a strong Admetos in their natal chart are prone to being abused on some level – spiritual, mental, emotional, and/or physical - in a family, in a war zone, or some other crisis. But Admetos also gives us the connection and support to work through it and dissolve it, so we can be free to be who we really are. I am an Admetos person. Maybe you are too. Come and find out. It will alter how you see yourself and the treasures you carry within you that you can share with the world...but you need to hear it, see it, and be there to accept the empowerment of the most positive side of this Uranian planet. You don't need to be an astrologer to hear my 1.5 hour presentation, just be a heart-centered human being. Perhaps you may realize the treasures you carry and discover how they may be acted upon so that others may heal as a result of you being a magnificent catalyst of the finest kind of the light. To download my handout on Admetos, please visit my website at: https://walkingtheland.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Admetos-Rulerships-in-Medical-Astrology-by-Eileen-Nauman.pdf15 views -
Vulcanis: Cosmic Power Unleashed by Eileen Nauman
Eileen NaumanUranian Astrology is a little-known branch of Astrology that I utilize in my natal charts and medical charts. There are eight Transneptunian planets. These eight unseen planets are in the 4th dimension, therefore you are not going to see them with your two eyes. However, their ENERGY impacts all of us just as strongly as our known 9 planets and luminaries (the Sun and Moon) do in our solar system. I have used them for 40 years with great success and want to share what I know about them with those interested in Astrology. Vulcanus is the higher octave of Mars. It is seen as an “Act of God,” and there is no higher authority than that. I have created a slide show presentation to show the various important facets of this amazing planet that you are not going to find anywhere else. Be sure to download my free handout that accompanies this presentation from my website at: https://walkingtheland.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/VULCANUS-handout-by-Eileen-Nauman.pdf If you have questions after listening to the video and looking at the handout, please leave me a comment below and I’ll drop by and answer it.15 views -
Poseidon Rulership in Medical Astrology by Eileen Nauman
Eileen NaumanWelcome to the world of Uranian Astrology! It’s a little-known ‘branch’ of Astrology I utilize it in my natal charts and medical charts. It utilizes an additional eight points known as the Transneptunian planets. These eight unseen planets are in the 4th dimension, therefore you are not going to see them with your two eyes. However, their ENERGY impacts all of us just as strongly as our “known 9” planets and luminaries (Sun and Moon) do in our solar system. I have used them for 40 years with great success and want to share what I know about them with those interested in Astrology. Poseidon is the “higher octave” of Neptune. I have created a slide show presentation to show the various important facets of this planet that you are not going to find anywhere else. Be sure to download my free handout that accompanies this presentation from my website at: https://walkingtheland.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/POSEIDON-handout-by-Eileen-Nauman.pdf If you have questions after listening to the video and looking at the handout, please leave me a comment below and I’ll drop by and answer it.18 views