ABCs Anime version
SenfrenceJust my imagination of how the ABCs would go if it were in an anime. I wrote all the lyrics myself. Here they are for anyone who wants to read them [Verse] A is for the Apple you shared with me B is for the the Boy I have a crush on you see C is for the Cat that got stuck in the tree [Chorus] A B C D E F G Won't you come and play with me? [Verse2] D is my Dress so cute you say E is the Elevator we took today F are the Flowers we picked in May G is the Ghost that scared me away [Chorus] A B C D E F G Won't you come and play with me? [Verse3] H is my Heart beating so quick I is the Ice that made me slip J is the Joke that got you sick [Chorus] A B C D E F G Won't you come and play with me? [Verse4] K is the Kid you stopped from bullying me L is the Lemons we picked from the tree M is the Monkeys that could count to three N is the Nap that made us late you see [Chorus] A B C D E F G Won't you come and play with me? [Verse5] O are the Oreos we stuck on the wall P is the Paris Tower that is so tall Q is the Queen that kicked us out of the mall [Chorus] A B C D E F G Won't you come and play with me? [Verse6] R are the Rakes we use to clean up the leaves S are the Suits we use to stay away from the bees T are the Tigers that chased away you and me [Chorus] A B C D E F G Won't you come and play with me? [Verse7] U is the Unreal love I have for you, you see V are the Valentines you gave to me W is the Wedding I want for you and me [Chorus] A B C D E F G Won't you come and play with me? [Verse8] X is the kiss that made my heart leap Y was the loud annoying Yapping sheep Z is when we finally fell asleep Yeah Z is when we finally Yeah Z is when we finally fellll aaasleep [Chorus] Yeah A B C D E F G A B C D E F G A B C D E F G Won't you come and plaaay with meee? I use the suno AI app to get it to sound how I wanted it to. Which is a little different from just letting suno take over and do everything for you.53 views 1 comment