The 13 Bloodlines (REMASTERED)
4 videos
Updated 4 months ago
The family histories we are about to illuminate and summarize can be difficult to fully validate. Luciferians live in Mythos and work hard to create a personal, and family story, that screams of the unique and fantastical. In short, they make up family conquests and rags-to-riches stories to hide their true origins and benefactors as well as to push their master’s agenda.
Before beginning it is important to understand that these families have a deep and vested interest in hiding their true origins and motivations. They have paid marketers and historians millions to invent Mythos about them. Most of these family mythoses are rag-to-riches stories of hard work in following the American Dream. In this they are exactly like Scoorge McDuck.
The process became easier for them when the world fully embraced fiat currency instead of a gold or silver standard. Today they can print money on demand and give it to whomever they want to make rich. More on that at another time.
In this episode we will use the Springmeier-occult genealogical categorizations as it is one of the clearest to understand.
This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering.
If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing.
We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode.
The 13 Illuminati Bloodlines (3/4)
The Masters Mahan PodcastThis is part 3 of 4. The family histories we are about to illuminate and summarize can be difficult to fully validate. Luciferians live in Mythos and work hard to create a personal, and family story, that screams of the unique and fantastical. In short, they make up family conquests and rags-to-riches stories to hide their true origins and benefactors as well as to push their master’s agenda. Before beginning it is important to understand that these families have a deep and vested interest in hiding their true origins and motivations. They have paid marketers and historians millions to invent Mythos about them. Most of these family mythoses are rag-to-riches stories of hard work in following the American Dream. This episode is part 3. You really should listen to ep. 13 & 14 (parts 1-2) before this one. This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering. If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing. We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode. Podcast Source Link: https://mastersmahan.buzzsprout.com = Sources Referenced = Rosicrucian Manifesto (1614): https://bibliotecapleyades.net/bb/fama_fraternitis.htm Desponsyni Line: https://michaelruark.wordpress.com/2015/12/19/family-of-god-desposyni-des-po-zee-knee/ 32nd Degree Lecture: https://christian-restoration.com/fmasonry/32nd.htm Deadly Deception PDF: https://mega.nz/file/luMHwZgZ#ROttMk1_Z3EykkBtFi02CLFVGYJAoCQW1qAFzZr2BSA = Urban's Socials = Follow Urban on X: https://twitter.com/officialurbanus Follow Urban on Facebook: https://facebook.com/officialurbanus Urban's Library Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/urbanslibrary Urban's Bio.Link (All Links): https://bio.link/officialurban Urban On Rumble (Uncensored): https://rumble.com/user/urban8499 Urban Odyssey (Substack): https://theofficialurban.substack.com Urban Odyssey (Spotify): https://open.spotify.com/show/4IJx2Q8TUn013NAt6sk0hp?si=a6f3e2307d744cba Urban Odyssey (Apple): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/urban-odyssey/id1743846524 Urban Odyssey (Tumblr): https://tumblr.com/officialurban = Chapters = 1:37 Into The Darkness 3:03 Rockefeller Bloodline 7:21 Georgia Guidestones 14:36 Tucker Clip 16:38 Merovingian Bloodline 21:20 Rothschild Bloodline 22:47 Russel Bloodline 26:29 Masonic 32nd Degree Lectures 38:08 Masonic Recruitment Clubs 40:26 Imagine Dragons Confession 41:54 Back Through the Water Curtain / Fair Use257 views -
The 13 Illuminati Bloodlines (1/4)
The Masters Mahan PodcastThe family histories we are about to illuminate and summarize can be difficult to fully validate. Luciferians live in Mythos and work hard to create a personal, and family story, that screams of the unique and fantastical. In short, they make up family conquests and rags-to-riches stories to hide their true origins and benefactors as well as to push their master’s agenda. Before beginning it is important to understand that these families have a deep and vested interest in hiding their true origins and motivations. They have paid marketers and historians millions to invent Mythos about them. Most of these family mythoses are rag-to-riches stories of hard work in following the American Dream. In this they are exactly like Scoorge McDuck. The process became easier for them when the world fully embraced fiat currency instead of a gold or silver standard. Today they can print money on demand and give it to whomever they want to make rich. More on that at another time. In this episode we will use the Springmeier-occult genealogical categorizations as it is one of the clearest to understand. This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering. If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing. We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode. Podcast Source Link: https://mastersmahan.buzzsprout.com = Sources Referenced = https://mega.nz/folder/5ilxHbBa#c-AnT11F8iYvQ1qDZWhkoQ https://www.dtss.us/blog/the-real-controllers-of-humanity-the-papal-bloodlines/ = Urban's Socials = Follow Urban on X: https://twitter.com/officialurbanus Follow Urban on Facebook: https://facebook.com/officialurbanus Urban's Library Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/urbanslibrary Urban's Bio.Link (All Links): https://bio.link/officialurban Urban On Rumble (Uncensored): https://rumble.com/user/urban8499 Urban Odyssey (Substack): https://theofficialurban.substack.com Urban Odyssey (Spotify): https://open.spotify.com/show/4IJx2Q8TUn013NAt6sk0hp?si=a6f3e2307d744cba Urban Odyssey (Apple): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/urban-odyssey/id1743846524 Urban Odyssey (Tumblr): https://tumblr.com/officialurban = Chapters = 0:00 Introduction354 views 2 comments -
