Charlie B Gaming FF7(1997) Playthrough
16 videos
Updated 1 year ago
2nd ever playthrough, not live. First time I played through it.
Final Fantasy 7 Blind Part 1
Charlie B. GamingI know of Cloud and Sephiroth, but I think it's time to get to know them and the Final Fantasy 7 crew better. No spoilers in the comments plz. If you have a game suggestion for me, post it in the comments below or mention me on Gab @CharlieP642. If you liked the video, give it a thumbs up.29 views 4 comments -
Final Fantasy 7 Blind Part 2
Charlie B. GamingAnother reactor bites the dust, and we meet Aeris. If you have any game suggestions, leave them in the comments below or mention me on Gab @CharlieP642. No spoilers plz. If you liked the video give it a thumbs up and follow me on Rumble or Gab to stay tuned for the next episode.12 views 1 comment -
Final Fantasy 7 Blind Part 3
Charlie B. GamingThis episode, Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris Race to stop the destruction Shinra plans to unleash unto the Sector 7 slums. All to eliminate AVALANCHE. If you have any game suggestions, post them in the comments below or mention me on Gab @CharlieP642. If you like the series so far, give it a thumbs up if you'd like.16 views 1 comment -
Final Fantasy 7 Blind Part 4
Charlie B. GamingTime to climb Shinra HQ and get some more information about what they're planning. If you're liking the video playthrough so far, give this video thumbs up and comment your thoughts down below. If you want to stay updated on the next video, subscribe on Rumble or follow me on Gab @CharlieP642. If you have any specific games you'd like to see me play in the future, comment them down below or mention me on Gab.13 views 1 comment -
Final Fantasy 7 Blind Part 5
Charlie B. GamingThe pursuit for Sephiroth is on, but first we need to shake off our own pursuers... in style! If you like this video series, give it a Rumble. If you'd like to stay notified of when the next part comes out, subscribe on Rumble and Follow me on Gab @CharlieP642. If you have any game suggestions for future reference or would like to give your thoughts on the video series so far, place them in the comments down below or mention me on Gab.9 views 5 comments -
Final Fantasy 7 Blind Part 6
Charlie B. GamingThis time Cloud and the team head for Junon and cross the ocean in pursuit of Sephiroth, but will need to infiltrate Shinra to do so. Side Note: Had tons of delays and technical issues just to record and edit this. At some point during recording, my computer crashed and I lost some of the footage, so I put in a bit of a speed draw to show a bit of what happened. It's not great, but I didn't want to skip an important part of the video) If you want to stay tuned for the next vid, subscribe and follow me on Truth Social and Gab @CharlieP642 If you like the video series so far, give this vid a like. If you have any game suggestions or would like to share your thoughts, comment down below or mention me on Gab and Truth Social.17 views 4 comments -
Final Fantasy 7 Blind Part 7
Charlie B. GamingThis time around, a new party member joins us, we learn more about Barret and Red XIII, and we race on Chocobos. (No recording problems this time) If you're enjoying the playthrough so far, give this video a rumble and comment your thoughts down below. If you would like to get notified when the next video comes out, subscribe and choose if you'd like to be notified. If you'd like to follow me on Social Media I am on Truth Social and Gab @CharlieP642.7 views 3 comments -
Final Fantasy 7 Blind Part 8
Charlie B. GamingThis time, I explore more of Nanaki's backstory, Cloud's memory is called into question and we get another party member that I am familiar with thanks to my experience with the Kingdom Hearts franchise. If you liked the video, give it a like. If you have any thoughts, place them in the comments down below. If you'd like to be up to date on when the next video will come out, subscribe and/or follow me on Truth Social and Gab @CharlieP642.9 views 3 comments -
Final Fantasy 7 Blind Part 9
Charlie B. GamingThis time the squad has grown exponentially, someone has backstabbed us, and we find out what exactly Sephiroth had planned for the world. If you like the video, give it a rumble and comment your thoughts down below. If you want to stay tuned for the next video, subscribe and/or follow me on Truth Social and Gab @CharlieP642. If you have any video game suggestions for me to play through and post, leave them in the comments down below or mention me on Truth Social and Gab.15 views 3 comments -
Final Fantasy 7 Blind Part 10
Charlie B. GamingAfter some level grinding, we set off in search of Aeris before Sephiroth can foil whatever plan she has in store, but Cloud is not feeling like himself. Sorry for the late upload. Things got pretty hectic for a bit. If you like the video series so far, give it a like. If you wanna stay tuned for more videos, subscribe and/or follow me on Truth Social and Gab @CharlieP642 If you have any thoughts about the video, feel free to comment them down below. If you have any video game suggestions, leave them in the comments down below or mention me on Gab and Truth Social.18 views 4 comments