bluewaterHello! thought as we have 4 weeks left of 3rd density, id attempt a 'Verbal brief synopsis' of C21's info - I mention clearing debt for people in the video, i do this FOR FREE (trollers take note!) i dont charge for this, ever: Speeding fines, parking tickets, mortgages, council tax, GAS, Leki and water, ALL BILLS, all finance agreements......I do all this for free for everyone.....EVEN TROLLERS....Troller, if you have a mortgage, I can get you a free house, the one your living in will become yours after 4 letters that i will not charge you for writing, just like everyone else, its all free. I did 11 speeding tickets this week alone, and i do not charge a single person for anything. I have done congestion charges, parking fines, driving whilst disqualified, you name it? some people charge money upfront for an inferior service and sometimes its £3,000 but the case is not won and the people paying, loose out......I am free.....and when i do it, it works. Im jut saying - i have won every single case in 4 years i have not lost a case and i even got myself off a prison Re-call from inside the police cells with this info, so trust me i know it works! lol. Christian has a message that is free for anyone willing to listen, yes its a 'different' message to anything anticipated during an 'Apocalypse' which literally means "The Revealing of That Which Was Previously Obscured".....what has been obscured, is the truth of your existence - this truth is 'The Revelations' of Biblical Lore and the revealing of that which was previously obscured, is the EBS itself. The world is changing regardless of your ignorance on the matter, 5th density dosnt care what you think about it - its a simulation that is designed to be augmented by your aetheric interaction based on your current state of mind and emotional stability. To understand the enormity of "That which was previously obscured" means to apply thought to it and question these topics in your mind, to hopefully start joining-up-dots - you have 4 weeks left, so make theses 4 weeks count by paying attention. Dont Ass-End................Ascend - its free and all you need to 'Pay' is with your attention.33 comments