God's Peace
2 videos
Updated 6 months ago
The way to peace in a chaotic cultural frenzy, these videos have the wisdom to find your way to the Peace of God
Noisy-Noisy Strife
HeartTOHeartStop It! Why so much noisy, chaotic bickering in our family, schools, churches, community, states, nations??? Hmmmmm think about it… Have you ever lived in such a time where so many people have such a short temper? Noisy-Noisy backbiting people. Stop the noise. How? It begins getting back to our roots… remember this: By the seventh day, God had completed creating his masterpiece, so on the seventh day, he rested from all his work. So God blessed the seventh day and made it sacred, because on it, he paused to rest from all his work of creation. Genesis 2:2-3 ( https://www.bible.com/bible/1849/GEN.2.2-3 ) We were created to have downtime! Resting our soul is a need that is wired into our DNA. We become noisy-noisy, strife filled people when our soul is exhausted, it is a part of our human condition that is truly out of control… noisy-noisy soul snapping going on in families and in all people to people contact throughout our day in our cultural chaos. When the noisy-noisy strife continues, it just piles on our aggravated soul. Then comes the opinions, lots of opinions, every one has them our media is full, absolutely full of scripted assumption, speculation, presupposition, opinionated lies, lies, lies, opinions flying making everything so noisy and there is no soul rest… from the deception of the enemy of our soul and people are aggravated and opinionated and wildly weary soul and that creates a loud cultural chaos that eats away at every possible unity between us, keeping us noisy-noisy strife filled and unhappy and very soul fractionated people and cultural chaos grows. Soul rest, sabbath rest, just rest at all, is missing, from our society along with God’s ways God’s way, truth and life. We are soul exhausted people. The truth is, without God, we are not good, we have no compassion, no grace, no mercy, no forgiveness, just a bunch of noisy-noisy strife filled, self centered people, serving no power higher than self, pointing away all of their self inadequacies by blaming other people and leaving our homes, communities, nations and societies. Lame. Be-LAME. (https://www.bible.com/bible/1849/PSA.31.19-21) We need God, we need time with Him, alone. He is our soul rest, the quiet to our noisy-noisy strife. We need soul rest, it is written in our DNA and we can’t ignore this need any longer. I dare you to try it, soul rest. Step outside of the noisy-noisy for a moment. Try it, even if you have to get a bit radical to get some soul peace. Shut yourself in your closet, sit on the ground and lift your soul to God, make that heart to heart connection with God, and rest in His peace even if it is for a couple of seconds, you will feel His peace,(https://www.bible.com/bible/1849/PHP.4.4-9) it will rest your soul. I am telling you… that once you try it, you will crave it, soul rest, which kicks the noisy-noisy out of your soul and leaves you with a peaceful soul. Heart to heart with God, spirit to Spirit with God, is like a shout of His voice, Peace Be Still! (https://www.bible.com/bible/116/MRK.4.37-39) Do not underestimate the value of this vital-vertical God connection in times such as these. We take some time apart from the noisy-noisy, where people factions of strife and disunity are fractioning our soul into pieces. We give permission for no one to speak into our heart by God, for that moment, He says: Peace Be Still. Our Soul Knows Rest. The chaos of noisy-noisy cultural combat between fractions is silenced as unity between God and us prevails. Awwwww that precious soul rest in a noisy-noisy culture is like better than anything we could ever hope for or imagine. In our noisy-noisy culture, we can fix our strife saturated soul, by that moment of heart to heart connection with God, that strong vital-vertical relationship starts to develop and our DNA roars with joy as the stillness we were created to need in our soul, disrupts the chaos of confusion with the voice of God that is strong in truth and God’s joy strengthens our inner spiritual soul. Do you realize that all the deception that we take in all day long through opinionated people who think they know what they don’t know and are shoving it down our throats, this aggravation of our soul, is instantly repealed by one moment alone with God and His truth. Alone with God, heart to Heart with God, He speaks peace be still, (https://www.bible.com/bible/116/MRK.4.37-39 ) SILENCE… He quiets the enemy of our soul with His peace. So yes, we can stop being a part of the fractionated, strife-filled cultural chaos by just taking those moments we were created for, those heart to heart connections with our God and His way, truth and life. Noisy-Noisy no longer affects us as we guard our hearts with God’s peace and truth. We become less and less a part of the fractionated opinions as we walk in peace and truth, one person at a time… back to their roots, back to what we were created to be God’s wholly-holy His, led by His peace. Say NO to a noisy-noisy, fractionated, self-driven, strife filled soul… say YES to giving God some heart to heart time in your life, some down time filled with God time, this is what we were created for, it is in our DNA and we need to get back to it… stop the noisy-noisy soul strife and know His peace. Dig Deeper: https://www.bible.com/bible/1849/MRK.4.30-32 Song By Jason Upton: Peace https://rumble.com/vkt3g8-august-6-2021.html Peace 1 Minute Encouragement Video https://rumble.com/v1o1l84-way-to-peace.html 1 Minute Encouragement Video https://thebridegroomscafe.com/beauty-tagged-by-peace/144 views -
Way To Peace
HeartTOHeartThis world can be very, very chaotic in times such as these. Peaceless! What is the way to peace? How is it defined? Being navigated by God to peace, is this a hard way to find and follow? No, the road is narrow to finding peace, it is found in the yielding of our lives to God, that place of total surrender to God. What a sweet place of heart, that total surrender of our lives, positioned before God in wholly-holy trust. Of course, it needs to be a surrendered trust to find peace. We should work towards giving God total access to our lives, because this is the way to peace. Chaos seeps into our soul when our heart is compartmentalized, giving priority to so many things other than God’s way, truth and life. The best thing we can do for our soul is to work towards having an undivided heart, being all in with God. When we yield to God, when we surrender to God, we find peace. How does this happen? Well, surrender is the way we activate our faith. We go from trust to activated faith, to peace. That wonderful Peace of Jesus, that surpasses all understanding. That beautiful “Shalom” which disrupts all the chaos in our lives. The peace of Christ, it is found as we bend our knee before God and position our hearts in humble trust of Him, making that heart-to-heart connection with God. Believing God wholeheartedly, this is a great way to activate our faith and will definitely lean us into the peace of God. Peace. I hope it for you, and me and for all who we love, as we navigate this cancel God culture, a society full out in the chaos of the lawlessness. From every moment into every choice, make the right choice to trust God, believe God, yield to God, and lean into His Sovereign Sway as you dig your life roots deeply in Him and His Kingdom. Resist the enemy’s chaos by doing good, and staying in close followship of God. God bless ya. Peace To You! Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/peace-to-you/ https://rumble.com/v1n0zsw-everyday-security.html197 views 2 comments