The 13 Illuminati Bloodlines (2/4)
The Masters Mahan PodcastThis is part 2 of 4. The family histories we are about to illuminate and summarize can be difficult to fully validate. Luciferians live in Mythos and work hard to create a personal, and family story, that screams of the unique and fantastical. In short, they make up family conquests and rags-to-riches stories to hide their true origins and benefactors as well as to push their master’s agenda. Before beginning it is important to understand that these families have a deep and vested interest in hiding their true origins and motivations. They have paid marketers and historians millions to invent Mythos about them. Most of these family mythoses are rag-to-riches stories of hard work in following the American Dream. This episode is part 2. You really should listen to ep. 13 (part 1) before this one. This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering. If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing. We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode. Podcast Source Link: https://mastersmahan.buzzsprout.com = Sources Referenced = https://www.loc.gov/resource/mgw2.021/?sp=201&st=text https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Washington/06-02-02-0435 John Todd: https://youtu.be/UFAsJhKXqz0?si=lTFf0VB8aFbZ7_mE DC Organic Act 1871: https://mega.nz/file/9qt2kaiD#pTgPAmJFavEDZEZIeyjmgBFu4Cj73NKgmW52PJRwL9o Myron Fagan: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnqQ6bZcXt9E6mZBt_9Jcy0xLLX9VZi8X Fritz Springmeier: https://mega.nz/folder/5ilxHbBa#c-AnT11F8iYvQ1qDZWhkoQ George HW Bush Gerald Ford Funeral: https://youtu.be/jOkTtpzoulc?si=oUC40tR4fA0Re73o JFK Brain Missing: https://www.historicmysteries.com/unexplained-mysteries/jfks-missing-brain/618/ = Urban's Socials = Follow Urban on X: https://twitter.com/officialurbanus Follow Urban on Facebook: https://facebook.com/officialurbanus Urban's Library Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/urbanslibrary Urban's Bio.Link (All Links): https://bio.link/officialurban Urban On Rumble (Uncensored): https://rumble.com/user/urban8499 Urban Odyssey (Substack): https://theofficialurban.substack.com Urban Odyssey (Spotify): https://open.spotify.com/show/4IJx2Q8TUn013NAt6sk0hp?si=a6f3e2307d744cba Urban Odyssey (Apple): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/urban-odyssey/id1743846524 Urban Odyssey (Tumblr): https://tumblr.com/officialurban = Chapters = 0:00 Introduction281 views -
The Judas Clause (4/4)
The Masters Mahan PodcastThis is part 4 of 4 on the elitist Illuminati Bloodlines. We have three more Illuminati Bloodlines to discuss, so how is that possible? 13 + 3 is more than 13 blood sucking adrenochrome addicts, right? If Satan wants there to be 13, how can there be 16? How does that make any sense. Do I really need to say it again? Have you already forgotten what I told you to remember? This episode may be deemed inappropriate for some listeners. If you are immature, overly sensitive, or unwilling to embrace blunt truth, you are advised that you may want to skip this episode. If you have been ritually or scientifically abused, you should ask a safe person to listen first to see if this episode is safe for you to listen to as some information may be triggering. If you are a minor, please consult your parents before continuing. We claim the right to Fair Use as determined by United States courts in this episode. Podcast Source Link: https://mastersmahan.buzzsprout.com = Sources Referenced = https://rsc.byu.edu/book-mormon-alma-testimony-word/three-most-abominable-sins Bablon Working Ritual Paper: https://mega.nz/file/Q6UQEbrA#Yv9P7sWPxBvTzmy_3PNzqrX-Wx-xalyU93qla91eIns https://youtu.be/Szrb6QoYhAU?si=4nP6URDgEZ23Z5tz - Trump Bloodline https://jewishstandard.timesofisrael.com/donald-trump-is-the-messiah/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-recording-parnas-and-fruman-compare-trump-to-messiah/ Bimbo Breakdown: https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/bimbos-initiation-an-old-cartoon-about-masonic-initiation-video/ Full Bimbo Video: https://youtu.be/DMjf_sXV_bU?si=tg6r4FVWPHpmwFWW Rosenthal Interview: https://mega.nz/file/R6EW0Sza#vsuQambH9nn96m8L-yusxF2U2P8ZKfSWMarKpTVek1Y Finkelstein Interview: https://rumble.com/v5425ac-interview-with-rabbi-abraham-finkelstein.html?e9s=src_v1_upp Henry Makow Article on Rosenthal Interview: https://www.henrymakow.com/2023/04/Rabbi-Abraham-Finkelstein-Interview-Jewish-Psy-Op.html Reynolds Family Article: https://payseurs.com/reynolds/ Kappy: https://www.henrymakow.com/2019/05/kappy-death-of-a-great-soul.html Pike Letter to Mazzini: https://mega.nz/file/FrlSSQAL#Miv6TQNS0Y3LcoDpzKG5VlD8eZDu3RYGDdQy6vKKjQI Fritz Springmeier Drive: https://mega.nz/folder/5ilxHbBa#c-AnT11F8iYvQ1qDZWhkoQ = Urban's Socials = Follow Urban on X: https://twitter.com/officialurbanus Follow Urban on Facebook: https://facebook.com/officialurbanus Urban's Library Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/urbanslibrary Urban's Bio.Link (All Links): https://bio.link/officialurban Urban On Rumble (Uncensored): https://rumble.com/user/urban8499 Urban Odyssey (Substack): https://theofficialurban.substack.com Urban Odyssey (Spotify): https://open.spotify.com/show/4IJx2Q8TUn013NAt6sk0hp?si=a6f3e2307d744cba Urban Odyssey (Apple): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/urban-odyssey/id1743846524 Urban Odyssey (Tumblr): https://tumblr.com/officialurban = Chapters = In Progress240 views