Jacob I have loved, Esau I have hated - Malachi 1
Bible TeacherMalachi 1: 1-8 Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated. We'll investigate this topic to uncover what God really meant. By Paul Woodley in 2024. Part 1 of 5 in our study of the 4 chapters of Malachi. Sydney Australia based. Expository Bible teaching, with an emphasis on Bible prophecy, from a dispensational, premillennial perspective. Verse by verse exegesis of Scripture.29 views 1 comment -
Don't let your faith become virtue signaling - Malachi 1 & 2
Bible TeacherMalachi 1:9 - 2:7 - Don't let your faith in God become public virtue signaling - By Paul Woodley in 2024. Part 2 of 5 in our study of the 4 chapters of Malachi. Sydney Australia based. Expository Bible teaching, with an emphasis on Bible prophecy, from a dispensational, premillennial perspective. Verse by verse exegesis of Scripture.30 views 1 comment -
God hates divorce - Malachi 2
Bible TeacherMalachi 2: 8-17 - God hates divorce - By Paul Woodley in 2024. Part 3 in a series of 5. Divorce is violence against the innocent party, it's violence against the guilty party, it's violence against the children of the marriage, it's violence against society, & it's violence against God. We'll also look at Biblical ignorance in the Christian church. And discover why God does not always answer our prayers. Sydney Australia based. Expository Bible teaching, with an emphasis on Bible prophecy, from a dispensational, premillennial perspective. Verse by verse exegesis of Scripture.27 views -
Should Christians Tithe? - Malachi 3
Bible TeacherMalachi 3: 1-15 - Should Christians Tithe? - This is just one of many questions from this great passage of Scripture. We also look at prophecies relating to John the Baptist, Elijah, Jesus first coming, and His second coming. Plus, we'll look at accusations the worldly make against God & His thundering reply to them. By Paul Woodley in 2024. Part 4 in a series of 5 through Malachi. Sydney Australia based. Expository Bible teaching, with an emphasis on Bible prophecy, from a dispensational, premillennial perspective. Verse by verse exegesis of Scripture.46 views -
Was John the Baptist Elijah? - Malachi 3 & 4
Bible TeacherMalachi 3: 16 - 4: 6 - Was John the Baptist Elijah? - By Paul Woodley in 2024 - Our final study in a 5 part series. Sydney Australia based. Expository Bible teaching, with an emphasis on Bible prophecy, from a dispensational, premillennial perspective. Verse by verse exegesis of Scripture.43 views 1 comment -
What I learned from Malachi - A month of research in 5 mins
Bible TeacherMalachi highlights from upcoming 5 part series. I condensed 1 month of investigation & research into 5 mins of highlights, to shortcut your learning experience, by Paul Woodley in 2024 Sydney Australia based. Expository Bible teaching, with an emphasis on Bible prophecy, from a dispensational, premillennial perspective. Verse by verse exegesis of Scripture. Golden Hour by Scott Buckley | www.scottbuckley.com.au Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/ Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/88 views 1 comment